We analysed ambulatory case records of all patients dialysed in 7 hemodialysis centers of Kaunas region during the year 2002 (n=186). Separate analysis of 42 diabetic patients was performed and compared with non-diabetics. Mortality was higher in diabetic patients in comparison with non-diabetics (22.5% and 7.3%, respectivelly; p<0.01). The mean number of associated diseases was 3.0±1.2 per diabetic patient. Disability status was worse in diabetic patients (p<0.01). Hospitalization rate of diabetic patients was 1.5 hospitalizations per patient-year at risk, length – 27.3 days per patient-year at risk; duration of one hospital stay was 18 days. The most frequent causes of hospitalization: infections (33% of all hospitalizations), diabetes complications (20%) and cardiovascular pathology (18%). Due to infections diabetic patients on hemodialysis were treated in hospital at longest. In incident diabetic patients (n=16) late referral was observed in 50% of patients and hemodialysis was started through central venous catheter. Starting hemodialysis diabetic patients were treated for longer periods in hospital than non-diabetic patients (duration of one hospitalization – 40.6±24.4 and 21.3±10.4 days, respectively; p<0.001).
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2004-2005 m. Lietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institute tirta keturių veislių introdukuotų juodųjų serbentų (R. nigrum L.) genėjimo būdų įtaka augumui, derliui ir uogos masei per pirmuosius dvejus metus po genėjimo. Genėjimas paskatino augti juodųjų serbentų, išskyrus Öjebyn, nulinius ūglius. Nelygu genėjimo būdas, jų užaugo 40-70% daugiau negu negenėtų uogakrūmių. Antraisiais metais po atjauninamojo genėjimo Titania ir Öjebyn juodieji serbentai užaugino perpus mažiau skeletinių šakų. Atjauninamasis genėjimas pirmaisiais metais sumažino derlių. Nupjovus krūmus 15-20 cm aukštyje, atsinaujinusiųjų krūmų derlius sudarė 16-50%, nupjovus iki pat žemės – 13-40% negenėtų uogakrūmių derliaus. Po atjauninamojo genėjimo juodųjų serbentų vidutinė uogos masė padidėjo 30%. After two years of pruning the influence of pruning methods of four blackcurrant (R. nigrum L.) cultivars on growth vigour, productivity and berry mass were studied at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2004-2005. Different pruning methods induced blackcurrant shoot growth, except cv. Öjebyn. Depending on the pruning methods their growth was by 40-70% more vigour than without pruning. Titania and Öjebyn grew less twice branches after second year of pruning. First year after the pruning yield of blackcurrant decreased, because bushes became younger. After the pruning of 15-20 cm above the soil, yield of bushes reached 16-50%, above the soil – 13-40% of control (without pruning). The average berry weight after the pruning increased by 30%.
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Programiniai agentai leidžia automatizuoti užduočių atlikimą, supaprastina sudėtingos sistemos valdymą ir suteikia sistemai intelektualių savybių. Iš agentų sudarytos sistemos tapo nauja ir perspektyvia programų inžinerijos ir dirbtinio intelekto šaka. Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti programinių agentų kūrimo technologijų analizę ir nustatyti tinkamiausias priemones programiniams agentams integruoti į informacines sistemas kaip virtualius asistentus. Software agents give a possibility to automate tasks, simplifying the management of complex systems and provided intelligent features to the system. Systems with software agents become a new and promising branch of software engineering and artificial intelligence. The aim of this work is to investigate the software agents’ development technologies and integration tools according to various criteria and to identify the most suitable tools for integration of software agents like virtual assistants to the information systems.
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Gegužės 9-osios problema Lietuvoje 2005 m. pirmąjį pusmetį buvo bene svarbiausias užsienio politikos klausimas. Straipsnyje analizuojama, ar galima gegužės 9-osios problemą laikyti saugumo problema. Į problemą bandoma pažvelgti saugumizavimo teorijos ir pozityvistinių saugumo tyrimų požiūriu. Teigiama, kad gegužės 9-oji gali būti laikoma saugumo problema, nes, vertinant konstruktyvistiškai, ji buvo saugumizuota, tačiau vadovaujantis pozityvistiniais principais gegužės 9-osios problemos grėsmė nacionaliniam saugumui galėtų būti įvertinta tik kaip nedidelio intensyvumo ar net hipotetinė Reikšminiai žodžiai: Saugumizavimas; Komunikacinis saugumas; Gegužės 9-oji; Saugumas; Grėsmė; Saugumizavimo teorija Over the first half of the year 2005, a problem of May 9th was probably one of the most acute foreign policy issues in Lithuania. The article tries to find out whether the problem of May 9th can be considered a problem of national security. An attempt is made to regard the problem in terms of the security policy theory and a positive security research. It is believed that May 9th might be considered a problem of national security, because in terms of constructivism, it was included into security issues, but according to the principles of positivism, the threat of May 9th to the national security may only be considered of a low intensity or even hypothetical.
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Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in Lithuania. It is the fourth cancer in women according to the morbidity. The incidence rate of cervical cancer has been increasing in Lithuania since 1992. One of the important risk factor for cervical cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The aim of this study is to compare the prevalence of human papillomavirus among cervical cancer patients and women with cervical intraepithelial lesions and healthy women, to determine its types and HPV 16 variants. Polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing were used for analysis of specimens taken from cervix uteri. Human papillomavirus was detected in 92.7% of cervical cancer patients and in 26.7% of control women (p<0.0001). It is important to notice that prevalence of HPV in women with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions was higher than in the control group. HPV 16 (55.8% in squamous cell carcinoma patients and 35.3% in cervical adenocarcinoma patients) and its European HPV 16 L83V variant were detected more frequently in cervical cancer patients. Studies on HPV, prevalence of its types and variants are very important for HPV based preventive strategies, especially for the vaccination.
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popularity | Average | |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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Šio tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, kaip darbuotojai vertina gandus organizacijoje. Taikyta tyrimo duomenų rezultatų analizė, apdorojimo ir interpretavimo metodai, kiekybinio tipo apklausa bei mokslinės literatūros analizė ir sisteminimas. Sąvokos gandas apibrėžimuose akcentuojami skirtingi dalykai. Tai lemia mokslo sričių atstovų pozicija. Sociologijos požiūriu, pabrėžtini šie visuomenei svarbūs gandų funkcionavimo elementai: gando subjektai, socialinė aplinka, kurioje tie gandai plinta, gandų tipai ir įvairių socialinių grupių imlumas jiems, pagaliau – socialinės kontrolės galimybės. Svarbu nustatyti ir gandų kilimo bei funkcionavimo sistemą, jų socialinę organizaciją ir sklaidą, tačiau tai padaryti trukdo sunkumai, kuriuos lemia pati gando prigimtis. The aim of the research is to find out how the employees view rumours in organization. This research employs survey data results analysis, processing and interpretation methods, quantitative survey, and analysis and systematization of scientific literature. Definitions of rumours emphasize different aspects – this results from differences in viewpoints of scholars. Sociologically, the following components of functioning of rumours, which are important to society, are notable: subjects of rumours, social environment in which rumours spread, types of rumours, susceptibility of various social groups to rumours, and social control possibilities. It is also important to identify the system of origination and functioning of rumours, their social arrangement and spread, but this is hindered by difficulties caused by the very nature of rumours.
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The article introduces the theoretical dimensions of non-formal physical education at school as well as educational practice based on the empirical research results. The research revealed that the theoretical and practical aspects of the purpose of non-formal physical education at school bore essential differences. In the educational process, personality is treated as the essential value; however, our research proves the statements of other authors expressing that the sports result remains the most important in this performance. On the practical level, the training of the physically strongest young adolescents for competitions and participation in them predominates. Development of non-formal physical education at school in this particular direction is being shaped by the regulations of Lithuanian Pupils’ Olympic Festival, departments of education in cities and districts, administration of comprehensive schools.
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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The article aims at specifying the biographical facts of the 18th century preacher of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Kiprijonas Lukauskas. Besides summing up the data from the biographic bibliographical sources and investigations, the author once again assesses the document referred to by Jurgis Lebedys, i.e. the visitation acts of the 1796 from the Ukmergė deanery, preserved in the Archives of the Lithuanian State History. Due to the inaccurate interpretation of a sentence regarding the rector of Troškūnai, the year of birth used to be indicated as 1757 or 1752. The above-mentioned document contains information of Lukauskas being 39 years old at the time of the visitation in 1796, thus making it clear that he was born in 1757. Data concerning this priest is obtainable until 1798, when the last record in the christening book was made.
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Viena opiausių šiuolaikinės visuomenės problemų yra korupcija, kuri kaip pavojinga liga pažeidžia tam tikrus valstybės institutus. Daugelis žmonių korupcija vertina kaip neigiamą šešėlinės gyvenimo pusės reiškinį, bet kartu tą reiškinį dalis visuomenės toleruoja kaip „neišvengiamąjį blogį“, ypač jeigu tai paliečia tiesioginius jos interesus1. Viena ryškiausių korupcijos problemų – jos mastas. Viena vertus, remiantis įvairiais tyrimų duomenimis, Lietuvoje per metus turime dešimtis, o gal ir šimtus tūkstančių korupcijos atvejų, kita vertus, per metus teismai priima tik kelis šimtus nuosprendžių dėl tokių nusikalstamų veikų. Ši disproporcija negali būti paaiškinta vien tik šių veikų labai dideliu latentiškumu. Viena priežasčių gali būti susieta ir su neadekvačiu, nevienareikšmišku korupcijos, kaip tam tikro reiškinio apibūdinimu įvairiuose moksluose (sociologijoje, teisėje, kriminologijoje, kriminalistikoje ir kt.), ir kasdieniame gyvenime.
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We analysed ambulatory case records of all patients dialysed in 7 hemodialysis centers of Kaunas region during the year 2002 (n=186). Separate analysis of 42 diabetic patients was performed and compared with non-diabetics. Mortality was higher in diabetic patients in comparison with non-diabetics (22.5% and 7.3%, respectivelly; p<0.01). The mean number of associated diseases was 3.0±1.2 per diabetic patient. Disability status was worse in diabetic patients (p<0.01). Hospitalization rate of diabetic patients was 1.5 hospitalizations per patient-year at risk, length – 27.3 days per patient-year at risk; duration of one hospital stay was 18 days. The most frequent causes of hospitalization: infections (33% of all hospitalizations), diabetes complications (20%) and cardiovascular pathology (18%). Due to infections diabetic patients on hemodialysis were treated in hospital at longest. In incident diabetic patients (n=16) late referral was observed in 50% of patients and hemodialysis was started through central venous catheter. Starting hemodialysis diabetic patients were treated for longer periods in hospital than non-diabetic patients (duration of one hospitalization – 40.6±24.4 and 21.3±10.4 days, respectively; p<0.001).
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2004-2005 m. Lietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institute tirta keturių veislių introdukuotų juodųjų serbentų (R. nigrum L.) genėjimo būdų įtaka augumui, derliui ir uogos masei per pirmuosius dvejus metus po genėjimo. Genėjimas paskatino augti juodųjų serbentų, išskyrus Öjebyn, nulinius ūglius. Nelygu genėjimo būdas, jų užaugo 40-70% daugiau negu negenėtų uogakrūmių. Antraisiais metais po atjauninamojo genėjimo Titania ir Öjebyn juodieji serbentai užaugino perpus mažiau skeletinių šakų. Atjauninamasis genėjimas pirmaisiais metais sumažino derlių. Nupjovus krūmus 15-20 cm aukštyje, atsinaujinusiųjų krūmų derlius sudarė 16-50%, nupjovus iki pat žemės – 13-40% negenėtų uogakrūmių derliaus. Po atjauninamojo genėjimo juodųjų serbentų vidutinė uogos masė padidėjo 30%. After two years of pruning the influence of pruning methods of four blackcurrant (R. nigrum L.) cultivars on growth vigour, productivity and berry mass were studied at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2004-2005. Different pruning methods induced blackcurrant shoot growth, except cv. Öjebyn. Depending on the pruning methods their growth was by 40-70% more vigour than without pruning. Titania and Öjebyn grew less twice branches after second year of pruning. First year after the pruning yield of blackcurrant decreased, because bushes became younger. After the pruning of 15-20 cm above the soil, yield of bushes reached 16-50%, above the soil – 13-40% of control (without pruning). The average berry weight after the pruning increased by 30%.
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Programiniai agentai leidžia automatizuoti užduočių atlikimą, supaprastina sudėtingos sistemos valdymą ir suteikia sistemai intelektualių savybių. Iš agentų sudarytos sistemos tapo nauja ir perspektyvia programų inžinerijos ir dirbtinio intelekto šaka. Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti programinių agentų kūrimo technologijų analizę ir nustatyti tinkamiausias priemones programiniams agentams integruoti į informacines sistemas kaip virtualius asistentus. Software agents give a possibility to automate tasks, simplifying the management of complex systems and provided intelligent features to the system. Systems with software agents become a new and promising branch of software engineering and artificial intelligence. The aim of this work is to investigate the software agents’ development technologies and integration tools according to various criteria and to identify the most suitable tools for integration of software agents like virtual assistants to the information systems.
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Gegužės 9-osios problema Lietuvoje 2005 m. pirmąjį pusmetį buvo bene svarbiausias užsienio politikos klausimas. Straipsnyje analizuojama, ar galima gegužės 9-osios problemą laikyti saugumo problema. Į problemą bandoma pažvelgti saugumizavimo teorijos ir pozityvistinių saugumo tyrimų požiūriu. Teigiama, kad gegužės 9-oji gali būti laikoma saugumo problema, nes, vertinant konstruktyvistiškai, ji buvo saugumizuota, tačiau vadovaujantis pozityvistiniais principais gegužės 9-osios problemos grėsmė nacionaliniam saugumui galėtų būti įvertinta tik kaip nedidelio intensyvumo ar net hipotetinė Reikšminiai žodžiai: Saugumizavimas; Komunikacinis saugumas; Gegužės 9-oji; Saugumas; Grėsmė; Saugumizavimo teorija Over the first half of the year 2005, a problem of May 9th was probably one of the most acute foreign policy issues in Lithuania. The article tries to find out whether the problem of May 9th can be considered a problem of national security. An attempt is made to regard the problem in terms of the security policy theory and a positive security research. It is believed that May 9th might be considered a problem of national security, because in terms of constructivism, it was included into security issues, but according to the principles of positivism, the threat of May 9th to the national security may only be considered of a low intensity or even hypothetical.
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in Lithuania. It is the fourth cancer in women according to the morbidity. The incidence rate of cervical cancer has been increasing in Lithuania since 1992. One of the important risk factor for cervical cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The aim of this study is to compare the prevalence of human papillomavirus among cervical cancer patients and women with cervical intraepithelial lesions and healthy women, to determine its types and HPV 16 variants. Polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing were used for analysis of specimens taken from cervix uteri. Human papillomavirus was detected in 92.7% of cervical cancer patients and in 26.7% of control women (p<0.0001). It is important to notice that prevalence of HPV in women with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions was higher than in the control group. HPV 16 (55.8% in squamous cell carcinoma patients and 35.3% in cervical adenocarcinoma patients) and its European HPV 16 L83V variant were detected more frequently in cervical cancer patients. Studies on HPV, prevalence of its types and variants are very important for HPV based preventive strategies, especially for the vaccination.
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