The Lituanistika database contains research works from humanities and social sciences, which cover the development of the Lithuanian state, society, culture, nation and language. It contains scientific works published from 2000 and a thesis since 1991. At present, the database contains over 91 thousand scientific works (books and articles), about 64% of which are open access full-text. The interface is in English and Lithuanian, and there is an RSS feed on the search page.
The Lituanistika database contains research works from humanities and social sciences, which cover the development of the Lithuanian state, society, culture, nation and language. It contains scientific works published from 2000 and a thesis since 1991. At present, the database contains over 91 thousand scientific works (books and articles), about 64% of which are open access full-text. The interface is in English and Lithuanian, and there is an RSS feed on the search page.