FundRef: 501100003759
ISNI: 0000000121512978
The growing interest for the integration of renewable energy sources, as solar energy, in the global energy mix, increases the need of developing of new methods that will assist on the up-scaling and demonstration of efficient energy storage and conversion technologies. In this regard, advanced modelling methods can be an indispensable tool towards this effort. SHINE aims at developing a holistic numerical methodology – by using in-house codes coupled with commercial software– that will boost the cost-efficient and sustainable electricity production and storage at unprecedented ultra-high temperatures (> 1000 oC). The stepping stone for the modelling activities will be a compact latent heat thermophotovoltaic device recently patented in UPM targeted for energy storage and production at ultra-high temperatures. The core components in such a device are the latent heat thermal energy storage system and the thermophotovoltaic device. The modelling methodology will integrate rigorous multi-physics models (fluid dynamics, heat transfer and optoelectronics) targeted at a component level into a reduced order model (ROM) by using multi-variable polynomial functions. Key in the proposed methodology is the validation of the rigorous models through in-house measurements at ultra-high temperatures that will be undertaken at the host organisation. Key as well is the production of the multi-variable polynomials through artificial neural networks that will be undetaken during the Secondment phase. The whole project is highly interdisciplinary because it integrates highly interrelated diverse disciplines (physics, engineering, optoelectronics, thermo- and fluid-dynamics, photovoltaics and thermal storage, and artificial intelligence-AI) as well as know-how from experiments is a single holistic approach. Once developed the ROM will be used to predict the whole system's performance as being part of a solar-to-heat-to-power and a power-to-heat-to-power concepts.
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The goal of “SDGine for Healthy People and Cities” will be to deliver a world-class training programme at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) for 12 ESRs mainly in the STEAM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture, and Applied Mathematics), with a strong focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGine's fundamental objectives will be to develop technologies and tools that accelerate the compliance with SDGs related to climate change and social transformations needed in urban contexts. ESRs will complete Industrial and International Doctorates (through UPM’s Doctoral Division & International Doctorate School and the existing 45 Doctoral Programmes) connected with the notion of innovation platform, a systemic approach aligned with major international programs in which UPM participates (EIT Digital, EIT Health, EIT Raw Materials and Climate Knowledge Innovation Community) and Horizon Europe Missions. SDGine will enhance mobility between countries, sectors and disciplines. All trained ESRs will become highly (self)-employable for future research positions in academia and non-academia. SDGine will follow the Seven EU principles on Doctoral Training and will contemplate the Triple-“i” dimension through: i) International secondments; ii) Intersectoral collaboration agreements with industry; and iii) Interdisciplinary PhD supervision. Moreover, the innovation & entrepreneurship dimension of the PhD thesis projects will be enhanced. SDGine will be aligned with the "Charter & Code" for researchers, since UPM has received the HR Excellence in Research award, and will include excellent training in research, complementary and transferable skills (cross-cutting disciplinary seminars, summer schools, writing days...). The programme will have high societal impact through SDGs as well as a positive impact not only in ESRs’ career development and future job opportunities, but also in the UPM, the region of Madrid, Spain, the EU and beyond the EU.
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WhaleNoise emerges as a timely and essential initiative, born from a dual sense of purpose driven by two pressing concerns. Firstly, with the urgent need to achieve ambitious targets in clean energy generation, the European Union set forth its 2020 Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy, aiming for a remarkable 300 GW of offshore wind capacity. In response to this accelerated timeline, the development of offshore wind technology has seen rapid advancements to meet the escalating demand for clean energy. Secondly, over the past 20 years, the world has witnessed a remarkable surge in awareness regarding acoustic pollution in the oceans. This awareness is evident through the increasing number of scientific publications on the subject and the implementation of new regulations aimed at protecting the hearing thresholds of marine animals. Two commonly cited problems with respect to marine renewable devices are collision risk and noise impact. The former is concerned with marine life being unable to determine the locations of devices, also known as the masking problem, and may be alleviated by introducing specially designed warning devices. The latter regards the damaging effect of acoustics generated by the turbine on marine animals (e.g., noise masking communication between individuals) and can be reduced only via a redesign of energy farms. WhaleNoise aligns with these environmental imperatives, as it addresses both challenges in a synergistic manner. Its core mission is to understand and predict the acoustic emissions from offshore wind farms (fixed and floating), seeking to evaluate their detrimental impact on marine life. By striking this delicate balance between clean energy generation and ecological conservation, WhaleNoise promises to contribute significantly to a sustainable and harmonious future for our oceans and the life they nurture.
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