Transport is globally one of the most fundamental sectors because it influences the economy of a country and the quality of life of its citizens, whilst on the other hand it causes significant consumption of resources, environmental pollution and loss of human lives. The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works (MTCW) of Cyprus aims to establish a Transport Analytics Centre of Excellence (TrACE), which is in full alignment with the Cyprus Smart Specialization Strategy (CySSS). TrACE aims to make a step change in the culture of research and innovation in Cyprus, and hence contribute to the Government’s strategic goal for restructuring the economy and society. The mission of TrACE will be to promote high level research and innovation through addressing transport-related scientific, technological, educational and industrial issues with a focus on competiveness and entrepreneurship. This will be achieved by by integrating the capacities of the public sector, industry, academia, NGOs and citizens. TrACE is planned to be divided into four research units based on the priority themes defined by CySSS: Transport Planning/Engineering/Policy; Intelligent Transport Systems; Green Transport; and Marine Transport/Blue Economy. In addition, the Centre will involve two horizontal units: the Data Analytics Unit and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit. Research outputs will address societal challenges for sustainable transport. This proposal describes a one-year project for creating a Business Plan (Stage 1) and contains information about the medium and long-term plan for the Centre (Stage 2). TrACE will be established through a true joint-venture between: the MTCW, the University of Leeds, UK, (UNIVLEEDS); the Institute of Transportation Systems (DLR-TS), Germany; the University of Cyprus (UCY); and the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM). A work plan has been devised which splits this one year project into six WPs for delivering a robust Business Plan.
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Promoting EGNSS Operational Adoption in BLUEMED FAB BLUEGNSS proposal aims at promote innovation technologies to maximise the potential of the European GNSS and its adoption. The Consortium, led by ENAV, Italian Air Navigation Service Provider, sees the participation of the other BLUE MED FAB ANSPS partners, such as DCAC – Cyprus, HCAA – Greece, MATS – Malta and is complemented by an industrial partner IDS (Italy) to promote a fully integrated approach. The primary objective of the BLUEGNSS Project is to develop European Global Navigation Satellite System (EGNSS) aeronautical applications in accordance with ICAO standards and in particular to design RNP approaches with all 3 minimas (LPV, LNAV/VNAV, LNAV), in selected airports in order to increase their accessibility and safety. The publication of the procedures on the national AIPs will allow the adoption of such technology by civil aviation, demonstrating safety, operational and economic benefits. Other objectives, linked to the primary one, are: • Training procedure designers on the design and regular review of RNP APCH procedures; • Disseminating EGNSS culture among BLUEMED partners; • Implementing a regional EGNSS Monitoring Network and data recording capabilities in support of the validation of RNP APCH and of the introduction of Galileo for aeronautical applications. Design and validation of RNP APCH is a fundamental enabler for the exploitation of EGNSS in the aviation domain and to push forward its adoption in Europe. This is the first time in Europe that a RNP APCH implementation project is coordinated at FAB level. The advantage of such approach is that States that don’t have enough experience on RNP APCH operational implementation will take benefit from inter FAB knowledge transfer. Furthermore the BLUEMED PBN Task Force framework will act as catalyst platform to spread knowledge among the area and beyond at whole EU level.
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The proposed CoE envisions to upgrade the existing ERATOSTHENES Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology into an inspiring environment for conducting basic and applied research and innovation in the areas of the integrated use of remote sensing and space-based techniques for monitoring the environment. Earth Observation is a must to better observe, understand, protect, monitor, and predict environmental parameters in land, water and air. Earth observation includes, among others, technological solutions including satellite observation, navigation and positioning systems. Satellite observation and remote sensing is the major focal point of the Centre and in the proposed CoE will be used in an integrated manner with other techniques and geospatial tools. Earth observation data are the key factors in Earth environmental programs in order to assess the current information of the environment, inform models, understand relationships among Earth processes, support decision making e.g., toward sustainability and involve stakeholders more effectively in environment decision-making. Earth observation has, so far, made sustainability a reality and it will continue to do so as more research is continuously done and technology improves. Climate change, air and water quality, natural hazards, floods, earthquakes, fires, erosion, landslides and other phenomena are some of the factors that need to be taken into consideration in several environmental studies, both at a national as well as at a regional level. Indeed, Cyprus with its unique geographical position, can support satellite Earth Observation programmes in these areas, as well as their respective calibration and validation aspects. The project is fully aligned with the Smart Specialization Strategy of Cyprus (S3Cy) in many areas, significantly enhancing the impact of the targeted regional and national investments, namely, Environment and ICT, as explained below.
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This proposal aims to contribute to the transformation of Cyprus into a regional cultural heritage (CH) excellence hub, whereby technologically innovation and specialisation will have a prominent development role. To this end, key local public academic institutions and national policy makers / stakeholders are teaming with leading international institutions to lay the groundwork beneath an “Eastern Mediterranean Science and Technology Centre for Archaeology and Cultural heritage”, in short MedSTACH. MedSTACH’s mission and business strategy address Environmental Dimensions of Sustainable Growth, as defined by the Smart Specialisation Strategy for Cyprus (S3Cy), responding, in particular, to the need for protection, promotion and valorisation of the island’s unique CH capital. In addition, MedSTACH addresses all horizontal priorities of S3Cy, namely, Extended Innovation, Human Capital, Promotion of Cooperation, Enhancement of Extroversion, and Information Technologies, as well as Tourism, the major priority sector for Cyprus’s sustainable growth, and the secondary priority sector of Built Environment. In terms of R&I, the envisaged Centre’s activities will encompass the following Key Research Domains (KRDs) that cover multiple facets of archaeological enquiry and cultural heritage priorities: Heritage Exploration; Spatial Inference; Heritage Protection; Material Characterization; these KRDs will be supported by and provide feedback to the Heritage ICT Unit. The activities of the proposed Centre of Excellence on archaeology and CH will contribute to on-going efforts to overcome the present economic crisis in Cyprus, as well as to reconstruct and transform the island’s economy and society according to the strategic framework “Europe 2020”. The depth and breadth of the collective expertise of MedSTACH consortium partners offers the unique potential to overcome local barriers and excel in R&I while promoting smart specialisation and sustainable job creation
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The project will upgrade the Computation-based Science and Technology Research Center of The Cyprus Institute (CyI) into a Centre of Excellence in Simulation and Data Science (SIMDAS) in Cyprus by teaming it with the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ). Local partners are three public institutions as holders and providers of key data, the Departments of Antiquities, and Meteorology, and the Nicosia General Hospital, and two SMEs, Hyperion Systems Engineering, and SignalGeneriX connecting the center directly to commercial applications. During Phase-1 a comprehensive business plan for the six-year development of the center will be prepared with a detailed research, innovation and educational roadmap, governance structure, outreach and sustainability plan. Outreach and dissemination activities will engage the research communities, governmental institutions, and industry. The long-term vision of the SIMDAS project to be realized in Phase-2 revolves around five themes: i) Simulation and data science fundamentals, tools and services: Develop methodologies, tools and services, including mathematical modeling, scalable data analytics and simulations algorithms, statistics, data management, mining, security and visualization, under a Transversal Lab. ii) Simulation and data-driven research: Enable scientific breakthroughs in the key areas of Digital Cultural Heritage, Health and Life Sciences, Solar Energy, Earth System Science and Physical Sciences. iii) Government and Industry: Pursue applications of tangible innovation potential in partnership with public and private institutions utilizing the industry expertise and structures of FZJ. iv) Education: Expand graduate educational and training programs in SIMDAS. v) Infrastructure: Design and build the knowledge environment and infrastructure for a sustainable operation and provisioning of computing and data-intensive services to the broader user communities, and promote the science hub role of CyI in the Eastern Mediterranean.
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