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Ionicon Analytik (Austria)

Ionicon Analytik (Austria)

11 Projects, page 1 of 3
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 218065
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 690958
    Overall Budget: 1,269,000 EURFunder Contribution: 1,080,000 EUR

    MARSU is a collaborative (4 Member States , including one participant from the non-academic sector, and six Third Countries from South America, Africa and Asia) with the goal of gaining new knowledge and reducing the uncertainty about the effect of aerosols deriving from the air-sea exchange on climate and atmospheric composition connected to air pollution. The results from this key interdisciplinary project will have impact on current and future industrial and legislative developments. Aerosols and clouds have been identified as one of the largest uncertainties in our understanding of the atmospheric and the climate system. In this context, the MARSU team will conduct experiments in dedicated set-ups throughout the member organisations; combined with efforts in the field to determine the organic composition of aerosol particles and its evolution in the Marine Boundary Layer (MBL) and to come up with a revised picture of the effect of sea salt aerosols on climate. Major gaps of knowledge exist in relation to the organic matter present in aerosol particles, which originates from the organic microlayer at the surface of the ocean. The characterization of the organic content of the aerosol particles, the evolution of the chemical and physical properties, interaction with air pollution and effects on climate-related topics form the foci of this proposal. The MARSU consortium brings together world-leading expert scientists conducting cutting-edge laboratory, simulation chamber studies, field sampling and analysis, analytical method development, and modelling studies. A comprehensive and integrated approach to the development of researchers in the key areas of atmospheric science and their link to the oceans and climate is essential to support industrial and legislative development. MARSU will benefit from the strong involvement of a full partner from the private sector who will host researchers and develop research in close collaboration in other MARSU’s partners

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101096912
    Overall Budget: 1,845,290 EURFunder Contribution: 1,845,290 EUR

    Considering the growing transport demand and dependence on oil, collective and immediate actions must be taken to abate emissions and mitigate their environmental and health impacts. Very fine particles emissions, and the formation of secondary aerosols through atmospheric processing, are believed to be the pollutant with the greatest public health impact, even if there is a major knowledge gap concerning their atmospheric behaviour (e.g. mechanism/contribution to smog episodes). AEROSOLS is a 36-months timely, ambitious, and interdisciplinary project with aim to define robust and transparent measurement and modelling methodologies to quantify the currently disregarded volatile/semi-volatile (V/S-V) primary and secondary emissions, and their associated risks. Furthermore, technological and legislative monitoring/abating mechanisms will be proposed to control these emissions in order to help improve air quality and public health. This will be achieved by: - quantifying V/S-V emissions formation, abatement, and dynamics within the vehicle system under real-driving-emissions (RDE) testing conditions on roads and in labs utilising innovative instrumentations and methodologies; - characterising secondary aerosol formation and atmospheric evolution mechanisms employing advanced instrumentations (e.g. for particles as small as 1nm), methodologies, and modelling to provide scientific evidence of the precursors’ role; - categorising (‘taxonomising’) and prioritising (assisted by Artificial Intelligence) primary and secondary emissions compounds based on their health impact (by employing in vitro/vivo testing), environmental/social life-cycle-assessment, and risk. Advocacy information will be provided to the stakeholders and legislation/policy makers and proposals will be made for improving the standards/regulations, and consequently the air quality. The support of stakeholders and partners will accelerate the transition to a cleaner and climate-neutral society/economy.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 258868
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 215072

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