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<< Objectives >>The Main Objective of MarMED to bridging the gap between the existing needs and the current skillset of Maritime Clusters Managers ensuring upskilling of human resources and the outline of a Innovative professional Profile for an increased competitiveness of Maritime Cluster in the Mediterranean area and, overall, the boosting of innovation and sustainable growth in the Blue Economy Area.<< Implementation >>MarMED will be implemented in 24 months during which it will refine the analysis on Maritime Clusters Managers skills Gaps, analyzed against the Framework of the new sustainable Blue Economy Policies; it will build a new Curriculum for upskilling and reskilling of the Blue Cluster Managers functioning as a permanent capacity building system for both the partner Clusters Managers and for those of other Maritime Clusters; it will pilot the training and pursue validation of EQF 4 Level.<< Results >>MarMED will produce innovative and sustainable results: 1- Comprehensive Gap analysis report on upskilling and re-skilling needs of Mediterranean Maritime Clusters2- Innovative training system for capacity building of Blue Clusters Managers3- Innovative and accessible OER learning, built according to Universal accessibility standards4- Set of Recommendations on Blue Clusters Managers Training and capacity building, addressed to all the actors of the Blue Economy ecosystem
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The ocean provides us with vital climate and food services by absorbing 30% of anthropogenic carbon emissions and supplying 17% of animal proteins to the world’s population. However, we are still far from accurately estimating these services using the state-of-the-art operational models at the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Monitoring and Forecasting Centres (MFCs). The main aim of SEAMLESS is to provide CMEMS MFCs with unprecedented capabilities to deliver indicators of climate-change impacts and food security in ocean ecosystems, such as particulate carbon export and plankton phenology. The central hypothesis of SEAMLESS is that new ensemble data assimilation methods can better estimate crucial ecosystem indicators by integrating the new generation of European Copernicus satellite observations and in-situ ocean data. Specifically, our approach will link coherently biogeochemical and hydrodynamic simulations. The hypothesis is supported by our previous work, in which we improved the MFCs’ model simulations of the plankton stocks at the base of the marine food web by assimilating biogeochemical and physical data from satellites, Biogeochemical-Argo floats and gliders. SEAMLESS will develop a new assimilation prototype that will expand simulations to plankton dynamics and related biogeochemical processes, e.g., plankton phenology and carbon export. This prototype will be disseminated to CMEMS stakeholders and the wider oceanographic community. To guarantee the integration of SEAMLESS into CMEMS, we have assembled a team with outstanding expertise and track records for all the key project components, which includes CMEMS MFC core developers, and will be supported by policy, blue-growth and academic stakeholders. On project completion, six CMEMS MFCs will be able to add new and improved products on water quality, carbon cycle and trophic webs to their portfolios, ultimately allowing users to exploit more sustainably ocean ecosystem services.
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CONTRAST will develop an integrated assessment and effect-based monitoring framework (IAF) to measure the impacts of CECs on the marine environment to provide a measure of Good Environmental Status for application in EU policy (i.e. MSFD/WFD). The IAF will involve chemical measurements together with biological effects endpoints that will be optimised to detect the presence and degree of effect of CECs in the marine environment. CONTRAST will identify the CECs that pose the greatest threat to marine life by using chemical prioritisation schemes to inform which of the CECs should be measured in the environment. Additionally, which CECs should be used in the laboratory-controlled experiments, where the effects on biological systems and marine biodiversity will be performed. A combination of in silico, in vitro and in vivo bioassays together with omics will be used to determine the principal mechanisms of toxicity of CECs selected from the chemical prioritisation schemes. This will provide important information on how CECs may interact with marine organisms at environmentally relevant concentrations and inform which biological effects tools should be used in the IAF to cover the range of toxicity mechanisms that CECs produce. CONTRAST will address this by optimising existing and developing new biomarkers, so that the IAF includes biomarker tools to cover many of the mechanism of toxicity produced by CECs. A series of European wide case studies will be used to test the suitability of the IAF to measure the effects of chemicals including CECs on indicator species and biodiversity. The knowledge gained from field testing and laboratory studies will form the basis for guidance documents and policy briefs on the best practices for performing an IAF on CECs in the marine environment. Furthermore, the interactions of climate change drivers on CECs will be evaluated including effects on CECs distribution, circulation, fate, bioavailability, and toxicity to marine life.
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