Currently, Dairy Wastewater (DW) is seen as a major global problem, difficult and expensive to treat and potentially very harmful to the environment as it contains high amounts of organic and inorganic content. The current treatment methods (physicochemical and conventional) are energy-intensive and don’t sufficiently remove the nutrients. But, with the high amount that is produced worldwide: 0.2‒10 L wastewater/ L of milk processed; this is potentially a valuable resource that, if utilized appropriately, can provide high-value green chemicals and biofuel. Therefore, a new cost-effective method for the treatment of DW along with the generation of valuable biomass needs to be developed. In this context, AlgalBB proposes the concept of biorefinery for the substantive treatment of DW via microalgae, coupled with biodiesel and bio-succinic acid (SA) production. These objectives will be pursued through 1) The designing of a microalgae consortia that can remediate DW to achieve a zero-waste process and generate lipid/carbohydrate-rich algal biomass; 2) The green synthesis of magnetic nanocatalyst for developing a low-cost, efficient method for in-situ transesterification for wet algal biomass to produce biodiesel; 3) Development of multienzyme magnetic nanocatalyst for efficient enzymatic hydrolysis to recover fermentable sugars from algal biomass; 4) Immobilization of fermentative bacteria for fermentation of sugars into SA. The interdisciplinary AlgalBB will apply cutting edge biology tools to complete the aforesaid objectives. AlgalBB adopts a circular economy approach that directly addresses clean water, clean energy; actions established by the EU Horizon Work Programme and will support the competitiveness of European biorefineries. The acquisition of transferable skills through AlgalBB will increase my employability in industry and especially in academia, allowing me to establish myself as an independent researcher and reach a professor position within 5-10 years.
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In the BOB project, the role of bacteriocins in shaping oral biofilms will be investigated by moving a Spanish researcher currently working in Ireland to the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides produced by bacteria primarily known as killer peptides, and producing bacteria protect themselves expressing dedicated immunity proteins. The rise of whole-genome sequencing has revealed the presence of a large number of incomplete bacteriocin gene clusters in bacteria, and specifically, the presence of unpaired bacteriocin immunity genes. Little is known about the social role of bacteriocins and immunity genes. By using state-of-the-art bioinformatics, advanced genetic engineering techniques, biofilm assays and microscopy, BOB will interrogate how these components involve in microbe-microbe interactions during the formation of oral biofilms. First, an in silico analysis will give an overview of bacteriocin associated genes in oral streptococci. By construction of isogenic mutants and fluorescence labelling of strains, a set of biofilms will be studied to explore the role of these genes in biofilm formation. Initially, a biofilm model will be optimized using a known bacteriocin-producer and biofilm-forming Streptococcus mutans. Further the significance of unpaired immunity bacteriocin genes both in a mono and a mixed streptococcal biofilms will be examined. To gain a deeper understanding of how bacteriocin and immunity genes are regulated in oral biofilms, transcriptional reporters and RNA-seq will be performed. During the project, I will receive high-quality training through research that will significantly improve and complement my scientific knowledge and provide a strong platform for building an independent research career. The knowledge and competencies gained will help me achieve professional maturity and prepare me for a role as an independent researcher in the field of microbiology.
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The water resources and especially the drinking water in Europe and globally face new challenges with the emerging micropollutants, originating from pharmaceuticals, personal care products, plastics, flame retardants, etc. Even though they present in extremely low concentrations and do not exhibit acute toxicity to living organisms or environment, the long-term effects are uncertain. The water and wastewater treatment plants do not fully remove or eliminate them; thus, they accumulate in the water resources leading to higher concentrations increasing the health and environmental risks. Hence, the revisions of the EU drinking and wastewater directives are anticipated to require monitoring and control of these substances. However, that poses a challenge to the water utilities in Europe; The current analytical and monitoring systems of detection of these compounds at low concentration are expensive, time-consuming and usually complicated. Current studies have only reported the fate of these substances during various treatment processes but not on how to optimise them to maximise removal. To solve this problem, we would like to combine the expertise of the host research group and fellow applicant—the group of prof. Ratnaweera has experience in the development of real-time control and monitoring systems, while the fellow applicant is specialised in the analysis and removal of emerging contaminants during treatment processes. Thus, the global objective is to develop novel, cost-effective and simple to use surveillance system that would also enable the optimising of the removal of emerging contaminants in water. The concept will be developed and verified in collaboration with Norwegian and European water utilities addressing their needs and concerns.
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Currently, 28.2% of the total EU-28 greenhouse gas emissions come from the power sector, a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, the emphasis of the research in power generation has swung towards assessing highly efficient and greener power cycles. In this reference, the novel supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle (sCO2-BC) is an ideal choice that outstrips other formally well-known power cycles (Brayton & Rankine cycles). In sCO2-BC, the role of the pre-cooler is critical. It serves as a sink to the power cycle and regulates the conditions at the compressor's inlet. The compressor's inlet temperature is intended to be maintained close to the critical temperature of carbon dioxide (CO2) to achieve greater cycle efficiencies. However, exceptionally higher values of the specific heat capacity of CO2 near its critical point (up to 40 times higher than water) require exceedingly high water flow rates on the cold side to achieve the desired exit temperatures of CO2. Consequently, the pre-cooler's pumping power requirements become high enough to deteriorate the cycle's performance. This problem can only be mitigated by exploring new channel geometries with enhanced thermohydraulic characteristics. Therefore, the proposed study plan to characterize the complex thermohydraulic characteristics in the pseudocritical region of CO2 using a multifaceted technique that includes, experimental, numerical, and machine learning techniques. The proposed work will provide a step forward to the success of sCO2-BC technologies that, in turn, will facilitate its integration with the green energy resources (generation-IV nuclear reactors and solar concentrated plants), helping to meet the EU's 2030 climate and energy framework goals of achieving at least 32% share for renewable energy.
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