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doi: 10.5061/dryad.pm0n4
1. According to the threat-sensitivity hypothesis, prey avoidance behaviour should reflect the magnitude of predation risk. Since predation can strongly affect reproduction success, ovipositing females are expected to adaptively adjust their predator-avoidance response, or local breeding patch selectivity, in accordance with the perceived level of threat posed for their progeny by specific predators. However, association between avoidance and predation can be disrupted when the prey and the predator lack spatio-temporal opportunities to co-evolve, such as in cases of non-native predator introductions. 2. We examined the interactions between mosquitoes (from the genus Culex) and three species of sympatric predaceous freshwater fish, a native cyprinid (Barbus paludinosus), a cichlid (Pseudocrenilabrus philander), and an introduced poeciliid, the Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). 3. In an outdoor mesocosm experiment we quantified patterns of Culex oviposition site selection across fish species using free-roaming, caged, and fish-free treatments. In a complementary laboratory experiment we tested the effectiveness of each fish species as predators of mosquito eggs and larvae. 4. Synthesis and applications. We found evidence for: (i) mosquito egg raft predation by free- roaming fish; (ii) fish-specific avoidance by ovipositing Culex and (iii) a positive association between fish-specific oviposition avoidance and fish-specific efficiency as an egg predator. These results contribute towards a better understanding of predator-prey coevolution, predator-borne cue recognition, and suggest local native fish, the Southern mouthbrooder (Pseudocrenilabrus philander), as an alternative to Gambusia for the biocontrol of Culex mosquitoes.
Culex egg raft distribution in mesocosm experimentFile include data on the distribution of Culex egg rafts between treatments. The data was collected in an oviposition habitat selection outdoor mesocosm experiment. Columns A-C describe the treatment code. Columns E-F describe the distribution of treatments among experimental tubs. Columns I-K describe the number of egg rafts deposited per day in each of the experimental tubs.Dryad_1.csvPrey items count data from laboratory feeding experimentFile include data on the number of prey items consumed through time in a laboratory feeding experiment. Column A describe the fish ID number. Column B describe the fish species. Column C describe the mosquito stage. Columns D-AB describe the number of prey item counted per hour over 24 h.Dryad_2.csv
Threat-sensitivity hypothesis, Culex trifilatus, Predator-avoidance, Life Sciences, ovivorous, Introduced, Culex decens, Life sciences, Pseudocrenilabrus philander, medicine and health care, Culex, chemical cues, Culex trifoliatus, Medicine, mosquitofish, Barbus paludinosus, Mosquito Biocontrol
Threat-sensitivity hypothesis, Culex trifilatus, Predator-avoidance, Life Sciences, ovivorous, Introduced, Culex decens, Life sciences, Pseudocrenilabrus philander, medicine and health care, Culex, chemical cues, Culex trifoliatus, Medicine, mosquitofish, Barbus paludinosus, Mosquito Biocontrol
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