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University of the Republic

University of the Republic

26 Projects, page 1 of 6
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 225342
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 764985
    Overall Budget: 2,933,060 EURFunder Contribution: 2,933,060 EUR

    Edulia responds to the urgent need of EU society to find new ways to tackle the escalating issue of obesity, through promoting healthier eating from childhood. Based on the relations of sensory perception, pleasure, food choice and food behaviour, the project will look for new approaches to drive children to like and actively choose healthy foods, developing healthier habits. Edulia is a multi-disciplinary and inter-sectorial European Training and Research Network with a global reach. Our network will train a new generation of innovative and adaptable researchers, with highly specialised skills across complementary fields studying children’s food choice, while exposing them to cross-sector experiences, in order to build strong career development paths. The training program includes multidisciplinary scientific training within natural and social sciences, secondments in academic and non-academic organisations, and courses in transferable skills, promoting science communication and outreach. The overall aim of the research programme is to better understand how multiple factors act as barriers for children’s healthy eating and how to tackle them, bringing together leading scientists in the Food Choice arena in a collaborative network that will transcend the limits of this project and strengthen European research. Edulia will go further than the classical approach of “teaching children what is healthy”, by exploring approaches such as positive marketing, nudging strategies, focusing on peer and family social interactions, studying sensory and non-sensory parameters that influence what is eaten (food choice) and how much is eaten (intake), and exploiting the positive food sensory characteristics which can drive healthy eating through enhancing pleasure. We will ultimately propose innovative approaches to support children’s healthier eating, providing a strong knowledge base and clear guidance for children, the general public, the food industry and EU policy makers.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 217190
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 231845
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 645238
    Overall Budget: 1,066,490 EURFunder Contribution: 1,066,490 EUR

    The aims of the TRANSLITERACY project are to understand how teenagers are learning outside the school and to introduce those experiences into it. The ethnographic identification and analysis of the (trans)media skills will be at the centre of the research program. Once identified the informal learning strategies applied by young people outside the formal institutions, the team will translate them into a series of proposals to be implemented into the schools. The TRANSLITERACY Project will involve an interdisciplinary group of 25 senior and junior researchers with sound experience in fields such as media literacy, transmedia storytelling, user-generated contents and participatory culture, ludology, traditional and virtual ethnography, pedagogy and innovation in education. The research will focus on the following set of skills: • Problem-solving strategies developed by teens in video gaming (Videogame literacy) • Content creation, production and sharing strategies developed by teens in fan fiction (Participatory culture literacy). • Content creation, production and sharing strategies developed by teens in social media (Web / social networks literacy). The research will focus on 12-18 years old teens, an age characterized by a short but intensive experience in the use of new media and digital technologies. The fieldwork –based on surveys, interviews, focus groups, participant observation, and online activities analysis- will be simultaneously developed in 9 countries: Australia, Colombia, Finland, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, and Uruguay. The duration of the research will be 3 years. After mapping the transmedia practices and informal learning strategies the team will produce an open and customizable Teacher’s Kit based on the outputs of the research. The kit will propose learning strategies and activities to be developed with students into the schools.


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