
  • OpenAIRE PubRepos v4.0

  • This site provides access to the research output of the institution. The interface is available in Italian and English. Some content is not available as full text.

  • This site is a university repository providing access to the publication output of the institution. Registered users, not limited to institutional members, can set up email alerts to notify them of newly added content.

  • This site provides access to the research outputs and ETDs of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. The interface is available in English and Lithuanian.

  • This site provides access to the research output of students of the institution. The interface is available in Croatian and English. The repository stores students’ M.A. and B.A. theses and dissertations.

  • This site provides access to the student research output of the institution. The interface is available in Croatian and English. Some items are not available as open access.

  • This site is a university repository providing access to the publication output of the institution. The site interface is available in English or Spanish. Users may set up an Atom or RSS feed to be alerted to new content.

  • PODEST is a platform for permanent storage, long-term preservation and public access to the scientific production of the Institute of Art History.

  • This site provides access to the research output of the institution. The interface is available in Italian.

  • This repository provides DIFFER's research output which contains journal articles, conference proceedings and papers, PhD theses and other materials published since 1985.

  • La Americana es una institución de Educación Superior que cuenta con el reconocimiento del Ministerio de Educación de Colombia, otorgado mediante resolución No. 6341 del 17 de octubre de 2006. Fue fundada el 17 de octubre de 2006, por un grupo de estudiantes visionarios. Los tres primeros programas de pregrado que se ofrecieron fueron Administración de Empresas, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Derecho. Después se fue ampliando la oferta académica, hasta el punto de ofrecer programas de postgrado.

307 Data sources
  • This site provides access to the research output of the institution. The interface is available in Italian and English. Some content is not available as full text.

  • This site is a university repository providing access to the publication output of the institution. Registered users, not limited to institutional members, can set up email alerts to notify them of newly added content.

  • This site provides access to the research outputs and ETDs of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. The interface is available in English and Lithuanian.

  • This site provides access to the research output of students of the institution. The interface is available in Croatian and English. The repository stores students’ M.A. and B.A. theses and dissertations.

  • This site provides access to the student research output of the institution. The interface is available in Croatian and English. Some items are not available as open access.

  • This site is a university repository providing access to the publication output of the institution. The site interface is available in English or Spanish. Users may set up an Atom or RSS feed to be alerted to new content.

  • PODEST is a platform for permanent storage, long-term preservation and public access to the scientific production of the Institute of Art History.

  • This site provides access to the research output of the institution. The interface is available in Italian.

  • This repository provides DIFFER's research output which contains journal articles, conference proceedings and papers, PhD theses and other materials published since 1985.

  • La Americana es una institución de Educación Superior que cuenta con el reconocimiento del Ministerio de Educación de Colombia, otorgado mediante resolución No. 6341 del 17 de octubre de 2006. Fue fundada el 17 de octubre de 2006, por un grupo de estudiantes visionarios. Los tres primeros programas de pregrado que se ofrecieron fueron Administración de Empresas, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Derecho. Después se fue ampliando la oferta académica, hasta el punto de ofrecer programas de postgrado.
