Phylogenetic tree generation from an alignment using neighbor-joining or UPGMA.
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V1 of the code and V6 and V8 of the ISG_CG analysis files
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Initial release of PCNportal
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This is a Gromacs port of the amber LIPID17 force field. To use this force field, the user can construct the lipid bilayer using Charmm-GUI and convert the atom names to the amber atom names using This port has also retained the modular feature of the LIPID17 force field, where the user can customise the head group or acryl chain and use pdb2gmx to construct the topology. The coordinate files for the amber lipids can also be obtained from the `gro` folder. The force field `lipid17.ff`, itp file `lipid17.itp` and a custom PI head group are all included in the attached compressed file. For the details of the generation and validation protocol, please consult the relevant Github page.
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The central hub for the collection of functional information on proteins with accurate, consistent and rich annotation. It consists of: UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (manually-annotated records and curator-evaluated computational analysis) and UniProtKB/TrEMBL (computationally analyzed records awaiting manual annotation).
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Public web server for graph-based analysis of biological networks that: analyses directed and undirected, weighted and unweighted heterogeneous networks of genes, proteins and microarray probesets for many eukaryotic genomes; integrates multiple diverse datasets into global networks; incorporates multispecies data; filters nodes and edges; detects gene modules from networks; interprets discovered modules.
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Database of phenotypes extracted from the scientific literature using text mining.
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Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS) is open source data management software for a cancer genome analysis workflow.
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This package contains methods to visualise the expression profile of genes from a microarray or RNA-seq experiment, and offers a supervised clustering approach to identify GO terms containing genes with expression levels that best classify two or more predefined groups of samples.
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Tool for predicting effects of variants for any genome in Ensembl or with genome annotation (via GFF). This includes vertebrates and also plants, fungi, protists, metazoa and bacteria. There is a web and a REST API version but the most powerful is the Perl script version. See McLaren et al., 2016, Genome Biology
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Phylogenetic tree generation from an alignment using neighbor-joining or UPGMA.
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V1 of the code and V6 and V8 of the ISG_CG analysis files
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Initial release of PCNportal
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This is a Gromacs port of the amber LIPID17 force field. To use this force field, the user can construct the lipid bilayer using Charmm-GUI and convert the atom names to the amber atom names using This port has also retained the modular feature of the LIPID17 force field, where the user can customise the head group or acryl chain and use pdb2gmx to construct the topology. The coordinate files for the amber lipids can also be obtained from the `gro` folder. The force field `lipid17.ff`, itp file `lipid17.itp` and a custom PI head group are all included in the attached compressed file. For the details of the generation and validation protocol, please consult the relevant Github page.
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The central hub for the collection of functional information on proteins with accurate, consistent and rich annotation. It consists of: UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (manually-annotated records and curator-evaluated computational analysis) and UniProtKB/TrEMBL (computationally analyzed records awaiting manual annotation).
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Public web server for graph-based analysis of biological networks that: analyses directed and undirected, weighted and unweighted heterogeneous networks of genes, proteins and microarray probesets for many eukaryotic genomes; integrates multiple diverse datasets into global networks; incorporates multispecies data; filters nodes and edges; detects gene modules from networks; interprets discovered modules.
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Database of phenotypes extracted from the scientific literature using text mining.
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