Nuevas modalidades de lectura y escritura son cada vez más solicitadas para la producción de conocimiento en el contexto contemporáneo. Así, este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las formas de interacción entre los estudiantes de las Licenciaturas Interdisciplinarias de la Universidad Federal de Bahía con Zotero, lo que contribuye a la alfabetización digital de estos estudiantes. Por lo tanto, se realizó una investigación cualitativa mediante un cuestionario y observación participante para la producción de datos. Los resultados de la investigación señalan la dificultad de los estudiantes para alfabetizarse en entornos digitales, especialmente en aquellos que requieren conocimientos previos de normalización que gestionan trabajos académicos como Zotero. Novas modalidades de leitura e escrita têm se tornado cada vez mais requisitadas para a produção de conhecimento no contexto contemporâneo. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as formas de interação dos alunos dos Bacharelados Interdisciplinares da Universidade Federal da Bahia com o Zotero, que contribui com o letramento digital desses estudantes. Portanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa utilizando questionário e observação participante para a produção de dados. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam a dificuldade dos alunos em se tornarem letrados em ambientes digitais, especialmente naqueles que exigem conhecimentos prévios de normatização que gerenciam os trabalhos acadêmicos como o Zotero. New ways of reading and writing appear in the contemporary context for the production of knowledge. This article aims to analyze the forms of interaction between the students of the interdisciplinary degrees of the Federal University of Bahia with Zotero, which contributes to the digital literacy of these students. For this, a qualitative investigation was carried out using a questionnaire and the observation of the participants for the production of data. The research results indicate the difficulty of students to become literate in digital environments, especially those that require prior knowledge of standardization for academic works such as Zotero.
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The use of computer-based instructional media at Vocational High School (SMKN) 3 Pariaman is still limited to a media presentation using power point. Along with the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT), a lot of software that can be used to create interactive learning media. The results of the preliminary survey of the implementation of learning system computer at SMKN 3 Pariaman shows that there are no teachers who use interactive learning media with Adobe Director software. ICT facilities and infrastructure such as computers, LCD projectors, and internet at SMKN 3 Pariaman existing one, but have not used optimally. Learning media is one important factor in improving student learning outcomes. The selection of learning media in accordance with the needs and characteristics of students can help students understand the subject matter. This research aims to produce an interactive learning media that valid, practical, and effective to help students to master the subject of System Computer.The research method used was R&D (research and development) by using 4D development model (define, design, develop and disseminate). The results showed that interactive learning media is valid based on the assessment of each aspect by the validator. interactive learning media is considered practical based on observation and responses teacher and student. This shows that, Interactive Learning Media otherwise effective use as a medium of learning in improving student learning outcomes.
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TFG de profesora becaria de la Universidad de Costa Rica The knowledge, professional skills and beliefs of mathematics teachers significantly influence their quality of teaching. Teacher education programs (TEPs) offer pre service teachers (PSTs) opportunities to acquire the knowledge and competencies they need to teach effectively. In Costa Rica, however, little is known about mathematics TEP content, quality, and outcomes, and there are no selection processes that assess the knowledge and aptitudes of teachers before they are hired. Recent reports have urged universities to update their TEPs to address the deficiencies observed in in-service teachers. This study reports on the characteristics of the mathematics TEPs in Costa Rica by investigating the TEP contents and teaching methods, the beliefs on mathematics education by the PSTs and teacher educators, and the relevant knowledge and competencies of the pre-service mathematics teachers at the end of their studies. The knowledge necessary for teaching mathematics has been studied by different theoretical frameworks (e.g., Ball et al., 2008; Carrillo et al, 2018) which consider the knowledge categories defined by Shulman (1986) about content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. However, professional competence in mathematics is integrated by the cognitive abilities and the affective-motivational characteristics. In this study the cognitive abilities component is approached with the Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics framework (Tatto et al, 2008) informed by Shulman’s (1986) categories of CK, PCK and general pedagogical knowledge. In addition, the affective component is studied considering the beliefs about the nature of mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning. The results of this dissertation are informed by qualitative and quantitative data, collected using the instruments of Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M) international study. The study was conducted in Costa Rica during autumn 2019 with participants from three public universities. In total, 80 future mathematics teachers in their last year of preparation and 19 teacher trainers collaborated as participants. Data from preservice teachers was collected using a paper-and-pencil questionnaire, while teacher educators answered an online questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the learning opportunities, the beliefs, and the performance of the participants in the items, was complemented with a content viii analysis of the solutions to the items to have a more holistic understanding of the question under study. The results showed that the TEPs taught more tertiary-level mathematics subject matter topics than mathematics education and general pedagogy topics using various methods such as lectures, pre-service teacher presentations, reading of related research, and solving math problems. They also taught instructional planning and assessment, but little critical and reflective skills to serve students from different backgrounds or to offer meaningful feedback. The TEPs trained PSTs well in applying skills but poorly in reasoning. In addition, significant weaknesses were observed in participants’ monitoring of their own work and in modeling solution strategies and connecting results for solving problems. Moreover, the PSTs and teacher educators had dynamic constructivist beliefs but neglected teacher-centered practices and mathematics as a set of rules and procedures. Besides, they believe that mathematics can be learned by everyone despite of their culture, gender, or background. This study revealed differences in the way TEPs distribute their topics and the teaching methods experiences they offer. Differences were also found in the performance of the preservice teachers at the different universities, especially in the items of mathematical content knowledge, although the number of the topics studied was not correlated with the participants' performance. This research has several contributions. First, it contributes to the knowledge gap about preservice mathematics teachers in Costa Rica, providing insights about where they stand at the end of their preparation programs, regarding knowledge and competencies for teaching mathematics, and what needs to be improved. It also reaffirms previous results about differences in TEPs but goes further pointing out how those differences are evident in the opportunities to learn and the preservice teachers’ knowledge. The study also makes visible the preservice teachers and teacher educators’ beliefs about mathematics nature, mathematics teaching, and achievement, which have been understudied in Costa Rica and Latin America. UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Educación
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Each year, cases about breast cancer are increasing rapidly. In Indonesia, proportion of breast cancer is reaching up to 28.7%. This highest score of breast cancer and its cases occurs because woman's lack of awareness in breast changing of its appearence until it's too late too be solved in higher stadium. One of the best way to reduce the case of breast cancer is by doing breast self examination (SADARI). This research is aimed to find the correlation between woman's knowledge about breast self examination (SADARI) and breast cancer with breast self examination practically on the students of private senior high school "Persatuan Amal Bakti 2 Helvetia Kabupaten Deli Serdang" in 2014. Based on its method, this research is an analytical survey by using cross sectional approach. Population of this research is 93 female students of grade-X and grade-XI in private school of Persatuan Amal Bakti 2 Helvetia Kabupaten Deli Serdang. All this population are functioned as sample. The result of data analysis shows that most of respondents do the breast self examination (SADARI) as 74.2 %. The knowledge about SADARI is less than 50.5%, and the knowledge about breast cancer is less than 44,1%. The result of his research by using chi-square shows that there is a correlation about the knowledge of breast self examination (SADARI) with the practice of breast self examination (SADARI) as p=0.009. The knowledge about breast cancer has the correlation with breast self examination in practice as p = 0.011. Encouraged to include a biology teacher gives knowledge about breast self examination and breast cancer when it is in the process of teaching and learning that is about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, breast cancer risk factors, things to consider when doing breast self examination at the right time. 111021065
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The article reveals the psychological aspects of the professional development of a future specialist and presents the results of an empirical study. The empirical study is focused on the analysis of the content of reflection by professors and students of the psychological characteristics of the professional formation of a future specialist. The ascertaining study covered 589 Ukrainian students, of course years from 1 to 6 (future psychologists, teachers, lawyers) and 487 Ukrainian professors. The following methods were used: survey, calculation of average values, ranking and comparative analysis. The content of the survey was identical for both samples of respondents, and assumed the subsequent comparison and analysis of the answers of students and professors. The study made it possible to establish the similarity of reflection by professors and students of types and factors of professional formation of future specialists. At the same time, a number of differences were identified in matters of motivation for professional choice, priority areas for becoming a professional, determinants of success, and obstacles to the professional formation of future specialists. The identified differences in the reflection of professors and students of the psychological characteristics of the formation of a professional expressively indicate gaps in the awareness of higher education professors and the average level of their competence regarding this issue. The empirical data obtained, including questionnaires as an effective diagnostic tool, can be used to improve the psychological competence of professors in order to improve the quality of their support for the professional formation of students.
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全国の教員養成系大学・学部における「特別支援教育関連授業」の開講実態に関する質問紙調査,また,三重大学教育学部における教諭免許取得必修科目「特別支援教育入門」に関する質問紙調査及びインタビュー調査を実施した。その結果,限られた授業時間数や少ない専任教員という種々の制約の中で「特別支援教育関連授業」が実施されている一方で,受講学生は「特別支援教育関連授業」を高く評価し,授業後の特別支援教育に対する興味関心も高まっていた。今後の課題として,国としての「特別支援教育関連授業」必修化の推進,大学における教科教育専門教員との連携推進,授業において必修とする内容の吟味と厳選が挙げられる。 The present study investigates the actual conditions of curriculum of special needs education in universities for training students to be teachers in Japan. The faculty members of teacher training university completed questionnaires. In addition, Mie University students who took anintroduction to special needs education class completed questionnaires and some of them were interviewed. The results showed that the faculty members of teacher training university made an effort for students under various restrictions. Additionally, university students satisfied these special needs education classes and were more interested in these fields after the class. These results suggest that these special needs education classes have special importance or significance for training students to be teachers. 研究課題/領域番号:22653118, 研究期間(年度):2010-2012 出典:研究課題「教員養成大学における特別支援教育関連授業の実践的構築」課題番号22653118(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (を加工して作成
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ispartof: Doctoral education in the 21st century: aims, challenges and ways forward location:University Minho, Portugal date:23 Oct - 23 Oct 2019 status: published
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Esta tese tem como objeto de estudo o sindicato enquanto instância de formação para o professor, procurando identificar as contribuições da participação sindical através de entrevistas sobre as trajetórias de vida de professores militantes, questionários aplicados aos membros da base e direção sindical em assembleias e observações dos fóruns ordinários e extraordinários promovidos pelo Sindicato dos Profissionais da Educação de Duque de Caxias (Sepe/Caxias). A escolha desse núcleo se deveu à sua história de 38 anos de lutas junto aos profissionais da educação da cidade. Foram entrevistados 15 professores de diferentes segmentos com mais de 5 anos de militância junto ao Sepe/Caxias, os quais relataram sua origem social, trajetória de formação, ingresso na docência e sua experiência sindical. Nos relatos, sobressaiu a origem humilde e pouco escolarizada e politizada das famílias desses sujeitos. A inserção deles na militância ocorreu via redes de sociabilidade, como grupos de jovens e participação nas comunidades eclesiais de base, onde os sujeitos são incentivados a agir sobre o mundo. Além disso, a universidade, a associação de moradores e o partido político aparecem como pontes de aproximação com o sindicato. Mediante crescente atuação junto ao movimento sindical, os sujeitos relataram construir novos olhares para a docência e para a sociedade, contribuindo para a construção de uma identidade docente mais crítica. Os questionários evidenciaram as repercussões do envolvimento sindical nas relações que se estabelecem na escola, ora tendendo ao rechaço, ora ao prestígio, o professor militante vê sua trajetória profissional marcada também pela sua trajetória sindical. Ao adotar a observação da participação dos professores nas suas reuniões mensais de representantes de escola, assembleias, fóruns, atos e outros espaços promovidos pelo sindicato, a pesquisa pretendeu compreender a atuação desses sujeitos nesse contexto social, apreendendo a dimensão formativa dos diferentes espaços e tempos organizados por essa instituição. No cruzamento dos dados, foi possível identificar dois tipos de formação no âmbito sindical. Aquela que se dá no dia a dia das ações entre os pares e aquela que é previamente organizada em função de um objetivo. A primeira se trata de uma formação político-sindical que se dá pela participação nas reuniões, conselhos, assembleias, atos e demais ações promovidas pelo sindicato; está ligada ao conhecimento dos direitos, à interação com a sociedade e à conscientização enquanto categoria docente. Embora seja voltada à ação coletiva, esse tipo de formação é de difícil mensuração, visto que age sobre os conhecimentos e experiências pessoais de cada participante. Portanto, sua aprendizagem varia de acordo com suas disposições anteriores e intensidade de atuação no movimento sindical. O segundo tipo é uma formação político-pedagógica, que segue um objetivo específico, quase sempre pedagógico ou funcional. Visa atender uma demanda imposta ao sindicato no contexto das lutas travadas pela melhoria das condições de exercício da docência. Para sua execução, recorre-se ao intercâmbio entre instituições, buscando a ajuda de especialistas acadêmicos. Por outro lado, aproveita-se também a experiência profissional dos membros do movimento sindical, tanto a acadêmica quanto a adquirida em outros espaços de militância. A tese aponta a importância dos sindicatos na formação dos professores, sobretudo em tempos de instabilidade democrática em que se acentua a precarização do magistério e avançam projetos de retirada de direitos e perda da autonomia docente. The purpose of this thesis is studying the syndicate as a training institution for teachers, seeking to identify the contributions of union participation to teaching through interviews on the life trajectories of militant teachers, questionnaires applied to members of the basis and the union leardership in assembly and observings of the ordinary and extraordinary forums promoted by the Union of Education Professionals of Duque de Caxias (Sepe/Caxias). The choice of this nucleus was due to its 38 – year history of struggles together with the education professionals at this city. Fifteen teachers from different school levels with more than 5 years of militant unionism were interviewed together with SEPE Caxias, which reported their social origins, formation trajectory, introduction in teaching and their union experience. In these reports the poor backgrounds, weekly schooled and less politicized families stood out. The introduction to militancy occurs through networks of sociability, as a young group and participation in the basic ecclesial communities, in which the subjects are encouraged to act in the world. Universities, residents associations and political parties also take important parts as bridges to approach with the union. Through a growing work with the syndical movement, the subjects report to create new perspectives for teaching and society, contributing to the construction of a more critical teaching identity. The questionnaires highlighted the repercussions of union involvement in the relations established at school, sometimes tending towards rejection, or prestige, the militant teacher sees the professional trajectory also marked by his/her union trajectory. The aim of this study was to understand the role of teachers in their monthly meetings of school representatives, assemblies, forums, acts and other spaces promoted by the union, and to understand their role in this social context, learning the formative dimension of different spaces and times organized by that institution. At the data cross-checking, it was possible to identify two types of syndical formation. The one that happens on the daily routine of actions among peers and the one that is previously organized aiming at a specific goal. The first is a political-syndical formation that happens through participation in the meetings, councils, assemblies, acts and other actions promoted by the union. It is linked to knowledge of rights, interaction with society and awareness as a teaching category. Although it is aimed at collective action, this type of training is difficult to measure, since it acts upon knowledge and personal experiences of each participant. Therefore, their leaning varies according to their previous provisions and intensity of action on the union movement. The second type is a political-pedagogical formation. It follows a specific goal, oftentimes pedagogical or functional. It aims to meet a demand imposed on the union connected to the struggle for improvement of teaching conditions. For its execution interchange among institutions was resorted, seeking the help of academic experts. On the other hand, professional experience, both academic and acquired in different areas of militancy, was also used. In conclusion, we point out the importance of the unions in the training of teachers, especially in times of democratic instability in which the precariousness of regency is accentuated; as well as projects of withdrawal of rights and loss of teacher autonomy tend to be more frequent. COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DO PESSOAL DE ENSINO SUPERIOR PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO PROGRAMA DE EXCELENCIA ACADEMICA
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This article was prepared based on qualitative research, case studied with research subjects 36 undergraduate students of mathematics education study program FMIPA UNNES in elementary linear algebra. Intended to find out students' problem solving abilities aspects of algebraic creative thinking and to describe connections between aspects of students creative thinking in solving problems. Aspects of creative thinking include: fluency, flexibility, novelty, and elaboration. Data obtained through tests, observations, and interviews. Based on the analysis of the test results, as many as 17 students reached the minimal criteria which is at least 61, and 15 students worth under 61. This indicates that many students had difficulty in solving problems of elementary linear algebra that contain aspects of creative thinking. The creative thinking character ofstudentsinsolvingproblemsofelementaryalgebrawithaspectsofcreativethinking; based on data analysis, obtained information that students in solving problems generally tend to thought on aspects of fluency. Some students had difficulty thought intermsofflexibility.Onlyafewstudentsthoughtofthenoveltyaspect.Manystudents had difficulty thought about aspects of elaboration. In connection between aspects of creative thinking there were several sequence patterns in thought when solving problems. Only a few of the four aspects of creative thinking were patterned on the minds of students. Keywords: acute toxicity, tomato extract, liver histopathology
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This study aims to develop and analyze the concept of federative inequality in the financing of basic education. For this, it is intended to study the subject of education financing observed in the different operationalization capacities (offer and maintenance) of the right to education in the federation. The analysis focuses on the region known as "ABC paulista" from 1996 to 2016. A literature review is carried out on the relationship between federalism/municipalism and funding for education in the country and analysis of educational data and public funding, to understand how the municipalization promoted by Brazilian federalism impacted the educational offer of the municipalities in the "ABC paulista". In this context, the provision of equality of educational rights, added to the equal arrangement of attributions, were not sufficient elements for the full realization of the right to education. It is understood that this scenario can promote federative inequalities in the financing of basic education. Thus, the study hypothesis considers that the "ABC paulista" municipalities are not equally (in) capable of promoting the education policy in their territory. In view of this, it is intended to demonstrate that although the municipalities of the ABC Paulista have similarities to each other, especially in socioeconomic indicators, there is still great heterogeneity between them that significantly impact the institutional arrangements promoted for the provision of public education and access to the right to education. The present research gains relevance for proposing a critical review of the operationalization model of the basic education policy within one of the oldest institutions in the country, federalism. In addition, it contributes with detailed information on financial resources and educational data on the reality of Brazilian municipalities, especially those that make up the "ABC paulista". O presente estudo visa desenvolver e analisar o conceito de desigualdade federativa no financiamento da educação básica. Para isto, pretende-se estudar o tema do financiamento da educação observado nas diferentes capacidades de operacionalização (oferta e manutenção) do direito à educação na federação. A análise se concentra na região conhecida como "ABC paulista" no período de 1996 a 2016. Realiza-se uma revisão de literatura sobre a relação entre federalismo / municipalismo e financiamento da educação no país e análise de dados educacionais e de financiamento público, para compreender como a municipalização promovida pelo federalismo brasileiro impactou na oferta educacional dos municípios do ABC paulista. Neste contexto, a previsão de igualdade dos direitos educacionais somada à igual distribuição de atribuições não foram elementos suficientes para a plena efetivação do direito à educação. Entende-se que este cenário possa promover desigualdades federativas no financiamento da educação básica. Deste modo, a hipótese do estudo considera que os municípios do ABC não são igualmente (in) capazes de promoverem a política de educação em seu território. Em vista disso, pretende-se demostrar que apesar dos municípios do ABC paulista possuírem semelhanças entre si, especialmente, nos indicadores socioeconômicos, ainda há grande heterogeneidade entre eles que impactam significamente nos arranjos institucionais promovidos para a oferta da educação pública e no acesso ao direito à educação. A presente pesquisa ganha relevância por propor uma revisão crítica sobre o modelo de operacionalização da política de educação básica dentro de uma das instituições mais antigas do país, o federalismo. Além disso, contribui com informações detalhadas sobre recursos financeiros e dados educacionais da realidade dos municípios brasileiros, em especial, os que formam a região do ABC paulista. Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós Graduação em Políticas Públicas. São Bernardo do Campo, 2021 Orientador(a): Prof(a). Dr(a). Salomao Barros Ximenes
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Nuevas modalidades de lectura y escritura son cada vez más solicitadas para la producción de conocimiento en el contexto contemporáneo. Así, este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las formas de interacción entre los estudiantes de las Licenciaturas Interdisciplinarias de la Universidad Federal de Bahía con Zotero, lo que contribuye a la alfabetización digital de estos estudiantes. Por lo tanto, se realizó una investigación cualitativa mediante un cuestionario y observación participante para la producción de datos. Los resultados de la investigación señalan la dificultad de los estudiantes para alfabetizarse en entornos digitales, especialmente en aquellos que requieren conocimientos previos de normalización que gestionan trabajos académicos como Zotero. Novas modalidades de leitura e escrita têm se tornado cada vez mais requisitadas para a produção de conhecimento no contexto contemporâneo. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as formas de interação dos alunos dos Bacharelados Interdisciplinares da Universidade Federal da Bahia com o Zotero, que contribui com o letramento digital desses estudantes. Portanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa utilizando questionário e observação participante para a produção de dados. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam a dificuldade dos alunos em se tornarem letrados em ambientes digitais, especialmente naqueles que exigem conhecimentos prévios de normatização que gerenciam os trabalhos acadêmicos como o Zotero. New ways of reading and writing appear in the contemporary context for the production of knowledge. This article aims to analyze the forms of interaction between the students of the interdisciplinary degrees of the Federal University of Bahia with Zotero, which contributes to the digital literacy of these students. For this, a qualitative investigation was carried out using a questionnaire and the observation of the participants for the production of data. The research results indicate the difficulty of students to become literate in digital environments, especially those that require prior knowledge of standardization for academic works such as Zotero.
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The use of computer-based instructional media at Vocational High School (SMKN) 3 Pariaman is still limited to a media presentation using power point. Along with the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT), a lot of software that can be used to create interactive learning media. The results of the preliminary survey of the implementation of learning system computer at SMKN 3 Pariaman shows that there are no teachers who use interactive learning media with Adobe Director software. ICT facilities and infrastructure such as computers, LCD projectors, and internet at SMKN 3 Pariaman existing one, but have not used optimally. Learning media is one important factor in improving student learning outcomes. The selection of learning media in accordance with the needs and characteristics of students can help students understand the subject matter. This research aims to produce an interactive learning media that valid, practical, and effective to help students to master the subject of System Computer.The research method used was R&D (research and development) by using 4D development model (define, design, develop and disseminate). The results showed that interactive learning media is valid based on the assessment of each aspect by the validator. interactive learning media is considered practical based on observation and responses teacher and student. This shows that, Interactive Learning Media otherwise effective use as a medium of learning in improving student learning outcomes.
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TFG de profesora becaria de la Universidad de Costa Rica The knowledge, professional skills and beliefs of mathematics teachers significantly influence their quality of teaching. Teacher education programs (TEPs) offer pre service teachers (PSTs) opportunities to acquire the knowledge and competencies they need to teach effectively. In Costa Rica, however, little is known about mathematics TEP content, quality, and outcomes, and there are no selection processes that assess the knowledge and aptitudes of teachers before they are hired. Recent reports have urged universities to update their TEPs to address the deficiencies observed in in-service teachers. This study reports on the characteristics of the mathematics TEPs in Costa Rica by investigating the TEP contents and teaching methods, the beliefs on mathematics education by the PSTs and teacher educators, and the relevant knowledge and competencies of the pre-service mathematics teachers at the end of their studies. The knowledge necessary for teaching mathematics has been studied by different theoretical frameworks (e.g., Ball et al., 2008; Carrillo et al, 2018) which consider the knowledge categories defined by Shulman (1986) about content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. However, professional competence in mathematics is integrated by the cognitive abilities and the affective-motivational characteristics. In this study the cognitive abilities component is approached with the Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics framework (Tatto et al, 2008) informed by Shulman’s (1986) categories of CK, PCK and general pedagogical knowledge. In addition, the affective component is studied considering the beliefs about the nature of mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning. The results of this dissertation are informed by qualitative and quantitative data, collected using the instruments of Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M) international study. The study was conducted in Costa Rica during autumn 2019 with participants from three public universities. In total, 80 future mathematics teachers in their last year of preparation and 19 teacher trainers collaborated as participants. Data from preservice teachers was collected using a paper-and-pencil questionnaire, while teacher educators answered an online questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the learning opportunities, the beliefs, and the performance of the participants in the items, was complemented with a content viii analysis of the solutions to the items to have a more holistic understanding of the question under study. The results showed that the TEPs taught more tertiary-level mathematics subject matter topics than mathematics education and general pedagogy topics using various methods such as lectures, pre-service teacher presentations, reading of related research, and solving math problems. They also taught instructional planning and assessment, but little critical and reflective skills to serve students from different backgrounds or to offer meaningful feedback. The TEPs trained PSTs well in applying skills but poorly in reasoning. In addition, significant weaknesses were observed in participants’ monitoring of their own work and in modeling solution strategies and connecting results for solving problems. Moreover, the PSTs and teacher educators had dynamic constructivist beliefs but neglected teacher-centered practices and mathematics as a set of rules and procedures. Besides, they believe that mathematics can be learned by everyone despite of their culture, gender, or background. This study revealed differences in the way TEPs distribute their topics and the teaching methods experiences they offer. Differences were also found in the performance of the preservice teachers at the different universities, especially in the items of mathematical content knowledge, although the number of the topics studied was not correlated with the participants' performance. This research has several contributions. First, it contributes to the knowledge gap about preservice mathematics teachers in Costa Rica, providing insights about where they stand at the end of their preparation programs, regarding knowledge and competencies for teaching mathematics, and what needs to be improved. It also reaffirms previous results about differences in TEPs but goes further pointing out how those differences are evident in the opportunities to learn and the preservice teachers’ knowledge. The study also makes visible the preservice teachers and teacher educators’ beliefs about mathematics nature, mathematics teaching, and achievement, which have been understudied in Costa Rica and Latin America. UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Educación
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Each year, cases about breast cancer are increasing rapidly. In Indonesia, proportion of breast cancer is reaching up to 28.7%. This highest score of breast cancer and its cases occurs because woman's lack of awareness in breast changing of its appearence until it's too late too be solved in higher stadium. One of the best way to reduce the case of breast cancer is by doing breast self examination (SADARI). This research is aimed to find the correlation between woman's knowledge about breast self examination (SADARI) and breast cancer with breast self examination practically on the students of private senior high school "Persatuan Amal Bakti 2 Helvetia Kabupaten Deli Serdang" in 2014. Based on its method, this research is an analytical survey by using cross sectional approach. Population of this research is 93 female students of grade-X and grade-XI in private school of Persatuan Amal Bakti 2 Helvetia Kabupaten Deli Serdang. All this population are functioned as sample. The result of data analysis shows that most of respondents do the breast self examination (SADARI) as 74.2 %. The knowledge about SADARI is less than 50.5%, and the knowledge about breast cancer is less than 44,1%. The result of his research by using chi-square shows that there is a correlation about the knowledge of breast self examination (SADARI) with the practice of breast self examination (SADARI) as p=0.009. The knowledge about breast cancer has the correlation with breast self examination in practice as p = 0.011. Encouraged to include a biology teacher gives knowledge about breast self examination and breast cancer when it is in the process of teaching and learning that is about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, breast cancer risk factors, things to consider when doing breast self examination at the right time. 111021065
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The article reveals the psychological aspects of the professional development of a future specialist and presents the results of an empirical study. The empirical study is focused on the analysis of the content of reflection by professors and students of the psychological characteristics of the professional formation of a future specialist. The ascertaining study covered 589 Ukrainian students, of course years from 1 to 6 (future psychologists, teachers, lawyers) and 487 Ukrainian professors. The following methods were used: survey, calculation of average values, ranking and comparative analysis. The content of the survey was identical for both samples of respondents, and assumed the subsequent comparison and analysis of the answers of students and professors. The study made it possible to establish the similarity of reflection by professors and students of types and factors of professional formation of future specialists. At the same time, a number of differences were identified in matters of motivation for professional choice, priority areas for becoming a professional, determinants of success, and obstacles to the professional formation of future specialists. The identified differences in the reflection of professors and students of the psychological characteristics of the formation of a professional expressively indicate gaps in the awareness of higher education professors and the average level of their competence regarding this issue. The empirical data obtained, including questionnaires as an effective diagnostic tool, can be used to improve the psychological competence of professors in order to improve the quality of their support for the professional formation of students.
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全国の教員養成系大学・学部における「特別支援教育関連授業」の開講実態に関する質問紙調査,また,三重大学教育学部における教諭免許取得必修科目「特別支援教育入門」に関する質問紙調査及びインタビュー調査を実施した。その結果,限られた授業時間数や少ない専任教員という種々の制約の中で「特別支援教育関連授業」が実施されている一方で,受講学生は「特別支援教育関連授業」を高く評価し,授業後の特別支援教育に対する興味関心も高まっていた。今後の課題として,国としての「特別支援教育関連授業」必修化の推進,大学における教科教育専門教員との連携推進,授業において必修とする内容の吟味と厳選が挙げられる。 The present study investigates the actual conditions of curriculum of special needs education in universities for training students to be teachers in Japan. The faculty members of teacher training university completed questionnaires. In addition, Mie University students who took anintroduction to special needs education class completed questionnaires and some of them were interviewed. The results showed that the faculty members of teacher training university made an effort for students under various restrictions. Additionally, university students satisfied these special needs education classes and were more interested in these fields after the class. These results suggest that these special needs education classes have special importance or significance for training students to be teachers. 研究課題/領域番号:22653118, 研究期間(年度):2010-2012 出典:研究課題「教員養成大学における特別支援教育関連授業の実践的構築」課題番号22653118(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (を加工して作成
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ispartof: Doctoral education in the 21st century: aims, challenges and ways forward location:University Minho, Portugal date:23 Oct - 23 Oct 2019 status: published
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Esta tese tem como objeto de estudo o sindicato enquanto instância de formação para o professor, procurando identificar as contribuições da participação sindical através de entrevistas sobre as trajetórias de vida de professores militantes, questionários aplicados aos membros da base e direção sindical em assembleias e observações dos fóruns ordinários e extraordinários promovidos pelo Sindicato dos Profissionais da Educação de Duque de Caxias (Sepe/Caxias). A escolha desse núcleo se deveu à sua história de 38 anos de lutas junto aos profissionais da educação da cidade. Foram entrevistados 15 professores de diferentes segmentos com mais de 5 anos de militância junto ao Sepe/Caxias, os quais relataram sua origem social, trajetória de formação, ingresso na docência e sua experiência sindical. Nos relatos, sobressaiu a origem humilde e pouco escolarizada e politizada das famílias desses sujeitos. A inserção deles na militância ocorreu via redes de sociabilidade, como grupos de jovens e participação nas comunidades eclesiais de base, onde os sujeitos são incentivados a agir sobre o mundo. Além disso, a universidade, a associação de moradores e o partido político aparecem como pontes de aproximação com o sindicato. Mediante crescente atuação junto ao movimento sindical, os sujeitos relataram construir novos olhares para a docência e para a sociedade, contribuindo para a construção de uma identidade docente mais crítica. Os questionários evidenciaram as repercussões do envolvimento sindical nas relações que se estabelecem na escola, ora tendendo ao rechaço, ora ao prestígio, o professor militante vê sua trajetória profissional marcada também pela sua trajetória sindical. Ao adotar a observação da participação dos professores nas suas reuniões mensais de representantes de escola, assembleias, fóruns, atos e outros espaços promovidos pelo sindicato, a pesquisa pretendeu compreender a atuação desses sujeitos nesse contexto social, apreendendo a dimensão formativa dos diferentes espaços e tempos organizados por essa instituição. No cruzamento dos dados, foi possível identificar dois tipos de formação no âmbito sindical. Aquela que se dá no dia a dia das ações entre os pares e aquela que é previamente organizada em função de um objetivo. A primeira se trata de uma formação político-sindical que se dá pela participação nas reuniões, conselhos, assembleias, atos e demais ações promovidas pelo sindicato; está ligada ao conhecimento dos direitos, à interação com a sociedade e à conscientização enquanto categoria docente. Embora seja voltada à ação coletiva, esse tipo de formação é de difícil mensuração, visto que age sobre os conhecimentos e experiências pessoais de cada participante. Portanto, sua aprendizagem varia de acordo com suas disposições anteriores e intensidade de atuação no movimento sindical. O segundo tipo é uma formação político-pedagógica, que segue um objetivo específico, quase sempre pedagógico ou funcional. Visa atender uma demanda imposta ao sindicato no contexto das lutas travadas pela melhoria das condições de exercício da docência. Para sua execução, recorre-se ao intercâmbio entre instituições, buscando a ajuda de especialistas acadêmicos. Por outro lado, aproveita-se também a experiência profissional dos membros do movimento sindical, tanto a acadêmica quanto a adquirida em outros espaços de militância. A tese aponta a importância dos sindicatos na formação dos professores, sobretudo em tempos de instabilidade democrática em que se acentua a precarização do magistério e avançam projetos de retirada de direitos e perda da autonomia docente. The purpose of this thesis is studying the syndicate as a training institution for teachers, seeking to identify the contributions of union participation to teaching through interviews on the life trajectories of militant teachers, questionnaires applied to members of the basis and the union leardership in assembly and observings of the ordinary and extraordinary forums promoted by the Union of Education Professionals of Duque de Caxias (Sepe/Caxias). The choice of this nucleus was due to its 38 – year history of struggles together with the education professionals at this city. Fifteen teachers from different school levels with more than 5 years of militant unionism were interviewed together with SEPE Caxias, which reported their social origins, formation trajectory, introduction in teaching and their union experience. In these reports the poor backgrounds, weekly schooled and less politicized families stood out. The introduction to militancy occurs through networks of sociability, as a young group and participation in the basic ecclesial communities, in which the subjects are encouraged to act in the world. Universities, residents associations and political parties also take important parts as bridges to approach with the union. Through a growing work with the syndical movement, the subjects report to create new perspectives for teaching and society, contributing to the construction of a more critical teaching identity. The questionnaires highlighted the repercussions of union involvement in the relations established at school, sometimes tending towards rejection, or prestige, the militant teacher sees the professional trajectory also marked by his/her union trajectory. The aim of this study was to understand the role of teachers in their monthly meetings of school representatives, assemblies, forums, acts and other spaces promoted by the union, and to understand their role in this social context, learning the formative dimension of different spaces and times organized by that institution. At the data cross-checking, it was possible to identify two types of syndical formation. The one that happens on the daily routine of actions among peers and the one that is previously organized aiming at a specific goal. The first is a political-syndical formation that happens through participation in the meetings, councils, assemblies, acts and other actions promoted by the union. It is linked to knowledge of rights, interaction with society and awareness as a teaching category. Although it is aimed at collective action, this type of training is difficult to measure, since it acts upon knowledge and personal experiences of each participant. Therefore, their leaning varies according to their previous provisions and intensity of action on the union movement. The second type is a political-pedagogical formation. It follows a specific goal, oftentimes pedagogical or functional. It aims to meet a demand imposed on the union connected to the struggle for improvement of teaching conditions. For its execution interchange among institutions was resorted, seeking the help of academic experts. On the other hand, professional experience, both academic and acquired in different areas of militancy, was also used. In conclusion, we point out t