Understanding the complex interactions and dynamics of multiple quantum particles within large networks is an extremely challenging task, but doing so reveals the underlying structure of an enormously diverse range of phenomena. Therefore, a reliable platform to investigate complex quantum network dynamics, which incorporates the rich interplay between noise, coherence and nonclassical correlations, will be an extremely powerful tool. Classical optical networks have been widely used to simulate a broad range of propagation phenomena across many disparate areas of physics, chemistry and biology, based on coherent interference of waves. At the quantum level, the quantized nature of light – the existence of photons – gives rise to bosonic interference effects that are completely counter-intuitive. Yet, to date, quantum network experiments remain very limited in terms of the number of photons, reconfigurability and, most importantly, network size. Here, we propose time-multiplexed optical networks, in combination with tailored multi-photon states as a new platform for large-scale quantum networks. Our approach allows us to emulate multi-particle dynamics on complex structures, specifically the role of bosonic interference, correlations and entanglement. To achieve large networks sizes, we will develop novel decoherence mitigation strategies: programmable noise, topologically protected quantum states and perpetual entanglement distillation. This approach will blend ideas from solid state physics, random media and quantum information and communication in order to pursue the following three objectives: 1. Demonstrate noise-assisted entanglement distribution 2. Demonstrate nonclassical states on topological structures 3. Demonstrate perpetual distillation of entanglement within a network These objectives target the overall goal to understand the role of multi-particle quantum physics in complex, large-scale structures harnessing time-multiplexed photonic networks.
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Software systems pervade our personal and professional lives, yet their insecurity threaten our society. To assure that software systems are dependable and secure, one must reason about their code. Static program analysis enables such reasoning. It can be applied to individual software components, and it can show not only the presence but also prove the absence of bugs and vulnerabilities. Yet, to be useful to software developers, static analyses must be adapted to the context in which they are used. Studies show that poorly adapted analyses slow down rather than assist development. They report large sets of false warnings that distract developers from actual bugs, which the analyses often miss. They often run so long that results are reported when they are already outdated. SOSA’s main research hypothesis is that one can generate precise and efficient static analyses of software systems by making static analysis self-aware and self-optimizing. With SOSA, a static analysis conducts analyses and optimizations not just of programs but of itself. This is a groundbreaking paradigm shift: no previous research has regarded complex program analyses themselves as the primary object of automated analysis and optimization. SOSA will introduce, for the first time, static analyses whose execution is not pre-defined by their creators but is inherently self-adaptive. In result, analyses automatically adapt themselves to yield a performance/precision tradeoff that is optimal with respect to how the analysis is deployed and which program it analyzes. With SOSA, static analyses will report true and relevant warnings at minimal analysis time without requiring manual optimizations by end users. SOSA will boost progress in the field of program-analysis research, mapping the landscape of static-analysis optimizations and how and where they are best applied. By enabling software developers to optimally deploy static analyses with ease, SOSA will help secure millions of software systems.
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Metasurfaces that mimic artificial order in matter have recently opened an exciting gateway to reach unprecedented properties and functionality for the modification of light propagation. The artificial “atoms” and “molecules” of the metasurface can be tailored in shape and size, the lattice constant and inter-atomic interaction can be precisely tuned. Furthermore, using symmetry and polarization state properties topological Berry phase effects can greatly enhance the functionality of such surfaces. This project sets to explore the revolutionary physics of nonlinear optical Berry phase metasurfaces, covering nonlinear optical frequency generation and wave dispersion engineering as well as real-time reconfiguration of nonlinear optical properties. Novel unique nonlinear optical properties of metasurfaces that arise from their specific topological configurations open up exciting new venues for device development in the fields of all-optical data processing, optical meta-nanocircuits, phase conjugating perfect mirrors, and background-free nonlinear holography. The project will investigate the possibilities of strongly enhanced nonlinear light-matter interaction and novel nonlinear optical processes that are based on nonlinear topological Berry phase effects coupled to inter- and intersubband transitions of novel 2D materials. Single layers of transition metal dichalcogenides will allow reconfigurable nonlinear optical properties by changing the valley band transitions. The proposal covers the development of innovative large scale fabrication technologies, fundamental investigations of the origin and the design of effective nonlinearities, experimental characterizations, as well as device development. The findings of the project based on highly nonlinear reconfigurable metasurfaces based on symmetry and topological effects will impact interdisciplinary research fields including condensed matter physics, optoelectronics and biophotonics.
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Optical measurements are fundamental to experimental science and observations of nature. At the single photon level, superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) are well-established as the gold standard in measurement, due to their near-unit efficiency, negligible noise and ultrafast response. Building SNSPD arrays and simultaneously extracting intensity, spectral and spatial resolution from a device at the single photon level will revolutionise astronomical measurements, spectrometry in chemistry and life sciences, and quantum imaging. Key to unlocking this potential is to marry concepts from detector tomography with robust high-yield detector fabrication, the integration of complementary optical technologies and low heat-load scalable readout schemes. QuESADILLA tackles these challenges head-on, with a series of experiments demonstrating the groundbreaking potential of quantum detector engineering. In contrast to engineering quantum states of light for metrology, QuESADILLA will shift that paradigm by engineering the quantum mechanical response of the detector itself. QuESADILLA introduces the concepts of a modal decomposition of the positive operator valued measure (POVM), and quantum-enhanced POVM engineering in low-light applications. To do so, arrays of SNSPDs in combination with lithographically-written etalons and dielectric coatings will be developed, in concert with state-of-the-art scalable approaches to large scale quantum tomography. QuESADILLA will exceed the state of the art in many areas: performing the first modal decomposition of detector tomography and the largest tomographic reconstruction of a quantum detector; the first demonstration of quantum detector engineering using nonclassical ancilla states; the first demonstration of etalon array reconstructive spectrometry with single photons; and exploit the fastest electronic shutter speed of any optical sensor to enable the highest dynamic range detection of continuous illumination.
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The target of the research program, GreenOnWaterCat, is to revolutionize the understanding of green “on-water” catalysis and to unravel its microscopic origin. To enable these goals to be reached, several novel theoretical methods will be developed and implemented that will enable for unprecedented large-scale quantum molecular dynamics simulations, where both the electronic and nuclear Schrödinger equations are solved simultaneously. In addition, these methods will also allow the efficient computation of various state-of-the-art vibrational spectroscopies “on-the-fly”, at essentially no additional computational cost. Furthermore, new analysis techniques permit to assign the spectra and explain their correlation with the atomic structure in order to gain invaluable insights and eventually grasp the relationships between the dynamics and structure of “on-water” catalysis and vibrational spectroscopies. Since the latter offers a convenient connection to experiment, the unique results are of utmost value in order to explain the experimental findings. In consequence, new synthetic processes based on the “on-water” phenomenon will be proposed and investigated. The expected results will be most helpful so that water will soon become not only a viable, but also very attractive solvent in the design of novel synthetic processes and to make it even more useful for industrial applications. Beside the development and implementation of novel computational methods, which will be made publicly available, the additional outcomes expected are as follows: • To conclusively explain the underlying mechanism of the “on-water” rate phenomenon for the first time • To elucidate the experimental measurements and characterize the corresponding atomic structure • To propose novel synthetic processes which exploit the “on-water” concept, such as catalysis at the organic/metal oxide interface • To investigate the possibility of “on-water” catalysis using two water-insoluble solid reactants
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