Hemligstämpla eller utplåna? Arkivbildningen och den personliga integriteten i Sverige 1900–2015
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By examining the donations by the local nobility to the local church, this thesis aims to study the church as a public room. By analyzing the donations of the nobility in relation to Habermas concept of the public sphere and the concept of conspicuous consumption the donations to the churches can be viewed as manifestations of power. This thesis studies all donations to the churches that leaves material and visual remnants in the church room. The results shows that there was a conscious strategy for the nobility to use the church for manifestation and representation of power. The nobility used their donations to manifest their power and to represent the power towards the people. This was done by filling the church with their names and coats of arms. By donating liturgical objects, church silver, chapels and coats of arms used for funerals the nobility was able to symbolically place themselves in the religious rituals. The church as a room was a symbolically and hierarchical place, and by connecting themselves with this room by donations the nobility could manifest their position in society, both locally and nationally.
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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the earliest active time period of the harbour of Västergarn on the island of Gotland. The exact time of the founding of Västergarn has been debated for almost a century. Extensive excavations were conducted between 2005 and 2013 by the University of Gotland which resulted in a large amount of pottery, of which the earliest type was the Baltic Sea ware. I aim to add to this discussion with a study of the morphology and chronology of the Baltic Sea ware found at the site. This type of pottery is an excellent archaeological source material for exploring the early history of Västergarn. Because the Baltic Sea ware is found all over the excavated area it provides evidence for the material needs of a growing urban population. As an everyday resource for the people of Västergarn it also indicates when the site was permanently settled. The study of the morphology and the distribution pattern clearly shows that Västergarn was well populated already in the 12th century. Such an early date for occupation of the site has been questioned in earlier research. There is now archaeological evidence to argue that the settlement within the earthen rampart was probably founded in the second half of the 11th century. In the same time period Visby was established as an urban site. Furthermore, based on a topographical study comparing the presence of Baltic Sea ware in different trenches with the shore line I argue the rampart was constructed somewhere between circa 1000 and 1200 A.D. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den tidigaste aktivitetsperioden i den gotländska hamnen Västergarn. Den exakta tiden för Västergarns grundande har debatterats i nästan ett århundrade. Extensiva utgrävningar genomförda av Högskolan på Gotland mellan 2005 och 2013 resulterade i en stor mängd keramik, varav östersjökeramiken är den äldsta. Jag ämnar utveckla denna diskussion med en studie av morfologin och kronologin av östersjökeramiken som finns på platsen. Denna godstyp är ett utmärkt arkeologiskt källmaterial i undersökningen av Västergarns tidiga historia. Då östersjökeramiken har hittats på nästan hela det utgrävda området bevisar det att en växande befolkning fanns på platsen. Som vardagsgods i Västergarn antyder keramiken också när platsen blev permanent befolkad. Studien av östersjökeramikens morfologi och korologi visar också tydligt att Västergarn var välbefolkat redan under 1100-talet. En så tidig datering för platsens befolkning har länge varit ifrågasatt inom tidigare forskning. Nu finns det dock arkeologiskt bevis att platsen troligen blivit grundad under den andra halvan av 1000-talet. Staden Visby grundades under samma tidsperiod. Fortsättningsvis, med basis i en topografisk analys som jämför östersjökeramikens närvaro i vissa schakt med strandlinjen argumenterar jag för att Västergarnsvallen byggdes någon gång mellan cirka år 1000 och 1200.
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The intent of this examination is to study anatomical jewelry design, withreproductions of the clitoris and uterus, its feminist connection and symbolism.Three Swedish female designers represent the foundation for this study, wheretheir specific jewelry is analyzed. Choice of designers are Clit co,Feministsmeden and Statement by Lann, a presentation of them can be found inthe second part on page 15. The main question in this study is; How come thewoman's body and genitals have become jewelry and how are these symbolslinked to feminism? Are these anatomical images inclusive or exclusive from agender perspective? The method in this survey focuses on semiotics and imageanalysis with inspiration from discourse analysis and hermeneutics, with atheory rooted in gender, feminism and exposition of the female body. Byfocusing on signification and intention, the study reaches a hypotheticalconclusion about the connection between anatomical jewelry and feminism. Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera anatomisk smyckesdesign, med återgivningenav klitoris och livmodern, dess feministiska anknytning och symbolik. Tre svenska kvinnligadesigners står som material för studien, där deras specifika smycken analyseras. I del två avarbetet presenteras de utvalda kreatörerna Clit co, Feministsmeden och Statement by Lann.Huvudfrågan i denna studie är; Hur kommer det sig att kvinnans kropp och könsorgan harblivit smycken och hur är dessa symboler kopplade till feminism? Är dessa anatomiskaskildringar inkluderande eller exkluderande ur ett genusperspektiv? Metoden i studienfokuserar på semiotisk bildanalys med inspiration ur diskursanalys och hermeneutik, medteori förankrad i genus, feminism och kroppspolitik. Genom att fokusera på budskap ochintention når studien en hypotetisk slutsats kring sambandet mellan anatomiska smycken ochfeminism.
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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Review of Corpus Linguistics and 17th-century Prostitution: Computational Linguistics and History by Anthony McEnery and Helen Baker (2017)
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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The aim of my thesis is to study the release and the project of Litografiskt Allehanda, an art magazine covering contemporary Swedish art and artists, published from 1859 to 1865. My purpose is to look at the choice of the published material for Litografiskt Allehanda, the influence the contributing artists, how the work with advertisement and subscriptions was made and if it fulfilled its own purpose. Through a social and communicative perspective I am studying the relations between the different actors like the publicists, the artists, the subscribers and also the interaction between the lithographs and the texts. Litografiskt Allehanda was the first successful lithographic work produced in Sweden, and the release lasted for six years. The printer and lithographer Axel Jacob Salmson, who was the founder of the magazine, led the printing work for two years before Sigfrid Flodin, a bookseller, took over and continued the work for another four years. The idea with Litografiskt Allehanda was to reach out to people all over Sweden and give everyone an opportunity to enjoy art, something that usually was exclusively for the upper class in the big cities. The analysis shows that there were people in smaller cities that subscribed to the magazine and also that the amount increased every year. Every volume contained 48 lithographic posters with a diversity of genres, from portraits and landscapes to some with more ethnographic character and ancient Nordic motives. The content became more Swedish with every year and letters show that the participating artists had quite a big influence over the published material. Every poster was accompanied by a text, which didn’t necessary had anything to do with the image, but was meant to create some entertainment for the reader. Some of these essays were written by special authors, while some were written by the artists themselves. Even if Litografiskt Allehanda is mentioned in almost every reference as being of great importance for the development of lithography and its proliferation in Sweden, there is nothing written that is just about the magazine.
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Västergarn is a medieval settlement situated on the west coast of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. It has for a long time been the focus of study for researchers due to its cultural heritage in regards of its church, rampart and archaeological remains of a settlement dating to the Early Middle Ages. The University of Uppsala conducted excavations at the site during 2005–2013 which have led to large amounts of archaeological material which enabled several theses being written about the place. This thesis aims to study metal dress accessories from Västergarn and the people behind these artifacts who lived there during the early medieval period. Gender identity, ethnicity and cultural belonging will be addressed. The main part of the thesis focuses on typology and chronology. This will be achieved by a morphological study of the material. In addition to this, an ArcGis study is conducted to study distribution patterns in the settlement. The conclusion is that dress accessories allow different conclusions on the population of Västergarn. In terms of gender, it is argued that both men and women were present, albeit artefacts of male gender dominate the assemblages. The majority of the material in terms of ethnicity and cultural identity can be attributed to a Gotlandic tradition, while some dress accessories seem to come from abroad, to the Slavonic areas and other regions in the Baltic Sea. Also, oriental influences can be seen, mainly in regard to the decorated belt mounts. in conclusion, the result of this thesis indicates that two separate groups, both Gotlanders and non-Gotlanders were active in Västergarn during the early Middle Ages which is visible in the two churches, the Baltic ware pottery and the form of dress accessories people wore at the time.
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popularity | Average | |
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Pre-processing Arabic text for Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems poses major challenges, as Arabic omits short vowels in writing. This omission leads to a large number of homographs, and means that Arabic text needs to be diacritized to disambiguate these homographs, in order to be matched up with the intended pronunciation. Diacritizing Arabic has generally been achieved by using rule-based, statistical, or hybrid methods that combine rule-based and statistical methods. Recently, diacritization methods involving deep learning have shown promise in reducing error rates. These deep-learning methods are not yet commonly used in TTS engines, however. To examine neural diacritization methods for use in TTS engines, we normalized and pre-processed a version of the Tashkeela corpus, a large diacritized corpus containing largely Classical Arabic texts, for TTS purposes. We then trained and tested three state-of-the-art Recurrent-Neural-Network-based models on this data set. Additionally we tested these models on the Wiki News corpus, a test set that contains Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) news articles and thus more closely resembles most TTS queries. The models were evaluated by comparing the Diacritic Error Rate (DER) and Word Error Rate (WER) achieved for each data set to one another and to the DER and WER reported in the original papers. Moreover, the per-diacritic accuracy was examined, and a manual evaluation was performed. For the Tashkeela corpus, all models achieved a lower DER and WER than reported in the original papers. This was largely the result of using more training data in addition to the TTS pre-processing steps that were performed on the data. For the Wiki News corpus, the error rates were higher, largely due to the domain gap between the data sets. We found that for both data sets the models overfit on common patterns and the most common diacritic. For the Wiki News corpus the models struggled with Named Entities and loanwords. Purely neural models generally outperformed the model that combined deep learning with rule-based and statistical corrections. These findings highlight the usability of deep learning methods for Arabic diacritization in TTS engines as well as the need for diacritized corpora that are more representative of Modern Standard Arabic.
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popularity | Average | |
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Hemligstämpla eller utplåna? Arkivbildningen och den personliga integriteten i Sverige 1900–2015
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By examining the donations by the local nobility to the local church, this thesis aims to study the church as a public room. By analyzing the donations of the nobility in relation to Habermas concept of the public sphere and the concept of conspicuous consumption the donations to the churches can be viewed as manifestations of power. This thesis studies all donations to the churches that leaves material and visual remnants in the church room. The results shows that there was a conscious strategy for the nobility to use the church for manifestation and representation of power. The nobility used their donations to manifest their power and to represent the power towards the people. This was done by filling the church with their names and coats of arms. By donating liturgical objects, church silver, chapels and coats of arms used for funerals the nobility was able to symbolically place themselves in the religious rituals. The church as a room was a symbolically and hierarchical place, and by connecting themselves with this room by donations the nobility could manifest their position in society, both locally and nationally.
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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the earliest active time period of the harbour of Västergarn on the island of Gotland. The exact time of the founding of Västergarn has been debated for almost a century. Extensive excavations were conducted between 2005 and 2013 by the University of Gotland which resulted in a large amount of pottery, of which the earliest type was the Baltic Sea ware. I aim to add to this discussion with a study of the morphology and chronology of the Baltic Sea ware found at the site. This type of pottery is an excellent archaeological source material for exploring the early history of Västergarn. Because the Baltic Sea ware is found all over the excavated area it provides evidence for the material needs of a growing urban population. As an everyday resource for the people of Västergarn it also indicates when the site was permanently settled. The study of the morphology and the distribution pattern clearly shows that Västergarn was well populated already in the 12th century. Such an early date for occupation of the site has been questioned in earlier research. There is now archaeological evidence to argue that the settlement within the earthen rampart was probably founded in the second half of the 11th century. In the same time period Visby was established as an urban site. Furthermore, based on a topographical study comparing the presence of Baltic Sea ware in different trenches with the shore line I argue the rampart was constructed somewhere between circa 1000 and 1200 A.D. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den tidigaste aktivitetsperioden i den gotländska hamnen Västergarn. Den exakta tiden för Västergarns grundande har debatterats i nästan ett århundrade. Extensiva utgrävningar genomförda av Högskolan på Gotland mellan 2005 och 2013 resulterade i en stor mängd keramik, varav östersjökeramiken är den äldsta. Jag ämnar utveckla denna diskussion med en studie av morfologin och kronologin av östersjökeramiken som finns på platsen. Denna godstyp är ett utmärkt arkeologiskt källmaterial i undersökningen av Västergarns tidiga historia. Då östersjökeramiken har hittats på nästan hela det utgrävda området bevisar det att en växande befolkning fanns på platsen. Som vardagsgods i Västergarn antyder keramiken också när platsen blev permanent befolkad. Studien av östersjökeramikens morfologi och korologi visar också tydligt att Västergarn var välbefolkat redan under 1100-talet. En så tidig datering för platsens befolkning har länge varit ifrågasatt inom tidigare forskning. Nu finns det dock arkeologiskt bevis att platsen troligen blivit grundad under den andra halvan av 1000-talet. Staden Visby grundades under samma tidsperiod. Fortsättningsvis, med basis i en topografisk analys som jämför östersjökeramikens närvaro i vissa schakt med strandlinjen argumenterar jag för att Västergarnsvallen byggdes någon gång mellan cirka år 1000 och 1200.
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The intent of this examination is to study anatomical jewelry design, withreproductions of the clitoris and uterus, its feminist connection and symbolism.Three Swedish female designers represent the foundation for this study, wheretheir specific jewelry is analyzed. Choice of designers are Clit co,Feministsmeden and Statement by Lann, a presentation of them can be found inthe second part on page 15. The main question in this study is; How come thewoman's body and genitals have become jewelry and how are these symbolslinked to feminism? Are these anatomical images inclusive or exclusive from agender perspective? The method in this survey focuses on semiotics and imageanalysis with inspiration from discourse analysis and hermeneutics, with atheory rooted in gender, feminism and exposition of the female body. Byfocusing on signification and intention, the study reaches a hypotheticalconclusion about the connection between anatomical jewelry and feminism. Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera anatomisk smyckesdesign, med återgivningenav klitoris och livmodern, dess feministiska anknytning och symbolik. Tre svenska kvinnligadesigners står som material för studien, där deras specifika smycken analyseras. I del två avarbetet presenteras de utvalda kreatörerna Clit co, Feministsmeden och Statement by Lann.Huvudfrågan i denna studie är; Hur kommer det sig att kvinnans kropp och könsorgan harblivit smycken och hur är dessa symboler kopplade till feminism? Är dessa anatomiskaskildringar inkluderande eller exkluderande ur ett genusperspektiv? Metoden i studienfokuserar på semiotisk bildanalys med inspiration ur diskursanalys och hermeneutik, medteori förankrad i genus, feminism och kroppspolitik. Genom att fokusera på budskap ochintention når studien en hypotetisk slutsats kring sambandet mellan anatomiska smycken ochfeminism.
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popularity | Average | |
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Review of Corpus Linguistics and 17th-century Prostitution: Computational Linguistics and History by Anthony McEnery and Helen Baker (2017)
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