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Ilia State University
32 Projects, page 1 of 7
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 867429
    Overall Budget: 137,391 EURFunder Contribution: 137,391 EUR

    The molecular mechanisms underlying memory formation in vertebrates are not well understood, despite their paramount importance to neuroscience. CHARM-Vis aims at investigating changes in the chromatin landscape and transcriptional activity in a prototypical model system for memory formation: visual imprinting in domestic chicks. The expected outcome of the project is remarkable. The use of single-cell, next-generation sequencing technologies will allow to study the system of interest at an unprecedented level of resolution, potentially leading to relevant new discoveries. Novel bioinformatics software pipelines will be developed for analyzing the data, and made available as free, open source software. All the data generated in the project will be made public as well, in order to benefit future research. A highly interdisciplinary consortium of world leading institutions will be involved in the project, including experts in chick visual imprinting from Ilia State University, Georgia, bioinformatics specialists from Navarrabiomed, Spain, and biotechnology experts from Karolinska Institute, Sweden. The combined expertise and synergy of the international consortium, along with the long-lasting scientific experience of the applicant, will ensure the successful fulfillment of the proposal. All the involved parties will greatly benefit from participating into the project. The applicant will deepen his expertise in bioinformatics and neuroscience, reinforcing his position as independent researcher. A mutual exchange of knowledge will take place among the involved institutions, whose know-hows are highly complementary. The project will also have beneficial, long-lasting effects after its end. We expect novel scientific questions to spring from the results of the project, stimulating the applicant as well as other researchers in performing further research, expanding the current knowledge and consolidating their careers.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 2021-1-IE01-KA220-VET-000034699
    Funder Contribution: 281,211 EUR

    << Background >>The partner institutions within this application are committed to contributing to the transformation of healthcare education through the use ofdigital teaching and assessment. We are also committed to fostering collaboration between VET and HEA institutions and to enhance the transfer of skills between education institutions and healthcare workplaces - to enhance digital competencies and healthcare professionals' fundamental skills development. Innovative approaches such as digital assessments are expected to drive the modernisation of education systems in a rapidly increasingly digital world (Kapsalis et al. 2019). McDonald et al. (2018) revealed five major topics for digital learning to enhance skills and knowledge of students, hereof three are: (i) facilitation of self- evaluation of students, (ii) use of mobile technology and (iii) training and preparation. They concluded that although digital formats cannot exceed face-to-face formats, a combination of digital and traditional methods creates a superior learning style (p. 167-173). Currently, half of the European education systems are reforming their curricula related to digital competence, either to introduce digital competence into the curriculum, to update existing content or tostrengthen specific areas of digital competence (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice 2019, p. 10). The same shouldbe done in healthcare education and this will be the main emphasis of the project AHEAD. As healthcare educationincludes both theory and practice competences, assessments in are carried out on theoretical knowledge and on practicalskills. Related to DigCompEdu, the use of digital technologies for assessments can provide additional data on learnerbehaviour, support decision making and support teachers to assess and adapt their teaching strategies (Redecker 2017,p. 21). Collaborative learning in digital environments is seen to enhance interaction skills, knowledge, competence andproblem-solving abilities of healthcare students and should be systematically used in education (Männistö et al. 2019).Digital assessments can be used in different ways, e.g. for monitoring of learner`s progress, facilitating feedback tolearners and supporting teachers to evaluate their teaching strategies. The proposed project AHEAD has its primaryfocus on health care education, an area where it is crucial to keep assessment going and to shift from face-to-face toonline assessment in order to ensure that health care students can continue to practice from the highest levels ofcompetency during and beyond the Covid-19 crisis. The project will foster the integration of innovative digital technologiessuch as digital peer assessment and open source digital badges, video-based assessment using Artificial Intelligence,which we believe are essential tools in a modern health education system. We are driven by the idea of ' 'assessment forlearning AFL' (as opposed to 'assessment of learning') in that we believe in engaging teachers and learners in thedevelopment of digital assessment tools. Within this project this will be achieved throughout but particularly in IO1, 2, 4and 5. The project is designed to involve participants in co-creation workshops and give participants real-timeconstructive feedback so that they can independently learn the correct techniques for essential healthcare skills. Thegaps, hopes and concerns related to digital competencies identified as part of the project will be addressed throughoutbut particularly in IO3, 4 and 5.<< Objectives >>The project AHEAD aims at enhancing digital assessment in the field of healthcare education across four Europeancountries (Ireland, Germany, Georgia and Poland). The project is mainly related to area 3 and 4 of the Framework forDigital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu): (i) teaching and learning and (ii) assessment. Mainly two sub-elementsof assessment (Redecker 2017, p. 16) will be focused on: (i) assessment strategies and (ii) feedback and planning. Theproject is set to address three target groups: school-based teachers / educators, practice-based teachers and learners inhealth care education in order:(i) To engage participants and encourage them to become involved in the transformation towards digital healthcare assessment (ii) To foster digital assessment that is inline with ongoing higher and VET education and EU Digital Education agendas(iii) To address knowledge and skills gaps, hopes and concerns of teachers and learners, and develop their capabilities in the area of digital assessment (iv) To develop video-based self-assessment and peer assessment by means of innovative technologies (AI) and software (Unicam)(v) To reward learning by means of open source digital badges / micro-credentialing. To develop knowledge and understanding about teacher gaps is important for development of targeted measures and assessment tools to foster their competencies in the development, implementation and use of digital assessment tools into their teaching and learning activities. An automated video-based assessment will provide learners with an open-source digital based to certify their achievement of learning. It will produce a technology that will be applicable to all partner institutions and it will include the assessment of key clinical skills. Healthcare students can self-assess, develop competency and have their skill certified in a robust and secure manner (All Aboard 2020). The otherobjective of the proposed AHEAD project is that we are building on new and that we are fostering existing partnerships, forming a 'Cooperation Partnership'. To this point, we are expanding partnerships across universities and across European countries.<< Implementation >>AHEAD will combine general aspects of digital assessment with an essential healthcare topic. Five Intellectual Outputs(IO’s) will be produced: 1. Co-creation workshops: in this IO we are involving participants from each partner institution inco-creation workshops (48 participants) to develop insights into teachers' and learners' digital competency needs. Co-creationworkshops will be substantiated with online surveys. An evaluation concept will be designed based on co-creationfeedback and involvement of stakeholders. The data gathered will form the basis for the remaining IOs,particularly IO2. 2. A competency framework for teachers and learners: in health care education in the field of digitalassessment will be developed, related to DigCompEdu (Redecker 2017) and to DigCom 2.1 (Carretero et al. 2017). Thecompetency framework will describe teachers` and learners` knowledge, skills and competencies for assessments ondifferent levels. 3. Micro-learning units: This IO will involve the development, piloting, and evaluation with teachers andlearners of micro-learning units at all project participating organisations. The aim of this IO is to improve competencies ofteachers and learners in the use of digital assessments and in the integration of these assessments in their own teachingand learning practice. 4. Digital peer assessment toolkit: In this output, project partners will develop a digital rubric andpeer assessment where groups of students can provide peer feedback on one video-recorded skill (12-16 participants).Students will be empowered to become involved in assessment and to impact on the grade awarded to learners for ahealthcare related skill. 5. A video-based assessment using Artificial Intelligence and including an open source digitalbadge as evidence of achievement will be developed and tested within this project. Tools will be tested on at least 25participants. Overall project activities include transnational meetings, open source online resources, publications in peer-reviewedhealthcare journals and dissemination at local, national and international teaching and learning and research conferences.<< Results >>To address general aspects of digital assessment, three overall results are expected during the project apart from theIntellectual Outputs described in the section above. These include: (i) Research-based tools on the use of digitalassessment in health care education across four European countries, and findings on gaps, challenges and hurdles, (ii) aframework for knowledge, skills and competencies in digital assessments of teachers and learners in theory and practiceand (iii) digital micro-learning units to improve knowledge, skills and competency of teachers and learners to deal withdigital learning and assessment formats. To address specific aspects of digital assessment, two concrete innovativeexamples of digital assessment will be produced in the project: (i) video-based assessment using AI including digitalbadge and (ii) a digital toolkit for peer-assessment and feedback. The desired impacts at local level are enhanced digitalskills and the availability of digital assessment tools for education- and practice-based teachers and learners. Theenhanced digital skills and assessment tools will be available well beyond the current Covid-19 pandemic. All IntellectualOutputs produced within this project are transferable to other education programmes and to various (healthcare) skills.The European cooperation within the project offers special opportunities to drive innovation in healthcare educationthrough exchange of ideas between the project countries, development of a shared competency framework for digitalassessment, development of transnational learning units and creating innovative formats and tools to be used in differenteducational contexts throughout Europe. The flexibility of the methods and tools developed in this project will also beattractive to health care professionals and various students internationally. The AHEAD project will produce outputs andonline resources which are open source. The completed project outputs will be transferable to other organisations outsideof the participating partner organisations. A summary of the project will be available on the Erasmus results system. Theinnovative pedagogical and digital learning and assessment approaches utilised in this project will stimulate discussionamong stakeholders and might encourage more organisations to develop and implement flexible digital assessmentmethods.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101126545
    Funder Contribution: 4,708,800 EUR

    The European Master in Lexicography (EMLEX) is targeted at students who show an avid interest in working with dictionaries and online lexicographic resources. The EMJM-EMLEX provides an international and interdisciplinary degree in Lexicography. The master's programme focuses on building expertise in theoretical and practical Lexicography, Digital Humanities, Language Technologies, Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence directed towards the needs of a changing digital and global society. The distinguishing features of the EMJM-EMLEX are its international orientation, the interaction between theory and practice, the promotion of multilingualism (languages of instruction: German and English + acquisition of other European languages), innovative approaches to teaching and learning, as well as a comprehensive mobility plan and a close link to private and social sectors. Admission requirements are a bachelor's degree in study fields such as Humanities, Language Technologies, Computational Linguistics and good knowledge of German and English. The duration of the programme is 4 semesters (120 ECTS): the 1st semester focuses on fundamentals of Lexicography, languages and soft skills. The 2nd semester is an obligatory mobility semester at one of the HEIs. The 3rd semester is dedicated to advanced modules and the internship that is held in close collaboration with public and private sector institutions. The 4th semester is dedicated to the master's thesis. The Joint Degree will be awarded by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Université de Lorraine, Universität Hildesheim, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Budapest, Universidade do Minho, Università degli Studi Roma Tre und Ilia State University. The Degree Programme is supported by eight associated partner institutions and many academics from around the world.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 609719-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Funder Contribution: 967,805 EUR

    ESTA aims to improve the quality of Higher Education professional development of university science teacher educators staff towards teaching diverse sensitive methods in their courses. Thus, courses on diversity sensitive science teaching will be implemented in Georgia, the Philippines, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Starting from the needs analysis linguistic and cultural diversity is major focus here. In phase one, preparation will be done by Academic Staff Tour of Partner institutions in Program Countries. Second phase is development of courses following Action Research and CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach, their implementation and evaluation. Innovative here is the interdisciplinary development of the courses, where educators from science disciplines develop their teaching methods cooperatively with educators from language, general pedagogy and intercultural education departments. Thus, different competences and skills will be combined. Both pre- and in-service teachers should be reached by the courses and the knowledge and skills about diversity science teaching should be shared. Following new teaching and learning materials for diverse science classes will be developed and implemented. This aims improving learning outcomes. Developed courses will be implemented at the partner institutions and promoted at the regional and national level among decision makers and policy makers. All new teaching and learning as well training materials will be offered at the ESTA website in the meaning of OER and will be evaluable not only to the participants of the courses but also to other interested pre- and in-service science teachers. Thus, possibilities of internationalization and networking is given.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 561589-EPP-1-2015-1-IE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Funder Contribution: 999,045 EUR

    The wider objective of the project is to lay the foundation to instill peace oriented mind-set in Georgian society through education. The proposal aims to develop graduate curricula in Peace Studies at 4 HEIs in Georgia. Specific objectives are the following: (1) to provide targeted Georgian faculties with capacity development measures to enable them to meet European standards aligned with Bologna process; (2) to implement Peace Studies modules integrated in relevant academic programs at Georgian partner universities; (3) to equip Georgian universities with modern learning resources; (4) to provide wide opportunities for Georgian students by offering them internship and EU research mobility programs; (5) to establish the Institute for Peace Studies on the premises of Caucasus University and build a networks among the universities; (6) to promote peace studies research by conducting International Peace Conference in Tbilisi and launching scholarly journal in Peace Studies; (7) to further raise awareness and understanding of peace processes in conflict-affected regions of Georgia by conducting training for regional university students. These objectives will be achieved through producing the principal outputs and during the lifetime of the project, it will have impact on 16 Georgian professors whose capacity will be increased through study tours and collaboration with 8 European colleagues; 400 potential beneficiary students who will be offered the opportunity to complete Peace Studies courses (4 new and 12 upgraded existing courses); 32 students’ skills and competences increased who will be selected for internships in Georgia (16 students) and for research mobility programs in EU (16 students); 80 regional university students awareness concerning peace processes will be raised through 4 regional training cycles in conflict-affected areas; about 100 stakeholders informed about project outcomes through International Peace Conference, Project launch and final conferences.


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