
  • National

  • IS VaVaI is an information system of the Czech public administration for the collection, processing, publication and utilization of information about the research and development supported by public budgets.The aim, content, rights, responsibilities and the way the data is provided into the Information System, the integration of the data into the Information System database, the processing of the data and the way data is made public are determined by the R&D Act (Code number 130/2002) together with the regulation of the Czech government (Code number 397/2009) about the R&D Information System, by some other rules and by the Standard operating procedure manual of the R&D Information System.IS VaVaI runs on an in-house-built software solution using MySQL, Linux, Apache and PHP.

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  • More information on the URIS project is available on the "About the project" section on its website. See also the recent CRIS2022 Conference presentation "Building the Ukrainian Research Information System" by Nataliia Kaliuzhna and Sabina Auhunas.

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  • The E-CRIS.CG system includes basic information on more than 500 international projects (source: CORDIS, ERASMUS, COST). You can perform basic search and print the list of international projects of research organisations (where it was possible to establish link)

  • The New Zealand Research Information System will be a national, online hub of information about the research, science and innovation sector

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  • SICRIS (Slovenian Current Research Information System) is a tool for managing research activities in Slovenia. It is a national information system with databases on researchers, research organizations and research projects integrated and interconnected among each other. In the structure of databases, all applicable international standards, classifications and code lists, EU recommendations (CERIF - Common European Research Information Format), legal provisions and regulations in force in Slovenia are taken into consideration. In 1999, the first SICRIS version was prepared using the concept of the CERIF 2000 model. This model is still in use. SICRIS is closely linked with the COBISS.SI information system (Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services) and its shared COBIB.SI bibliographic database thus allowing users: - a direct insight into researchers bibliographies, - the evaluation of research performance bibliographic indicators, - identification of citations on the basis of the links to the Web of Science and Scopus services. In COBIB.SI bibliographic items are classified by valid typology of documents/works (e.g. original scientific article, review article, professional article, etc.). This allows users to have a direct insight into personal bibliographies of researchers. The preparation of different reports is possible as in both databases, SICRIS and COBISS, records include the unique researchers ID – researchers code. You can choose to view different types of researchers bibliography: a representative bibliography, a personal bibliography or an evaluated bibliography. The evaluated bibliography is prepared by selecting the input parameters (start date, end date, etc.) and the algorithms defined in the Slovenian Research Agencys Rules on scientific and professional performance criteria. SICRIS and COBISS are developed and maintained by the Institute of Information Science (IZUM), a public institution established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Both systems, SICRIS and COBISS, would not be able to operate in the way they do, without close cooperation among the Government, ministries, Slovenian Research Agency, research institutions, IZUM and professional library staff.

  • As a part of the Central Information Portal for Research, Development and Innovation (CIP RDI), the Slovak Current Research Information System (SK CRIS) has the status of Information system of public administration, defined by the Act 275/2006 on information systems of public administration. The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) is responsible for operating, maintaining and providing technical support to this system on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

  • National-level Polish Current Research Information System operated by the Ministry for Science and Higher Education. Developed and implemented by the Polish National Information Processing Institute (OPI) in Warsaw. For more information see this presentation of the system.

25 Data sources
  • IS VaVaI is an information system of the Czech public administration for the collection, processing, publication and utilization of information about the research and development supported by public budgets.The aim, content, rights, responsibilities and the way the data is provided into the Information System, the integration of the data into the Information System database, the processing of the data and the way data is made public are determined by the R&D Act (Code number 130/2002) together with the regulation of the Czech government (Code number 397/2009) about the R&D Information System, by some other rules and by the Standard operating procedure manual of the R&D Information System.IS VaVaI runs on an in-house-built software solution using MySQL, Linux, Apache and PHP.

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  • More information on the URIS project is available on the "About the project" section on its website. See also the recent CRIS2022 Conference presentation "Building the Ukrainian Research Information System" by Nataliia Kaliuzhna and Sabina Auhunas.

  • more_vert
  • The E-CRIS.CG system includes basic information on more than 500 international projects (source: CORDIS, ERASMUS, COST). You can perform basic search and print the list of international projects of research organisations (where it was possible to establish link)

  • The New Zealand Research Information System will be a national, online hub of information about the research, science and innovation sector

  • more_vert
  • SICRIS (Slovenian Current Research Information System) is a tool for managing research activities in Slovenia. It is a national information system with databases on researchers, research organizations and research projects integrated and interconnected among each other. In the structure of databases, all applicable international standards, classifications and code lists, EU recommendations (CERIF - Common European Research Information Format), legal provisions and regulations in force in Slovenia are taken into consideration. In 1999, the first SICRIS version was prepared using the concept of the CERIF 2000 model. This model is still in use. SICRIS is closely linked with the COBISS.SI information system (Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services) and its shared COBIB.SI bibliographic database thus allowing users: - a direct insight into researchers bibliographies, - the evaluation of research performance bibliographic indicators, - identification of citations on the basis of the links to the Web of Science and Scopus services. In COBIB.SI bibliographic items are classified by valid typology of documents/works (e.g. original scientific article, review article, professional article, etc.). This allows users to have a direct insight into personal bibliographies of researchers. The preparation of different reports is possible as in both databases, SICRIS and COBISS, records include the unique researchers ID – researchers code. You can choose to view different types of researchers bibliography: a representative bibliography, a personal bibliography or an evaluated bibliography. The evaluated bibliography is prepared by selecting the input parameters (start date, end date, etc.) and the algorithms defined in the Slovenian Research Agencys Rules on scientific and professional performance criteria. SICRIS and COBISS are developed and maintained by the Institute of Information Science (IZUM), a public institution established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Both systems, SICRIS and COBISS, would not be able to operate in the way they do, without close cooperation among the Government, ministries, Slovenian Research Agency, research institutions, IZUM and professional library staff.

  • As a part of the Central Information Portal for Research, Development and Innovation (CIP RDI), the Slovak Current Research Information System (SK CRIS) has the status of Information system of public administration, defined by the Act 275/2006 on information systems of public administration. The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) is responsible for operating, maintaining and providing technical support to this system on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

  • National-level Polish Current Research Information System operated by the Ministry for Science and Higher Education. Developed and implemented by the Polish National Information Processing Institute (OPI) in Warsaw. For more information see this presentation of the system.
