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70 Projects, page 1 of 14
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 814918
    Overall Budget: 1,499,380 EURFunder Contribution: 1,499,380 EUR

    Smart city applications require pervasive and large-scale infrastructures, which include heterogeneous IoT devices and distributed information systems, thus posing interoperability and cost challenges. Interoperable solutions, exploiting fog/edge/cloud computing resources, are fundamental for fair competition, especially in public procurements, while costs savings are necessary to speed up the smart city innovation pace, by enabling more stakeholders to easily enter the market, especially SMEs. The Fed4IoT project faces the interoperability issue, focusing on large scale environments and addressing the problem at different and synergic levels: device, platform and information. The goal of the project is “Federating IoT and Cloud Infrastructures to Provide Scalable and Interoperable Smart Cities Applications by introducing novel IoT virtualization technologies” and will be pursued through the following steps: 1) select/integrate/improve existing IoT and cloud platforms, including oneM2M, FIWARE and 5G ETSI MEC, so as to establish a reference interoperability solution; 2) use such reference solution to build up a pool of federated IoT and fog/edge/cloud resources; 3) design novel device-level IoT virtualization technologies to create "IoT slices" formed by virtual IoT devices and computing resources, exploiting the federated resource pool; 4) support orchestration and programmability for optimal IoT virtual function deployment and Big Data processing; 5) integrate information coming from different IoT domains and other city sources; 6) integrate the system components. The project solutions will be technically validated by implementing four specific smart city applications, based on a federated EU/JP platform, deployed in real life systems in two EU and two JP cities. The Fed4IoT consortium will also actively support standardization activities (ETSI, oneM2M, ITU, ISO, etc.) and EU/JP initiatives (e.g., AIOTI and ITAC), where consortium members are already involved.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 766186
    Overall Budget: 2,060,350 EURFunder Contribution: 2,060,350 EUR

    The overall theme of our proposed doctoral programme is ECOLE: Experience-based COmputation: Learning to optimisE. It seeks novel synergies between nature inspired optimisation and machine learning to address new challenges that arise in industry due to the increasing complexity of products, product development and production processes. The unique aspect of ECOLE is to study and capture the notion of experience that is associated with expert engineers, who have worked on complex optimisation tasks for a certain time, in a computational framework composed of machine learning and optimisation strategies. We aim at developing cutting-edge optimisation algorithms that can continuously accumulate experience by learning from development projects both over time and across different problem categories. The more such algorithms are used for different optimisation problems, the better they become since their accumulated experience increases. The Consortium consists of two world-leading universities, the University of Birmingham (UK) and the University of Leiden (The Netherlands), both in the top 150 in the 2016-17 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and two innovative companies, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH (Germany) in the automotive sector and NEC Europe Ltd (UK) in the ICT sector. All have world-leading research groups with complementary expertise that support ECOLE. ECOLE fills an urgent need in Europe for highly skilled optimisation and machine learning experts who have first-hand industrial experiences allowing sustainable know-how growth for solving future challenges. Its entire training programme is centred around a set of novel research projects proposed for early stage researchers (ESRs), complemented by domain knowledge training, hands-on engineering training and transferable skill training. ESRs will spend 50% of their time in the non-academic beneficiaries and be trained in different academic environments and industrial sectors.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 101072924
    Funder Contribution: 2,706,470 EUR

    As the standardization of 5G wireless networks progresses, the research community has started focusing on what 6G will be. Motivated by the need of ensuring high data-rates, while at the same time saving spectrum, a major technology that has been proposed for 6G is the integration of communication and sensing services in the same infrastructure. This enables wireless networks to perceive the surrounding environments, triggering new services and leading to a more efficient use of resources. The INTEGRATE project focuses on the theoretical, algorithmic, and architectural foundations of integrated communication and sensing networks, developing the first open access network-level simulator for joint communication and sensing. To this end, a new implementation of wireless transceiver is proposed, which leverages the use of reconfigurable holographic surfaces and allows the integration of communication and sensing with remarkable performance while at the same time reducing the energy consumption. Specifically, INTEGRATE will: 1) Develop reconfigurable holographic surfaces capable of supporting joint communication and sensing tasks and that can be integrated in wireless transceivers with minimal cost and energy requirements. 2) Characterize the fundamental performance limits of integrated communication and sensing networks, developing an algorithmic framework and protocol suite to approach these limits. 3) Build the first open access software simulation platform for joint communication and sensing networks.

  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 607584
  • Funder: European Commission Project Code: 723076
    Overall Budget: 1,786,410 EURFunder Contribution: 1,326,410 EUR

    Data has been termed to be the „oil of the 21st century“. Data will also be what the smart city of the future runs on. To make this a reality, cities need a platform where data from a variety of sources – IoT and sensor data, open government data, social media, and other 3rd party data providers – can be processed, linked, and analysed in order to extract valuable information that in turn can also be provided as linked open data, and with which new types of services are created and provisioned. Both cities as well as private service providers can build novel applications and services on top of this platform; the platform thus becomes an economically valuable driver for Smart City Innovation. The main goal of this project is to develop such a City Platform as a Service (CPaaS) that can be federated to support regional or even global applications, and that forms the basis for a smart city data infrastructure. Technical challenges that need to be addressed include data provenance, data quality, adaptive privacy levels, policies and adaptive processes for distributing and deploying processing intelligence to the cloud or to the edge. Other important aspects include data governance, data management and the empowerment of the citizen to control access and sharing of data about her using a MyData approach. In addition to the development of the platform, several use cases in the domains of event and transport management, water management, and health emergency services will be implemented and validated with cities in Europe and Japan. Blue prints – both from a technical as well as from a process perspective – for these domains that can easily be transferred and adapted from one region to another will be developed. This will for example allow transferring the learnings from the Asian Winter Games 2017 to the Tokyo Olympics 2020. And finally, the results from the project are used to develop standardisation proposals in the related areas to ensure impact beyond the project.


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