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Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
52 Projects, page 1 of 11
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2017-1-PL01-KA202-038808
    Funder Contribution: 106,175 EUR

    "The background of the project was a reflection over the importance of efficient transfer of knowledge implemented by scientific institutions of agricultural sector. A question about know-how of effective and successful transmission of ideas from the world of science to practice was a key issue for the project preparation and realisation. The project addresses the national and international needs of staff qualifications enhancement. The main project goal is elevation of qualifications by improvement of knowledge, skills and competences of people in charge of organisation and execution of educational services within the agricultural sector. The target group of the project is not large in numbers, but activity of these people has a vast impact on the whole agricultural sector. Raising qualifications of employees engaged into realization of trainings, conferences or seminars effects in higher level of ""products"", which they provide. As the final result, the recipients of the educational services receive offer, which is better fitted to their needs and more suitable to their expectations. The successful transfer of educational know-how exemplified by good practices brings amelioration in trainings level, innovations in the substantive matters as well as the forms of the educational processes bring enhancement of qualifications of trainees, which is further reflected in standards of activities and projects undertaken by participants of educational services . The extended impact on economy, legislation, ecology and welfare enforces a constant care of increment within capabilities of institutions and people engaged in educational activities. The project realisation impacted the most staff of each partner, including personnel responsible for organisation and execution of educational services, scientists, the institutions' management bodies (target groups of the project). The higher the qualifications of staff involved in the provision of educational services, the better trainings and higher levels of trainees and their impact on the wider environment. The second objective of the project was to establish the network for mutual contact of scientists and employees of engaged institutions. The network provides smooth flow of information, ideas and inspirations between partners of the project as well as potential new members joining the multilateral teamwork. Additional value of the project are personal contacts, which are always the root of further successful cooperation.All activities predicted for the project life time (14 months) were done and properly implemented. There were no delays in the project schedule (which is reckoned as a success itself considering a very tight calendar during the project)."

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2019-1-LV01-KA204-060371
    Funder Contribution: 141,815 EUR

    The aim of the Project “Medical Information Literacy ” is to develop innovative international, professional continuing education programme based on the methods used by andragogy and to develop methodological materials (e-book) addressed to lecturers. The overriding goal of the Project is to increase the level of skills and abilities of the professionals working in libraries and information centre, to enhance their ability to fulfill the public international needs thus promoting the development of educated and knowledgeable society. Results expected during the project and on its completion:1) Innovative international, professional continuing education programme based on the methods used by Andragogy. The programme will be consisted of three parts: the basics of medical and health information searching; special health and medical information resources and evidence-based medicine. The programme will be approbate and evaluated by all partner organizations. The programme, thematic and lessons plans will be available online. 2) Methodological materials addressed to lecturers - e-book will be available online. The Project results would address the following parties: - Various types of library specialists from public, school, college, university and hospital libraries;- Healthcare sector professionals who are interested in reliable information for work purposes;- Health science lecturers who are interested in information for ensuring the study process;- European medical information specialists who plan to develop and/or to teach similar training programmes.Project participants are:1. Rīga Stradiņš University - a coordinator2. National Library of Latvia - a partner organization3. Lithuanian University of Health Science - a partner organization4. Tartu University Hospital - a partner organization5. Tallinn University - a partner organizationDuring the project, the achievements of the MIL project will be reinforced at local, regional, national and European levels through the on-going activities and communication about them ( social media, articles, involvement of experts and industry specialists, professional associations, etc.). Publicly accessible online materials and tools will be available not only in national languages of the participating countries but also in English, which will enable any user on European or international level to apply them. Furthermore, the developed materials could also be adapted to the needs of any other country or region.Project duration: 26 months (October, 2019 - November 2021)Project Total Grant: 141,815.00 EUR

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006562
    Funder Contribution: 228,786 EUR

    "The last decade was characterized by the rapid development of information technologies and the rapid development of digital learning tools which can help educators reach more potential learners, improve outcomes, and transform post-secondary education at universities, colleges, vocational schools, and job training programs. Digital learning tools in nursing education are particularly suitable for training clinical decision making skills (Peters et al. 2018), as clinical decision making cannot be captured through observation of direct action alone (Dechenes et al. 2011). In this context, decision making requires not only purely technical aspects, but in particular critical-reflexive and social-communicative skills. The younger generations that have grown up in our environment of rapid developments in mobile devices may become more motivated to learn when digital technologies are incorporated in education. The use in clinical environments of mobile devices loaded may help close the gap between theory and practice and enhance the evidence-based practice of undergraduate students. In the project the consortium intends to make use of an innovative serious game for training nursing skills and create relevant learning situations that fit well with nursing training in all partner countries and in general on a European level. The learning game ""Take Care” is designed to deal with complex nursing case work by letting the learners explore and experience simulated situations. This creates the possibility of training and testing professionally relevant skills in practice-oriented, but digitally simulated working environments. The game is an innovative way of training a variety of skills that cannot be learned from books very well but need to be trained before nurse practitioners see real work environments. Digital care simulations have been developed in which learners have the opportunity to practice decision-making in complex and multidimensional care situations without actually endangering themselves or people in need of care. The challenges in nursing education in Europe with regard to aspects of digitialisation are very similar. At the same time, there are hardly any tools in the form of 'Take Care' in the international arena. In order to support prospective nursing staff in the training of clinical decision-making and to train digital skills, we plan to further develop the tool for nursing education contexts on a European scale, adapting its situations to other countries. The game can be used in a multiplier mode that ensures that players can support each other. Players will be sensitized to recognize special needs of others in order to see that they will profit themselves through supporting others.The consortium will consist of a university as the coordinator with expertise in the field of nursing education and pedagogical methods (Germany), an SME with expertise in software development and serious game design (Germany), a school with practical teaching experience (Austria), a dementia care unit with practical work experience (Estonia) and a school with the opportunity to use the app on a large scale and to disseminate it widely (Ireland). In a first step, the curricula of the partner countries are analysed with regard to the topics contained in the game in the context of dementia. Another focus of the analysis is the systematic training of technical competence in the curricula of the partner countries. Further analyses with a view to uniform competences throughout Europe will be carried out on the basis of project synopses in the context of occupational mobility in Europe. The game concept will be further developed along the analysis results. Storylines and dialogues will then be adapted and further developed and translated into English. The iterative further development of the learning game will take place along the testing of the learning tool in institutions of project partners. At the end, the learning tool will be made available as a free app through Google Play and the Apple App Store. In addition, the project results will be presented and discussed in workshops at various international care education congresses.In the project a document analyses of relevant curricula and a project synopsis on nursing competences in the context of the topics of the learning game will be carried out. The synthesis of the results leads to the further development of the underlying pedagogic concept. The adaptation of the concept will be discussed and agreed with experts from different countries in focus groups. The testing of the adaptations of the tool will be carried out with learners from the partner countries' institutions.We use an innovative approach for addressing the student groups through attractive digital training opportunities that take into account individuals needs and expectations. Furthermore we would expect that learners can be supported individually (keyword learning analytics), but also that a critic"

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2018-1-SI01-KA203-047086
    Funder Contribution: 228,202 EUR

    All undergraduate study programmes in the nursing field in European Union must be developed according to the EU directive (2005/36/EC amended by directive 2013/55/EU) and European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) Competency Framework, which demand that the half of all contacts hours of each nursing study programme are done in the clinical environments as clinical practice and mentored by the clinical mentors. So, the clinical practice is a key environment for developing the clinical competences. Even of the fact, that the clinical practice lead by the clinical mentors is of such great importance, structured and well planned clinical mentor’s education was still greatly lacking in nursing education. There was a lack of programs to educate clinical mentors for tackling the mentors role and the unified mentors course was of a great need as quality mentoring has significant effect upon student learning outcomesThe project “Quality mentorship for developing competent nursing students” is offering a systematic approach to tackle this issue with developing high quality Course of advanced mentorship competences. To assure the systematic approach, we developed Clinical mentors’ competence model which provides new knowledge and findings regarding current situation of clinical mentoring in nursing study programmes in Europe. The model introduces the most important concepts that were also integrated and used as a base to prepare Course of advanced mentorship competences as another intellectual output of the project. The third intellectual output of the project - Mentoring guidelines - offers a clear and simple instructions to be used in the daily clinical practice of mentoring. Both the Course of advanced mentoring competences and Mentoring guidelines were translated in all official EU languages. In this way, we assured that their use could be widespread across EU and broader. The most important participants of the project were clinical mentors in clinical environment. They were included in most of the project activities mainly for the purpose of the developing the Course of advanced mentorship competences. They participated in testing of the course by attending it and then implement the gained knowledge and skills into the mentoring process. Their contribution was very important also in the evaluation of the course itself. Altogether 250 clinical mentors took part. Very important participants were also teachers, researcher and experts from partner organisation. They were a part of most of the activities that were implemented during the project while developing outputs and results eg. literature review, research findings, analysing, developing the syllabus and curriculum of the course, ect.Implemented methodology, activities and the project results assured systematic approach to improve current situation in clinical mentors education and has an impact on greater clinical mentors competence. It also raised awareness about the need of high qualified nurses working as mentors in clinical environments. It also gives long term benefits as we aim that even after the project ends the developed Course of advanced mentorship competences, materials and Mentoring guideline will stay in use at HE institutions in nursing science and clinical environments across Europe and in this way contribute that unified mentors course will be available in all EU countries. European Federation of Nurses (EFN), as a partner of the project assured that the results of the project were spread and will be in use in the European countries which EFN represents (36 countries).

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 664339
    Overall Budget: 465,560 EURFunder Contribution: 465,560 EUR

    In order to both solve the medical needs of ageing-populations in Europe, and develop an innovative ecosystem beneficial for the economy of Lithuania, it is proposed to foster the whole innovation chain in the area of healthy ageing – from fundamental research through to the introduction of new products and services to the market - by creating in Lithuania a world-class Centre of Excellence (CoE) in science and technology for healthy ageing, named HEALTH-TECH. The long-term vision for HEALTH-TECH is to: - Become the leading provider of innovative medical solutions for the improvement of the health of ageing-populations in Europe, - Consolidate research and development, education and training, and networking and promotion resources activities in the area of healthy ageing, - Coordinate, integrate and support research excellence and innovation development in Lithuania, the Baltic Sea region, and Europe, - Support researchers, physicians, and entrepreneurs in the field of healthy ageing science, technology and biotechnology to produce innovations beneficial for the society and economy of Lithuania and beyond. To achieve this long-term vision, the CoE will leverage the knowledge, experience and resources of three Lithuanian universities – KTU, LSMU, and VU - with the support of two advanced partners of the Baltic Sea region – LUND in Sweden, and VTT in Finland - in four strategic research and innovation topics: 1. Mechanisms of age-related diseases 2. Biomarkers for age-related diseases 3. Diagnostics and monitoring technologies for age-related diseases 4. Regenerative technologies for age-related diseases This project has the full support of the Lithuanian Government because it fits perfectly with the Lithuanian SMART Specialisation Strategy approved by the Government, and will allow an enhanced usage of the recently upgraded and newly built infrastructure for medical research in Lithuania.


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