doi: 10.35508/nukleus
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A research was conducted in order to evaluate perception of cattle processing product enterepreneurs about livestock agro-industry and some factors formulating the perception of the cattle processing product entrepreneurs about the livestock agro-industry. Beside that this research also analyze the relationship between the factors formulating the perception and the perception of the cattle processing product entrepreneurs about the livestock agro-industry. The research sample comprises 20 respondents gained by applying puposive sampling method based on consideration that those entrepreneurs have any information deal with the research. According to the data analysis and results discussion, it can be concluded tha the cattle processing product entrepreneurs have good perception about the livestock agro-industry in Kupang Town. The factors that influence the perception of the entrepreneurs and which has a significant correlation in positioning the perception were kind of agro-industry, age, level of education, experience, income, social environment, stimulant intensity, include demand. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mengetahui persepsi pengusaha produk olahan hasil ternak sapi tentang agroindustri peternakan. Tujuan lainnya adalah untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor pembentuk persepsi pengusaha produk olahan hasil ternak sapi tentang agroindustri peternakanlam penelitian ini juga akan menganalisis hubungan faktor pembentuk persepsi dengan persepsi pengusaha produk olahan hasil ternak sapi tentang agroindustri peternakan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 20 responden dengan menggunakan purposive sampling, yaitu sampel dipilih berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa pengusaha tersebut mempunyai informasi yang dibutuhkan. Berdasarkan analisis data dan pembahasan hasil penelitian yang telah dikemukakan dapat disimpulkan hal-hal untuk menjawab permasalahan sebagai berikut: Persepsi pengusaha produk olahan hasil ternak sapi tentang agroindustri peternakan di Kota Kupang termasuk kategori baik. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi pengusaha terhadap agroindustri peternakan di Kota Kupang dan memiliki keeratan hubungan dalam menempatkan persepsi adalahjenis usaha, usia, tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman,pendapatan, lingkungan sosial, intensitas stimuli dan permintaan.
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The aimed of this study was to determine the effect of Curcuma xanthorrhiza meal 0%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1% on the efficiency of protein use (protein consumption, protein intake, body weight gain and protein efficiency ratio (REP). Twelve castration male pigs aged 3 months with an average body weight of 33.8 kg (CV = 23%). This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with four treatments and three replications. The treatment diets namely: R0 (100% basal diet without curcumin meal), R1 (basal diet + 0.5% curcumin meal), R2 (basal diet + 0.75% curcumin meal and R3 (basal deat + 1% curcumin meal). The results showed that the addition up to 1% had no significant effect on ration consumption, protein consumption, protein utilization and PER (P <0.05). It was concluded that the addition up to 1% curcuma meal could not increased protein efficiency on growing pigs.
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The research was undertaken to study the effect of frozen semen distance from liquid nitrogen surface during handling on spermatozoa quality of PE goat. Thirty straws of PE goat frozen semen was allotted into six treatments i.e. T0 (control, straws submerged in liquid nitrogen), T1 to T5 based on distance of straws to liquid nitrogen surface were 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm. Variables measured were motility, viability, and abnormality of spermatozoas. The results showed that PE goat frozen semen exposed in different distance to liquid nitrogen surface decreased (P<0.05) motily and viability of spermatozoas and had no effect (P>0.05) on abnormality of spermatozoas. The motily and viability was decreased in T4 and T5. In conlusion, exposing PE goat frozen semen from liquid nitrogen surface at 15 cm or less for 5 min maintain the quality of spermatozoas.
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The present study aimed at evaluating the production and economic performances of Bali cattle fattened on traditional system. Seventeen farmers and thirty six cattle were randomly interviewed and observed, respectively. The collected data were analyzed for the average and standard deviation. 12 forages species were used to fatten Bali cattle in traditional system. Feed compositions were calculated in % fresh weight as followed: Leucaena leucocephala 85.2 ± 13.13; Sesbania grandiflora 5.49 ± 7.31; Ficus sp 2.92 ± 6.2; Musa paradisiacal stem 2.52 ±4.22; Acacia leucophloea 1.33 ± 3.79; Manihot utilisima stem 1.17 ±3.04; Brousonetia papyritera 0.52 ±1.18; Timonius timun 0.38 ±0.97; Hibiscus rosasinensis 0.37 ±1.06, and Melochiaum bellata 0.28 ±0.70. The average of daily feeds offered to cattle were: 19.923 ± 6.44 kg. It can be concluded that majority feeds offered to cattle were forages as protein sources, however still below the daily nutrients requirement. Therefore, it is recommended that additional of edible feeds are required to meet the animal needs. ABSTRAK Suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi botani dan jumlah pemberian pakan sapi bali penggemukan pada kondisi peternak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adaah metode survey (wawancara dan observasi). Sebanyak 17 orang peternak sebagai responden dan 36 ekor ternak sapi penggemukan diambil secara acak untuk observasi. Data dianalisis dengan menghitung rataan dan simpangan baku. Hasil analisis data diperoleh bahwa komposisi botani (persen dasar bahan segar) yaitu lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala)85.2 ± 13.13, turi (Sesbania grandiflora ) 5,49± 7,31, beringin (Ficus sp ) 2,92 ± 6,2, batang pisang (Musa paradisiacal)2,52 ±4,22, kabesak (Acacia leucophloea ) 1,33 ± 3,79, batang ubi kayu (Manihot utilisima) 1,17 ±3,04, kname/babui (Brousonetia papyritera) 0,52 ±1,18, timo (Timonius timun)0,38 ±0,97, kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosasinensis) 0,37 ±1,06, dan busi (Melochiaum bellata ) 0,28 ±0,70; Rata-rata jumlah pemberian pakan 19,923 ± 6,44 kg/ekor/hari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa komposisi botani didominansi oleh hijauan pohon sebagai sumber protein dan dengan jumlah pemberian pakan yang cukup akan tetapi belum memisahkan bagian edibel dan non edibel sehingga berpotensi pada pertambahan berat badan yang rendah.
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The Study aimed to analyze 1) the contribution for pig farmers in household economy and 2) factors that effect the income of pig livestock business in increasing household economic income in Kuwus Subdistrict of West Manggarai Regency. Trial Method used is a purposive sampling in Kuwus Subdistrict. The sample determinant method was done randomly to get 20 respondents and respondents criteria the farmers pig experience at least 5 (five) years. Variables evaluated is analysis of the contribution of pig farming business to the total economic income of pig farmers' households and factors influencing the analysis business pig farm. The percentage for pig farmers against the contribution economic income household for a pig farmer in Kuwus Subdistrict West Manggarai 30.03 % with a total their income as much as Rp. 10,401,158.29/years or equivalent to Rp. 2,886,373.75/month. The factors that affect a domineering manner in economic income household for pig farmers is ownership of cattle swine, non-pig farmer income, and non-farm income while factors that significantly is age of the farmer and the widespread ose of agliculture land.
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Grassland area must be managed and record existing condition doe to as a source of cheapest feed and easy to find out. The aim of this study was to measure production, botanical composition and carrying capacity of forage in native grassland area at early dry season. This study was carried out in Maubokul village, Pandawai sub district, district of East Sumba. Forage production measured by actual weight estimate method with 1m x 1m of frame as tool utilization. Data collected than analyzed to find out production, botanical composition and carrying capacity of forage in native grassland. Statistical analysis showed that the value of Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) was 84.4% for grass, 15.6% for legume and 0% for weeds. Dry matter production was 1.866,8 kg/ha with carrying capacity value was 1.05AU/Ha/year. As a conclusion that grassland area at Maubokul village was dominated of grass and carrying capacity was high.
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Meat is a food product that is easily spoiled if it is not processed/preserved immediately after being harvested. One way to process meat is by smoking it. The purpose of this study was to know the chemical quality of goat se’i using lime juice, ginger juice and a combination of lime and ginger juice. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) 4×4, were allotted in this experiment. The four treatments were P₀ = Control, P₁ = Addition of 15% ginger juice, P₂ = Addition of 3% lime juice, P₃ = Addition of 15% ginger juice + 3% lime juice. The results of this study stated that ttreatments were significant difference (P<0.05) on antioxidant activity and the best was in a combination of 3% lime + 15% ginger (P3). The treatments were not significant difference (P>0.05) on fat content, protein content, fat oxidation (TBA) . It was concluded that taddition of 3% lime juice or 15% ginger and their combination in se’i goat increased the antioxidant activityand the best is in 3% lime + 15% ginger (P3).
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The experiment was conducted to improve the nutrients quality of rice bran fermented with Rhyzopus oligosporus. The culture used was pure culture and was initiated by rejuvenation of the culture on slanted agar. The method used was experimental using a completely randomized design (CRD) with a 3 x 3 factorial pattern with three factors, namely the first factor was the inoculum level of R. oligosporus 1, 2, and 3% (w/w) and the second factor was incubation time: 24 , 48, and 72 hours to form nine treatment combinations. The combination is L1T1; L1T2; L1T3; L2T1; L2T2; L2T3; L3T1; L3T2 and L3T3. The treatment was repeated three times to form 27 experimental units. Parameters measured were crude protein content, soluble protein, and phytic acid in fermented rice bran. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued with Duncan's test to compare between treatments. The measurement results concluded that the R. oligosporus inoculum level of 2% and incubation time of 72 hours (L2T3) affected the increase in crude protein content (10.88 to 14.27%), soluble protein (from 6.14 to 9.07%), and decrease phytic acid (5.48 to 2.27%).
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The aims of this research were to know the relationship between the the weight and body measurements at age of 12 weeks of crossbreds of three chicken types that were broiler, kate and sabu chicken. The relationship of body weight with the body measurements was used as a consideration for selecting the body weight. The research material was 30 tails of crossbreds with genotype composition was ½ broiler 1/4 kate ¼ sabu chicken. The method of research was experiment and directly weighting and measuring of the body measuremens. All chickens were given freely the same food and waters. The observed parameters were body weight, backbone length, chest circumference, shank circumference and wing span. Data was analized using the correlation analysis. Research results showed that the koefisien of correlation between chest circumference, backbone length, shank length and wing span with body weight were 0.62; 0.32; 031 and 0.20. Correlations between body weight and body measurements of chicken crossbreds with genotype composision ½ broiler ¼ kate ¼ sabu were positive.
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doi: 10.35508/nukleus
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A research was conducted in order to evaluate perception of cattle processing product enterepreneurs about livestock agro-industry and some factors formulating the perception of the cattle processing product entrepreneurs about the livestock agro-industry. Beside that this research also analyze the relationship between the factors formulating the perception and the perception of the cattle processing product entrepreneurs about the livestock agro-industry. The research sample comprises 20 respondents gained by applying puposive sampling method based on consideration that those entrepreneurs have any information deal with the research. According to the data analysis and results discussion, it can be concluded tha the cattle processing product entrepreneurs have good perception about the livestock agro-industry in Kupang Town. The factors that influence the perception of the entrepreneurs and which has a significant correlation in positioning the perception were kind of agro-industry, age, level of education, experience, income, social environment, stimulant intensity, include demand. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mengetahui persepsi pengusaha produk olahan hasil ternak sapi tentang agroindustri peternakan. Tujuan lainnya adalah untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor pembentuk persepsi pengusaha produk olahan hasil ternak sapi tentang agroindustri peternakanlam penelitian ini juga akan menganalisis hubungan faktor pembentuk persepsi dengan persepsi pengusaha produk olahan hasil ternak sapi tentang agroindustri peternakan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 20 responden dengan menggunakan purposive sampling, yaitu sampel dipilih berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa pengusaha tersebut mempunyai informasi yang dibutuhkan. Berdasarkan analisis data dan pembahasan hasil penelitian yang telah dikemukakan dapat disimpulkan hal-hal untuk menjawab permasalahan sebagai berikut: Persepsi pengusaha produk olahan hasil ternak sapi tentang agroindustri peternakan di Kota Kupang termasuk kategori baik. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi pengusaha terhadap agroindustri peternakan di Kota Kupang dan memiliki keeratan hubungan dalam menempatkan persepsi adalahjenis usaha, usia, tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman,pendapatan, lingkungan sosial, intensitas stimuli dan permintaan.
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The aimed of this study was to determine the effect of Curcuma xanthorrhiza meal 0%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1% on the efficiency of protein use (protein consumption, protein intake, body weight gain and protein efficiency ratio (REP). Twelve castration male pigs aged 3 months with an average body weight of 33.8 kg (CV = 23%). This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with four treatments and three replications. The treatment diets namely: R0 (100% basal diet without curcumin meal), R1 (basal diet + 0.5% curcumin meal), R2 (basal diet + 0.75% curcumin meal and R3 (basal deat + 1% curcumin meal). The results showed that the addition up to 1% had no significant effect on ration consumption, protein consumption, protein utilization and PER (P <0.05). It was concluded that the addition up to 1% curcuma meal could not increased protein efficiency on growing pigs.
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The research was undertaken to study the effect of frozen semen distance from liquid nitrogen surface during handling on spermatozoa quality of PE goat. Thirty straws of PE goat frozen semen was allotted into six treatments i.e. T0 (control, straws submerged in liquid nitrogen), T1 to T5 based on distance of straws to liquid nitrogen surface were 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm. Variables measured were motility, viability, and abnormality of spermatozoas. The results showed that PE goat frozen semen exposed in different distance to liquid nitrogen surface decreased (P<0.05) motily and viability of spermatozoas and had no effect (P>0.05) on abnormality of spermatozoas. The motily and viability was decreased in T4 and T5. In conlusion, exposing PE goat frozen semen from liquid nitrogen surface at 15 cm or less for 5 min maintain the quality of spermatozoas.
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The present study aimed at evaluating the production and economic performances of Bali cattle fattened on traditional system. Seventeen farmers and thirty six cattle were randomly interviewed and observed, respectively. The collected data were analyzed for the average and standard deviation. 12 forages species were used to fatten Bali cattle in traditional system. Feed compositions were calculated in % fresh weight as followed: Leucaena leucocephala 85.2 ± 13.13; Sesbania grandiflora 5.49 ± 7.31; Ficus sp 2.92 ± 6.2; Musa paradisiacal stem 2.52 ±4.22; Acacia leucophloea 1.33 ± 3.79; Manihot utilisima stem 1.17 ±3.04; Brousonetia papyritera 0.52 ±1.18; Timonius timun 0.38 ±0.97; Hibiscus rosasinensis 0.37 ±1.06, and Melochiaum bellata 0.28 ±0.70. The average of daily feeds offered to cattle were: 19.923 ± 6.44 kg. It can be concluded that majority feeds offered to cattle were forages as protein sources, however still below the daily nutrients requirement. Therefore, it is recommended that additional of edible feeds are required to meet the animal needs. ABSTRAK Suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi botani dan jumlah pemberian pakan sapi bali penggemukan pada kondisi peternak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adaah metode survey (wawancara dan observasi). Sebanyak 17 orang peternak sebagai responden dan 36 ekor ternak sapi penggemukan diambil secara acak untuk observasi. Data dianalisis dengan menghitung rataan dan simpangan baku. Hasil analisis data diperoleh bahwa komposisi botani (persen dasar bahan segar) yaitu lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala)85.2 ± 13.13, turi (Sesbania grandiflora ) 5,49± 7,31, beringin (Ficus sp ) 2,92 ± 6,2, batang pisang (Musa paradisiacal)2,52 ±4,22, kabesak (Acacia leucophloea ) 1,33 ± 3,79, batang ubi kayu (Manihot utilisima) 1,17 ±3,04, kname/babui (Brousonetia papyritera) 0,52 ±1,18, timo (Timonius timun)0,38 ±0,97, kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosasinensis) 0,37 ±1,06, dan busi (Melochiaum bellata ) 0,28 ±0,70; Rata-rata jumlah pemberian pakan 19,923 ± 6,44 kg/ekor/hari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa komposisi botani didominansi oleh hijauan pohon sebagai sumber protein dan dengan jumlah pemberian pakan yang cukup akan tetapi belum memisahkan bagian edibel dan non edibel sehingga berpotensi pada pertambahan berat badan yang rendah.
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The Study aimed to analyze 1) the contribution for pig farmers in household economy and 2) factors that effect the income of pig livestock business in increasing household economic income in Kuwus Subdistrict of West Manggarai Regency. Trial Method used is a purposive sampling in Kuwus Subdistrict. The sample determinant method was done randomly to get 20 respondents and respondents criteria the farmers pig experience at least 5 (five) years. Variables evaluated is analysis of the contribution of pig farming business to the total economic income of pig farmers' households and factors influencing the analysis business pig farm. The percentage for pig farmers against the contribution economic income household for a pig farmer in Kuwus Subdistrict West Manggarai 30.03 % with a total their income as much as Rp. 10,401,158.29/years or equivalent to Rp. 2,886,373.75/month. The factors that affect a domineering manner in economic income household for pig farmers is ownership of cattle swine, non-pig farmer income, and non-farm income while factors that significantly is age of the farmer and the widespread ose of agliculture land.
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