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Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
5 Projects, page 1 of 1
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 598957-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Funder Contribution: 915,600 EUR

    Cultural heritage, origin products and biodiversity in rural areas are often underutilized or exploited according to short-term logics. SUS-TER addresses the need of developing specific knowledge, skills and abilities for the elaboration and support of inclusive and sustainable territorial valorization of these local resources. SUS-TER will develop a new interdisciplinary profile of “Territorial Enhancer” capable to activate and facilitate these processes of sustainable valorisation. He/she will be able to design and implement: - local forms of interaction between resources, society and local economy, applying a territorial development paradigm - local systems of governance of biocultural rural territories and associated knowledge and know-how- territorial marketing plans, applying methodologies that allow local enterprises to participate in markets competitively, sustainably and inclusively.This general aim will be pursued by means of the design, elaboration and testing delivering of an innovative course, based on the concepts of modularity, integration of theoretical and practical knowledge, blending of different learning methods, recognition within existing HEI curricula. Territorial laboratories will play a key role in the methodology, allowing for the integration of knowledge and practice by means of a learning space linking teachers, producers, entrepreneurs and public authorities. The course will be delivered at international level and within each university. It will be recognized by the Universities according to their institutional rules, as such or as part of existing curricula. The course and teaching materials will be in Spanish. Preliminarily, a specific training for academic staff will be carried out.SUS-TER will impact students and Universities, but also SMEs, NGOs, collective organizations, international, national and local development agencies, allowing for inclusive and sustainable processes of valorization of rural heritage.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 598496-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Funder Contribution: 869,210 EUR

    STOREM project aims at curriculum development of 5 Caribbean HEIs of LA and ACP regions under the subject Environmental Science - a thematic priority of both regions involved. Private and public actors of geographical regions express needs for skills useful to a proper management of the natural environment, in face of climate change threats, and other risks that affect the coastline. The action is aimed at implementing of 3 new graduate (master) curricula in the field of sustainable tourism and resource management in 2 Colombian and 1 Costa Rican HEIs, while integrating existing graduate pathways of 2 other HEIs. The proposed capacity building action integrates the EU HEIs multidisciplinary learning and research expertise on sustainability issues with the experience of the most important HEI in the Caribbean part of the ACP region (University of West Indies, UWI) in training graduates in various aspect of natural resources management. The project aims also at developing an interaction model between HEIs, private and public actors in the region through the activities of the foreseen Observatories on Sustainable Tourism at PCs’ universities, useful for supporting the courses and raising awareness in the tourism business communities. The project addresses also the cross cutting priority on refugees integration in HEIs: 2 out of 5 HEIs in our network include in their student population a relevant component of internal displaced population (IDPs) , people with a lower level of formal education. Activities within the project will concentrate on facilitating the university enrollment of IDP students in the long-term. Developing new skills in sustainability issues will eventually advance the social and economic development of both LA and ACP areas and equip academics, tourism professionals and administrations. These will lead to an empowered market aware of the need to designate funds and resources for guaranteeing the continuation of the academic offer in place.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 609863-EPP-1-2019-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Funder Contribution: 943,943 EUR

    Population growth, increased prosperity and rapid urbanization are bringing global demand for natural resources to a point increasingly beyond the Earth’s carrying capacity. Together with climate change, those pressures are causing significant environmental degradation in many parts of the planet. Latin America is particularly vulnerable. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute urgent calls and drivers for higher education to be part of future generations of engaged citizens aware of their role in creating fair and healthy societies.The Change the Climate project addresses three main needs: environmental management at all levels of higher education activities, integration of environmental management with sustainability strategies and institutional quality management, and customized strategies for sustainability in education. The project’s main goal is to increase Latin-American University’s contribution to Sustainable Development, through the implementation of environmental systematic practices and quality processes in alignment with the UN SDGs, improving the management and operations of higher education institutions. The project will deliver tools and guides for environmental impact analysis and SDGs mapping in campus operations and educational activities. An environmental management system will be implemented in each partner university decreasing their environmental impact; sustainability awareness will be assessed thoughout the academic communities; strategies for sustainability in higher education will be developed for curricula improvement; and a common open online course on sustainability will be created in English, Spanish and Portuguese.The project’s impact will reach stakeholders beyond the project partnership at local, regional and national levels contributing to behavioural change for sustainable futures.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 869324
    Overall Budget: 5,476,160 EURFunder Contribution: 5,476,160 EUR

    INTERLACE brings together a uniquely positioned consortium to empower and equip European and CELAC cities to effectively restore and rehabilitate (peri)urban ecosystems towards more liveable, resilient and inclusive cities. The project applies an integrative, city-driven approach to address urban challenges through the restoration, rehabilitation and (re)connection of natural and social processes between places. A three-tiered mechanism for city and wider stakeholder exchange and learning – the City Network Accelerator – will strengthen cooperation and peer-to-peer interactions on the local, regional (EU and CELAC) and global scales. Innovative forms of inclusive participation will optimise the collection of available knowledge and experiences and the co-production of governance instruments and tools for restorative NBS. Six committed EU and CELAC partner cities are central to this process, providing and sharing experiences with other cities globally and building technical and procedural capacities. The international city network partners UNGL, Climate Alliance and UCLG will facilitate a wide dissemination and application of project outputs through effective pathways to impact. The web-based Innovation Hub will support these efforts by disseminating INTERLACE’s City NBS Tool for urban ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation and promoting project result exploitation. Comprised of integrated assessment systems, a catalogue of policy and governance instruments, city impulse papers, business cases, guidance documents, and more, the tool will support decision-making processes for urban ecological restoration in EU and CELAC cities and beyond. INTERLACE will advance knowledge and awareness of restorative NBS, foster more ecologically coherent and integrated city planning processes, and lay the foundation for sustained multi-directional cooperation and exchange between EU and CELAC cities for wider transformative impact.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 561531-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
    Funder Contribution: 865,876 EUR

    HICA, which was driven by university associations, universities and ministries in 6 Central American (CA) countries, aimed to support the reform, innovation and harmonisation of HE curricula. The project further developed/implemented a regional qualifications framework for Central American HE (‘MCESCA’) – proposed by the prior project Alfa PUENTES (2011-14) – that defines what a student should know, understand and be able to do after each HE cycle, in a Central American social and political context. HICA further completed the MCESCA by defining learning outcomes for pre-bachelor, short-cycle programmes. This was done through national focus groups and consultations with academics, students and other social partners in the different CA countries, guided by a Technical Team that was appointed by national university associations. The project also examined time/credits required for the different HE cycles, with the objective of defining credit ranges to achieve the learning outcomes of the MCESCA. The MCESCA was simultaneously 'piloted' in partner universities. CA partner universities selected at least one study programme to revise and reform, defining work-load based learning outcomes that correlate to the MCESCA. European partners shared practice on curricula innovation in support of this, via a training programme that entailed three workshops, webinars and visits of European experts to CA countries. The pilot outcomes and the MCESCA itself were promoted widely to regional and national political bodies, employers, accreditation agencies, etc. via national promotion workshops in April through June 2018, organised by the associations and the ministries. These were used to enrich and validate the MCESCA as a tool in the region. HICA has had diverse impacts: The revised academic programmes have created a catalytic effect, bringing leadership, students and teaching staff together to implement curricula reform. In addition, CA universities have networked and reinforced regional cooperation. National associations and the ministries benefit from a regionally agreed tool that they can use for quality assurance and teaching reforms taking place in their own systems as well as recognition of studies between countries. The European partners benefit from discussions on frameworks for HE reform in CA, which will provide an important mirror for similar reforms that take place in the context of the Bologna Process.


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