Los datos disponibles de las investigaciones realizadas en el ámbito de las TIC vienen a corroborar que las escuelas tienen serias dificultades para adaptarse a las demandas de la sociedad del conocimiento. Esta adaptación implica un enorme esfuerzo para ajustar sus estructuras (curriculares, organizativas y profesionales) a modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje innovadores, caracterizados por la construcción del conocimiento como resultado de un proceso colaborativo. Por otra parte, las actuales presiones sociales hacen más difícil a la escuela la tarea de repensar sus funciones tradicionales y, asimismo, la creación de nuevos entornos de aprendizaje (incorporación de aparatos cada vez más sofisticados, intensificación de tareas, reestructuración de los factores implicados de los procesos de enseñar y aprender, etc.). Como respuesta a esta situación, decidimos iniciar un trabajo de indagación continuado y sostenible que adopta la forma de estudios de caso y que bien puede constituir una ocasión para que la propia escuela repiense globalmente su sentido en el contexto de la sociedad del conocimiento. En este artículo nos centramos específicamente en uno de los estudios de caso en curso.
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handle: 10261/179957
Trabajo presentado en la Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting (2015 OSTST), celebrada en Reston (Virginia, USA) del 20 al 23 de octubre de 2015. Peer reviewed
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Green |
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popularity | Average | |
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handle: 20.500.12552/2218
La investigación tiene por objeto analizar el sistema de nombramiento de los ministros de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, previsto en el artículo 96 de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. El trabajo contiene un estudio de derecho comparado, respecto de los nombramientos de jueces constitucionales en diversos países, así también aborda la evolución del procedimiento de nombramiento en los diferentes documentos constitucionales de nuestro país y en la constitución política vigente. Finalmente, ofrece una propuesta para fortalecer el nombramiento de los ministros en México, destacando la participación de los sectores especializados y de la sociedad en general.
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citations | 0 | |
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doi: 10.21427/d76303
Photopolymerizable nanocomposites with good optical properties consisting of an acrylamide based photopolymer and zeolite nanoparticles (Beta, zeolite A, AlPO-18, silicalite-1 and zeolite L) were fabricated and characterized for holographic applications. The colloidal zeolite solutions used in this project were characterized by several techniques including X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy to ensure their successful synthesis. The dependence of grating performances in these nanocomposites on recording intensity, spatial frequency and zeolite concentration were studied. It was found that the incorporation of silicalite-1 nanoparticles or a small amount of zeolite A nanoparticles (up to 1% wt.) leads to an improvement of the refractive index modulation of the gratings, while the addition of AlPO-18 and Beta nanoparticles to the photopolymer did not yield higher refractive index modulation. Despite a partial redistribution of nanoparticles during the holographic recording was observed, these results can be explained by the hydrophobic/ hydrophilic nature of the nanoparticles and their interactions/absence of interactions with the host photopolymer (studied by Visible, Raman and 13C NMR Spectroscopy). Gratings recorded in Beta and AlPO-18 nanocomposites were tested for holographic sensing. The interactions between zeolite L and sensitizing dyes was studied by visible spectroscopy for potential use in variable spectral sensitivity optical materials. A new photopolymerizable material was developed, with less toxic properties than acrylamide monomer and gratings recorded in this type of material were characterized for use in holographic sensor applications.
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citations | 0 | |
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The aims of this thesis were to evaluate caries-preventive measures from a societal perspective, to demonstrate the use of resources in preventive dentistry, to develop and discuss techniques suitable for evaluating dental care costs and outcomes, and to test costs and consequences within a health economic decision model adapted to preventive dental care. The thesis is based on three separate studies with three separate cohorts. In the first study, performed at a single dental clinic, analysis was made of data on dental caries progression over four years in 92 adolescents, along with the use of resources for preventive treatment. In the second study, data from the intervention study “Evaluation of caries-preventive measures” (performed between 1995 and 1999 at 26 dental health clinics throughout Sweden) were used for economic evaluation. Three different approaches to calculating unit cost were discussed, each of which reflect the differences in treatment costs as influenced by the practitioner’s level of skill and competence (salary) and by methods of handling overhead cost allocation. These methods seem useful for evaluating costs in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The CEA showed an incremental cost-effectiveness over four years of SEK 2 043* per averted decayed (D) enamel (e) and dentine caries, missing (M) and filled (F) surface (S) (DeMFS). In the third study, 82 19-year-old individuals agreed to participate in a pilot exploratory case-control study. Individuals with high caries experience formed the test group while the control group consisted of individuals with no caries experience. To explore whether any differences existed between these two groups in perceived oral health-related quality of life (OHRQOL), two OHRQOL measures were used. Additionally, the willingness of these individuals to pay (WTP) for a preventive strategy was elicited using the contingent valuation method (CVM) within a cost-benefit approach. Using these WTP values, the cost-benefit analyses showed positive net social benefit (NSB) values for both study groups, meaning that the benefits of prevention exceeded the costs. A new outcome measure, Value of Statistical Oral Health (VOSOH), was also presented. Consideration was also made, within the economic framework fundamental to this thesis, of the trend away from a strictly bio-medical paradigm towards a biopsychosocial perspective. The health economic decision model encompasses a number of different techniques for comparing costs with consequences, each with its own advantages and disadvantages and each with its own field of application. These techniques should be seen as complementary rather than competing. Preventive dentistry plays a central role in Swedish dental health care, and it is important that resources are used properly. Accurate evaluation methods are necessary in order to improve the basis for public decision-making; the methods proposed in this thesis seem to be of potential use in this endeavour. *SEK8.54 = US$1 (December 1999).
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popularity | Average | |
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اعتیاد یکی از معضلاتی است که امروزه نه تنها زنده گی میلیون ها انسان را به خطر انداخته، بلکه خانواده و نزدیکان آن ها را نیز با مشکلات زیادی روبه رو ساخته است. در این پژوهش توصیفی و مقایسه ای، میزان خشونت تجربه شده همسران معتادان در مقایسه با خشونت تجربه شده همسران نامعتادان بررسی شده است. بر این اساس، به تصادف، 107 نفر از همسران معتادان خود معرف مرکز ترک اعتیاد شهر هفشجان از استان چهار محال بختیاری که برای انجام مشاوره خانواده مراجعه کرده بودند و 107 نفر از نامعتادان که از نظر سن، وضعیت شغلی، اقتصادی، و مدرک تحصیلی با گروه نخست هم تا شده بودند، انتخاب و با استفاده از پرسش نامه پژوهش گر ساخته میزان خشونت تجربه شده ارزیابی شدند. برای بررسی میزان حمایت اجتماعی زنان نیز از پرسش نامه پروسیدانو استفاده شد.یافته ها نشان داد تفاوت میانگین کلی نمره های همسران معتادان و نامعتادان در خشونت تجربه شده و هم چنین زیر آزمون های آن معنادار است. هم چنین، در هر دو گروه، تفاوت بین میزان تحصیلات و وضعیت شغلی افراد با خشونت تجربه شده معنادار بود و در گروه نامعتادان نیز، میزان تحصیلات زنان با میزان خشونت تجربه شده آن ها ارتباطی معنادار داشت. در گروه نامعتادان هم بستگی میزان حمایت اجتماعی با خشونت تجربه شده منفی و معنادار بود؛ در حالی که این هم بستگی در گروه معتادان دیده نشد. در گروه معتادان نیز هم بستگی سطح درآمد با میزان خشونت تجربه شده معنادار بود. میان شمار فرزندان و طول مدت ازدواج با خشونت تجربه شده در هیچ یک از دو گروه هم بسته گی معناداری دیده نشد.
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gold |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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doi: 10.5020/1466
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Green | |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This article considers the emergence of Charles George Gordon (1833–1885) as new type of Christian technological hero in the context of Victorian representations and discussions concerning war. Gordon’s example demonstrates the role of technology in relation to the heroic in three ways: by the atavistic desire for the pure categories of the past, which seemed to have been swept aside by capital and new industry; by virtue of the role of print, image and communication technologies to spread the knowledge of the new hero’s exploits, and by the fact that the hero, in military and other contexts, was increasingly a technologist. My aim is to investigate Gordon’s own ambivalence about the technological militarized society he came to represent in the context of the crisis narratives proceeding from the Crimea and the Sepoy Mutiny to the debacle at Khartoum and its aftermath.
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gold |
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Los datos disponibles de las investigaciones realizadas en el ámbito de las TIC vienen a corroborar que las escuelas tienen serias dificultades para adaptarse a las demandas de la sociedad del conocimiento. Esta adaptación implica un enorme esfuerzo para ajustar sus estructuras (curriculares, organizativas y profesionales) a modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje innovadores, caracterizados por la construcción del conocimiento como resultado de un proceso colaborativo. Por otra parte, las actuales presiones sociales hacen más difícil a la escuela la tarea de repensar sus funciones tradicionales y, asimismo, la creación de nuevos entornos de aprendizaje (incorporación de aparatos cada vez más sofisticados, intensificación de tareas, reestructuración de los factores implicados de los procesos de enseñar y aprender, etc.). Como respuesta a esta situación, decidimos iniciar un trabajo de indagación continuado y sostenible que adopta la forma de estudios de caso y que bien puede constituir una ocasión para que la propia escuela repiense globalmente su sentido en el contexto de la sociedad del conocimiento. En este artículo nos centramos específicamente en uno de los estudios de caso en curso.
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bronze |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 10261/179957
Trabajo presentado en la Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting (2015 OSTST), celebrada en Reston (Virginia, USA) del 20 al 23 de octubre de 2015. Peer reviewed
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Green |
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handle: 20.500.12552/2218
La investigación tiene por objeto analizar el sistema de nombramiento de los ministros de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, previsto en el artículo 96 de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. El trabajo contiene un estudio de derecho comparado, respecto de los nombramientos de jueces constitucionales en diversos países, así también aborda la evolución del procedimiento de nombramiento en los diferentes documentos constitucionales de nuestro país y en la constitución política vigente. Finalmente, ofrece una propuesta para fortalecer el nombramiento de los ministros en México, destacando la participación de los sectores especializados y de la sociedad en general.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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doi: 10.21427/d76303
Photopolymerizable nanocomposites with good optical properties consisting of an acrylamide based photopolymer and zeolite nanoparticles (Beta, zeolite A, AlPO-18, silicalite-1 and zeolite L) were fabricated and characterized for holographic applications. The colloidal zeolite solutions used in this project were characterized by several techniques including X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy to ensure their successful synthesis. The dependence of grating performances in these nanocomposites on recording intensity, spatial frequency and zeolite concentration were studied. It was found that the incorporation of silicalite-1 nanoparticles or a small amount of zeolite A nanoparticles (up to 1% wt.) leads to an improvement of the refractive index modulation of the gratings, while the addition of AlPO-18 and Beta nanoparticles to the photopolymer did not yield higher refractive index modulation. Despite a partial redistribution of nanoparticles during the holographic recording was observed, these results can be explained by the hydrophobic/ hydrophilic nature of the nanoparticles and their interactions/absence of interactions with the host photopolymer (studied by Visible, Raman and 13C NMR Spectroscopy). Gratings recorded in Beta and AlPO-18 nanocomposites were tested for holographic sensing. The interactions between zeolite L and sensitizing dyes was studied by visible spectroscopy for potential use in variable spectral sensitivity optical materials. A new photopolymerizable material was developed, with less toxic properties than acrylamide monomer and gratings recorded in this type of material were characterized for use in holographic sensor applications.
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citations | 0 | |
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No disponible
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gold |
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The aims of this thesis were to evaluate caries-preventive measures from a societal perspective, to demonstrate the use of resources in preventive dentistry, to develop and discuss techniques suitable for evaluating dental care costs and outcomes, and to test costs and consequences within a health economic decision model adapted to preventive dental care. The thesis is based on three separate studies with three separate cohorts. In the first study, performed at a single dental clinic, analysis was made of data on dental caries progression over four years in 92 adolescents, along with the use of resources for preventive treatment. In the second study, data from the intervention study “Evaluation of caries-preventive measures” (performed between 1995 and 1999 at 26 dental health clinics throughout Sweden) were used for economic evaluation. Three different approaches to calculating unit cost were discussed, each of which reflect the differences in treatment costs as influenced by the practitioner’s level of skill and competence (salary) and by methods of handling overhead cost allocation. These methods seem useful for evaluating costs in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The CEA showed an incremental cost-effectiveness over four years of SEK 2 043* per averted decayed (D) enamel (e) and dentine caries, missing (M) and filled (F) surface (S) (DeMFS). In the third study, 82 19-year-old individuals agreed to participate in a pilot exploratory case-control study. Individuals with high caries experience formed the test group while the control group consisted of individuals with no caries experience. To explore whether any differences existed between these two groups in perceived oral health-related quality of life (OHRQOL), two OHRQOL measures were used. Additionally, the willingness of these individuals to pay (WTP) for a preventive strategy was elicited using the contingent valuation method (CVM) within a cost-benefit approach. Using these WTP values, the cost-benefit analyses showed positive net social benefit (NSB) values for both study groups, meaning that the benefits of prevention exceeded the costs. A new outcome measure, Value of Statistical Oral Health (VOSOH), was also presented. Consideration was also made, within the economic framework fundamental to this thesis, of the trend away from a strictly bio-medical paradigm towards a biopsychosocial perspective. The health economic decision model encompasses a number of different techniques for comparing costs with consequences, each with its own advantages and disadvantages and each with its own field of application. These techniques should be seen as complementary rather than competing. Preventive dentistry plays a central role in Swedish dental health care, and it is important that resources are used properly. Accurate evaluation methods are necessary in order to improve the basis for public decision-making; the methods proposed in this thesis seem to be of potential use in this endeavour. *SEK8.54 = US$1 (December 1999).
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