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University of Malaya
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31 Projects, page 1 of 7
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 598935-EPP-1-2018-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Funder Contribution: 688,813 EUR

    Despite e-learning being a national higher education agenda, a survey on Malaysian HEIs found that implementation of digital learning tools remains suboptimal. There is a need to develop high quality e-learning content and build capacity in academic and technical staff around digital pedagogies and development of digital resources. This project will involve three EU Programme Countries with an international reputation for digital learning (UK, Norway, Sweden) working with three Malaysian HEIs to produce locally relevant materials to ‘train the trainers’ on how to develop high quality interactive multimedia learning tools called reusable learning objects (RLOs) in the fields of medicine, nursing, biomedical science and other health-related disciplines. The training is structured around the ASPIRE methodology (Aim, Storyboard, Populate, Implement, Release, Evaluate) for the development of RLOs. ASPIRE involves a participatory co-creation process involving end users and other stakeholders in workshops to ensure alignment of the digital content with the individual learning needs of the students. 22 RLOs will be developed during the project and housed in an open access repository which will be sustained after the project to accommodate further RLOs from the growing teams of developers. The RLOs will be integrated into the curricula of the partner institutions and evaluated. By providing the RLOs as trackable open educational resources, the outputs of the project will achieve reach and impact beyond just the institutions involved. The consortium will reach out to the Malaysian HEI e-learning stakeholders through support from the Ministry of Higher Education as well as individual HEI learning and teaching centres.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 585852-EPP-1-2017-1-MY-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Funder Contribution: 681,035 EUR

    BRECIL is a project acronym for Building Social Research Capacities in Higher Education Institutions in Lao PDR and Malaysia. The project has a wider objective which is to develop human capital and facilitate individual learning and institutional mechanisms in Social Science research in higher education institutions in Lao PDR and Malaysia through research training and capacity building, including research governance, leading to sustainable high quality research, conditions for cooperation and potential for policy impact. In order to fulfil the general objective, the project has specific objectives with the first aiming at developing and empowering researchers in Social Sciences via training and peer learning to design, prioritize and undertake research, write up and publish research findings and inform policy. This objectitive is spesically designed to feed the knowledge transfer component and targets to be achieved within two years by September 2019.The second objective is to develop good governance of research by enhancing the capacity of research departments and teams in universities, to fund, manage and sustain themselves by September 2020. By that time, the partner country HEIS will be equipped with a research governance component and develop a better research management mechanism in their respective universities.The final objective is to create a sustainable research capacity building programme in Social Sciences including the utilization of ICT technologies leading to sustainable high quality research, conditions for cooperation and potential for policy impact by September 2020. This will bring the sustainability component throughout the project lifecycle. Therefore, it is clear that the wider, specific as well as the aim of the project are connected and rooted in the national documents on one end and on the other end, the realization of the project and project results will provide defined changes and provide platform for changes in specified fields.

  • Funder: UK Research and Innovation Project Code: NE/K005855/1
    Funder Contribution: 480,497 GBP

    This proposal is to develop and deploy for the first time lightweight low cost (disposable) multi-species chemical sondes to address limitations in composition measurement capability in the troposphere and low stratosphere. The sondes would incorporate state of the art CO, O3 and CO2 sensors developed by the applicants, and would be launched on standard meteorological balloons flown by National Weather Services (thus providing T, P, RH). The intention is that the sonde be suitable for use in global sonde networks such as SHADOZ and GRUAN as well as for stand-alone use, with applicability to both short term case studies (e.g. transport, chemical processes) and long term monitoring (for example linked to trend detection and climate change). The project will be in four phases: - Development and construction: involving integration of chemical sensors into a sensor module and its interface with the existing Vaisala RS92 and the new RS41 radiosonde systems. - Testing and validation: to be carried out in the JOSIE atmospheric simulation chamber, on simultaneous flights with conventional ozone sondes and in parallel with flights by the NERC FAAM research aircraft. - Field deployment: to be conducted as a) an intensive field activity as part of a larger measurement campaign, and b) regular measurement for 12-18 months. These deployments will be in Malaysia and will be used in studies of the tropical atmosphere. - Data analysis: statistical analysis of composition profiles and comparisons with the NAME and UKCA models to study chemical and transport processes in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) and the transport of constituents in the free troposphere over Southeast Asia. We have, together with our project partners, the expertise and knowledge to develop and prove these new composition sondes which have the potential to revolutionise atmospheric measurement programmes through their ability to be launched routinely by operational meteorological agencies with minimum infrastructure.

  • Funder: UK Research and Innovation Project Code: NE/J016012/1
    Funder Contribution: 110,743 GBP

    Long-term measurements of the atmospheric composition are required for a full understanding of the effects of human emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants. For historic reasons, the network of observing stations run under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organisation's Global Atmospheric Watch program has some regions which are well studied (e.g. Europe and North America) and some which are not. One region where the observing capability is limited is that part of Southeast Asia and the West Pacific known as the 'Maritime Continent'. In this project, we will work with the University of Malaya and the Malaysian Meteorological Department to develop a high-quality, long-term atmospheric monitoring program at the new field station at Bachok on the Malaysian peninsula. This site is extremely well located for studies of the outflow of the rapidly developing Southeast Asian countries, as well as for the interaction of that air with the much cleaner atmosphere in the southern hemisphere. The Universities of Cambridge and East Anglia both have experience in making long-term measurements. In particular UEA have operated a well-instrumented observing site at Weybourne on the north Norfolk coast for well over a decade. This expertise will be used to develop the existing capability in Malaysia and to design and implement a programme of long-term measurements at Bachok. The focus of the measurements in the first instance will be greenhouse gases, ozone depleting substances, and chemical pollutants. In addition we will be encouraging the involvement of other interested scientists in NCAS Composition, the UK more generally and beyond to strengthen the planned measurement program. A demonstration activity will be arranged in the winter monsoon season when the flow is strongly from Southeast Asia. This activity will have two aims: (i) ensuring high quality measurements are made at the site; and (ii) determine the characteristics of the site and its suitability for the assessment of both global and regional atmospheric composition. Many of the measurements made in this activity will then be continued in to the monitoring programme. It is important to ensure that such measurements are fully exploited, and to this end we will both collaborate with partners in Taiwan and Australia and develop a modelling strategy for the interpretation of the data in conjunction with UK modelling groups including those at Cambridge, UEA and within NCAS. Exchange visits will be used for training purposes and for the development of collaborative interpretive studies (and peer-reviewed publications). Finally, a major scientific conference will be held towards the end of the project, linking in to international programs such as WMO-GAW, IGAC or SOLAS.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 609897-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Funder Contribution: 997,630 EUR

    "The project aims to improve quality of higher education in the Field of Journalism Reporting and develop life-long learning skills for high-quality media reporting on SDGs and ICT-based data analysis of journalism and media students,journalists and analysts in Cambodia, Malaysia and China through the development of new curricula. It also enhances relevance of acquisition of better qualifications in the labour market by developing new and innovative journalism reporting courses for journalism students and active journalists and analysts. It aims to enrich the innovation capacities as well as the internationalisation of HEIs by promoting transnational cooperation in the field of media reporting on SDGs. It also promotes voluntary convergence with EU developments of curriculum development in the field of journalism and reporting in the higher education system through the sharing of best practices and know-how of the EU-HEIs. The outputs include a state-of-the-art report on needs analysis of Asian HEIs, ""Journalism Reporting on SDGs"" course program that will be incorporated in the HEIs relevant program, capacity building programs for academic staff, Online learning platform and creation of SDGs Research Units. Impact will be achieved in institution, national and transnational level through the proper dissemination and exploitation of the project's results and the participation of relevant stakeholders in the networking events."


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