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Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης- Ειδικός Λογαριασμός

Country: Greece

Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης- Ειδικός Λογαριασμός

58 Projects, page 1 of 12
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101080968
    Funder Contribution: 5,019,600 EUR

    The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) in AquaCulture, Environment and Society STAR (ACES-STAR) is a two-year program fully taughtin English. It is organised around a truly global learning environment, to reflect the international nature of the industry. The highly diversecultural background of the students, recruited at the global level, combined with the mobility of up to 4 countries and teachers from‘Centres of Aquaculture Excellence’ in different EU and non-EU countries will make this EMJM ACES-STAR program a unique learning andlife experience. This Masters aims at preparing graduates with a solid knowledge and advanced practical skills expected by academic,public or the private sectors. Traditional and innovative teaching and learning methods also ensure the development of digital and criticalsoft skills. The first three semesters of the program are organised around a progressive specialisation, involving gaining a basicunderstanding of the global aquaculture industry, before focusing on the major groups of cultured species, their environmentalinteractions, new technologies and systems, health, welfare, product quality and refinement and how the industry is governed. The finalsemester is devoted to an internship in an academic institution, in a public body or in private corporation and the production of thedissertation. Throughout the program, the learning process is enriched by the continuous exposure of students to academic research,business leaders and real-life practical experience provided by over 60 associate partners and external experts from across the globe.Students are given the opportunity to participate in seminars, conferences and meetings with business leaders. The end goal is to enhanceopportunities for employment, through building networks, gaining extensive practical experience, as well as learning to deal with differentlanguages and cultures.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2015-1-BG01-KA201-014219
    Funder Contribution: 204,692 EUR

    E-tools for E-schools project targets common problems for the educational systems of EU countries such as the existing gap between available technologies and their application in teaching process. The project aims to equip teachers with practical skills and tools for learning resources preparation and use, and to provide them with wide range of teaching ideas and pedagogical instruments concerning the introduction of ICT. The proposal is focused on an innovative approach for teachers training providing more strategic and integrated use of ICTs and open educational resources that will not only straighten the profile of teaching professionals but will also support the implementation of European Commission Action Plan on Opening up Education.EFES project is transnational initiative that will be implemented in Bulgaria, Italy and Greece by organisations with significant experience in teachers training, methodology development and educational research. The expected project outputs are not nationally limited and their application changes the whole concept of the teaching process as not enclosed in the classroom, stimulate trans-school cooperation and networking. The applicant organisations will systematize best examples of e-learning activities and will jointly develop new training tools, and approbate new and modern way of training, based on blended-learning methodology. The blended or hybrid approach combines online with traditional face-to-face class activities in a planned, pedagogically valuable manner and allows flexibility and self-regulation of education without the time and space constraints.Two significant project outputs will remain in use after the lifetime of the project – WebTV and LMS platform. The Web TV will be an e-tool for training teachers how to use ICT in educational process and will combine the best seminar practices, target the existing needs, provide practical examples and templates. This innovative tool will allow unlimited number of teaches to strengthen their digital competences on demand and without any financial constraints. In other words, the WebTV will instruct teachers how to use open source platforms in order to prepare e-lessons for class- and homework. The LMS platform is a learning management system for primary and secondary school teachers based on open source software and divided in different sectors and categories of users. The platform will offer a complete set of services and tools supporting blended learning, such as services for the effective use of multimedia as a powerful learning means, collaborative development of educational templates and learning scenarios reflecting different educational approaches and needs, and services for the creation, management and monitoring of web-based and mobile (location-based) educational assignments.These two intellectual outputs will be applied and tested in three piloting schools - one in Bulgaria, one in Italy, one in Greece. The schools are selected to have good digital provision but limited digital-supported teaching. The piloting stage will provide significant and contextual feedback from the direct target group in each country. The platform and the Web TV will be fine-tuned and improved afterwards and will became more easily accessible and user-friendly. Afterwards, a series of dissemination events are planned in each country in order to popularise the outcomes among the target group and the relevant stakeholders. The final project results will be available in four EU languages – Bulgarian, Italian, Greek and English, and will be adjusted according to the cultural, social and educational context in each country. These products will be integrated in the management and pedagogical framework of the participating organisations. This will not only enlarge the scope of their work but will make the number of the potential users unlimited. In long term perspective, the project goal is to support the ongoing educational reforms in EU countries by providing teachers and students with the skills required by the labour market and the economy, and by mobilizing all stakeholders to change the role of digital technologies at education institutions.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-2-PT01-KA210-VET-000049461
    Funder Contribution: 60,000 EUR

    "<< Objectives >>This project aims to contribute in a practical way to improving the quality, attractiveness and excellence of VET, through the following objectives:•Instruments to improve attractiveness and excellence•Creating quality assessment instruments•Maximizing the relevance of VET to the market needs •Fostering active learning through sharing of good practices•Fostering the acquisition of skills for 21st century Education•Contributing to simplified access to EQAVET certification<< Implementation >>Think Tank “Professional Education - Knowing the present and planning the future” - 5 editions. Methodology Q - results: Needs of VET stakeholders; SWOT and PEST analysis; Quality assessment indicators; Instruments for quantitative and qualitative monitoring. Guide “EQAVET-for dummies”; Guidelines to increase attractiveness; Web site; Scientific articles; Digital book “L&A - Excellence and Quality in VET”; MCE Certification and Celebration ""VET International Day"".<< Results >>Contribute to the excellence, attractiveness, and quality of VET with the following:• At least, 5 team meetings• 1 celebration event ""VET International Day"" 2022• 2 documents with quality assessment indicators (internal and external)• At least, 1 instrument to monitor VET using both quantitative and qualitative data• 1 Digital Guide ""EQAVET-for dummies"" • At least, 2 scientific articles with the main results for International Conferences• 1 Digital book ""L&A - VET Excellence and Quality"

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101082428
    Funder Contribution: 4,627,200 EUR

    The proposed EMJM programme FLOURISH seeks to address the need to provide a meaningful, relevant and balanced education for children growing up in adverse circumstances by focusing on their strengths and building their assets within protective contexts. It plans to address a clear gap in the field, namely the training and education of school teachers and other practitioners so as to be able to empower children and young people with the necessary competencies to deal effectively with the obstacles and challenges in their education and development. This need for practitioners’ education in resilience has been reported across cultures and regions of the world, and FLOURISH will address this need at both European and international levels by providing postgraduate, high quality resilience education for educators and other practitioners. The consortium partners have developed significant expertise in this area, including working on previous relevant EU funded projects, and together with the international expertise of the associated partners, they are very well placed to provide this much needed training. FLOURISH is the first international, Joint Master Degree in Resilience in Educational Contexts led by a consortium of 4 degree awarding partners and six associated partners. It is a two-year, full-time programme consisting of taught study-units, a practice placement, a dissertation, and a summer school, spread over four mobility moves. It will provide a showcase of good practice in capacity building and continuing professional education, integrating theory and practice within a strengths based, systemic perspective to education and human development. It becomes particularly pertinent and meaningful in the post-COVID-19 pandemic context, as more attention and priority is being given to mental health, wellbeing and resilience in education

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2020-1-FR01-KA203-080254
    Funder Contribution: 164,775 EUR

    The aim of building the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is to promote, on the one hand, education designed according to a knowledge and skills approach and, on the other hand, to improve professional integration of students (Bologna process, 1998). However, European universities often face a high failure rate in bachelor's degrees.For decades, European educational policies have aimed at improving teaching and learning to encourage academic engagement and integration and the professionalization of teaching staff. Providing better conditions for study, monitoring and a better balance between studies, training and professional careers is a major objective of the reform of universities in Europe to face these challenges. Thus, the organization of the various teachings at the university and their relationship by a skills approach in a transdisciplinary approach is therefore important to question.In a context of strong professional uncertainties, social and economic changes characterized by restructuring of production sectors, by frequent renewal of professions, by an evolution of the forms and organization of work, the individual is supposed to take initiatives, adapt, be autonomous in carrying out tasks, and often change jobs several times during their professional career. Thus, it is no longer a question of producing reproducible behaviors, but of developing dispositions to generate adapted behaviors in the face of diverse and changing situations (Chauvigné and Coulet, 2010). These new societal requirements question the modalities of higher education and the role of professionalization. Thus, the development of university training focused on professionalization is reaffirmed as one of the joint priorities by the Member States. The university has a role to play in making the link between the provision of training and the needs of the economic world. It is thus a question of accompanying this evolution of the socio-economic world by the teaching and professional skills of the academic staff. How to adapt university teaching systems to serve the socio-economic world? How to support students to build their professional project and reflect on the various experiences acquired in training, in internships, in other contexts of life? Finally, how can the dynamic articulation between training and research support actors to question the meaning of their practices? How to promote the transfer of student skills and knowledge for professional integration?The TASTstrategy project aims to develop the teaching strategies to combat university failure and to tackle skills mismatches. The strategic partnership project is organized over two years.First of all, during the first year, it is a question of analyzing the needs of the students and the academic staff concerning the development of competences and more particularly the transferability of competences from one teaching to another (disciplinary courses and more professional courses, internship, training through research, etc.) so that students can mobilize them in their future jobs. The different educational approaches used will also be analyzed. Then, a hybrid-training program will be designed for these multi-category actors of academic staff. The objective of this training is to promote and support the transdisciplinary teaching by a skills approach. Thus the project develops and assesses new practices to meet the learning needs of students. These practices will be based in particular on the links between theory and practice, the development of reflexivity of students, training through research in a transdisciplinary and professionalizing approach.During the second year, training will be implemented in partner universities. Finally, once trained, the academic staff will implement the training outcomes with the undergraduate students. Its effects will be assessedThis project therefore targets them interdependent public.Students enrolled in undergraduate studies because the dropout rate is the highest. The objective is on the one hand to develop their skills and the transferability of these and on the other hand, to improve their reflexivity to allow them to build links between practice and theory for ultimately a better professional integration.The academic staff (teacher, researchers, trainers, professionals) who teach different courses. It is about understanding their professional practice in connection with the skills-based approach and proposing new student-centered teaching strategies.The project is innovative through three key aspects: development of skills of students transferable in professional contexts, professional development of academic staff and in particular the development of their skills and their capacities to offer innovative pedagogies, its combination between action research -innovation in a higher education environment.


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