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This is a dataset used in analyses of the macroevolution of primate vocal repertoire size interpreted in the associated manuscript titled "Evolution of Primate Vocal Repertoires: Vocalization Systems as Embodied Capital for Mediating Within-group Conflict." The first tab of the data file contains the following information for each of 42 primates species: maximum longevity (years), endocranial volume (cubic centimeters), log endocranial volume, group size, within-group conflict score, and vocal repertoire size. The second tab of the data file contains maximum longevity (years), endocranial volume (cubic centimeters), log endocranial volume, group size, within-group conflict score, and vocal repertoire size values (mean, median, standard deviation, range) for ape, monkey, and prosimian clades. The third tabe of the data file contains ancestral Node number, reconstructed ancestral vocal repertoire size values (mean, 95% lower confidence interval, 95% upper confidence interval), reconstructed ancestral maximum longevity (months) values (mean, 95% lower confidence interval, 95% upper confidence interval), and reconstructed ancestral within-group conflict values (mean, 95% lower confidence interval, 95% upper confidence interval).