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Experimental Biomedical Research

Experimental Biomedical Research


Experimental Biomedical Research is a peer-reviewed, Open Access online journal that publishes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary original research articles, review articles, and brief reports on priority novel research results covering a wide range of experimental and clinical fields in the biomedical sciences. Bibliographic Details Full Title: Experimental Biomedical Research Journal Title Abbreviation: Exp Biomed Res Publisher: Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Ozturk Frequency: Quarterly Electronic ISSN number: 2618-6454 DOI: 10.30714/ Journal Access: Open Access Published Language: English Editorial Office Email: info@experimentalbiomedicalresearch.com Journal Homepage URL: http://www.experimentalbiomedicalresearch.com/ojs/index.php/ebr/ Journal RSS feed URL: http://www.experimentalbiomedicalresearch.com/ojs/index.php/ebr/gateway/plugin/WebFeedGatewayPlugin/rss

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