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Belarus is in the process of building nuclear power generation with two reactors envisaged: construction of the first will be completed this year, construction of the second will finish in 2020. Higher Education in nuclear safety and radiation protection will be of utmost importance, hence appropriate curricula need to be developed and set in place. Aim of this project is the development of curricula at the Master level, in line with Bologna principles, to be accredited by the Ministry of education and adopted throughout the Country. To this aim, a number of Belarusian University, covering practically all the regions of the Country, have been involved in the project, and will serve both as developers and as “testing facilities” for the new curricula. The EU Universities involved all have a long-lasting and deep experience in the field, and have developed in the past their own curricula in the field. The expected results will be innovative two-year study program, including a special attention to practical training effected with a two prong approach: new, up to date didactic laboratories to be set up in all the Belarusian partner HEIs; traineeships in institutions and companies active in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection. Special attention shall be focused on “training the trainers”, i.e., professional instruction and internship for the teachers-to-be. Ideally, a first generation of teachers will be formed during the three years of the project, and this first group of fully trained teachers will continue the work raising the new generations of instructors. The end result will be a Country-wide education framework in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection. The impact on the Country is quite clear: the capability of handling the new nuclear industry safely and effective; the wider impact for Europe will be that a newcomer in the nuclear industry can be trusted to be capable to manage its nuclear potential.
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Striving to reform Belarus high education system according to the Bologna process, the Ministry of Education of Belarus set the target for HEIs to reform curricula from the existing system “5 plus 1” to the system “4 plus 2”, which should comply with the Bologna system principles. However, decreasing a training period from 5 to 4 years for physics specialists causes a certain risk providing an impact on the labor market, because it is a challenge for research institution and enterprises due to supply of specialists with a qualification different from that of the previous graduates. The project will upgrade master-level education in the field of physics (functional nanomaterials and photonics, applied physics, etc.) in four universities of Belarus according to Bologna practices in physical science, to enhance the quality and relevance of education by modernizing study programs, focusing on the use of ICT, and through networking activities to the labour market needs. The main results:• Developed, tested and formally approved curricula for master-level in physical sciences in accordance to labour market needs basing on Bologna practices• Developed didactic materials (e-Books, guides for laboratory works, lecture synopsis, etc.) for upgrading master-level education in the field of physical sciences • Readiness for transition from existing “5 plus 1” to a new training system “4 plus 2” (4 years for bachelors and 2 years for master students study)Learning and teaching methodologies, including learning outcomes and ICT based practices (flexible learning, blended courses, virtual and real mobility, practical placement, etc.) will be developed and validated during the project. Labour market needs will be taken into account. Modernized master-students study programs with 2-years training cycle will be tested during two years: one year during the project, the second year after the project will be finished. The curricula will be in English, Russian and Belorusian.
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Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are electronic systems, components and software that are interacting with physical systems and their environment providing capabilities to sense, monitor, analyze and control devices, components and processes in various fields of application. The CPS are able to deliver cross-domain solutions with reduced time-to-market, yielding significant economic results and growth in sectors critical to Europe's economy and competitiveness and drive innovation to cope with the ‘new digital transformation’ of Europe.The project will introduce a novel curricular in practical-oriented modelling and simulation CPS for innovative physical, mathematical and engineering topics for High-Tech industries based on analysis of labour market needs, in close cooperation with the professional associations, High-Tech companies and research institutions of Belarus and Ukraine. The main results:- Developed, tested and formally approved curricula for BCs and MCs in accordance to labour market needs based on Bologna practices- Developed didactic materials (e-Books, guides for laboratory works, lecture synopsis, etc.) - Modern infrastructure with innovative ICT based teaching and learning environment for improvement qualifications and skills in the area of modelling and simulation of CPS (e-library and Shared Modelling and Simulation Platform)- Learning and teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches for use of ICT: flexible learning, blended courses, virtual and real mobility, acquisition of innovative tools - Highly qualified teaching staff, familiar with modern needs, educational technologies and targeting needs.-University - enterprise network that works beyond the projectThe long-term impact of CybPhys implies as: - Increased employability of the graduates. - The companies and research institutions in the field of CPS of Belarus and Ukraine become more competitive internationally.The curricula will be in English, Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian.
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