207 Research products
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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: César Augusto Duque Vallejo; Gloria Matilde Ospina Hernández;

    Ante la crisis educativa en época de post-pandemia, las innovaciones escolares para promover competencias y aprendizajes multidisciplinares que permitan la transición de educación a distancia a presencialidad se hacen fundamentales. En este sentido, se usa como estrategia la construcción colaborativa de un BIO, para evidenciar los procesos formativos alcanzados por los estudiantes en las áreas de ciencias naturales, matemáticas, lenguaje y arte. Al respecto, se concibe un trabajo cooperativo desde matices transdisciplinares que entretejen escenarios, nociones y procedimientos de áreas como biología, física, educación física, lenguaje, arte, geometría analítica, estadística y ofimática con el contexto propio del estudiante que a su vez potencia las habilidades y destrezas individuales y el trabajo en equipo. La metodología investigativa se refiere a la sistematización de experiencias significativas, pues centra la atención en el desarrollo conceptual, procedimental y emotivo que evidencian los estudiantes a través de la construcción y socialización del BIO en forma grupal. Los métodos de recolección de datos proceden de la observación del trabajo realizado y el estudio de los productos de los participantes. Las técnicas de análisis tienen como base la observación de escenarios que permite demostrar la transformación interactiva en el aula, en cuyo resultado se constata el cambio de las relaciones presentes entre saber, docente, estudiante y aula. En las conclusiones se refleja la motivación generada en los estudiantes, la fácil transición de educación a distancia a presencial que permite el BIO, los aprendizajes profundos en las diferentes ciencias y la transformación de los espacios institucionales que propicia este tipo de prácticas.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2023
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: Datacite
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2023
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: ZENODO
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2023
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: ZENODO

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2023
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: Datacite
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2023
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: ZENODO
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2023
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: ZENODO

      This Research product is the result of merged Research products in OpenAIRE.

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Claudio Adán; Esteban Mavar; Ulises Bussi; Sebastián I. Arroyo;

    Código que acompaña al Trabajo Final de Ingeniería en Automatización y Control Industrial de Claudio Adán y Esteban Mavar, titulado "Detección y georreferenciación de vacantes de estacionamiento en la via pública", Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2019
    Data sources: Datacite
    Software . 2019
    Data sources: ZENODO

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2019
      Data sources: Datacite
      Software . 2019
      Data sources: ZENODO

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  • Authors: indeterminado;

    Edición de "Obras Completas I – Cuentos" de Julio Cortázar por Círculo de Lectores-Galaxia Gutenberg, proyecto dirigido por Saúl Yurkievich. Notas: Faltan una o varias líneas al final del artículo. Título de la publicación: El Día de Córdoba Tipo de publicación: Periódico digital Periodicidad: Diario

    Software . 2021
    Data sources: Datacite

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      Software . 2021
      Data sources: Datacite

      This Research product is the result of merged Research products in OpenAIRE.

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Martinez, Santiago; Ameigenda, Agustín; Barros, Brian;

    This replication package contains the software produced by the study described on the paper "Leveraging Zero Knowledge Proofs for Blockchain Interoperability: Experiences with Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric" submitted to the 50th Latin American Computer Science Conference (L CLEI 2024)

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2024
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: ZENODO
    Software . 2024
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: Datacite

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2024
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: ZENODO
      Software . 2024
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: Datacite

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Richmond Salazar, Esteban;

    ALGORITMO SIMPLEX para calculadoras Texas Instruments, modelos TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus y TI-Voyage 200 PLT, con opción de solución paso por paso y método de las dos fases (simplex dual) SIMPLEX ALGORITHM for Texas Instruments with Advanced Mathematics Software, like TI-89, TI-92[+], TI-Voyage 200 PLT, with STEPWISE option and dual simplex method. UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Ingeniería Química

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Repositorio Instituc...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Repositorio Instituc...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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  • El control electrónico del patrón de radiación de arreglos de altavoces (altavoces dispuestos en una line unos encima de otros) es deseable por múltiples motivos. Por un lado, permite adaptar el ángulo de radiación a cada necesidad de aplicación (salas de conferencia, iglesias, teatros, etc.), independientemente de cómo sea instalado en la pared (ángulo de inclinación). Por otro lado, si además del ángulo principal de radiación, somos capaces de modificar la apertura (el ancho del haz de radiación), conseguimos focalizar el sonido en las áreas de audiencia. Esto evita radiar sonido hacia zonas sin público, así como al techo y suelos, minimizando la reverberación del recinto y aumentando considerablemente la inteligibilidad de la palabra. Para conseguir esto, es necesario procesar electrónicamente de manera individuales cada uno de los altavoces que forman el arreglo, modificando su respuesta en magnitud y fase en función de la frecuencia, y por tanto la interacción que se realiza entre todos ellos, modificando así el diagrama de radiación del sistema conforme a las necesidades concretas de cada instalación audiovisual. El presente software aborda el control de la directividad vertical tanto en la modificación del ángulo principal de radiación como en su apertura de arreglos verticales de altavoces. Para ello, y en función de los parámetros deseados de radiación (ángulo y apertura), y de las propiedades físicas de los altavoces empleados y de su disposición física en el array, se diseña un filtro paso-todo (all-pass) individual para cada uno de los altavoces que introducen modificaciones en la interacción entre ellos conformando un nuevo patrón de directividad del array, todo ello con un bajo coste computacional. Esta solución requiere de un coste computacional muy bajo, adaptándose a cualquier sistema de procesado (DSP o microprocesador). Este software puede ser empleado tanto en altavoces tipo "columna" como en sistemas para grandes eventos tipo line-array hasta una frecuencia superior determinada en la que la radiación en agudos es controlada ya totalmente por los guía-ondas característicos de estos sistemas. Software registrado en la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia con referencia S-20348-2018 Software for control of directivity and coverage of loud speaker arrays. The electronic control of the radiation pattern of loudspeaker arrays (loudspeakers arranged one line above each other) is desirable for multiple reasons. On the one hand, it allows adapting the radiation angle to each application need (conference rooms, churches, theatres, etc.), regardless of how it is installed on the wall (inclination angle). On the other hand, if in addition to the main radiation angle, we are able to modify the aperture (the width of the radiation beam), we can focus the sound on the audience areas. This avoids radiating sound to areas without an audience, as well as to the ceiling and floors, minimising the reverberation of the enclosure and considerably increasing the intelligibility of the word. To achieve this, it is necessary to electronically process each of the loudspeakers that form the array individually, modifying their response in terms of magnitude and phase as a function of the frequency, and therefore the interaction that takes place between them, thus modifying the radiation diagram of the system according to the specific needs of each audiovisual installation. This software addresses the control of vertical directivity, both in the modification of the main angle of radiation and in the opening of vertical arrays of loudspeakers. To this end, and depending on the desired radiation parameters (angle and aperture), and the physical properties of the loudspeakers used and their physical arrangement in the array, an individual all-pass filter is designed for each of the speakers that introduce modifications in the interaction between them forming a new directivity pattern of the array, all at a low computational cost. This solution entails a very low computational cost, adapting to any processing system (DSP or microprocessor). This software can be used both in tower type loudspeakers and in systems for large line-array events up to a certain higher frequency in which the high-frequency radiation is already fully controlled by the waveguides characteristic of these systems. Registred Software at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) with reference S-20348-2018

    Software . 2018
    Data sources: Datacite
    Software . 2018
    Data sources: ZENODO

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      Software . 2018
      Data sources: Datacite
      Software . 2018
      Data sources: ZENODO

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Clara Llebot Lorente; Heladia Salgado Osorio; Rayna M Harris; Fernando Raya; +5 Authors

    release ahead of workbench transition

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2023
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: ZENODO
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2023
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: Datacite

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2023
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: ZENODO
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2023
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: Datacite

      This Research product is the result of merged Research products in OpenAIRE.

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Manuel Humberto Velarde Flores; Alexander Junior Monzon Montalvo; Cucho145U; Jorge Andre Salcedo Hurtado;

    Here you have the changes from Spanish to English and improves on the artifacts

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2021
    Data sources: Datacite
    Software . 2021
    Data sources: ZENODO

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2021
      Data sources: Datacite
      Software . 2021
      Data sources: ZENODO

      This Research product is the result of merged Research products in OpenAIRE.

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Trujillo, Julio; Martinez, Iveth;

    Se utilizó el paque R0 propuesto por Boelle & Obadia para estimar el número básico de reproducción de la epidemia actual en el país de Panamá. Se comparó los distintos métodos para la estimación de R0 y se proporciono ilustraciones para cada método. El código está incompleto, se debe ajustar y obtener mejores datos. Los métodos "Exponential Growth" y "Maximum Likelihood" estimaron el R0 en 1.79466 [1.738753, 1.853019] y 1.639301 [1. 550536, 1.731352] respectivamente. {"references": ["Boelle, P., Obadia., Th. (2015). Package 'R0'"]} Escrito en R

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2020
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: Datacite
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2020
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: ZENODO

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2020
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: Datacite
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2020
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: ZENODO

      This Research product is the result of merged Research products in OpenAIRE.

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

    Estacionalidad y tendencias en el clima y la vegetación de un fragmento semi-urbano de bosque seco en el municipio San Francisco, estado Zulia Por: JR Ferrer-Paris Los bosques secos de la cuenca del Lago de Maracaibo han sufrido una alta tasa de deforestación, fragmentación y transformación y se estima que sólo se mantiene el 12% de la cobertura original \citep{Portillo2012}. Uno de los fragmentos remanentes más emblemáticos está ubicado en el sector conocido como La Sibucara o Caujarito, a unos 20km al sur de la ciudad de Maracaibo entre los terrenos del Jardín Botánico de Maracaibo, la Base Aérea Rafael Urdaneta y el Aeropuerto Internacional "La Chinita". La situación de este fragmento es vulnerable pues tiene una extensión reducida, y está rodeado por una matriz de actividades intensivas (viviendas, infraestructura, ganadería, etc.), pero a la vez tiene un valor estratégico por su ubicación dentro de la Zona Protectora de Maracaibo, entre los municipios Maracaibo y San Francisco, y con un gran potencial de uso recreacional, educativo y científico \citep{reporteZPM}. El objetivo del presente estudio es caracterizar el clima y la fenología de la vegetación en este importante fragmento boscoso a partir de datos de estaciones climáticas y sensores remotos, a fin de sentar una linea base para estudios futuros. Los datos recabados permiten señalar tendencias temporales previas al año 2012, y que pueden ayudar a entender las transformación que ha sufrido la zona en el pasado reciente y que podría sufrir en el futuro cercano. If you use this software, please cite it as below.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2017
    Data sources: Datacite
    Software . 2017
    Data sources: ZENODO
    Software . 2021
    Data sources: ZENODO

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2017
      Data sources: Datacite
      Software . 2017
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      Software . 2021
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207 Research products
  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: César Augusto Duque Vallejo; Gloria Matilde Ospina Hernández;

    Ante la crisis educativa en época de post-pandemia, las innovaciones escolares para promover competencias y aprendizajes multidisciplinares que permitan la transición de educación a distancia a presencialidad se hacen fundamentales. En este sentido, se usa como estrategia la construcción colaborativa de un BIO, para evidenciar los procesos formativos alcanzados por los estudiantes en las áreas de ciencias naturales, matemáticas, lenguaje y arte. Al respecto, se concibe un trabajo cooperativo desde matices transdisciplinares que entretejen escenarios, nociones y procedimientos de áreas como biología, física, educación física, lenguaje, arte, geometría analítica, estadística y ofimática con el contexto propio del estudiante que a su vez potencia las habilidades y destrezas individuales y el trabajo en equipo. La metodología investigativa se refiere a la sistematización de experiencias significativas, pues centra la atención en el desarrollo conceptual, procedimental y emotivo que evidencian los estudiantes a través de la construcción y socialización del BIO en forma grupal. Los métodos de recolección de datos proceden de la observación del trabajo realizado y el estudio de los productos de los participantes. Las técnicas de análisis tienen como base la observación de escenarios que permite demostrar la transformación interactiva en el aula, en cuyo resultado se constata el cambio de las relaciones presentes entre saber, docente, estudiante y aula. En las conclusiones se refleja la motivación generada en los estudiantes, la fácil transición de educación a distancia a presencial que permite el BIO, los aprendizajes profundos en las diferentes ciencias y la transformación de los espacios institucionales que propicia este tipo de prácticas.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2023
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: Datacite
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2023
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: ZENODO
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2023
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    Data sources: ZENODO

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2023
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: Datacite
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2023
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: ZENODO
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2023
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: ZENODO

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Claudio Adán; Esteban Mavar; Ulises Bussi; Sebastián I. Arroyo;

    Código que acompaña al Trabajo Final de Ingeniería en Automatización y Control Industrial de Claudio Adán y Esteban Mavar, titulado "Detección y georreferenciación de vacantes de estacionamiento en la via pública", Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2019
    Data sources: Datacite
    Software . 2019
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2019
      Data sources: Datacite
      Software . 2019
      Data sources: ZENODO

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  • Authors: indeterminado;

    Edición de "Obras Completas I – Cuentos" de Julio Cortázar por Círculo de Lectores-Galaxia Gutenberg, proyecto dirigido por Saúl Yurkievich. Notas: Faltan una o varias líneas al final del artículo. Título de la publicación: El Día de Córdoba Tipo de publicación: Periódico digital Periodicidad: Diario

    Software . 2021
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      Software . 2021
      Data sources: Datacite

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Martinez, Santiago; Ameigenda, Agustín; Barros, Brian;

    This replication package contains the software produced by the study described on the paper "Leveraging Zero Knowledge Proofs for Blockchain Interoperability: Experiences with Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric" submitted to the 50th Latin American Computer Science Conference (L CLEI 2024)

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Software . 2024
    License: CC BY
    Data sources: ZENODO
    Software . 2024
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    Data sources: Datacite

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos ZENODOarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Software . 2024
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: ZENODO
      Software . 2024
      License: CC BY
      Data sources: Datacite

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Richmond Salazar, Esteban;

    ALGORITMO SIMPLEX para calculadoras Texas Instruments, modelos TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus y TI-Voyage 200 PLT, con opción de solución paso por paso y método de las dos fases (simplex dual) SIMPLEX ALGORITHM for Texas Instruments with Advanced Mathematics Software, like TI-89, TI-92[+], TI-Voyage 200 PLT, with STEPWISE option and dual simplex method. UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Ingeniería Química

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Repositorio Instituc...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Repositorio Instituc...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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  • El control electrónico del patrón de radiación de arreglos de altavoces (altavoces dispuestos en una line unos encima de otros) es deseable por múltiples motivos. Por un lado, permite adaptar el ángulo de radiación a cada necesidad de aplicación (salas de conferencia, iglesias, teatros, etc.), independientemente de cómo sea instalado en la pared (ángulo de inclinación). Por otro lado, si además del ángulo principal de radiación, somos capaces de modificar la apertura (el ancho del haz de radiación), conseguimos focalizar el sonido en las áreas de audiencia. Esto evita radiar sonido hacia zonas sin público, así como al techo y suelos, minimizando la reverberación del recinto y aumentando considerablemente la inteligibilidad de la palabra. Para conseguir esto, es necesario procesar electrónicamente de manera individuales cada uno de los altavoces que forman el arreglo, modificando su respuesta en magnitud y fase en función de la frecuencia, y por tanto la interacción que se realiza entre todos ellos, modificando así el diagrama de radiación del sistema conforme a las necesidades concretas de cada instalación audiovisual. El presente software aborda el control de la directividad vertical tanto en la modificación del ángulo principal de radiación como en su apertura de arreglos verticales de altavoces. Para ello, y en función de los parámetros deseados de radiación (ángulo y apertura), y de las propiedades físicas de los altavoces empleados y de su disposición física en el array, se diseña un filtro paso-todo (all-pass) individual para cada uno de los altavoces que introducen modificaciones en la interacción entre ellos conformando un nuevo patrón de directividad del array, todo ello con un bajo coste computacional. Esta solución requiere de un coste computacional muy bajo, adaptándose a cualquier sistema de procesado (DSP o microprocesador). Este software puede ser empleado tanto en altavoces tipo "columna" como en sistemas para grandes eventos tipo line-array hasta una frecuencia superior determinada en la que la radiación en agudos es controlada ya totalmente por los guía-ondas característicos de estos sistemas. Software registrado en la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia con referencia S-20348-2018 Software for control of directivity and coverage of loud speaker arrays. The electronic control of the radiation pattern of loudspeaker arrays (loudspeakers arranged one line above each other) is desirable for multiple reasons. On the one hand, it allows adapting the radiation angle to each application need (conference rooms, churches, theatres, etc.), regardless of how it is installed on the wall (inclination angle). On the other hand, if in addition to the main radiation angle, we are able to modify the aperture (the width of the radiation beam), we can focus the sound on the audience areas. This avoids radiating sound to areas without an audience, as well as to the ceiling and floors, minimising the reverberation of the enclosure and considerably increasing the intelligibility of the word. To achieve this, it is necessary to electronically process each of the loudspeakers that form the array individually, modifying their response in terms of magnitude and phase as a function of the frequency, and therefore the interaction that takes place between them, thus modifying the radiation diagram of the system according to the specific needs of each audiovisual installation. This software addresses the control of vertical directivity, both in the modification of the main angle of radiation and in the opening of vertical arrays of loudspeakers. To this end, and depending on the desired radiation parameters (angle and aperture), and the physical properties of the loudspeakers used and their physical arrangement in the array, an individual all-pass filter is designed for each of the speakers that introduce modifications in the interaction between them forming a new directivity pattern of the array, all at a low computational cost. This solution entails a very low computational cost, adapting to any processing system (DSP or microprocessor). This software can be used both in tower type loudspeakers and in systems for large line-array events up to a certain higher frequency in which the high-frequency radiation is already fully controlled by the waveguides characteristic of these systems. Registred Software at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) with reference S-20348-2018

    Software . 2018
    Data sources: Datacite
    Software . 2018
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