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Epidote The following submission contains the data collection of datasets for the sample epidote under the NanEd round-robin project. 5 single crystals were identified, and the continuous rotation data acquisition technique was used to collect datasets. All the datasets were processed with REDp, XDS and shelx software. The table below summarizes the data collection parameters for the datasets. The following data is also in the zip folder as a word file. Continuous Rotation: General information: Project NanED (www.naned.eu) ESR Project ESR10 - Round Robin Project Label RR-1 Sample Label RR-1_SU Data set Label RR1-1 to 5 Instrumental: Instrument Transmission electron microscope JEOL 2100 LaB6 Radiation source LaB6 Accelerating voltage 200 kV Wavelength 0.0251 Å Probe Type Parallel beam Beam Diameter 6 μm Beam Convergence Parallel beam, convergence <0.1mrad Detector Hybrid pixel detector ASI Timepix (bottom mounted) Number of pixels in the image 512 x 512 Pixel size 55 µm x 55 µm Effective camera length 250 mm Calibration constant 0.004990 Å-1/pixel Sample description: Name Epidote Chemical composition Ca2FexAl3-xSi3O13H Sample source Natural source from Val d'Ossola, Italy Sample preparation Powder crushed in an agate mortar and deposited on a Cu grid with lacey C film Experimental: Data Type Electron diffraction data - 3D ED Data collection method Continuous Rotation Temperature (K) used during data collection 293 K Number of crystals contributing to the data set 5 Number of experimental frames See cRED_log.txt in each dataset tilt range, tilt step, tilt per frame See cRED_log.txt in each dataset Exposure time per frame See cRED_log.txt in each dataset Software: Software used for the data collection Instamatic Software used for processing XDS Authorship and bibliography Author(s) of the data Lei Wang (ESR 10) Related data Publication(s) Files and data formats Image folder REDp: Folder containing images of the diffraction pattern from each frame XDS: Folder containing images of the diffraction pattern from each frame Image format mrc and img Additional folders/files Crystal image : image of the crystal cRED_log: log file of data collection 1.ed3d: input file for REDp XDS.INP: input file for the program XDS Notes: *Project Label "RR-1" stands for Round Robin 1 *RR-1 contains 5 individual datasets.
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