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Infineon Technologies (Germany)

Infineon Technologies (Germany)

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174 Projects, page 1 of 35
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 971145
    Overall Budget: 3,941,210 EURFunder Contribution: 2,996,940 EUR

    The energy market in general, and the wind energy market in particular, are experiencing constant decrease of prices, together with harsher and harsher grid conditions. In order to comply with worldwide environmental policies, revolutionary solutions, such as FASTAP, need to reach the market as soon as possible. The FASTAP project aims at scaling from TRL6 to TRL8 the wind turbine application of a very fast on-load tap changer transformer technology. This solution uses thyristors specially connected to multi-tap transformer windings to provide On-Load Tap Changer capability to a standard wind turbine (WTG) transformer. This technology allows to choose the optimum voltage at which the WTG operates in, not only in steady-state conditions but also for dynamic and transient events. This technology will increase WTGs' electric capabilities in weak grid conditions, enlarge WTGs' Low and High Voltage Ride Through capabilities and allow reducing electrical components oversizing. As an overall, the FASTAP will be able to reduce wind's Leverage Cost of Energy up to 5.5% and will be able to connect to worldwide grids an additional 71.64GW wind capacity. The consortium partners have been working together for the last three years to bring the technology up to TRL6. They cover the whole value chain, which guarantees that the product will reach the market 33 months after the project kicks-off: - INF, the market leader in bipolar high-performance semiconductors, brings the technical know-how and commercial capacity for thyristors-based semiconductors. -SGB, number one medium-sized manufacturer of transformers in Europe, brings the technical know-how and commercial capacity for transformers. -SG, WTG market leader, will be the integrator and validator of the FASTAP product into 5MW platforms. -MU, the most industrially-oriented University in Spain, was the first originator of the FASTAP concept and will bring FASTAP transformer for Wind Turbines.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 257433
  • Funder: UK Research and Innovation Project Code: EP/I038551/1
    Funder Contribution: 387,730 GBP

    This project will develop an integrated theoretical and practical foundation for new methods and CAD tools to support the design of various types of systems with mixed synchronous-asynchronous operation. The crucial novelty will be in the use of the Elastic Logic principles when arranging interaction between blocks, partitioning the system into multi-block components ('localities').It will for the first time provide a pragmatic way of automating the design of mixed synchronous-asynchronous systems with varying granularity level, thereby leading to the development and application of systematic optimization techniques to obtain solutions targeted at the key design issues for deep submicron DSM and 3D implementation technologies, such as process variation power dissipation, area and speed. The project will deliver new theoretical models and algorithms for data-flow representation of systems for timing and power elasticity, automated partitioning of globally synchronous systems into subsystems with local synchronism, automated conversion of systems to elastic form and introduction of asynchronous protocols, design of synchronous-asynchronous interfaces and integration of the new methods into an appropriate industrial CAD environment. The new methods will be tested using an advanced case study from the industrial collaborators, using an advanced DSM technology.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 830847
    Overall Budget: 499,626 EURFunder Contribution: 499,626 EUR

    The proposed project “Coherent Support for Mobility.E Strategy” (COSMOS) aims at supporting the ECSEL Lighthouse Initiative Mobility.E in its endeavour to accelerate the deployment of clean and automated road mobility solutions and the realisation of the associated socio-economic benefits. For this purpose, the COSMOS project will assist the Lighthouse Initiative Advisory Service (LIASE) in the continuous identification and prioritisation of research topics and the subsequent translation into an action plan to support roadmap implementation. It will map the Mobility.E ecosystem by comparing the Strategic Research Agendas of ECSEL and of the European Technology Platforms AENEAS, EPoSS and ARTEMIS-IA involved therein with those of stakeholders further down the value chain, such as ERTRAC, EUCAR, CLEPA, and EATA regarding complementarity and coherence, and it will analyse the implementation of these roadmaps into funded projects. This approach shall enable the identification of white spots and gaps and it will reveal the potentials for bridging these with a dedicated implementation plan. This content-related work will be enabled by a set of effective network support measures in terms of stakeholder engagement and collaboration, events and workshops as well as dissemination building an extensive Stakeholder Circle. One of the visible activities supported by COSMOS will be continuation and further development of the ECA 2030 networking events series. The contractual and associated partners of COSMOS are representing the Mobility.E lighthouse projects, the LIASE and the governing board of ECSEL, the editorial team of the “Transport and Smart Mobility” chapter of the ECSEL Joint SRA and further relevant stakeholders. By working together in a coherent manner in processes for strategy development and network support they form a strong backbone of the community to be built for the Mobility.E Lighthouse of ECSEL.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101007312
    Overall Budget: 1,999,840 EURFunder Contribution: 1,999,840 EUR

    The semiconductor industry is characterised by complex supply chain structures. A common language and structure has to be developed and enrolled to enable smooth collaboration among different supply chain participants in this B2B (business to business) environment. SC³ relies on enabling a collaboration of industrial as well as academic stakeholders to ensure interoperability among semiconductor companies, and further industrial domains. SC³ implements an industrial reference platform as a de-facto standard (frequently used). This framework acts as a key enabler for realising an agile development - validation - refinement loop of a top-level ontology i.e. Digital Reference (DR). DR comprises a combination of different ontologies of semiconductor supply chains and supply chains containing semiconductors. To that end, the framework will support ontology governance e.g. development, archiving and indexing as well as the validation of high quality and interlinked ontologies and taxonomies. SC³ will incrementally add domain knowledge to the DR; the extended version of DR covers semiconductor domain vocabulary and related sub domains. The platform allows the involvement of all stakeholder groups in a customised fashion and proposes iterative engaging approaches for each community. The DR allows modularly including, developing and extending domain knowledge to provide a connected supply network structure. The project will follow a deliberate piloting methodology in order to deliver the demonstrators needed as proof-of-concept and for evaluation of project’s measurable objectives. SC³ activities will have a strong focus on sustainability and uptake of the project results, this includes on the one hand to keep the established community alive and on the other hand that the semiconductor data documentation, (i.e. the Generic Semiconductor Data Model) will be further developed and maintained even after the project duration.


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