handle: 10017/60995 , 20.500.14243/433098
AbstractAimKnowing a species' response to historical climate shifts helps understanding its perspectives under global warming. We infer the hitherto unresolved postglacial history of Pinus cembra. Using independent evidence from genetic structure and demographic inference of extant populations, and from palaeoecological findings, we derive putative refugia and re‐colonisation routes.LocationEuropean Alps and Carpathians.Taxa Pinus cembra. MethodsWe genotyped nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers in nearly 3000 individuals from 147 locations across the entire natural range of P. cembra. Spatial genetic structure (Bayesian modelling) and demographic history (approximate Bayesian computation) were combined with palaeobotanical records (pollen, macrofossils) to infer putative refugial areas during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and re‐colonisation of the current range.ResultsWe found distinct spatial genetic structure, despite low genetic differentiation even between the two disjunct mountain ranges. Nuclear markers revealed five genetic clusters aligned East–West across the range, while chloroplast haplotype distribution suggested nine clusters. Spatially congruent separation at both marker types highlighted two main genetic lineages in the East and West of the range. Demographic inference supported early separation of these lineages dating back to a previous interstadial or interglacial c. 210,000 years ago. Differentiation into five biologically meaningful genetic clusters likely established during postglacial re‐colonisation.Main ConclusionsCombining genetic and palaeoecological evidence suggests that P. cembra primarily survived the LGM in ‘cold period’ refugia south of the Central European Alps and near the Carpathians, from where it expanded during the Late Glacial into its current Holocene ‘warm period’ refugia. This colonisation history has led to the distinct East–West structure of five genetic clusters. The two main genetic lineages likely derived from ancient divergence during an interglacial or interstadial. The respective contact zone (Brenner line) matches a main biogeographical break in the European Alps also found in herbaceous alpine plant species.
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L'idea di una "comunità estesa di pari", uno dei pilastri dell'approccio post-normale, si scontra con uno dei fondamenti della scienza moderna, vale a dire la produzione di fatti scientiici come frutto del pensiero collettivo dei soli esperti. Le difficoltà di allargare le comunità di esperti sono state oggetto di diversi studi. Un contributo rilevante è dato dalle epistemologhe femministe che per prime si sono scontrate con la concezione standard di scienza. In particolare, l'"epistemologia dei punti vista" mette in discussione la presunta oggettività della cono- scenza scientiica e ne propone un'idea alternativa come traguardo sociale da perseguire collettivamente. Proprio la lente dell'epistemologhe femministe risulterà preziosa per osservare e interpretare gli ostacoli insiti nel ricono- scimento di una "comunità estesa di pari" nei contesti di ricerca post-normale e per ridescrivere il ruolo di esper- ti e non esperti nel processo di produzione di conoscenza scientiica. Parole chiave: epistemologia dei punti di vista, oggettività forte, ricerca ambientale, conoscenza situata.
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handle: 10919/96246
Geoscientists and engineers are increasingly using denser arrays for continuous seismic monitoring, and often turning to ambient seismic noise interferometry for low-cost near-surface imaging. While ambient noise interferometry greatly reduces acquisition costs, the computational cost of pair-wise comparisons between all sensors can be prohibitively slow or expensive for applications in engineering and environmental geophysics. Double beamforming of noise correlation functions is a powerful technique to extract body waves from ambient noise, but it is typically performed via pair-wise comparisons between all sensors in two dense array patches (scaling as the product of the number of sensors in one patch with the number of sensors in the other patch). By rearranging the operations involved in the double beamforming transform, we propose a new algorithm that scales as the sum of the number of sensors in two array patches. Compared to traditional double beamforming of noise correlation functions, the new method is more scalable, easily parallelized, and does not require raw data to be exchanged between dense array patches. Corresponding code can be found at https://github.com/eileenrmartin/doubleBeamforming Submitted version
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Green |
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popularity | Average | |
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Per anni l'interazione tra scienza e politica è stata rappresentata come una relazione di tipo unidirezionale, nella quale gli scienziati fornirebbero ai politici una conoscenza neutrale, obiettiva e affidabile a supporto del processo decisionale. La complessità delle sfide attuali in cui "i fatti sono incerti, i valori in discussione, gli interessi elevati e le decisioni urgenti", ha reso questa narrazione inadeguata sul piano della conoscenza e della sua condivisione pubblica. Questo volume racconta il cambiamento di tale interazione a partire dall'approccio della "scienza post-normale" (PNS), proposto negli anni '90 da Jerome Ravetz e Silvio Funtowicz. Esso ospita le riflessioni dei due ideatori sull'attualità e sul futuro della PNS e raccoglie i contributi di oltre 50 autrici e autori che esplorano le sfide che la PNS rappresenta sul piano teorico e su quello delle pratiche di ricerca partecipativa e di public engagement diffuse in Italia. Il libro è il primo della Collana Editoriale SCIENZIATI IN AFFANNO? che affronta i cambiamenti in atto nella ricerca in un contesto in cui le relazioni scienza, società e politica sono oggetto di discussione e ridefinizione pubblica.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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TensorFlow implementation of R2D2 from "Meta-learning with differentiable closed-form solvers" (ICLR 2019)
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Pragmatic interoperability between platforms and service-oriented architectures exists whenever there is an agreement on the roles of participants and components as well as minimum standards for good practice. In this work, it is argued that open platforms require pragmatic interoperability, complementing syntactic interoperability (e.g., through common file formats), and semantic interoperability by ontologies that provide agreed definitions for entities and relations. For consistent data management and the provision of services in computational molecular engineering, community-governed agreements on pragmatics need to be established and formalized. For this purpose, if ontology-based semantic interoperability is already present, the same ontologies can be used. This is illustrated here by the role of the "translator" and procedural definitions for the process of "translation" in materials modelling, which refers to mapping industrial research and development problems onto solutions by modelling and simulation. For the associated roles and processes, substantial previous standardization efforts have been carried out by the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC ASBL). In the present work, the Materials Modelling Translation Ontology (MMTO) is introduced, and it is discussed how the MMTO can contribute to formalizing the pragmatic interoperability standards developed by EMMC ASBL. The co-author P.K. acknowledges funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 721027 (FORCE), the co-author N.K. under grant agreement 723867 (EMMC-CSA), the co-authors S.C., M.T.H., M.A.S., and I.T.T. under grant agreement no. 760907 (VIMMP), and the co-authors N.A.K. and P.K. under grant agreement no. 952903 (VIPCOAT); the co-authors M.T.H. and B.S. acknowledge funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the National Research Data Infrastructure for Catalysis-Related Sciences (NFDI4Cat), DFG project no. 441926934, within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) programme of the Joint Science Conference (GWK). This work was facilitated by activities of the Innovation Centre for Process Data Technology (Inprodat e.V.), Kaiserslautern, Germany.
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Green |
citations | 6 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Top 10% |
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handle: 10419/197988
This report is part of the data documentation for the Global Gas Model (GGM) as prepared for analyses in the H2020 SET-Nav project1 and subsequent studies. Since some data are proprietary we cannot make available all input data we have used. By describing input data, the processing steps, and the resulting input files we aim for maximum transparency and to allow anyone to reproduce the data sets from scratch if desired. GGM was developed by Egging (2010, 2013), also based on expertise gained in the development and application of the European Gas Model (Egging et al., 2008) and the World Gas Model (Egging et al., 2010, 2009). GGM was applied with various data sets and versions in studies of the future global (Holz et al., 2015) and European gas markets (Holz et al., 2016, 2017). In addition to the impact of climate policy, supply security has been a recurring concern (e.g. Richter and Holz, 2015). Moreover, a stochastic version that used a scenario tree was applied in Egging and Holz (2016). In the SET-Nav project, GGM contributed to the analyses of projects of common interest (PCI), their profitability and public support requirements (Kotek et al., 2018). This is a deterministic model version (i.e. no probabilistic scenario tree).
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Submitted by Washington Segundo (washingtonsegundo@ibict.br) on 2019-05-06T16:02:20Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) thesis20190319.pdf: 2460573 bytes, checksum: a110e47747c4883105433dc23db4d6b6 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Washington Segundo (washingtonsegundo@ibict.br) on 2019-05-06T16:04:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) thesis20190319.pdf: 2460573 bytes, checksum: a110e47747c4883105433dc23db4d6b6 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2019-05-06T16:04:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) thesis20190319.pdf: 2460573 bytes, checksum: a110e47747c4883105433dc23db4d6b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019-02-20 Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior A sintaxe nominal tem sido utilizada em vários contextos por quase duas décadas. Ela é uma ferramenta poderosa para se lidar com ligação de variáveis de uma forma concreta, que pode ser aplicada a qualquer especificação na qual parâmetros são utilizados para se abstrair variáveis, tal como em predicados e funções. Na sintaxe nominal, objetos que são sintaticamente diferentes podem ter a mesma semântica módulo alfa-conversão, tal como acontece no Cálculo Lambda. O tratamento de igualdades, em especial a alphaequivalêcia, é algo essencial em linguagens formais e implementações. Este trabalho investiga a alpha-equivalência nominal com símbolos de função associativos (A), comutativos (C) e associativos-comutativos (AC). Verificação de equivalência, casamento e unificação módulo A, C e AC são investigados. Em relação a verificação de igualdade, as alphaequivalências nominais módulo A, C e AC foram especificadas em Coq e provadas ser corretas. Um algoritmo implementado em OCaml para verificação de igualdade módulo A, C e AC é automaticamente extraído da especificação e experimentos são executados utilizando-se também um algoritmo aperfeiçoado. Limites superiores para o tempo de execução na solução de problemas nominais de verificação equacional são fornecidos. Um algoritmo de unificação módulo C baseado em regras de redução é especificado em Coq e provado ser correto e completo. Por meio do uso de variáveis protegidas, este algoritmo de unificação resolve problemas de casamento nominal módulo C, o que foi também formalizado ser correto e completo. O algoritmo de unificação baseado em regras de redução fornece uma família finita de conjuntos de equações nominais de ponto fixo. Cada uma destas equações pode ter um conjunto infinito de soluções independentes. Portanto, demonstra-se que problemas de unificação nominal módulo C e AC podem gerar um conjunto infinito de soluções independentes. Este fato contrasta com unificação sintática módulo C ou AC, que são conhecidas por estar na classe finitária de problemas. Uma implementação em OCaml do algoritmo de unificação nominal é fornecida e utilizado para se construir exemplos. The nominal syntax has been used in many application contexts for almost two decades. It is a powerful tool for dealing with variable binding in a concrete manner that can be applied to any specification in which parameters are used to abstract variables, such as in predicates and functions. In the nominal syntax, syntactically different objects can have the same semantics modulo alpha-conversion, as happens in the lambda calculus. Dealing with equality, and in special with alpha-equivalence, is essential in formal languages and implementations. This work investigates the nominal alpha-equivalence with associative (A), commutative (C) and associative-comutative (AC) function symbols. Equalitychecking, matching and unification modulo A, C and AC are investigated. Regarding equality-checking, nominal alpha-equivalence modulo A, C and AC are specified in Coq and proved sound. An algorithm implemented in OCaml for equality-checking modulo A, C and AC is automatically extracted from the specification and experiments are performed using also an improved algorithm. Upper bounds for solving nominal equality-checking problems are given. A rule-based nominal unification modulo C algorithm is specified in Coq and proved sound and complete. By using protected variables, this unification algorithm solves nominal matching problems modulo C, which is formalised to be sound and complete. The rule-based nominal unification algorithm outputs a finite family of sets of fixed point nominal equations. Each of which might have an infinite set of independent solutions. Therefore, nominal unification modulo C or AC are proved to potentially generate infinite independent solutions. This contrasts with syntactic unification modulo C or AC that are known to be in the finitary class. An OCaml implementation of the nominal unification algorithm is provided and used to build examples.
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Web-version: https://w3id.org/ro/crate/1.1 This document specifies a method, known as RO-Crate (Research Object Crate), of aggregating and describing research data with associated metadata. RO-Crates can aggregate and describe any resource including files, URI-addressable resources, or use other addressing schemes to locate digital or physical data. RO-Crates can describe data in aggregate and at the individual resource level, with metadata to aid in discovery, re-use and long term management of data. Metadata includes the ability to describe the context of data and the entities involved in its production, use and reuse. For example: who created it, using which equipment, software and workflows, under what licenses can it be re-used, where was it collected, and/or where is it about. RO-Crate uses JSON-LD to to express this metadata using linked data, describing data resources as well as contextual entities such as people, organizations, software and equipment as a series of linked JSON-LD objects - using common published vocabularies, chiefly schema.org. The core of RO-Crate is a JSON-LD file, the RO-Crate Metadata File, named ro-crate-metadata.json. This file contains structured metadata about the dataset as a whole (the Root Data Entity) and, optionally, about some or all of its files. This provides a simple way to, for example, assert the authors (e.g. people, organizations) of the RO-Crate or one its files, or to capture more complex provenance for files, such as how they were created using software and equipment. While providing the formal specification for RO-Crate, this document also aims to be a practical guide for software authors to create tools for generating and consuming research data packages, with explanation by examples.
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citations | 1 | |
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handle: 10017/60995 , 20.500.14243/433098
AbstractAimKnowing a species' response to historical climate shifts helps understanding its perspectives under global warming. We infer the hitherto unresolved postglacial history of Pinus cembra. Using independent evidence from genetic structure and demographic inference of extant populations, and from palaeoecological findings, we derive putative refugia and re‐colonisation routes.LocationEuropean Alps and Carpathians.Taxa Pinus cembra. MethodsWe genotyped nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers in nearly 3000 individuals from 147 locations across the entire natural range of P. cembra. Spatial genetic structure (Bayesian modelling) and demographic history (approximate Bayesian computation) were combined with palaeobotanical records (pollen, macrofossils) to infer putative refugial areas during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and re‐colonisation of the current range.ResultsWe found distinct spatial genetic structure, despite low genetic differentiation even between the two disjunct mountain ranges. Nuclear markers revealed five genetic clusters aligned East–West across the range, while chloroplast haplotype distribution suggested nine clusters. Spatially congruent separation at both marker types highlighted two main genetic lineages in the East and West of the range. Demographic inference supported early separation of these lineages dating back to a previous interstadial or interglacial c. 210,000 years ago. Differentiation into five biologically meaningful genetic clusters likely established during postglacial re‐colonisation.Main ConclusionsCombining genetic and palaeoecological evidence suggests that P. cembra primarily survived the LGM in ‘cold period’ refugia south of the Central European Alps and near the Carpathians, from where it expanded during the Late Glacial into its current Holocene ‘warm period’ refugia. This colonisation history has led to the distinct East–West structure of five genetic clusters. The two main genetic lineages likely derived from ancient divergence during an interglacial or interstadial. The respective contact zone (Brenner line) matches a main biogeographical break in the European Alps also found in herbaceous alpine plant species.
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citations | 8 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
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L'idea di una "comunità estesa di pari", uno dei pilastri dell'approccio post-normale, si scontra con uno dei fondamenti della scienza moderna, vale a dire la produzione di fatti scientiici come frutto del pensiero collettivo dei soli esperti. Le difficoltà di allargare le comunità di esperti sono state oggetto di diversi studi. Un contributo rilevante è dato dalle epistemologhe femministe che per prime si sono scontrate con la concezione standard di scienza. In particolare, l'"epistemologia dei punti vista" mette in discussione la presunta oggettività della cono- scenza scientiica e ne propone un'idea alternativa come traguardo sociale da perseguire collettivamente. Proprio la lente dell'epistemologhe femministe risulterà preziosa per osservare e interpretare gli ostacoli insiti nel ricono- scimento di una "comunità estesa di pari" nei contesti di ricerca post-normale e per ridescrivere il ruolo di esper- ti e non esperti nel processo di produzione di conoscenza scientiica. Parole chiave: epistemologia dei punti di vista, oggettività forte, ricerca ambientale, conoscenza situata.
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handle: 10919/96246
Geoscientists and engineers are increasingly using denser arrays for continuous seismic monitoring, and often turning to ambient seismic noise interferometry for low-cost near-surface imaging. While ambient noise interferometry greatly reduces acquisition costs, the computational cost of pair-wise comparisons between all sensors can be prohibitively slow or expensive for applications in engineering and environmental geophysics. Double beamforming of noise correlation functions is a powerful technique to extract body waves from ambient noise, but it is typically performed via pair-wise comparisons between all sensors in two dense array patches (scaling as the product of the number of sensors in one patch with the number of sensors in the other patch). By rearranging the operations involved in the double beamforming transform, we propose a new algorithm that scales as the sum of the number of sensors in two array patches. Compared to traditional double beamforming of noise correlation functions, the new method is more scalable, easily parallelized, and does not require raw data to be exchanged between dense array patches. Corresponding code can be found at https://github.com/eileenrmartin/doubleBeamforming Submitted version
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Per anni l'interazione tra scienza e politica è stata rappresentata come una relazione di tipo unidirezionale, nella quale gli scienziati fornirebbero ai politici una conoscenza neutrale, obiettiva e affidabile a supporto del processo decisionale. La complessità delle sfide attuali in cui "i fatti sono incerti, i valori in discussione, gli interessi elevati e le decisioni urgenti", ha reso questa narrazione inadeguata sul piano della conoscenza e della sua condivisione pubblica. Questo volume racconta il cambiamento di tale interazione a partire dall'approccio della "scienza post-normale" (PNS), proposto negli anni '90 da Jerome Ravetz e Silvio Funtowicz. Esso ospita le riflessioni dei due ideatori sull'attualità e sul futuro della PNS e raccoglie i contributi di oltre 50 autrici e autori che esplorano le sfide che la PNS rappresenta sul piano teorico e su quello delle pratiche di ricerca partecipativa e di public engagement diffuse in Italia. Il libro è il primo della Collana Editoriale SCIENZIATI IN AFFANNO? che affronta i cambiamenti in atto nella ricerca in un contesto in cui le relazioni scienza, società e politica sono oggetto di discussione e ridefinizione pubblica.
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TensorFlow implementation of R2D2 from "Meta-learning with differentiable closed-form solvers" (ICLR 2019)
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