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Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
5 Projects, page 1 of 1
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000049477
    Funder Contribution: 60,000 EUR

    << Objectives >>The project focuses on Minimal Music, a particular branch of contemporary music which promotes creativity and innovation, inter- and transcultural development and participation. The project aims to promote the minimal music concept on European level and develop a professional training for adult educators.The project seeks to create a network and a strong valorisation platform to offer its future services to a growing community of likeminded organisations and individuals.<< Implementation >>Based on a European stocktaking on good practice, the project will develop a holistic competence framework and create and a multimodal system for Continuing Professional Development for Music and Adult Education Professionals including competence validation, taking on board central Instruments of the European Skills Agenda.This CPD will be piloted in 2-3 blended learning events in several EU countries. The approach will be largely disseminated in two large scale conferences.<< Results >>The project will develop a stocktaking report and create the competence framework for professionals of music and adult education to facilitate Minimal Music in projects with their target groups including a competence-oriented learning and validation approach.The CPD will be delivered in blended learning, using a rich online learning suite in combination with presence courses and a pilot project at the workplace.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 873072
    Overall Budget: 2,429,050 EURFunder Contribution: 2,429,050 EUR

    Leading TowaLeading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in research institutions – LeTSGEPs – aims at connecting different Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) in the design and implementation of GEPs. The project seeks to design actions and implement measures that will lead to systemic institutional change and address gender bias in RPOs at a very initial stage of gender equality measures implementation. At the same time more experienced partners in GEPs implementation will be included to guide the other partners through the various steps of the project, following the Gender Equality in Academia and Research GEAR tool developed by European Institute for Gender Equality (2016) and with the scientific support of a highly qualified Scientific Advisory Board. As a powerful instrument of detecting factors that make gender inequality persistent within institutions, besides the Gender Equality Plan, LeTSGEPs will foster the use of Gender Budgeting (GB), since budgets reflect real policy commitments. Gender equality plans and programs will succeed if accompanied with related specific fund allocation for the policy targets, and if the programs enacted are evaluated in terms of their gender equality impact by means of gender budgets leading to what we can define as more sustainable and powerful GEPs. A robust methodological approach, by taking stock from the implementation of Gender Budgeting in RPOs in order to produce relevant knowledge on the application of gender budgeting in RPOs and its role in making GEPs sustainable will be produced and shared with all partners. For raising institutional awareness on the importance of GEPs and gender budgeting the administrative staff will be actively involved in the training to equip also them with the necessary knowledge for its application. A distinctive characteristic of LeTSGEPs is a continuous support during the implementation of GEPs and by the high motivation expressed by partners in GEPs and GB implementation.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 284432
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101086488
    Funder Contribution: 671,600 EUR

    Deliver sAfe and Social Housing - Housing is an important point of reference for citizens; the home is more than a physical framework for daily life: It is the social focal point of life through its contextual location and the relations it possesses. A proper and well-functioning home at an affordable price is of major importance for the individual. Good and healthy housing in attractive environments gives the residents and especially the children optimal opportunities to achieve a high standard of living and opportunities in life. Living in sub-standarHousing is an important point of reference for citizens; the home is more than a physical framework for daily life: It is the social focal point of life through its contextual location and the relations it possesses. A proper and well-functioning home at an affordable price is of major importance for the individual. Good and healthy housing in attractive environments gives the residents and especially the children optimal opportunities to achieve a high standard of living and opportunities in life. Living in sub-standard housing in difficult environments leads to inferior opportunities in life. Thus, housing policy has major impact on society and individuals. European societies are dynamic entities influenced by social, economic, demographic, and cultural influences. Recent decades have seen increasing social inequalities, more diverse demographic patterns, and changing preferences for big city life. Overall, the existing housing system and housing type are challenged; the need for large family homes is reduced when the proportion of families with children is significantly reduced. On the other hand, the need for smaller homes for singles and couples without children is increasing. In addition, there are growing regional differences in housing needs across Member States; while especially large cities are experiencing tremendous pressure on the housing market, the housing market in peripheral rural areas has stalled.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 664932
    Overall Budget: 3,993,630 EURFunder Contribution: 3,993,630 EUR

    NUCLEUS develops, supports and implements inclusive and sustainable approaches to Responsible Research and Innovation within the governance and culture of research organisations in Europe. A major goal of the transdisciplinary project will be to stimulate research and innovation which continuously reflects and responds to societal needs. In order to achieve a multifaceted and cross-cultural New Understanding of Communication, Learning and Engagement in Universities and Scientific Institutions, 26 renowned institutions from 15 countries, among them leading representatives of 14 universities, will collaboratively identify, develop, implement and support inclusive and sustainable approaches to RRI. For a mutual learning and exchange process, the project will reach out beyond the European Research Area by including renowned scientific institutions in China, Russia and South Africa. Within a 4-year timeframe NUCLEUS will systematically uncover and analyse structural and cultural obstacles to RRI in scientific institutions. The partners will collaboratively develop innovative approaches to overcome these barriers. The project is expected to lead to an applicable ‘RRI DNA’, providing practical guidelines for higher education institutions and funding agencies across Europe and beyond. This ‘DNA’ will form the basis for the ‘NUCLEUS Living Network’, an alliance to ensure sustainability of the approach beyond the project timeline. By offering new academic insights and practical recommendations derived from 30 ‘RRI test beds’, NUCLEUS will contribute to the debate on science policies both on a national and European level, including the future design of HORIZON 2020 and the European Research Area (ERA).


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