<< Objectives >>Promote the entrepreneurial spirit among youth with few opportunities, reducing unemployment rates and making this model easily exportable to other regions and countries with similar problems. Promote European democratic values, by involving rural areas and local economic sectors, in order to improve the employability of the sector and open one more door to young people for their future. In addition to promoting respect for biodiversity and sustainability.<< Implementation >>Practical and experiential methodologies, through the following workshops:i) ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORKSHOPS, TIC´Sii) WORKSHOP ON ECOLOGY AND NATURE, WELL-BEING AND MENTAL HEALTH, HIKINGiii) HERITAGE AND CULTUREiv) GENDER EQUALITY AND CIVIC VALUESv) INTERNSHIPS IN COMPANIES 10 DAYS HALF-DAYvi) DEVELOPMENT OF THE FINAL PROJECT AND CLOSUREThere will be an evaluation by the Association and the participant himself (SELF-ASSESSMENT).GIFT: 1 TABLET for the development of your project.<< Results >>- Promote youth participation, awareness, reflection and cooperation in their rural community and be a reference in other regions.- Experiences with other participants who have common goals and needs- Greater attention to civic values, equality, respect, democracy, integration of young migrants and intercultural adaptation, in pursuit of an inclusive and diverse society- Economic and social revitalization of rural communities, creating synergies between social agents
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