The BoosT project aims to introduce advanced materials as alternatives for the efficient deposition of wear and corrosion resistant coatings by Thermal Spraying in highly demanding applications. The project goal is to substitute the currently critical materials used in Thermal Spraying coating – Co, Ni and WC, CrC- by green elements as Fe, Ti based metals and TiC, SiC carbides. BoosT materials and coatings will be depolyed in several industrial applications with advanatages in terms of cost savings, securing of raw material sources and removing of toxic materials. This will be possible by using the BoosT nanostructured powder produced by Mechanomade® technology of MBN for the deposition of coatings with superior characteristics compared to the current thermal spraying materials (WCCo and NiCr3C2). In the framework of the scope and the expected impact of the call the following objectives have been identified •Optimize the production route of innovative nanostructured cermets powders for thermal spraying with improved wear resistance and corrosion inhibition •Optimize the thermal spraying process by HVOF and extend spraying procedures to other methods as CGS and HVAF •Increase the robustness and repeatability of the industrial processes of powder production plant able to deliver up to 50tons/year of nanostructured powder •Qualification of the pilot production route for the application of the coating on components for pulp and paper , food processing, mechanical industries with massive cost saving up to 60% •Commercial proposition of coatings and materials to early adopters industrial customer The BoosT exploitation and business targets are to: - replace WCCoCr products occupying the related market segments - acquire by 2022 20 early costumers to sale about 30-40 tons of BoosT series powders - acquire by 2025 at least 75-100 costumers globally.
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The 2014/15 calls for proposals for pilot action projects resulted in 24 projects with total funding of 115 M€, and another 80 M€ are being invested under the 2016/17 work-programme. These pilot facilities respond rapidly and with simple contracting mechanisms to industry needs which is essential for SMEs and start-ups. Pilot facilities can potentially help create new business, jobs and growth across Europe. This potential can only be fully exploited if the actions started by the European Commission under H2020 are followed-up by complementary initiatives at national/regional level, to promote coordination mechanisms among these pilot facilities. One of the recommendations developed by a task-force composed by a group external experts (mandated by the European Commission) are the implementation of regional innovation hubs that should coordinate efforts, share good practices, facilitate access and promote business development of existing pilot lines across regions and member states. The overall project goal of the coordinated and support action proposal is to boost the European competitiveness through the exploitation of the existing European pilot line production facilities (across Europe) in the area of nanotechnology and advanced material technologies by creating a network of fully connected and collaborating pilot lines and boost the effectiveness and the efficiency of existing (and future) pilot line facilities and by creating a digital ecosystem acting as an interactive marketplace for professional members. The action will ensure the delivery of a series of horizontal coordination and support action services to the (European level) network of pilot line facilities and will set the scene for the establishment of innovation hubs across the Member States and/or regions.
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