Anaphylactic shock is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction in which the airways suddenly close; if not properly treated it causes death in 20 minutes. Seventeen million Europeans suffer from food allergies, 3.5 million which are children or young adults. Across Europe, food allergy is the leading cause of anaphylaxis in children aged 0-14 years and there is a huge increase in hospitalizations for allergic reactions in children in the last 10 years. Anaphylaxis sends someone to the emergency room every 3 minutes. The only way to counteract an anaphylactic shock is to inject adrenaline to guarantee enough oxygen to the heart. The adrenaline market is estimated to create revenues of €1.2 billion worldwide, and there is only one big player that produce prefilled syringes. Crossject already has the know-how to produce pre-filled needle free autoinjectors, our ZENEO® line. We already have 4 ZENEO® products so we are the right company to enter the adrenaline market with a cutting-edge solution. ZENEO® Adrenaline is an innovative, needle-free, easy-to-use auto-injector suitable for emergency situations, that enables patients and relatives to administer adrenaline. It performs a quick injection (1/10 of a second) avoiding the needle-related discomfort and the risk of contamination, moreover it guarantees intramuscular injection. The end-users of our product are people that are having an anaphylactic shock. People with food allergies are those that will need our device the most as they are more prone to anaphylaxis, however an anaphylactic shock can happen to anyone. We plan to launch ZENEO® Adrenaline on the market in Q4 2021. We will a turnover of €136M and a profit of €124M by the fifth year of commercialization. We expect to achieve the payback between the second and the third year of commercialization and to generate ROI of 3.36 by the fifth year of commercialization. Moreover, we estimate to create a total of 28 new jobs during these 5 years.
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