In the near future, emergency services within Canada will be supporting new technologies for 9-1-1 call centres and firefighters to learn about an emergency situation. One such technology is drones. To understand the benefits and challenges of using drones within emergency response, we conducted a study with citizens who have called 9-1-1 and firefighters who respond to a range of everyday emergencies. Our results show that drones have numerous benefits to both firefighters and 9-1-1 callers which include context awareness and social support for callers who receive feelings of assurance that help is on the way. Privacy was largely not an issue, though safety issues arose especially for complex uses of drones such as indoor flying. Our results point to opportunities for designing drone systems that help people to develop a sense of trust with emergency response drones, and mitigate privacy and safety concerns with more complex drone systems. International audience
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We present the results of the re-discovery of the decay $B^0 \to \pi^- \ell^+ \nu_\ell$ in 34.6 fb$^{-1}$ of Belle II data using hadronic $B$-tagging via the Full Event Interpretation algorithm. We observe 21 signal events on a background of 155 in a fit to the distribution of the square of the missing mass, $M_{\mathrm{miss}}^2$, with a significance of 5.69$\sigma$, and determine a total branching fraction of (1.58 $\pm$ 0.43$_{\mathrm{stat}}$ $\pm$ 0.07$_{\mathrm{sys}}$) $\times 10^{-4}$.
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In the work using interval mathematics, we develop knowledge for cardinal numbers from the viewpoint of uncertainty analysis. In the finite non-T 1 topological spaces, the inclusion-exclusion formula provide interval estimations for the closure and interior of given sets. This paper introduces a novel approach that combines combinatorial and point-set topology, which leads to a number of results. Among these is the cardinality estimation for the intersection of two open sets that cover a hyperconnected topo-logical space.
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The present study on bibliometric analysis (cumulative) of seven ecology journals reveals that 21,118 authors have contributed 11394 papers during 2003 to 2012. The study examines the year-wise, institution-wise distribution of contributions, relative growth rate and doubling time, authorship patterns, prolific authors, Degree of collaboration, Collaborative co-efficient, etc. The study reveals that multiple authorship was dominant with 78.61% for the study period. The DC and CC were 0.78 and 0.54 respectively. The University Calif. Davis was found to be the top ranked institution contributing 370 papers. International audience
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Les lactones macrocycliques (LM) sont des anthelminthiques (AH) à effet paralysant très utilisés chez les animaux et les humains contre les nématodes parasites. Cependant, leur succès thérapeutique est compromis par la résistance croissante aux LM, qui pourrait être en partie dû aux ABC transporteurs P-glycoprotéines (Pgps) sélectionnés et surexprimés chez les nématodes résistants aux LM. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié plus précisément la P-glycoprotéine 13 du parasite de petits ruminants, Haemonchus contortus. Son orthologue chez le modèle nématode C. elegans, Cel-Pgp-13, est exprimé dans les amphides, structures qui ont été associées à la sensibilité aux AH chez C. elegans et H. contortus. Pour prédire la capacité des Pgps de nematode à transporter des drogues, incluant des LM et autres AH, nous avons développé un modèle de docking in silico. Nous avons utilisé la structure cristallographique de C. elegans Pgp-1 (Cel-Pgp-1), et nous avons montré la liaison avec une forte affinité de plusieurs ligands décrits comme activateurs de sa fonction ATPasique. Nous avons aussi décrit une forte affinité des LM, et un site spécifique de liaison de ces composés à Cel-Pgp-1. Cette approche représente un outil important pour prédire les interactions entre AH, et pour concevoir rationnellement de nouveaux inhibiteurs compétitifs des Pgps de nématode, dans le but d'améliorer les stratégies thérapeutiques. Sur la base de cette approche, nous avons prédit la structure 3D de Hco-Pgp-13 à partir du cristal de Cel-Pgp-1 afin d'étudier son intéraction avec des substrats potentiels, en particulier les LM. Nous avons trouvé des affinités similaires pour différents composés précédemment testés sur Cel-Pgp-1. In vitro, la mesure de l'activité ATPasique montre que l'actinomycine D est un substrat de Hco-Pgp-13. Nos données démontrent la présence possible d'un domaine de reconnaissance multispécifique sur ce transporteur de parasite. La détermination par immunofluorescence de l'expression de Hco-Pgp-13 a montré une distribution tissulaire large indiquant que Hco-Pgp-13 pourrait jouer un role important dans le transport de substrats endogènes et/ou exogènes. En conclusion, ce travail permet de mieux comprendre le rôle des Pgps de nématodes dans le transport de médicaments AH, tant au niveau de l'organisme modèle C. elegans que du nématode parasite H. contortus. Cette étude suggère la conservation de la fonction de tranporteur ABC multidrogue dans ces espèces. La localisation de Hco-Pgp-13 sur les structures amphidiales, et son éventuelle implication dans la résistance aux médicaments et à la survie de H. contortus à l'exposition à des composés AH, restent à préciser. Macrocyclic lactones (ML) are paralyzing anthelmintics used in animals and humans against parasite nematodes. However, their therapeutic success is compromised by the spread of ML resistance. This might be at least partly due to P-glycoproteins (Pgps) ABC transporters that are selected and overexpressed in ML-resistant nematodes. Deciphering the role of the 10 Pgps expressed in the parasite of small ruminants Haemonchus contortus is thus of major importance to guaranty anthelmintic (AH) efficacy of various drugs. Here we focused on Hco-Pgp-13 due to the expression in the amphids of its closest ortholog in the model nematode C. elegans. Indeed, the amphids represent a putative entry route of drugs to reach AH targets in the nervous system and have been linked to AH susceptibility in C. elegans and H. contortus. In order to predict the capacity of nematode Pgps to transport drugs, including ML and otherAH, we have developed an in silico drug docking model. We have used C. elegans Pgp-1 (Cel-Pgp-1) crystal structure and have showed a high affinity binding of several ligands that have been shown to be activators of its ATPase function. ML were also found to bind with high affinity to Cel-Pgp-1, on a specific binding site. This approach provides a valuable tool to predict drug-drug interactions and to rationally design new competitive inhibitors of nematode Pgps, in order to improve anthelmintic therapeutics. We then predicted a putative 3D structure of Hco-Pgp-13 based on the recently released crystal of Cel-Pgp-1, with which it presented a high homology. This allowed the study of the interaction of Hco-Pgp-13 with potential substrates, in particular ML. We found similar affinities for various drugs previously tested on Cel-Pgp-1, supporting the good homology of these two proteins. Together with in vitro ATPase assay experiments that confirmed the substrate status of actinomycin D, this indicates a possible multispecifc recognition capacity of this parasitic transporter. The determination of Hco-Pgp-13 localization using immunohistochemistry showed a wide tissue expression consistent with a critical role for Hco-Pgp-13 in endogenous and/or exogenous substrate transport. In conclusion, this work provides insights into the role of nematode Pgps in transporting AH drugs, both at the level of the model organism C. elegans and of the parasitic nematode H. contortus. This suggests a high homology of function conserved between ABC tranporters in these species. The localization of such protein on amphidial structures and its possible involvement in drug resistance and survival of H. contortus to exposure to AH compounds remain to be precised.
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We investigate the application of integrated micro-combs in RF photonic systems and demonstrate a microwave photonic intensity differentiator based on a Kerr optical comb generated by a compact integrated micro-ring resonator. The on-chip Kerr optical comb is CMOS-compatible and contains a large number of comb lines, which can serve as a high-performance multi-wavelength source for the transversal filter, thus greatly reduce the cost, size, and complexity of the system. The operation principle is theoretically analyzed, and experimental demonstrations of fractional-, first-, second-, and thirdorder differentiation functions based on the principle are presented. International audience
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La croissance dendritique est calculée en utilisant un modèle champ de phase avec adaptation automatique anisotrope et non structurées d’un maillage éléments finis. Les inconnues sont la fonction champ de phase, une température adimensionnelle et une composition adimensionnelle, tel que proposé par [KAR1998] et [RAM2004]. Une interpolation linéaire d’éléments finis est utilisée pour les trois variables, après des techniques de stabilisation de discrétisation qui assurent la convergence vers une solution correcte non-oscillante. Afin d'effectuer des calculs quantitatifs de la croissance dendritique sur un grand domaine, deux ingrédients numériques supplémentaires sont nécessaires: un maillage adaptatif anisotrope et non structuré [COU2011], [COU2014] et un calcul parallèle [DIG2001], mis à disposition de la plateforme numérique utilisée (CimLib) basée sur des développements C++. L'adaptation du maillage se trouve à réduire considérablement le nombre de degrés de liberté. Les résultats des simulations en champ de phase pour les dendrites pour une solidification d'un matériau pur et d’un alliage binaire en deux et trois dimensions sont présentés et comparés à des travaux de référence. Une discussion sur les détails de l'algorithme et le temps CPU sont présentés et une comparaison avec un modèle macroscopique sont faite. Dendritic growth is computed using a phase-field model with automatic adaptation of an anisotropic and unstructured finite element mesh. Unknowns are the phase-field function, a dimensionless temperature and a dimensionless composition, as proposed by [KAR1998] and [RAM2004]. Linear finite element interpolation is used for all variables, after discretization stabilization techniques that ensure convergence towards a correct non-oscillating solution. In order to perform quantitative computations of dendritic growth on a large domain, two additional numerical ingredients are necessary: automatic anisotropic unstructured adaptive meshing [COU2011], [COU2014] and parallel implementations [DIG2001], both made available with the numerical platform used (CimLib) based on C++ developments. Mesh adaptation is found to greatly reduce the number of degrees of freedom. Results of phase-field simulations for dendritic solidification of a pure material and a binary alloy in two and three dimensions are shown and compared with reference work. Discussion on algorithm details and the CPU time are outlined and a comparison with a macroscopic model are made.
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In lithium-ion cells, heat is generated via joules losses and exothermic electro-chemical reactions, causing cells to self-heat and risk premature aging or catastrophic failure. However, heat generation is not constant throughout the cells discharge, due to the complex chemical reactions and changes in the micro structure of the active materials of the electrodes. Nonlinear or complex systems thermodynamic behavior is commonly represented by efficiency maps, generated from empirical data. These empirical models are used to estimate a system heat generation at a given operating state. Although very common in many fields of engineering, efficiency maps are yet to be used for lithium-ion batteries. This paper presents a simple method to achieve accurate estimation of thermodynamic efficiency over the full range of use. In this method, the thermodynamic losses are assumed to be proportional to the measured ohmic resistance of the cell. This empirical method is intended to be a fast and reliable characterization tool that can replace other modeling methods, while capturing the non-linear nature of lithium-ion cells. It can be used for energy management and assessment purposes, for battery design or for thermal management system sizing and control. VPPC 2018, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, ETATS-UNIS, 27-/08/2018 - 30/08/2018
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Speech perception is known to rely on both auditory and visual information. However, sound specific somatosensory input has been shown also to influence speech perceptual processing (Ito et al., 2009). In the present study we addressed further the relationship between somatosensory information and speech perceptual processing by addressing the hypothesis that the temporal relationship between orofacial movement and sound processing contributes to somatosensory-auditory interaction in speech perception. We examined the changes in event-related potentials in response to multisensory synchronous (simultaneous) and asynchronous (90 ms lag and lead) somatosensory and auditory stimulation compared to individual unisensory auditory and somatosensory stimulation alone. We used a robotic device to apply facial skin somatosensory deformations that were similar in timing and duration to those experienced in speech production. Following synchronous multisensory stimulation the amplitude of the event-related potential was reliably different from the two unisensory potentials. More importantly, the magnitude of the event-related potential difference varied as a function of the relative timing of the somatosensory-auditory stimulation. Event-related activity change due to stimulus timing was seen between 160-220 ms following somatosensory onset, mostly around the parietal area. The results demonstrate a dynamic modulation of somatosensory-auditory convergence and suggest the contribution of somatosensory information for speech processing process is dependent on the specific temporal order of sensory inputs in speech production. International audience
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pmid: 31013990
pmc: PMC6514911
Methyl CpG binding protein-2 (MeCP2) isoforms (E1 and E2) are important epigenetic regulators in brain cells. Accordingly, MeCP2 loss- or gain-of-function mutation causes neurodevelopmental disorders, including Rett syndrome (RTT),
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citations | 24 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
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impulse | Top 10% |
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In the near future, emergency services within Canada will be supporting new technologies for 9-1-1 call centres and firefighters to learn about an emergency situation. One such technology is drones. To understand the benefits and challenges of using drones within emergency response, we conducted a study with citizens who have called 9-1-1 and firefighters who respond to a range of everyday emergencies. Our results show that drones have numerous benefits to both firefighters and 9-1-1 callers which include context awareness and social support for callers who receive feelings of assurance that help is on the way. Privacy was largely not an issue, though safety issues arose especially for complex uses of drones such as indoor flying. Our results point to opportunities for designing drone systems that help people to develop a sense of trust with emergency response drones, and mitigate privacy and safety concerns with more complex drone systems. International audience
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We present the results of the re-discovery of the decay $B^0 \to \pi^- \ell^+ \nu_\ell$ in 34.6 fb$^{-1}$ of Belle II data using hadronic $B$-tagging via the Full Event Interpretation algorithm. We observe 21 signal events on a background of 155 in a fit to the distribution of the square of the missing mass, $M_{\mathrm{miss}}^2$, with a significance of 5.69$\sigma$, and determine a total branching fraction of (1.58 $\pm$ 0.43$_{\mathrm{stat}}$ $\pm$ 0.07$_{\mathrm{sys}}$) $\times 10^{-4}$.
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In the work using interval mathematics, we develop knowledge for cardinal numbers from the viewpoint of uncertainty analysis. In the finite non-T 1 topological spaces, the inclusion-exclusion formula provide interval estimations for the closure and interior of given sets. This paper introduces a novel approach that combines combinatorial and point-set topology, which leads to a number of results. Among these is the cardinality estimation for the intersection of two open sets that cover a hyperconnected topo-logical space.
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The present study on bibliometric analysis (cumulative) of seven ecology journals reveals that 21,118 authors have contributed 11394 papers during 2003 to 2012. The study examines the year-wise, institution-wise distribution of contributions, relative growth rate and doubling time, authorship patterns, prolific authors, Degree of collaboration, Collaborative co-efficient, etc. The study reveals that multiple authorship was dominant with 78.61% for the study period. The DC and CC were 0.78 and 0.54 respectively. The University Calif. Davis was found to be the top ranked institution contributing 370 papers. International audience
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Les lactones macrocycliques (LM) sont des anthelminthiques (AH) à effet paralysant très utilisés chez les animaux et les humains contre les nématodes parasites. Cependant, leur succès thérapeutique est compromis par la résistance croissante aux LM, qui pourrait être en partie dû aux ABC transporteurs P-glycoprotéines (Pgps) sélectionnés et surexprimés chez les nématodes résistants aux LM. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié plus précisément la P-glycoprotéine 13 du parasite de petits ruminants, Haemonchus contortus. Son orthologue chez le modèle nématode C. elegans, Cel-Pgp-13, est exprimé dans les amphides, structures qui ont été associées à la sensibilité aux AH chez C. elegans et H. contortus. Pour prédire la capacité des Pgps de nematode à transporter des drogues, incluant des LM et autres AH, nous avons développé un modèle de docking in silico. Nous avons utilisé la structure cristallographique de C. elegans Pgp-1 (Cel-Pgp-1), et nous avons montré la liaison avec une forte affinité de plusieurs ligands décrits comme activateurs de sa fonction ATPasique. Nous avons aussi décrit une forte affinité des LM, et un site spécifique de liaison de ces composés à Cel-Pgp-1. Cette approche représente un outil important pour prédire les interactions entre AH, et pour concevoir rationnellement de nouveaux inhibiteurs compétitifs des Pgps de nématode, dans le but d'améliorer les stratégies thérapeutiques. Sur la base de cette approche, nous avons prédit la structure 3D de Hco-Pgp-13 à partir du cristal de Cel-Pgp-1 afin d'étudier son intéraction avec des substrats potentiels, en particulier les LM. Nous avons trouvé des affinités similaires pour différents composés précédemment testés sur Cel-Pgp-1. In vitro, la mesure de l'activité ATPasique montre que l'actinomycine D est un substrat de Hco-Pgp-13. Nos données démontrent la présence possible d'un domaine de reconnaissance multispécifique sur ce transporteur de parasite. La détermination par immunofluorescence de l'expression de Hco-Pgp-13 a montré une distribution tissulaire large indiquant que Hco-Pgp-13 pourrait jouer un role important dans le transport de substrats endogènes et/ou exogènes. En conclusion, ce travail permet de mieux comprendre le rôle des Pgps de nématodes dans le transport de médicaments AH, tant au niveau de l'organisme modèle C. elegans que du nématode parasite H. contortus. Cette étude suggère la conservation de la fonction de tranporteur ABC multidrogue dans ces espèces. La localisation de Hco-Pgp-13 sur les structures amphidiales, et son éventuelle implication dans la résistance aux médicaments et à la survie de H. contortus à l'exposition à des composés AH, restent à préciser. Macrocyclic lactones (ML) are paralyzing anthelmintics used in animals and humans against parasite nematodes. However, their therapeutic success is compromised by the spread of ML resistance. This might be at least partly due to P-glycoproteins (Pgps) ABC transporters that are selected and overexpressed in ML-resistant nematodes. Deciphering the role of the 10 Pgps expressed in the parasite of small ruminants Haemonchus contortus is thus of major importance to guaranty anthelmintic (AH) efficacy of various drugs. Here we focused on Hco-Pgp-13 due to the expression in the amphids of its closest ortholog in the model nematode C. elegans. Indeed, the amphids represent a putative entry route of drugs to reach AH targets in the nervous system and have been linked to AH susceptibility in C. elegans and H. contortus. In order to predict the capacity of nematode Pgps to transport drugs, including ML and otherAH, we have developed an in silico drug docking model. We have used C. elegans Pgp-1 (Cel-Pgp-1) crystal structure and have showed a high affinity binding of several ligands that have been shown to be activators of its ATPase function. ML were also found to bind with high affinity to Cel-Pgp-1, on a specific binding site. This approach provides a valuable tool to predict drug-drug interactions and to rationally design new competitive inhibitors of nematode Pgps, in order to improve anthelmintic therapeutics. We then predicted a putative 3D structure of Hco-Pgp-13 based on the recently released crystal of Cel-Pgp-1, with which it presented a high homology. This allowed the study of the interaction of Hco-Pgp-13 with potential substrates, in particular ML. We found similar affinities for various drugs previously tested on Cel-Pgp-1, supporting the good homology of these two proteins. Together with in vitro ATPase assay experiments that confirmed the substrate status of actinomycin D, this indicates a possible multispecifc recognition capacity of this parasitic transporter. The determination of Hco-Pgp-13 localization using immunohistochemistry showed a wide tissue expression consistent with a critical role for Hco-Pgp-13 in endogenous and/or exogenous substrate transport. In conclusion, this work provides insights into the role of nematode Pgps in transporting AH drugs, both at the level of the model organism C. elegans and of the parasitic nematode H. contortus. This suggests a high homology of function conserved between ABC tranporters in these species. The localization of such protein on amphidial structures and its possible involvement in drug resistance and survival of H. contortus to exposure to AH compounds remain to be precised.
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