Cities have always been a primary destination for transnational migrants, and are therefore invariably a location where different cultures meet and interact, but where also social conflicts take place and where creativity and political reforms are located. Currently, Europe’s urban societies are confronted with massive new challenges: the trend toward urbanisation will continue; existing infrastructures are likely to collapse; economic crises increase the risk of social fractions; and political conflicts and economic disparities reinforce migratory movements that lead to heterogeneity, fragmentation and social polarisation especially in big metropolitan areas.Existing occupational fields concerned with management of urban areas have not been able to sufficiently respond to these trends. On the one hand, academia is only partially able to cope with these intercultural challenges and to develop solutions for them; on the other hand, there is a need to improve the career opportunities of graduates not only in cultural, but also in social studies by updating existing fields of study and adjusting them in a sustainable way.In light of the foregoing, the SP aimed to create the institutional conditions necessary for the education of skilled experts in the area of new “urban dynamics.” Clearly, an increased emphasis must be put on conducting interdisciplinary work at the interface between the social sciences and humanities. At the same time not only networking between institutions in Europe is required, but also other actors from other regions must be involved, since sustainable solutions need to consider also transcontinental ties.In order to realise the goals of the SP, two Latin American partners were integrated into the project. Since the urbanisation in Latin America is experiencing dynamic trends, the local population is facing specific problems. For this reason, the SP benefitted from the knowledge exchange of creative and innovative action of approaches that often move between formal and informal dynamics.In this regard, two key goals were pursued: On the one hand, a strategic goal, in which a networking and on knowledge and services based SP was established and promoted that can be used for further activities beyond the funding period. Moreover, the aim was to establish a network of contacts that continues to exist over the long term. On the other hand, education-oriented goals that are of sustainable value for universities were of major importance. Specifically, the SP succeeded in (1) generating and sharing new knowledge about global “urban dynamics” as well as general professional expertise that promotes employability and (2) creating interdisciplinary and international learning modules with specific relevance to professional fields. The UD Programme was primarily addressed to interested MA students and postgraduates in both the humanities and social sciences, including in particular those studying urban and spatial studies. Furthermore, within the idea of service-learning social demands and concerns were established and examined by active dialogue (expertise, good practice) with local partners that have socio-cultural relevance (e.g. municipal officials; developers; investment promotion agencies). In addition, the general public (panel discussions, study trips) was involved.In total, some 5,000 people (350 in limited-enrolment activities) and over 20 institutions in five countries gained from the accomplished activities. Network-oriented events were among the activities planned by the SP, including a kick-off event, a final project presentation, an interdisciplinary symposium, and international workshops. Besides the idea of developing and applying teaching material that uses blended learning material, the promotion of participants in international professional internships that deal with “urban dynamics” played a key role. Methodologically, the SP contained the following elements: (1) International exchange and transdisciplinary cooperation; (2) The development of intercultural teaching material that made use of blended learning concepts; (3) Career-oriented curricula that enabled dialogue with professionals; (4) A dynamic feedback structure that allowed the educational process to be directly revised and improved. In sum, the SP made a fitting, up-to-date contribution to vocational fields that deal with urban issues – fields that have gained increasing importance within the scope of current urbanisation trends. The SP also increased the international employability of the participating students, fostering also their socio-cultural entrepreneurship. In this way, the SP had positive social and political impacts beyond the aim of increasing intercultural awareness. The spread of cultural knowledge helps one to critically assess policy decisions, to promote socio-cultural tolerance and understanding, and to creatively leverage the potential of urban spaces.
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All the information is available in the Google Drive link: project has successfully achieved to promote the access and inclusion of different vulnerable groups in Latin American HEIs. Its main objectives have been: -Modernising and improving the services provided by Latin American HEIs to support social and educational inclusion. -Providing the different university stakeholders (Academic and non-academic staff, Governmental bodies, etc.) with the requested tools for students’ upskilling to favour their inclusion in a university context.The consortium was composed of 11 institutions from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Italy, Portugal, Germany, and Spain. All partners were committed to guarantee an everlasting cooperation that has been particularly ensured by the official creation of the SOLIDARIS Network, and the arrangement of multiple bilateral cooperation agreements at governance, research and academic level. The project has been led by University of Seville, technically coordinated by its Department of Social Pedagogy. The main project outcomes of the project were:-Definition of a common framework of 6 key competences for educational, social and labour inclusion of students. -State of play of each involved university with regards the accomplishment of measures to guarantee the acquisition of the abovementioned key competences for inclusion. -Development and testing of a self-assessment tool of students’ competences.-Design of a training pathway to support those students -Development of an online platform to ensure the sustainability and transferability of the training developed. -Creation of the Trainers’ guideline to deliver the training (Available also online). -Training for teaching and non-teaching staff involved on students’ inclusion processes.- Establishment of permanent offices in LA HEIs to give support to all University community to enhance inclusion. -Creation of an international network about social inclusion in a university context that will facilitate a space for debate, reflexion and development of common proposals. -International Publication about Inclusive Universities with contributions from all partners’ HEIs. -Modernisation of some University equipment addressed to the Community Support Offices. Even though the COVID 19 pandemic was an obstacle to finalise some activities, organizing face to face events and allowing partners to travel, it was also an opportunity to reach other results, such as: -Reaching a bigger and more international audience through the organization of virtual training and dissemination activities. -Reinforcing the online platform (WEBQUEST) and the interaction among trainees. -Raising awareness of the importance of digitalisation as other key aspect to guarantee a full inclusion at university. -Creation of an International online Congress about Inclusive Universities (CIUIS).
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