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Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
96 Projects, page 1 of 20
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 259354
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 820883
    Overall Budget: 1,964,520 EURFunder Contribution: 1,964,520 EUR

    One of the key technologies to enable efficient Ultra-High By-Pass ratio geared turbofans is the low-pressure turbine (LPT). While the geared engine architecture allows a large reduction in LPT stage count and weight, the LPT operates at transonic exit Mach numbers and low-Reynolds numbers. Within this range of operating conditions, there is a critical shortage of aerodynamic and performance measurements. A lack of relevant experimental data in these engine-like conditions also concerns the interaction of the secondary-air and leakage flows with the mainstream. SPLEEN aims at filling up this gap with an extensive experimental undertaking that investigates the aerodynamics of high-speed LP turbines of geared-fan propulsion systems. The project focuses on the interaction of cavity purge and leakage flows with the mainstream and its impact on the turbine performance. SPLEEN addresses this challenge with detailed flow measurements in two world-class turbine rigs: a large scale, transonic, low-Reynolds number linear cascade including periodic incoming wakes, and a high-speed 1.5 stage turbine rig. The project first investigates the effect of cavity geometries and purge flow rates on the local flow features and turbine performance in the linear cascade. A new technology for the reduction of leakage-induced losses will be proposed, designed and tested in the cascade facility. In the second part of SPLEEN, a 1.5 LP turbine stage is tested at scale 1 in the rotating rig. The flow structures, turbine global performance and the unsteady leakage/purge flow interactions are measured at fully representative engine conditions. Turbine experiments are carried out at different operating conditions for two sets of hub and shroud cavity configurations. The SPLEEN project will validate new high-speed LPT technologies in engine-relevant environments (TRL up to 5) delivering new critical knowledge and unique experimental databases of major importance for turbomachinery designs.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 273571
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101063624
    Funder Contribution: 266,684 EUR

    Accidental ignition of liquid fuels is a critical safety and economic concern for the chemical, aerospace, automotive, and petroleum industries. A fundamental understanding of ignition processes is crucial to reduce accidents and exacerbated pollution emissions through safer and more optimized designs. Even though hot surface ignition is a well-recognized hazard, it is only superficially understood, and safety guidelines tend to oversimplify the phenomenon. Hephaestus project is born from the will of two recognized research centers to merge their expertise to address this issue: the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) in Belgium and the Explosion Dynamics Laboratory (EDL) of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA. Hephaestus aims at improving the knowledge on the ignition processes of a jet impinging a hot surface. A world unique experimental setup will be designed to provide an in-depth optical investigation of the fuel jet ignition. An experimental database will be generated, analyzed, and diffused into the scientific and safety community. The data will be first used to test the existing numerical models. It will be extensively analyzed to detail the different ignition mechanisms. Finally, it will be applied to test engineering models and propose new safety guidelines. VKI is developing a new laboratory on the use of flammable liquid gas for propulsion. The knowledge acquired during the project's first stage about experimental analysis of ignition mechanisms will be used to support the development of this new leading-edge laboratory. An existing VKI setup will be adapted for ignition characterization by implementing the newly learned experimental technique, and the experimental protocol will be optimized. Hephaestus project will improve safety via an enhancement of the ignition processes understanding and the diffusion of a fundamental scientific database to be used for future research.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 820946
    Overall Budget: 297,566 EURFunder Contribution: 297,533 EUR

    FAST TAPS aims at designing, validating and put in operation 8 cooled fast-response wall pressure taps for combustion chamber measurements. The project is based upon a three steps approach, the three technical work packages of the project, with two distinct iterative design and validation loops. In the first step, the measurement devices will be designed according to the desired measurement performance (i.e. the required bandwidth), the environmental conditions (high-temperature and high-pressure flow) and the structural and mechanical constraints. The design candidates will undergo an internal experimental and numerical validation process prior to the submission to the topic leader. In the second step, prototypes will be built according to the final design candidate and tested in engine-representative conditions. The analysis of the results will either provide the final approval for the machining of the final measurement devices or highlight some modifications to be further implemented. The third step deals with the final manufacturing of the cooled fast-response wall pressure taps and their qualification tests (static and dynamic calibrations). From a scientific point of view, FAST TAPS targets the definition of a new, complete and robust design methodology for fast-response pressure probes. Such knowledge is doomed to be made available to the scientific community through the FAST TAPS dissemination activities.


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