“Innovative education in the medical and health sciences for improved teaching strategies on the health needs of pregnant and postpartum women” is a project addressed at women during pregnancy and confinement, students of medical courses, doctors, journalist propagating health issues as well as students and their parents in relation to health prophylaxis programmes.The project is inspired by the need for constant upgrades in the modern didactic methods, better adjustment to the needs of the society and the economy, increasing the quality of education, boosting the attractiveness of teaching on medical and health sciences courses, expanding and grounding the occupational and scientific professionalism of students. This project completes the KA 203 Strategic Partnerships project entitled “Education programme for students of medical and health sciences faculties in the field of conservative treatment of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction” (project no. 2018-1-PL01-KA203-051055), executed in collaboration with the University of Cadiz (Spain) and Gabriele d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). It is the answer to the contemporary health protection needs of pregnant and postpartum women. As a result of the innovative outcome of intellectual work, an interactive platform will be established to serve as a modern and flexible system of online communication. Every person interested in such issues will be able to access concrete information in the form of advice, pointers, medical novelties, photo galleries, online courses, instructional videos, interactive lectures and a forum. The platform will be accessible at any time and place. This interactive platform for pregnant and postpartum women will be set up only by persons with professional links to medicine and a valid license for their practice: midwives, nurses, physiotherapists, doctors and paramedics. The topic of the project has been taken up by three partner universities: Opole Medical School (Poland), University of Cadiz (Spain) and Klaipėda University (Lithuania).A medical simulation method is employed in the project; it also used in teaching clinical skills as it creates a base for solving complex clinical situations and making appropriate decisions.Education via simulation perfectly matches the educational standards as it allows for:– reproducibility of procedures in an unlimited number of tries, depending onindividual needs, without unnecessary fear or stress on the part of students and their patients.– high-level preparation of students for reacting and commencing standard medical procedures under any circumstances.The result of the project lies in the desired modification of the currently developed educational programme in relation to the selected course of study, so it adapts to the specificity of particular medical professions. The permanence and efficiency of the project will be ensured in a long-term perspective, after its conclusion. Therefore, the project activities also point to the fact that the enterprise in an element of a large-scale competence support strategy at the university.The results of intellectual effort will be directly applied by the universitiesengaged in the project and used after its conclusion by, among others, – expanding the online platform with knowledge and competence of experts from other areas of medical sciences, health sciences and medicine– developing common and unified methods of prophylaxis in eliminating the modifiable risk factors for the pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, medical training and prophylaxis regarding ailments during pregnancy and after giving birth– writing an international handbook on the diversity of prophylactic and therapeutic measures during pregnancy and postpartum– conducting classes for medical and health sciences in the Medical Simulation Centres using phantoms– introducing a new subject for students of medical sciences on prophylactic and therapeutic measures during pregnancy and postpartum, along with a joint set of classes at the partner universities that would allow for a smooth exchange of lecturers, specialists and students to complete a part of their studies, gain professional practice or conduct classes.
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"""Education of students within the medical and health sciences - conservative treatment of pelvic floor muscle dysfunctions"" - was a project supporting students of medical sciences and health sciences, especially students of physiotherapy, nursing and midwifery, and the medical community, resulting from the health needs of an aging society in Europe. The subject of the project was undertaken by three partner universities: Opole Medical School (Poland), Università degli Studi G.D'Annunzio Chieti Pescara (Italy), Universidad de Cádiz (Spain). After the consolidation of Opole Medical School and the University of Opole in July 2020, the project was conducted by the University of Opole.Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) including faecal and urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse or the presence of chronic pelvic pain affects 25% of adult women worldwide, significantly reducing their quality of life. The aging of the population and the related predicted increase in the number of women reporting pelvic floor dysfunctions over the coming years lead to a need of better understanding of the problem, the rapid detection of risk factors causing PFD and the search for effective methods of conservative treatment.The most common symptom of PFD is urinary incontinence (UI), which is difficult to estimate because of its intimate nature. It is estimated that 5-69% of women and 1-39% of men have at least one episode of incontinence or loss of urine over a period of 12 months. The aim of the project was to develop by an international team of experts a subject in the field of conservative treatment in dysfunctions of pelvic muscles, based on the principles of Evidence Based Medicine, and to develop the international textbook dealing with the subject of PFD.The introduction of a new subject will supplement the knowledge among students and future medical staff in the field of manual therapy in pelvic floor dysfunctions, which will contribute to their increased attractiveness on the labor market. On the basis of an international project, partner universities introduced to the compulsory curriculum the subject and syllabuses of ""Conservative treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions"", which contains a number of standards characterizing the programmed subject. An additional advantage of the project was the involvement of physiotherapists, nurses, and midwives from three countries. It gave the chance to develop an adequate treatment and prophylaxis based on cooperation within therapeutic teams. At the same time, the developed curriculum has been modified depending on the field of study, so that it took into account the specifics of individual medical professions.An additional advantage of this project was the unification of manual techniques in the preventive treatment of pelvic floor muscle dysfunctions manifested by the UI and the unification of research methodology. Articles written on the basis of the project enriched the literature on this issue. A textbook is touching upon a problem such as anatomical bases, diagnostics in pelvic floor dysfunctions, palpation assessment, bioelectric activity assessment and passive rigidity of pelvic floor muscles, conservative treatment, manual therapies, physical therapies, electrostimulation and magnetic field stimulation as well as issues related to behavioral therapy.The durability and effectiveness of the project is ensured in the long-term perspective, after completion of the project."
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"""Interdisciplinarity, multiculturalism and non-standard situations - the use of medical simulation as an educational tool in the field of medical sciences and health sciences"" is a project aiming at supporting students of medical and health sciences, in particular nursing, obstetrics, medicine and medical background students. The project stems from the need to continuously modernise and upgrade the educational offer, adjust it to the needs of both the society and the economy, improve the quality of education, make education more attractive in the case of majors in medical and health sciences as well as to develop and strengthen occupational and scientific professionalism of students. The project addresses the need for educating students in a multicultural environment characterised by the presence of groups of various origin, following different normative systems and holding different religious beliefs, which have become common in the work with patients. Non-standard situations related to the work with patients happen on daily basis, where a health care professional has to deal with a given situation for the very first time. The project uses the medical simulation method intended for teaching clinical skills and forming the basis for solving complex clinical situations as well as making suitable decisions accordingly. In line with the applicable educational standards, students of medical and health sciences should acquire not only relevant knowledge, but also practical skills and social competences. Education in simulated conditions corresponds perfectly to the applicable educational standards, as it:- offers the opportunity to perform and repeat certain procedures depending on individual needs of a student, without fear or stress on the part of both the students and their patients;- makes students highly competent in terms of their skills necessary for communicating within a therapeutic team and cooperation within an interdisciplinary team;- makes students highly competent in terms of responding to non-standard and challenging situations and implementing standard medical procedures in such situations.The following three partner universities have agreed to jointly implement the project: Opole Medical School (Poland), Medical University in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic). The added value of the project is the joint involvement of experts in medical sciences, health sciences and cultural anthropology from the three partner universities. This provides an opportunity for developing the first international course book describing scenarios for working with patients in non-standard situations characterised by interdisciplinarity and multiculturalism. As a result of the project, the curriculums being developed will be modified, according to the major, in such a way as to make sure they reflect the specificity of particular medical professions. Sustainability and effectiveness of the project will be ensured in the long run. Therefore, the project specifies that its implementation will be a starting point for a long-term strategy of competence support at our school. The intellectual outputs will be used directly by the universities involved in the project, they will be also used after the project end through, inter alia, development of common procedures for working with patients in non-standard situations in the context of giving classes devoted to medical and health sciences at Medical Simulation Centres, incorporation into the course book, available in hard copy or digital form, containing scenarios used during classes given at Medical Simulation Centres, introduction of an obligatory course for students of medical sciences and an optional course for students of health sciences devoted to the procedures to be followed by a therapeutic team when dealing with patients in difficult and non-standard situations and with patients from different cultures, as well as a common area of courses offered at partner universities to facilitate easy exchange of academic teachers, experts and students."
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Drug abuse is a major social problem in Turkey and in the world. The most common and the most commonly produced illicit drug among all drugs is cannabis. In general, cannabis is not considered as much as other narcotics and is even regarded as harmless due to its vegetative nature. However, contrary to the general belief, cannabis use can lead to tolerance development and dependence after a certain period of time. Also, some research (Timberlake, 2009; NIDA, 2017) emphasizes that cannabis is a gateway to other drug substances in transit. Therefore, cannabis has an important relationship with other narcotic substances.In literature, many types of research show that many social, economic and political precautions need to be taken to solve the problem of using cannabis, which is seen as a transition to other drugs. The vast majority of users have started using cannabis in adolescence. Therefore, from adolescence, there should be studies informing about cannabis and especially the negative effects of it in schools and various institutions. This project aims to raise awareness of young people and reduce drug use for prevention of drug abuse. The focus of this project is young people between the ages of 15-18. The project has two stages: Firstly, it is planning to save addict teenagers and secondly protect non-addict teenagers from the drug market. For this reasons, there will workshops, online training module and cirriculum for educators and parents. Also there will be online training website so young people can take online open access courses for drug prevention and creating awareness on addiction. As Harran University is the coordinator of the project we have partners of Opole University from Poland, Oslo University from Norway, Istanbul University (Yeşilay Bağımlılık Merkezi) and Kastamonu University from Turkey as research/ scientific knowledge, Kaledar tech. companyas a social enterprise with its technological expertise for online software and movie and policy application institutes and ADJ from Portugal as an NGO. For this purpose, we will have meetings with our partners to build a module and organize several activities. As a resource, we will use the tools produced by SALTO-Net and we will then build our own tools. Also, another outcome of the project will be a short movie which will attract the attention of young people. There will also be intellectual outputs of the Project such as some academic articles, workshop, and online training course for young people, educators and parents and also a toolkit for the teachers in the high schools. At the end of this project, we are planning to make awareness and the impact of using cannabis on young people. At the same time, we will help to reduce drug abuse in Turkey in particular and in the world in general. If we are successful to make a module, we would like to share with the other countries to fight drug abuse. These sustainable results of the project will help NGOs, municipalities, and other institution to cope with this problem.
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"<< Background >>The contextual opportunity of the current project proposal arises primarily from the stringency to substantiate and improve the digital skills and competencies (basic and advanced) of both teachers and students along with the need for training in digital teaching methods for teaching staff, in accordance with the directions given by the EU Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, while fostering cooperation between all stakeholders.All four partner universities have common needs in terms of improving teaching-learning processes through digital tools through: the development of digital skills and competencies of teaching staff, transitioning from traditional towards innovative digital teaching practices, integrating blended learning methodologies, along with development of new digital practices and instructional design of the curricula in order to accommodate digital tools. Our project aims to tackle these complementary needs by developing an intensive teacher training programme geared towards substantiating and improving teaching staff’s digital skills and competencies, along with affixing beneficial changes in their running practices and methodologies through the organic integration of ICTs into learning processes, digital tools and practices as well as blended learning demarches. Moreover, at an organizational level, the partner universities shall update their teaching staff on the stringencies of digitalization, generating institutional progress and innovation. Also, developing international partnerships shall generate additional multiplying effects and future common demarches and projects. In addition, the partner universities and their communities would benefit from updating the current formal curriculum to better accommodate digital skills and a better correlation with the current labour market needs as well as training future generations of students in a progressive manner. Furthermore, in our demarches, through the intensive teacher training programme, considering the first target group’s needs, our project seeks to build and improve digital skills and competencies of teaching staff, in order to ameliorate its individual adaptability to new stringencies of digitalization, consolidating lifelong learning capabilities and generating a better correlation between instructional demarches and current context’s needs. Consequently, the entirety of the teaching and learning processes shall benefit from the project results for years to come.Additionally, a second target group would be the students, in need of a higher adaptability to digital advances in the field of finance as well as connecting them to the latest practices involving ICTs in finance, in a well-coordinated effort to increase their level of integration into the workforce, while building on life-long learning skills and professional resilience. Hence, through a modular approach of a three-year long summer school programme, our project seeks to capitalize on digital tools and digitalized instructional methodologies in order to substantiate high-grade digital skills and integrate efficient digital practices into the finance field by implying new technologies and specialized professional finance software, mending the local unemployment issue by tackling new paradigms in finance involving digitalfinance, behavioural and neurofinance by integrating them into a summer school curriculum that meets the current labour market’s needs. Moreover, the Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires (IHF) and Bold Technologies SRL shall highly benefit from the development of international partnerships, integration and collaboration with university networks. IHF would hold a substantial part in transferring knowledge from the field of neurofinance research to the applied and digitalized instructional activities, in order to develop relevant skills for students in accordance with the current labour market needs of the financial field.<< Objectives >>The project aims at two directions:- to develop digital skills for teachers to integrate in their curricula modern teaching methods that use digital technologies.- to develop the competencies of bachelor economics students in innovative fields of finance (digital finance, behavioral finance, neurofinance, financial simulations) and to integrate current softwares that are used in practice in their activity, for a better future insertion on labor market.The ReThink Finance project has 3 main objectives:O1: Development of digital skills and modern teaching methods for economics teachers.O2: Development of economics students' digital skills and integration of efficient digital practices into the finance field by making use of new technologies and specialized professional finance software through virtual and blended learning activities.O3: Adapting economics students' knowledge to the latest and innovative finance paradigms involving digital finance, behavioral finance and neurofinance to dynamically respond to the requirements of the working environment and to increase their level of integration into the workforce, while building on life-long learning skills and professional resilience.<< Implementation >>To achieve the objectives, ReThink Finance project will carry out the following main activities:(A) Project Management and implementation:A1 Establishing a Local Organizational Bureau/ dealing with administrative matters A2 Assesment criteria for student/staff selection (1st year)+selectionA3 Assesment criteria for student/staff selection (2nd year)+selectionA4 Assesment criteria for student/staff selection (3rd year)+selectionA5 Implementation, monitoring and control strategy for quality assuranceA6 Running a help desk during the application phaseA7 Disseemination Materials/Preparation of materials A8 First Report SubmittedA9 Interim Report SubmittedA10 Final Report Submitted(O) Project Results:O1 Elaboration of the curricula for the Intensive Training for Teaching Staff “Development of digital skills and modern teaching methods for economics teachers”O2 Elaboration of training materials for the Intensive Training for Teaching Staff “Development of digital skills and modern teaching methods for finance teachers”O3 Book of ""Good teaching practices in the digital era"", 100 pages.O4 Elaboration of the curricula for the summer school for economics students “FinTech: digital finance and blockchain”O5 Elaboration of training materials for the summer school for economics students “FinTech: digital finance and blockchain”O6 Elaboration of the curricula the summer school for economics students “From traditional finance to neurofinance”O7 Elaboration of training materials for the summer school for economics students “From traditional finance to neurofinance”O8 Finance Lab Pro - Virtual financial simulationsO9 Elaboration of the curricula for the summer school for economics students “Corporate valuation and financial simulations in global financial markets”O10 Elaboration of training materials the summer school for economics students “Corporate valuation and financial simulations in global financial markets”O11 Virtual valuation competitionO12 Book for students “Changing paradigms in finance – from traditional finance to digital and neurofinance” – 150 pagesO13 E-learning platformO14 Virtual training FinTech: digital finance and blockchain(C) Learning, Teaching, Training Activities:C1 Implementation of the Intensive Training for Teaching Staff “Development of digital skills and modern teaching methods for economics teachers”C2 Implementation of the Intensive Summer Programme for economics students “FinTech: digital finance and blockchain”C3 Implementation of the Intensive Summer Programme for economics students “From traditional finance to neurofinance”C4 Implementation of the Intensive Summer Programme for economics students “Corporate valuation and financial simulations in global financial markets”(E) Multiplier events:E1 ReThink Finance International Conference. An innovative approach in the research and study of digital and behavioral financeE2 ReThink Finance International Conference. An innovative approach in the research and study of digital and behavioral financeE3 ReThink Finance International Conference. An innovative approach in the research and study of digital and behavioral finance(M) Transnational project meetings:M1 Kick-Off MeetingM2 Intermediary Project Meeting 2M3 Intermediary Project Meeting 3<< Results >>By fulfilling the stated project objectives, we envisage the achievement of the following expected results and outcomes:INDIVIDUAL level:Ri1. Improvement of teaching staff’s digital skills and modern teaching methods which will lead to an improved and redesigned curricula regarding the digital teaching methods;Ri2. Improvement of students’ digital skills by integrating the use of financial software (Finance lab, FinBoard and Traderion) and databases (Thomson Reuters Eikon) used in practice;Ri3. Well trained and better informed students about new and innovative concepts in finance;Ri4. Open access to a e-Learning platform with current relevant information pertaining to topical finance trends;Ri5. Free access to an e-book devised to be a relevant support for theory & practice for the tackled finance topics;Ri6. Ensuring the smooth transition from education to the labor market by engaging students in activities that simulate real professional processes;Ri7. Good organizational ability and communication skills for students and teaching staff, acquired as a consequence of being exposed to an international consortium.ORGANIZATIONAL level:Ro1. Creation of qualitative, modern and interactive teaching, training and assessment curricula, materials and tools using relevant financial software and databases;Ro2. Improvement of teaching staff expertise in the use of digital technologies in teaching;Ro3. Developing a user-friendly e-Learning platform customized for each user category, aimed at facilitating access to quality Open Educational Resources on current paradigms in finance and topical economic realities, geared towards participants, students and professionals especially those from low-opportunity backgrounds or marginalised communities;Ro4. Elaborating an open-access e-book which will contain new information in the field of finance; Ro5. Access and use of a collaborative learning in virtual communities using ICT-based tools;Ro6. The possibility to implement the curricula elaborated within the project as study disciplines in the curriculum of the specializations in the field of Finance in the future;Ro7. Strengthened the international cooperation and nurturing the knowledge alliance between project partners."
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