In most animals, the brain makes behavioral decisions that are transmitted by descending neurons to the nerve cord circuitry that produces behaviors. In insects, only a few descending neurons have been associated with specific behaviors. To explore how descending neurons control an insect's movements, we developed a novel method to systematically assay the behavioral effects of activating individual neurons on freely behaving terrestrial D. melanogaster. We calculated a two-dimensional representation of the entire behavior space explored by these flies and we associated descending neurons with specific behaviors by identifying regions of this space that were visited with increased frequency during optogenetic activation. Applying this approach across a large collection of descending neurons, we found that (1) activation of most of the descending neurons drove stereotyped behaviors, (2) in many cases multiple descending neurons activated similar behaviors, and (3) optogenetically-activated behaviors were often dependent on the behavioral state prior to activation. Movies of optogenetically activated split-Gal4 linesEach movie contains 1 second before and after optogenetic stimulation for all experimental (retinal +) and control (retinal -) flies for all stimulation
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Optogenetics has become an important tool for perturbing neural circuitry with unparalleled temporal precision and cell-type specificity. However, direct activation of a specific subpopulation of neurons can rapidly modulate the activity of other neurons within the network and may lead to unexpected and complex downstream effects. Here, we have developed a biologically-constrained computational model that exploits these non-intuitive network responses in order to gain insight into underlying properties of the network. We apply this model to data recorded during optogenetic stimulation in the primary visual cortex of the alert macaque. In these experiments, we found that optogenetic depolarization of excitatory neurons often suppressed neuronal responses, consistent with engagement of normalization circuitry. Our model suggests that the suppression seen in these responses may be mediated by slow excitatory and inhibitory conductance channels. Furthermore, the model predicted that the response of the network to optogenetic perturbation depends critically on the relationship between inherent temporal properties of the network and the temporal properties of the opsin. Consistent with model predictions, stimulation of the C1V1TT opsin, an opsin with a fast time constant (tau=45 ms), caused faster and stronger suppressive effects after laser offset, as compared to stimulation of the slower C1V1T opsin (tau=60ms). This work illustrates how the non-intuitive network responses that result from optogenetic stimulation can be exploited to gain insight regarding network properties that underlie fundamental neuronal computations, such as normalization. This novel hybrid opto-theoretical approach can thus enhance the power of optogenetics to dissect complex neural circuits. Electrophysiological recordings of neurons at Lenti-camkII-C1V1_T infection site141 neurons recorded at the site of infection. The most important aspect of the file is the variable 'everybindata' which is a cell array (size =141). In each cell there is a matrix of size = number of trials x time (in ms) x laser level (5 laser levels). The irradiance values (laser levels) for each recorded neuron are given in variable 'Lenti_continuous_irradiance_vals."baselinelasermod_irr_Lenticontinuous_fullraster_1msbinwidth.matElectrophysiological recordings of neurons at AAV-camkII-C1V1_TT infection site16 neurons recorded at the site of infection. The most important aspect of the file is the variable 'everybindata' which is a cell array (size =16). In each cell there is a matrix of size = number of trials x time (in ms) x laser level (5 laser levels). The irradiance values (laser levels) for each recorded neuron are given in variable 'AAV_continuous_irradiance_vals."baselinelasermod_irr_AAVcont.mat
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This archive contains sample output files for the sample data accompanying the Princeton Handbook for Reproducible Neuroimaging. Outputs include the NIfTI images converted using HeuDiConv (v0.8.0) and organized according to the BIDS standard, quality control evaluation using MRIQC (v0.15.1), data preprocessed using fMRIPrep (v20.2.0), and other auxiliary files. All outputs were created according to the procedures outlined in the handbook, and are intended to serve as a didactic reference for use with the handbook. The sample data from which the outputs are derived were acquired (with informed consent) using the ReproIn naming convention on a Siemens Skyra 3T MRI scanner. The sample data include a T1-weighted anatomical image, four functional runs with the “prettymouth” spoken story stimulus, and one functional run with a block design emotional faces task, as well as auxiliary scans (e.g., scout, soundcheck). The “prettymouth” story stimulus created by Yeshurun et al., 2017 and is available as part of the Narratives collection, and the emotional faces task is similar to Chai et al., 2015. The brain data are contributed by author S.A.N. and are authorized for non-anonymized distribution.
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.vp825
Attending to a task-relevant location changes how neural activity oscillates in the alpha band (8–13Hz) in posterior visual cortical areas. However, a clear understanding of the relationships between top-down attention, changes in alpha oscillations in visual cortex, and attention performance are still poorly understood. Here, we tested the degree to which the posterior alpha power tracked the locus of attention, the distribution of attention, and how well the topography of alpha could predict the locus of attention. We recorded magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data while subjects performed an attention demanding visual discrimination task that dissociated the direction of attention from the direction of a saccade to indicate choice. On some trials, an endogenous cue predicted the target’s location, while on others it contained no spatial information. When the target’s location was cued, alpha power decreased in sensors over occipital cortex contralateral to the attended visual field. When the cue did not predict the target’s location, alpha power again decreased in sensors over occipital cortex, but bilaterally, and increased in sensors over frontal cortex. Thus, the distribution and the topography of alpha reliably indicated the locus of covert attention. Together, these results suggest that alpha synchronization reflects changes in the excitability of populations of neurons whose receptive fields match the locus of attention. This is consistent with the hypothesis that alpha oscillations reflect the neural mechanisms by which top-down control of attention biases information processing and modulate the activity of neurons in visual cortex. IkkaiDataUpload
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The tethered balloon system BELUGA (Balloon-bornE moduLar Utility for profilinG the lower Atmosphere) was operated during leg 4 of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC). The balloon was operated from the Balloon Town site in the central observatory, close to RV Polarstern (Shupe et al., 2022, Elementa). Balloon payload included an extended meteorological package, an ultrasonic anemometer package, a broadband radiation package, the video ice particle sampler, and the cubic aerosol measurement platform. An overview showing the value of the combined observation is displayed by Lonardi et al. (in review). The data processing is described in Pilz et al. (in preparation). The present dataset covers the solar irradiances measured by the broadband radiation package on 18 flights between 29 June and 27 July 2020. Profiles of downward and upward raw solar radiation, latitude, longitude, roll, pitch, yaw, and radiometer icing flag. Geopotential height is derived from the pressure.
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This repository contains information about submitted solutions and resulting analysis metrics of the 2019 Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Reconstruction Challenge. The original susceptibility maps submitted for participation in the challenge are available here and here. The package contains seven Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files and two PDF files: master_stage1_anonymized.csv: Results of stage 1 of the challenge at the time of presentation at the workshop (fully-blinded); master_stage2_snr1_anonymized.csv: Results of stage 2 of the challenge using the high noise dataset at the time of presentation at the workshop (fully-blinded); master_stage2_snr2_anonymized.csv: Results of stage 2 of the challenge using the low noise dataset at the time of presentation at the workshop (fully-blinded); submission_form_stage1.pdf: PDF export of the online form used in stage 1; submission_form_stage2.pdf: PDF export of the online form used in stage 2. For the manuscript, we analyzed these CSV files with scripts reported here. Each csv file contains metrics for all submitted solutions along with detailed information about the algorithm used, provided by the participant at the time of submission. The very first record in each file is a header containing a list of field names: normalized rmse: Whole-brain root-mean-squared error relative to ground truth; rmse_detrend_tissue: Root-mean-squared error relative to ground truth (after detrending) in grey and white matter mask; rmse_detrend_blood: Root-mean-squared error relative to ground truth (after detrending) using a one-pixel dilated vein mask; rmse_detrend_DGM: Root-mean-squared error relative to ground truth (after detrending) in a deep gray matter mask (substantia nigra & subthalamic nucleus, red nucleus, dentate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus and caudate); DeviationFromLinearSlope: Absolute difference between the slope of the average value of the six deep gray matter regions vs. the prescribed mean value and 1.0; CalcStreak: Estimation of the impact of the streaking artifact in a region of interest surrounding the calcification through the standard deviation of the difference map between reconstruction and the ground truth; DeviationFromCalcMoment: Absolute deviation from the volumetric susceptibility moment of the reconstructed calcification, compared to the ground truth (computed at in the high-resolution model); Submission Identifier: Self-chosen unique identifier of the submission; Submission Identifier of the corresponding Stage 1 submission: This is the Submission Identifier of the solution submitted to Stage 2 that was calculated with a similar algorithm in Stage 1; Changes with respect to Stage 1 submission: Self-reported information about modifications made to the algorithm for Stage 2; Number of submissions in Stage 2: The number of solutions that were submitted to Stage 2 with a similar algorithm; Sim1/Sim2: Filename of the submitted solutions for Stage 1; File name of the zip-file you are going to upload: Filename of the file uploaded to Stage 2; Full name of the algorithm: Self-reported full name of the algorithm used; Preferred Acronym: Self-reported acronym of the algorithm used; Algorithm-type: Self-reported type of algorithm used; Does your algorithm incorporate information derived from magnitude images?: Self-reported Yes/No; Regularization terms: Self-reported types of regularization terms involved; Did your algorithm use the provided frequency map or the four individual echo phase images?: Self-reported information about involved magnitude information; Publication-ready description of the reconstruction technique: Self-reported description of the algorithm; Publications that describe the algorithm: Self-reported literature reference; Algorithm publicly available?: Self-reported public availability of the algorithm; If your algorithm is not yet publicly available, would you be willing to make it available at the end of the challenge?: Self-reported willingness to share the algorithm code with the public; Specific information about this solution: Self-reported detailed information about the solution; Herewith, I permit the QSM Challenge committee to publish my uploaded files (calculated maps) after the completion of the challenge: Self reported agreement with publication of submitted solution; Ground truth was not explicitly or implicitly incorporated into your algorithm or solution: Self-reported confirmation that the ground truth was not incorporated in the solution.
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.b20t3
Individual variability in delay of gratification (DG) is associated with a number of important outcomes in both non-human and human primates. Using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), this study describes the relationship between probabilistic estimates of white matter tracts projecting from the caudate to the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and DG abilities in a sample of 49 captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). After accounting for time between collection of DTI scans and DG measurement, age and sex, higher white matter connectivity between the caudate and right dorsal PFC was found to be significantly associated with the acquisition (i.e. training phase) but not the maintenance of DG abilities. No other associations were found to be significant. The integrity of white matter connectivity between regions of the striatum and the PFC appear to be associated with inhibitory control in chimpanzees, with perturbations on this circuit potentially leading to a variety of maladaptive outcomes. Additionally, results have potential translational implications for understanding the pathophysiology of a number of psychiatric and clinical outcomes in humans. Latzman_et_al_DTI_DG
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.c30g9
A large brain is a defining feature of modern humans, yet there is no consensus regarding the patterns, rates, and processes involved in hominin brain size evolution. We use a reliable proxy for brain size in fossils, endocranial volume (ECV), to better understand how brain size evolved at both clade- and lineage-level scales. For the hominin clade overall, the dominant signal is consistent with a gradual increase in brain size. This gradual trend appears to have been generated primarily by processes operating within hypothesized lineages – 64% or 88% depending on whether one uses a more or less speciose taxonomy, respectively. These processes were supplemented by the appearance in the fossil record of larger-brained Homo species and the subsequent disappearance of smaller-brained Australopithecus and Paranthropus taxa. When the estimated rate of within-lineage ECV increase is compared to an exponential model that operationalizes generation-scale evolutionary processes, it suggests that the observed data were the result of episodes of directional selection interspersed with periods of stasis and/or drift; all of this occurs on too fine a time scale to be resolved by the current human fossil record, thus producing apparent gradual trends within lineages. Our findings provide a quantitative basis for developing and testing scale-explicit hypotheses about the factors that led brain size to increase during hominin evolution. Appendix S1Supplementary methods, results, figures, and tables for the analysis.Du et al 2018 revised Appendix S1 R2_ESM_FINAL changes accepted.docxTable S1Excel spreadsheet with the raw data used for all analyses. Each row is a separate specimen along with its ID. Columns include the “lumper’s” and “splitter’s” taxonomy used in the random effects ANOVA to get inter-observer error (“lump.taxon” and “split.taxon”), the less and more speciose lineages used in the lower-taxonomic additive partitioning analyses (“lump.part” and “split.part”), region where each specimen comes from which aided in the allocation of specimens to lineages (“region”), grade for coding points in fig. 2 (“grade”), which specimens were excluded for the damaged specimens sensitivity analysis (“reliab.sens”), ECV replicate measurements from different researchers (“ecv1” to “ecv6”), and the various dates for each specimen (“”, “”, “”, and “”) and their respective age error distribution (“date.dist”).ProcB SI ECV dataset FINAL.xlsxR scriptR script for (1) running variance partitioning analyses to get inter-observer endocranial volume (ECV) error, (2) fitting evolutionary mode models to the hominin clade-level ECV data using the R package "paleoTS", (3) calculating R2 and model parameters for the gradualism model, and (4) running the lower taxonomic level additive partitioning analyses.Du et al R script_ESM.txt
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Apharmacodynamic model,with parameters in the table below, may be used to visualize the propranolol concentration-effect (β-blockade) relationship in patients suffering from angina pectoris. These results have been adapted from the Pine et al article published in Circulation in 1975 which identified a linear relationship plasma Propranolol (ng/mL) to an effect of % β-Adrenergic Blockade in a single-oral dose of 40mg Propranolol in exercising individuals (Pine et al., 1975).
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.kj424
Reinforcement learning tasks are often used to assess participants' tendency to learn more from the positive or more from the negative consequences of one's action. However, this assessment often requires comparison in learning performance across different task conditions, which may differ in the relative salience or discriminability of the stimuli associated with more and less rewarding outcomes, respectively. To address this issue, in a first set of studies, participants were subjected to two versions of a common probabilistic learning task. The two versions differed with respect to the stimulus (Hiragana) characters associated with reward probability. The assignment of character to reward probability was fixed within version but reversed between versions. We found that performance was highly influenced by task version, which could be explained by the relative perceptual discriminability of characters assigned to high or low reward probabilities, as assessed by a separate discrimination experiment. Participants were more reliable in selecting rewarding characters that were more discriminable, leading to differences in learning curves and their sensitivity to reward probability. This difference in experienced reinforcement history was accompanied by performance biases in a test phase assessing ability to learn from positive vs. negative outcomes. In a subsequent large-scale web-based experiment, this impact of task version on learning and test measures was replicated and extended. Collectively, these findings imply a key role for perceptual factors in guiding reward learning and underscore the need to control stimulus discriminability when making inferences about individual differences in reinforcement learning. Probabilistic selection task data_ Exp1A_Fig2a_Fig3aData corresponds to experiment 1A and Figure 2A/3A.Probabilistic selection task data_ Exp1B_Fig2b_Fig3b_Schutte_etalData corresponds to Experiment 1B and Figure 2B/3B.Reaction time data_ Exp2_Fig5_Schutte_etalData corresponds to Experiment 2 and Figure 5Probabilistic selection task data_Exp3_Fig6_Fig7Data corresponds to experiment 3 and Figure 6 and 7.
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In most animals, the brain makes behavioral decisions that are transmitted by descending neurons to the nerve cord circuitry that produces behaviors. In insects, only a few descending neurons have been associated with specific behaviors. To explore how descending neurons control an insect's movements, we developed a novel method to systematically assay the behavioral effects of activating individual neurons on freely behaving terrestrial D. melanogaster. We calculated a two-dimensional representation of the entire behavior space explored by these flies and we associated descending neurons with specific behaviors by identifying regions of this space that were visited with increased frequency during optogenetic activation. Applying this approach across a large collection of descending neurons, we found that (1) activation of most of the descending neurons drove stereotyped behaviors, (2) in many cases multiple descending neurons activated similar behaviors, and (3) optogenetically-activated behaviors were often dependent on the behavioral state prior to activation. Movies of optogenetically activated split-Gal4 linesEach movie contains 1 second before and after optogenetic stimulation for all experimental (retinal +) and control (retinal -) flies for all stimulation
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Optogenetics has become an important tool for perturbing neural circuitry with unparalleled temporal precision and cell-type specificity. However, direct activation of a specific subpopulation of neurons can rapidly modulate the activity of other neurons within the network and may lead to unexpected and complex downstream effects. Here, we have developed a biologically-constrained computational model that exploits these non-intuitive network responses in order to gain insight into underlying properties of the network. We apply this model to data recorded during optogenetic stimulation in the primary visual cortex of the alert macaque. In these experiments, we found that optogenetic depolarization of excitatory neurons often suppressed neuronal responses, consistent with engagement of normalization circuitry. Our model suggests that the suppression seen in these responses may be mediated by slow excitatory and inhibitory conductance channels. Furthermore, the model predicted that the response of the network to optogenetic perturbation depends critically on the relationship between inherent temporal properties of the network and the temporal properties of the opsin. Consistent with model predictions, stimulation of the C1V1TT opsin, an opsin with a fast time constant (tau=45 ms), caused faster and stronger suppressive effects after laser offset, as compared to stimulation of the slower C1V1T opsin (tau=60ms). This work illustrates how the non-intuitive network responses that result from optogenetic stimulation can be exploited to gain insight regarding network properties that underlie fundamental neuronal computations, such as normalization. This novel hybrid opto-theoretical approach can thus enhance the power of optogenetics to dissect complex neural circuits. Electrophysiological recordings of neurons at Lenti-camkII-C1V1_T infection site141 neurons recorded at the site of infection. The most important aspect of the file is the variable 'everybindata' which is a cell array (size =141). In each cell there is a matrix of size = number of trials x time (in ms) x laser level (5 laser levels). The irradiance values (laser levels) for each recorded neuron are given in variable 'Lenti_continuous_irradiance_vals."baselinelasermod_irr_Lenticontinuous_fullraster_1msbinwidth.matElectrophysiological recordings of neurons at AAV-camkII-C1V1_TT infection site16 neurons recorded at the site of infection. The most important aspect of the file is the variable 'everybindata' which is a cell array (size =16). In each cell there is a matrix of size = number of trials x time (in ms) x laser level (5 laser levels). The irradiance values (laser levels) for each recorded neuron are given in variable 'AAV_continuous_irradiance_vals."baselinelasermod_irr_AAVcont.mat
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This archive contains sample output files for the sample data accompanying the Princeton Handbook for Reproducible Neuroimaging. Outputs include the NIfTI images converted using HeuDiConv (v0.8.0) and organized according to the BIDS standard, quality control evaluation using MRIQC (v0.15.1), data preprocessed using fMRIPrep (v20.2.0), and other auxiliary files. All outputs were created according to the procedures outlined in the handbook, and are intended to serve as a didactic reference for use with the handbook. The sample data from which the outputs are derived were acquired (with informed consent) using the ReproIn naming convention on a Siemens Skyra 3T MRI scanner. The sample data include a T1-weighted anatomical image, four functional runs with the “prettymouth” spoken story stimulus, and one functional run with a block design emotional faces task, as well as auxiliary scans (e.g., scout, soundcheck). The “prettymouth” story stimulus created by Yeshurun et al., 2017 and is available as part of the Narratives collection, and the emotional faces task is similar to Chai et al., 2015. The brain data are contributed by author S.A.N. and are authorized for non-anonymized distribution.
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.vp825
Attending to a task-relevant location changes how neural activity oscillates in the alpha band (8–13Hz) in posterior visual cortical areas. However, a clear understanding of the relationships between top-down attention, changes in alpha oscillations in visual cortex, and attention performance are still poorly understood. Here, we tested the degree to which the posterior alpha power tracked the locus of attention, the distribution of attention, and how well the topography of alpha could predict the locus of attention. We recorded magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data while subjects performed an attention demanding visual discrimination task that dissociated the direction of attention from the direction of a saccade to indicate choice. On some trials, an endogenous cue predicted the target’s location, while on others it contained no spatial information. When the target’s location was cued, alpha power decreased in sensors over occipital cortex contralateral to the attended visual field. When the cue did not predict the target’s location, alpha power again decreased in sensors over occipital cortex, but bilaterally, and increased in sensors over frontal cortex. Thus, the distribution and the topography of alpha reliably indicated the locus of covert attention. Together, these results suggest that alpha synchronization reflects changes in the excitability of populations of neurons whose receptive fields match the locus of attention. This is consistent with the hypothesis that alpha oscillations reflect the neural mechanisms by which top-down control of attention biases information processing and modulate the activity of neurons in visual cortex. IkkaiDataUpload
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The tethered balloon system BELUGA (Balloon-bornE moduLar Utility for profilinG the lower Atmosphere) was operated during leg 4 of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC). The balloon was operated from the Balloon Town site in the central observatory, close to RV Polarstern (Shupe et al., 2022, Elementa). Balloon payload included an extended meteorological package, an ultrasonic anemometer package, a broadband radiation package, the video ice particle sampler, and the cubic aerosol measurement platform. An overview showing the value of the combined observation is displayed by Lonardi et al. (in review). The data processing is described in Pilz et al. (in preparation). The present dataset covers the solar irradiances measured by the broadband radiation package on 18 flights between 29 June and 27 July 2020. Profiles of downward and upward raw solar radiation, latitude, longitude, roll, pitch, yaw, and radiometer icing flag. Geopotential height is derived from the pressure.
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