<< Background >>This project brings together six partners from four countries to explore the potential of emerging digital technology, Virtual Reality, in the context of vocationally-oriented language learning. VET learners are the group of learners with speficic language needs which will adress to their future language needs for the labour life. However, in most of the VET schools or centers there is a general language curriculum or the needs of the target group are not identified exactly. As a result, the appropriate approaches or methodologies cannot be applied for the teaching of language in these classes. After the learners graduate, they cannot acheive the desired language level for the jobs and the unemployment become a serious problem for the individuals. Thus, the integration of VR technology in VET classes will increase the motivation of learners when they are exposed to real life situations, and learning and teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) will not be such a great problem in VET schools or centers . Learners will be able to learn the language in real contexts, and teachers will be able to integrate these new technology in their teaching. Six experienced partners will come together in the scope of this project and adress to the language needs of the VET learners, organise activities for pre and in-service English teachers and increase the efficiency of the language teaching in VET schools and centers. In this way, more qualified individuals will graduate and their integration to labour market will be easier.<< Objectives >>The project applies an action-research approach to;1. Identify where and how VR is likely to add value to vocationally-oriented language learning2. Test the application of VR in a range of vocationally-oriented language learning3. Evaluate the benefits to learners and the practical implications for learning providers.In offering pre-service, in-service English teachers, VET teachers and learners from these different countries an opportunity to explore the practical application of this significant new technology, the project directly addresses the Erasmus priorities of;• Open education and innovative practices in a digital era• Further strengthening key competences in VET• Introducing systematic approaches to, and opportunities for, the initial and continuous professional development of pre-service, in-service English teachers, VET teachers, trainers, and mentors, in both school and work-based settings.The project also responds to the need for improved employment among youth, the use of innovative methods and digital technology and improved mobility of workers due to improved language skills.<< Implementation >>There are going to be 4 Transnational meetings, 3 LTT activities, 5 multiplier events, and 6 outputs in order to achieve the desired goals. In transnational meetings, we plan to decide on the project logo, let the participating organizations introduce themselves and see their capacities in face to face meetings, discuss about the ongoing process and the activities. In LTT activities, we want to access the target groups and help them learn how to integrate VR in their classes, how to identify the language needs of the learners, and how to contuniue to benefit from this digitl tool in long run. With the multiplier events, we aim to share the project results with the target groups, local public, and disseminate the activities and the results at national and international level. For the sustainability of the project, there are going to be 6 intellectual outputs developed by each participating organisation and with the cooperation of all six participants. While determining the responsible organisation for the outputs, their capacity, relevancy and previous experiences were all considered for a qualified result that will adress to the target groups' needs and will be used in long term.<< Results >>Outputs achieved by the project activities are;1. Identify key language competences for target vocational areas through a needs and situation analysis.- This will include a corpus analysis of the existing vocational materials and curricula. A paper will be published in a relevant journal and findings so far will be disseminated at professional body conferences.2. Identify areas of vocational courses most responsive to VR web platform This will be done through online activities and LTTs in partner countries.3. Scenarios for these situations in target VET areas will be created next at a mobility meeting with participants from all partner countries. These scenarios will be used to design and create VR experiences, a Guidebook including these scenarios will be developed alongside this.4. Teacher mobility meeting to familiarise teachers who will be rolling out the VR Web Based Platform on their courses, with the new materials using the Guidebook. Skills in the use of VR materials will be mapped to the EQF framework.At each of these stages of the project, a systematic evaluation will ensure that materials and the other required packs are ready for the next stage and any issues have been ironed out.5. Piloting of VR materials and the Guidebook with step by step instructions in all partner countries to further refine the main output of VR materials for vocational language learning.6. After evaluation of the pilots, the materials will be published on the project website, professional body websites and events, platforms such as EPALE and at multiplier events.An important outcome of the project will be a group of teachers with skills in the use of cutting edge technology for vocational language learning. Soft outcomes will include the establishment of a VET teacher network with support from the ECMLLanguage for Work network, EfVET (European forum for Vocational Education and Training) and EPALE. Systematic professional development of pre-service and in-service English teachers, teachers participating in the project and beyond the project through professional body events and webinars is another soft outcome.The impact beyond the project will be a core of teachers and institutions in each partner country to deliver VR supported learning on vocational courses and to train pre and in-service English teachers, the teachers of VET to deliver this type of learning.
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South Africa is a country that continues to fight with poverty, high levels of unemployment and inequality despite the fact that economic growth has slowed down in recent years. “Basic enablers” for Southern Africa's sustainable growth, employment creation and reducing income inequality are especially HE institutions with business enabling environment, education and skills as mentioned in the Strategy Paper of the country. Particularly, successful organization of engineering education is related to the increasing relevance of the issues that are directly reflected in South Africa's National Priorities. One of the greatest challenges Southern Africa is facing at the moment is the acute shortage of engineers. The White Paper (Dep. of HE&T, Nov. 2013) proposes the introduction of on-line learning as appropriate to increase access, enhance quality and improve throughput and success.Using the knowledge developed by all partners the output of the proposed project PEESA III are: a) Design of min. three (3) engineering degree programmes at Partner Country's HEIs aligned with EUR-ACE standards, effective use of ICT, flexible learning path, transversale skills and closer University – Enterprise cooperation.b) Finalise self-assessment reports for EUR-ACE Accreditation of three (3) MA programmes on Energy Efficiency developed within the Edulink’s PEESA project, c) Increase the number of female students in engineering at Partner Country's universities together with closer University-Enterprise cooperation.As a result we get better employability of graduates, more engineering students (especially female students) which contribute to regional sustainable growth as well as social and cultural development. We promote student centred learning by accommodating their different learning styles as well as different circumstances in which students find themselves.The national and international mobility is supported through mutual recognition of degrees and modules.
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Functional encryption (FE), has been recently been introduced as a new paradigm of encryption systems to overcome all-or-nothing limitations of classical encryption. In an FE system the decryptor deciphers a function over the message plaintext: such functional decryptability makes it feasible to process encrypted data (e.g. on the Internet) and obtain a partial view of the message plaintext. This extra flexibility over classical encryption is a powerful enabler for many emerging security technologies (i.e. controlled access, searching and computing on encrypted data, program obfuscation…). FENTEC’s mission is to make the functional encryption paradigm ready for wide-range applications, integrating it in ICT technologies as naturally as classical encryption. The primary objective is the efficient and application-oriented development of functional encryption systems. FENTEC’s team of cryptographers, software and hardware experts and information technology industry partners that will document functional encryption needs of specific applications and subsequently design, develop, implement and demonstrate applied use of functional cryptography. Ultimately, a functional encryption library for both SW and HW-oriented application will be documented and made public so that it may be used by European ICT entities. With it, the FENTEC team will build emerging security technologies that increase the trustworthiness of the European ICT services and products. Concretely, the FENTEC team will showcase the expressiveness and versatility of the functional encryption paradigm in 3 use cases: • Privacy-preserving digital currency, enforcing flexible auditing models • Anonymous data analytics enabling computation of statistics over encrypted data, protecting European Fundamental Rights of Data Protection and Privacy • Key and content distribution with improved performance & efficiency as foundational technology for establishing secure communication among a vast amount of IOT devices.
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LIdar Knowledge Europe (LIKE) fosters training and education of young researchers on emerging laser-based wind measurement technologies and its translation into industrial applications. Doppler Lidars (light detection and ranging) that measured the wind in the atmosphere remotely have reduced in price and increased reliability over the last decade mainly driven by European universities and companies serving the growing wind energy industry. This opens the possibility for new applications in many areas. LIKE improves, tests and refines the technology thus expanding these areas of application. LIKE promotes wind energy applications such as wind resource mapping using scanning lidars and control of individual wind turbines or entire wind farms in order to increase energy production and reduce mechanical loads. LIKE maps unusual atmospheric flow patterns over airports in real-time and thus improves the safety of landing aircrafts. LIKE explores wind and turbulence under extreme conditions at the sites of future European bridges paving the road for optimal bridge design. LIKE trains 15 ESRs to an outstanding level at world-leading European academic institutions and industrial companies, thus forming strong interdisciplinary relations between industry and technical sciences. These relations are implemented through employment of the ESRs at academia as well as industry, and through inter-sectoral secondments. Finally, translation of technology into specific applications is emphasised through the implementation of an entrepreneurship training course involving all ESRs and LIKE partners, particularly industry.
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One of the most important challenges of the 21st century is to meet the world's demand for sustainably produced biomass for both food and the growing bio-products sector. Increased use of fresh water for agriculture and loss of farmland due to salinity are related concerns. Salicornia europaea (S. europaea) is grown commercially in the EU for its fresh tips, which are edible as salad (marsh samphire). It is a halophyte plant and can grow on saline lands without requiring freshwater for irrigation. When grown as a vegetable only the fresh tips are used while the woody part of the plant is considered a residue. Today, European farmers are using part of the fibrous residue for soil amendment and drying the fibers to produce herbal salt. However, the amount of residue to food product is large (approximately 80%) and the salt content of the residue is a problem when used for soil amendment, as it returns the salt to the soil. There is a great wish from Salicornia farmers to increase the value of this fraction in line with the principles of circular economy. The woody residue part of Salicornia has been investigated as a source of pharma- and nutraceutical products due to its high content of phytochemicals e.g. hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA). To help increase Salicornia farming there is a wish to valorize these residues via biochemicals and bioenergy production. The project will also examine the combination of aquaculture and Salicornia farming creating synergies such as formulation and test of phyto-chemicals rich functional fish feed and formulation and test of protein and lipids rich fish feed. The outcomes of this study will enable Salicornia farmers and aquaponics farms to utilize all fractions of the produced biomass and produce value added HCAs, functional fish feed, and bioenergy. This will create new circular industries with co-production of food, pharma, and bioenergy from this new sustainable type of crop with very little or no production of waste streams.
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