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Friedrich Schiller University Jena
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158 Projects, page 1 of 32
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101043372
    Overall Budget: 1,997,510 EURFunder Contribution: 1,997,510 EUR

    Binary neutron star mergers (BNSMs) are unique astrophysical laboratories to explore all four fundamental interactions in their extreme regimes. The landmark detection of the gravitational wave GW170817 and its counterparts in the entire electromagnetic spectrum demonstrated the enormous impact of BNSMs observations on fundamental physics and astrophysics, including the nature of matter at supranuclear densities, the origin of high-energy cosmic photons and of heavy elements. The goal of InspiReM is to break new grounds in the theoretical modeling of BNSMs and to deliver first-principles models linking the source dynamics to the observed radiations. The programme timely addresses central open problems in the modeling of the different coalescence phases with a novel, comprehensive, general-relativistic, (3+1)D and multiscale approach. Simulations and analytical relativity methods are combined to deliver full-spectrum gravitational-wave templates for unbiased, high-precision measurements in gravitational-wave astronomy. Merger remnants and outflows are investigated on uncharted postmerger timescales and including, for the first time, all the relevant processes from the four interactions. The self-consistent secular evolution of the outflows up to days and years is further explored to directly connect the strong-gravity engine to the electromagnetic emission. Bayesian approaches with simulation-driven models are developed for the joint analyses of gravitational and electromagnetic signals. InspiReM leverages on recent breakthroughs and the unique interdisciplinary expertise of my team on all the aspects of the research, and develops novel techniques for exascale parallel computations in relativistic astrophysics. If successful, it will shape the rising field of multimessenger astronomy and drive new groundbreaking discoveries in the related fields.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101088027
    Overall Budget: 1,999,910 EURFunder Contribution: 1,999,910 EUR

    RNA is common to all organisms. Despite its major function as the coding agent for protein synthesis, an increasing number of regulatory roles have been assigned to RNA. In bacteria, small RNAs (sRNAs) constitute the best-studied class of non-coding regulators estimated to control ~20% of all genes in a given organism. Most sRNAs affect gene expression by base-pairing with multiple target mRNAs resulting in either gene repression or activation. sRNA regulators are modular, versatile, and highly programmable, and thus have gathered momentum as control devices in synthetic biology and biotechnology. My group has recently established artificial sRNAs as a potent genetic tool to screen, detect, and characterize microbial phenotypes. We have now extended this method by a novel sequencing approach, called LIGseq, allowing us to map sRNA-target interactions at the population level and in a high throughput manner. We have further shown that sRNAs expressed from the 3’ untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNAs can serve as tuneable autoregulatory elements and thus bear ample possibilities for the design of artificial gene networks. I therefore posit that artificial sRNAs are powerful, yet understudied control elements of the synthetic biology toolbox with largely untapped regulatory potentials. I thus propose to: 1) exploit artificial sRNAs to investigate the molecular principles underlying target selection and RNA duplex formation by bacterial non-coding RNAs, 2) harness the power of artificial sRNAs to study essential gene functions and the mechanisms underlying antibiotic resistance in bacteria, 3) employ 3’UTR-derived sRNAs as programmable feedback devices in synthetic gene regulatory circuits. This combined work will generate the molecular framework to employ artificial sRNAs for synthetic biology applications and shed new light on medically relevant processes, such as antibiotic resistance of microbial pathogens.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 221100
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 240460
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 681652
    Overall Budget: 1,965,920 EURFunder Contribution: 1,965,920 EUR

    Glasses have traditionally been enabling materials to major societal challenges. Significant breakthroughs on many areas of technological progress have been very closely linked to the exploitation of glassy materials. It is strong consensus that this key role will persist in the emerging solutions to major global challenges in living, energy, health, transport and information processing, provided that the fundamental limitations of the presently available empirical or semi-empirical approaches to glass processing can be overcome. In the coming decade, it is therefore a major task to take the step towards ab initio exploitation of disordered materials through highly-adapted processing strategies. This requires pioneering work and in-depth conceptual developments which combine compositional design, structural evolution and the thermo-kinetics of material deposition into holistic tools. Only those would significantly contribute to solving some of the most urgent materials needs for glass applications in functional devices, be it in the form of thin films, particles or bulk materials. The present project challenges today’s engineering concepts towards the conception of such tools. For that, melt deposition, isothermal deposition from liquid phases, and gas-phase deposition of non-crystalline materials will be treated - within the class of inorganic glasses - in a generalist approach, unified by the understanding that glass formation represents the only strict deviation from self-organization, and that, hence, the evolution of structural complexity in glassy materials can be tailored on any length-scale through adequate processing. Providing a topological scheme for the quantification and chemical tailoring of structural complexity, UTOPES will answer to the challenge of finding order in disorder, and will thus break the grounds for the third generation of glasses with properties beyond what is presently thought as the limits of physical engineering.


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