doi: 10.5061/dryad.63n3f
We analyzed individual variation in work load (nest visit rate) during chick-rearing, and the consequences of this variation in terms of breeding productivity, in a highly synchronous breeder, the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) focusing on female birds. There was marked (10- to 16-fold) variation in total, female and male nest visit rates, among individuals, but individual variation in female nest visit rate was independent of environment (rainfall, temperature) and metrics of individual quality (laying date, clutch size, amount of male provisioning help), and was only weakly associated with chick demand (i.e., day 6 brood size). Female nest visit rate was independent of date and experimentally delayed birds provisioned at the same rate as peak-nesting birds; supporting a lack of effect of date per se. Brood size at fledging was positively but weakly related to total nest visit rate (male + female), with >fivefold variation in nest visit rate for any given brood size, and in females brood size at fledging and chick mass at fledging were independent of female nest visit rate, that is, individual variation in workload was not associated with higher productivity. Nevertheless, nest visit rate in females was repeatable among consecutive days (6–8 posthatching), and between peak (first) and second broods, but not among years. Our data suggest that individual females behave as if committed to a certain level of parental care at the outset of their annual breeding attempt, but this varies among years, that is, behavior is not fixed throughout an individual's life but represents an annually variable decision. We suggest females are making predictable decisions about their workload during provisioning that maximizes their overall fitness based on an integration of information on their current environment (although these cues currently remain unidentified). European Starling Provisioning DataNest visit rates, individual identifying bands,environmental data and reproductive success in European starlings. See ReadMe file for further description.Fowler_Williams_EUST data.csv
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.864rv
Individual assignment and genetic mixture analysis are commonly utilized in contemporary wildlife and fisheries management. Although microsatellite loci provide unparalleled numbers of alleles per locus, their use in assignment applications is increasingly limited. However, next-generation sequencing, in conjunction with novel bioinformatic tools allows large numbers of microsatellite loci to be simultaneously genotyped, presenting new opportunities for individual assignment and genetic mixture analysis. Here we scanned the published Atlantic salmon genome to identify 706 microsatellite loci, from which we developed a final panel of 101 microsatellites distributed across the genome (average 3.4 loci per chromosome). Using samples from 35 Atlantic salmon populations (n=1485 individuals) from coastal Labrador, Canada, a region characterized by low levels of differentiation in this species, this panel identified 844 alleles (average of 8.4 alleles per locus). Simulation-based evaluations of assignment and mixture identification accuracy revealed unprecedented resolution, clearly identifying 26 rivers or groups of rivers spanning 500 km of coastline. This baseline was used to examine the stock composition of 696 individuals harvested in the Labrador Atlantic salmon fishery and revealed that coastal fisheries largely targeted regional groups (<300km). This work suggests that the development and application of large sequenced microsatellite panels presents great potential for stock resolution in Atlantic salmon and more broadly in other exploited anadromous and marine species. Labrador Atlantic Salmon Sequenced Microsatellite DataGenepop file of sequenced microsatellite genotype data for 35 salmon populations in Labrador Canada.
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.tg0mt
The role of chromosome changes in speciation remains a debated topic, although demographic conditions associated with divergence should promote their appearance. We tested a potential relationship between chromosome changes and speciation by studying two Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) lineages that recently colonized postglacial lakes following allopatry. A dwarf limnetic species evolved repeatedly from the normal benthic species, becoming reproductively isolated. Lake Whitefish hybrids experience mitotic and meiotic instability, which may result from structurally divergent chromosomes. Motivated by this observation, we test the hypothesis that chromosome organization differs between Lake Whitefish species pairs using cytogenetics. While chromosome and fundamental numbers are conserved between the species (2n = 80, NF = 98), we observe extensive polymorphism of subtle karyotype traits. We describe intrachromosomal differences associated with heterochromatin and repetitive DNA, and test for parallelism among three sympatric species pairs. Multivariate analyses support the hypothesis that differentiation at the level of subchromosomal markers mostly appeared during allopatry. Yet we find no evidence for parallelism between species pairs among lakes, consistent with colonization effect or postcolonization differentiation. The reported intrachromosomal polymorphisms do not appear to play a central role in driving adaptive divergence between normal and dwarf Lake Whitefish. We discuss how chromosomal differentiation in the Lake Whitefish system may contribute to the destabilization of mitotic and meiotic chromosome segregation in hybrids, as documented previously. The chromosome structures detected here are still difficult to sequence and assemble, demonstrating the value of cytogenetics as a complementary approach to understand the genomic bases of speciation. Macrogen_sequence_filesFile produced during the sequencing of the PCR products used for FISH of 5S and 28S rDNA. File names contain "5S" or "28S" depending on what product they refer to.C-BandCMA3GiemsaFISH_rDNAFISH_rDNA
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Explanations for primate brain expansion and the evolution of human cognition and culture remain contentious despite extensive research. While multiple comparative analyses have investigated variation in brain size across primate species, very few have addressed why primates vary in how much they use social learning. Here, we evaluate the hypothesis that the enhanced reliance on socially transmitted behavior observed in some primates has coevolved with enlarged brains, complex sociality, and extended lifespans. Using recently developed phylogenetic comparative methods we show that, across primate species, a measure of social learning proclivity increases with absolute and relative brain volume, longevity (specifically reproductive lifespan), and social group size, correcting for research effort. We also confirm relationships of absolute and relative brain volume with longevity (both juvenile period and reproductive lifespan) and social group size, although longevity is generally the stronger predictor. Relationships between social learning, brain volume, and longevity remain when controlling for maternal investment and are therefore not simply explained as a by-product of the generally slower life history expected for larger brained species. Our findings suggest that both brain expansion and high reliance on culturally transmitted behavior coevolved with sociality and extended lifespan in primates. This coevolution is consistent with the hypothesis that the evolution of large brains, sociality, and long lifespans has promoted reliance on culture, with reliance on culture in turn driving further increases in brain volume, cognitive abilities, and lifespans in some primate lineages. Primate_data_Street_Navarrete_Reader_Laland_2017
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.22v00
The performance of courtship signals provides information about the behavioural state and quality of the signaller, and females can use such information for social decision-making (e.g. mate choice). However, relatively little is known about the degree to which the perception of and preference for differences in motor performance are shaped by developmental experiences. Furthermore, the neural substrates that development could act upon to influence the processing of performance features remains largely unknown. In songbirds, females use song to identify males and select mates. Moreover, female songbirds are often sensitive to variation in male song performance. Consequently, we investigated how developmental exposure to adult male song affected behavioural and neural responses to song in a small, gregarious songbird, the zebra finch. Zebra finch males modulate their song performance when courting females, and previous work has shown that females prefer the high-performance, female-directed courtship song. However, unlike females allowed to hear and interact with an adult male during development, females reared without developmental song exposure did not demonstrate behavioural preferences for high-performance courtship songs. Additionally, auditory responses to courtship and non-courtship song were altered in adult females raised without developmental song exposure. These data highlight the critical role of developmental auditory experience in shaping the perception and processing of song performance. EGR1_dataNumber of EGR1 neurons/mm2 in the NCM, CMM and IC.preference_score_by_maleIDAverage preference scores of all females tested on each male stimulus.preference_scores_all_femalesraw data for call back preference tests for normally-reared and song-naive females tested on stimuli from different malespreference_score_vs_song_measuresPercent difference for measures of song between courtship and non-courtship singing. Measures include the number of introductory notes and motifs, syllable entropy, CV of the fundamental frequency and song tempo (motif duration).
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.7fd7p
1. Although anthropogenic edges are an important consequence of timber harvesting, edges due to natural disturbances or landscape heterogeneity are also common. Forest edges have been well-studied in temperate and tropical forests, but less so in less productive, disturbance-adapted boreal forests. 2. We synthesized data on forest vegetation at edges of boreal forests and compared edge influence among edge types (fire, cut, lake/wetland; old vs. young), forest types (broadleaf vs. coniferous) and geographic regions. Our objectives were to quantify vegetation responses at edges of all types and to compare the strength and extent of edge influence among different types of edges and forests. 3. Research was conducted using the same general sampling design in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec in Canada, and in Sweden and Finland. We conducted a meta-analysis for a variety of response variables including forest structure, deadwood abundance, regeneration, understorey abundance and diversity, and nonvascular plant cover. We also determined the magnitude and distance of edge influence using randomization tests. 4. Some edge responses (lower tree basal area, tree canopy and bryophyte cover; more logs; higher regeneration) were significant overall across studies. Edge influence on ground vegetation in boreal forests was generally weak, not very extensive (distance of edge influence usually < 20 m) and decreased with time. We found more extensive edge influence at natural edges, at younger edges and in broadleaf forests. The comparison among regions revealed weaker edge influence in Fennoscandian forests. 5. Synthesis. Edges created by forest harvesting do not appear to have as strong, extensive or persistent influence on vegetation in boreal as in tropical or temperate forested ecosystems. We attribute this apparent resistance to shorter canopy heights, inherent heterogeneity in boreal forests and their adaptation to frequent natural disturbance. Nevertheless, notable differences between forest structure responses to natural (fire) and anthropogenic (cut) edges raise concerns about biodiversity implications of extensive creation of anthropogenic edges. By highlighting universal responses to edge influence in boreal forests that are significant irrespective of edge or forest type, and those which vary by edge type, we provide a context for the conservation of boreal forests. Data for meta-analysis and synthesis of boreal edgesData from each study is on a separate page, labelled with the study area and study number. Please see the article Table 2. On each page, data are at different distances from the edge along transects for different response variables. Please see the article Table S1 for details on sampling and data collection.Boreal edges data for Dryad.xls
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.23tp6
The physiological mechanisms underlying local adaptation in natural populations of animals, and whether the same mechanisms contribute to adaptation and acclimation, are largely unknown. Therefore, we tested for evolutionary divergence in aerobic exercise physiology in laboratory bred, size-matched crosses of ancestral, benthic, normal Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and derived, limnetic, more actively-swimming ‘dwarf’ ecotypes. We acclimated fish to constant swimming (emulating limnetic foraging) and control conditions (emulating normal activity levels) to simultaneously study phenotypic plasticity. We found extensive divergence between ecotypes: dwarf fish generally had constitutively higher values of traits related to oxygen transport (ventricle size) and use by skeletal muscle (percent oxidative muscle, mitochondrial content), and also evolved differential plasticity of mitochondrial function (Complex I activity and flux through Complexes I-IV and IV). The effects of swim-training were less pronounced than differences among ecotypes and the traits which had a significant training effect (ventricle protein content, ventricle MDH activity and muscle Complex V activity) did not differ among ecotypes. Only one trait, ventricle mass, varied in a similar manner with acclimation and adaptation and followed a pattern consistent with genetic accommodation. Overall, the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying acclimation and adaptation to swimming activity in Lake Whitefish generally differ. R code for nested, two-way ANOVAsR code for nested, two-way ANOVAs (example for Fig. 1A)Figs1-6_MixedEffectsModel_Code.RR_Code_for_DFAR_Code_for_DFA (Fig. 7)Fig7_DFA_Code.RFig1A_HematocritData for Figure 1AFig1B_VentricleMassData for Figure 1BFig2_HeartEnzymesData for Figure 2Fig3A_PercentRMData for Figure 3AFig3C,E_CapillaryDensityData for Figure 3C,EFig4_MuscleEnzymesData for Figure 4Fig5_MitoRespirationData for Figure 5Fig6_ETCenzymesData for Figure 6Fig7_DF(tank_means)Data for Figure 7 - tank means for all significant variables
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1. Ballast water has been identified as a leading vector for introduction of non-indigenous species (NIS). Recently, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) implemented management standards – D-2 – where all large, commercial ships trading internationally are required to adopt an approved treatment system using technologies such as ultraviolet radiation or chlorination. However, current management regulations are based only on the total abundance of viable taxa transported (i.e., total propagule pressure), largely ignoring species richness (i.e., colonization pressure).2. To determine the efficacy of chlorine treatment in reducing invasion risks and changes in transported biological communities inside ballast tanks, we used DNA metabarcoding-based approaches to estimate colonization pressure (here, the number of species/Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) introduced) and relative propagule pressure (relative abundance of each species/OTU) of zooplankton communities in control and chlorine treated tanks during four transatlantic voyages. 3. Our study demonstrated that transport itself did not significantly reduce colonization pressure of zooplankton species, nor did chlorine treatment. Chlorine treatment altered community structure by reducing relative propagule pressure of some taxa such as Mollusca and Rotifera, while increasing relative propagule pressure of some Oligohymenophorea and Copepoda species.4. Synthesis and applications. Chlorine treatment may not reduce invasion risks as much as previously thought. Reduction in total propagule pressure does not mean reduction in abundance of all species equally. While some taxa might experience drastically reduced abundance, others might not change at all or increase due to hatching from dormant stages initiated by chlorine exposure. Therefore, management strategies should consider changes in total propagule pressure and colonization pressure when forecasting risk of new invasions. We therefore recommend adopting new approaches, such as DNA metabarcoding-based methods, to assess the whole biodiversity discharged from ballast water. As species responses to chlorine treatment are variable and affected by concentration, we also recommend a combination of different technologies to reduce introduction risks of aquatic organisms. Supplement to: Lin, Yaping; Zhan, Aibin; Hernandez, Marco R; Paolucci, Esteban; MacIsaac, Hugh J; Briski, Elizabeta (2020): Can chlorination of ballast water reduce biological invasions? Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(2), 331-343 The zip file includes:1. raw_data_clean.fasta: Raw sequence reads of zooplankton in ballast water samples2. raw_data.fasta: OTU representative sequences3. OTU_table.xlsx: OTU table
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.g56f4
The ancient acquisition of the mitochondrion into the ancestor of modern-day eukaryotes is thought to have been pivotal in facilitating the evolution of complex life. Mitochondria retain their own diminutive genome, with mitochondrial genes encoding core subunits involved in oxidative phosphorylation. Traditionally, it was assumed that there was little scope for genetic variation to accumulate and be maintained within the mitochondrial genome. However, in the past decade, mitochondrial genetic variation has been routinely tied to the expression of life-history traits such as fertility, development and longevity. To examine whether these broad-scale effects on life-history trait expression might ultimately find their root in mitochondrially mediated effects on core bioenergetic function, we measured the effects of genetic variation across twelve different mitochondrial haplotypes on respiratory capacity and mitochondrial quantity in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. We used strains of flies that differed only in their mitochondrial haplotype, and tested each sex separately at two different adult ages. Mitochondrial haplotypes affected both respiratory capacity and mitochondrial quantity. However, these effects were highly context-dependent, with the genetic effects contingent on both the sex and the age of the flies. These sex- and age-specific genetic effects are likely to resonate across the entire organismal life-history, providing insights into how mitochondrial genetic variation may contribute to sex-specific trajectories of life-history evolution. Alstonville_DryadBarcelona_DryadBrownsville_DryadDahomey_DryadHawaii_DryadIsrael_DryadJapan_DryadMadang_DryadMysore_DryadOregon_DryadPuerto Montt_DryadSweden_Dryad
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.pp75d
Ontogenetic niche shifts are widely prevalent in nature and are important in shaping the structure and dynamics of ecosystems. Stable isotope analysis is a powerful tool to assess these shifts, with δ15N providing a measure of trophic level and δ13C a measure of energy source. Previous applications of stable isotopes to study ontogenetic niche shifts have not considered the appreciable time-lag between diet and consumer tissue associated with isotopic turnover. These time-lags introduce significant complexity into field studies of ontogenetic niche shifts. Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) migrate from freshwater to marine ecosystems, and shift their diet from feeding primarily on invertebrates to feeding primarily on fish. This dual ontogenetic habitat and diet shift, in addition to the long time-lag associated with isotopic turnover, suggests that there is potential for a disconnect between the prey sources that juvenile salmon are consuming, and the inferred prey sources from stable isotope analysis. We developed a model that considered ontogenetic niche shifts and time-lags associated with isotopic turnover, and compared this ‘ontogeny’ model to one that considered only isotopic turnover. We used a Bayesian framework to explicitly account for parameter uncertainty. Data showed overwhelming support for the ontogeny model relative to the isotopic turnover model. Estimated variables from best model fits indicate that the ontogeny model predicts a much greater reliance on fish prey than does the stomach content data. Overall, we found that this method of quantifying ontogenetic niche shifts effectively accounted for both isotopic turnover and ontogenetic diet shifts; a finding that could be widely applicable to a variety of systems. Hertzetal16ChinookIsotopesd13C, d15N of dorsal muscle tissue and weights (g) of juvenile Chinook Salmon caught off the west coast of Vancouver Island from 2000-2009. d13C values were corrected for differences in sample preparation following Fig S3, and were lipid-corrected following Post et al. 2007.Hertzetal16Iso.csv
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.63n3f
We analyzed individual variation in work load (nest visit rate) during chick-rearing, and the consequences of this variation in terms of breeding productivity, in a highly synchronous breeder, the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) focusing on female birds. There was marked (10- to 16-fold) variation in total, female and male nest visit rates, among individuals, but individual variation in female nest visit rate was independent of environment (rainfall, temperature) and metrics of individual quality (laying date, clutch size, amount of male provisioning help), and was only weakly associated with chick demand (i.e., day 6 brood size). Female nest visit rate was independent of date and experimentally delayed birds provisioned at the same rate as peak-nesting birds; supporting a lack of effect of date per se. Brood size at fledging was positively but weakly related to total nest visit rate (male + female), with >fivefold variation in nest visit rate for any given brood size, and in females brood size at fledging and chick mass at fledging were independent of female nest visit rate, that is, individual variation in workload was not associated with higher productivity. Nevertheless, nest visit rate in females was repeatable among consecutive days (6–8 posthatching), and between peak (first) and second broods, but not among years. Our data suggest that individual females behave as if committed to a certain level of parental care at the outset of their annual breeding attempt, but this varies among years, that is, behavior is not fixed throughout an individual's life but represents an annually variable decision. We suggest females are making predictable decisions about their workload during provisioning that maximizes their overall fitness based on an integration of information on their current environment (although these cues currently remain unidentified). European Starling Provisioning DataNest visit rates, individual identifying bands,environmental data and reproductive success in European starlings. See ReadMe file for further description.Fowler_Williams_EUST data.csv
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.864rv
Individual assignment and genetic mixture analysis are commonly utilized in contemporary wildlife and fisheries management. Although microsatellite loci provide unparalleled numbers of alleles per locus, their use in assignment applications is increasingly limited. However, next-generation sequencing, in conjunction with novel bioinformatic tools allows large numbers of microsatellite loci to be simultaneously genotyped, presenting new opportunities for individual assignment and genetic mixture analysis. Here we scanned the published Atlantic salmon genome to identify 706 microsatellite loci, from which we developed a final panel of 101 microsatellites distributed across the genome (average 3.4 loci per chromosome). Using samples from 35 Atlantic salmon populations (n=1485 individuals) from coastal Labrador, Canada, a region characterized by low levels of differentiation in this species, this panel identified 844 alleles (average of 8.4 alleles per locus). Simulation-based evaluations of assignment and mixture identification accuracy revealed unprecedented resolution, clearly identifying 26 rivers or groups of rivers spanning 500 km of coastline. This baseline was used to examine the stock composition of 696 individuals harvested in the Labrador Atlantic salmon fishery and revealed that coastal fisheries largely targeted regional groups (<300km). This work suggests that the development and application of large sequenced microsatellite panels presents great potential for stock resolution in Atlantic salmon and more broadly in other exploited anadromous and marine species. Labrador Atlantic Salmon Sequenced Microsatellite DataGenepop file of sequenced microsatellite genotype data for 35 salmon populations in Labrador Canada.
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.tg0mt
The role of chromosome changes in speciation remains a debated topic, although demographic conditions associated with divergence should promote their appearance. We tested a potential relationship between chromosome changes and speciation by studying two Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) lineages that recently colonized postglacial lakes following allopatry. A dwarf limnetic species evolved repeatedly from the normal benthic species, becoming reproductively isolated. Lake Whitefish hybrids experience mitotic and meiotic instability, which may result from structurally divergent chromosomes. Motivated by this observation, we test the hypothesis that chromosome organization differs between Lake Whitefish species pairs using cytogenetics. While chromosome and fundamental numbers are conserved between the species (2n = 80, NF = 98), we observe extensive polymorphism of subtle karyotype traits. We describe intrachromosomal differences associated with heterochromatin and repetitive DNA, and test for parallelism among three sympatric species pairs. Multivariate analyses support the hypothesis that differentiation at the level of subchromosomal markers mostly appeared during allopatry. Yet we find no evidence for parallelism between species pairs among lakes, consistent with colonization effect or postcolonization differentiation. The reported intrachromosomal polymorphisms do not appear to play a central role in driving adaptive divergence between normal and dwarf Lake Whitefish. We discuss how chromosomal differentiation in the Lake Whitefish system may contribute to the destabilization of mitotic and meiotic chromosome segregation in hybrids, as documented previously. The chromosome structures detected here are still difficult to sequence and assemble, demonstrating the value of cytogenetics as a complementary approach to understand the genomic bases of speciation. Macrogen_sequence_filesFile produced during the sequencing of the PCR products used for FISH of 5S and 28S rDNA. File names contain "5S" or "28S" depending on what product they refer to.C-BandCMA3GiemsaFISH_rDNAFISH_rDNA
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Explanations for primate brain expansion and the evolution of human cognition and culture remain contentious despite extensive research. While multiple comparative analyses have investigated variation in brain size across primate species, very few have addressed why primates vary in how much they use social learning. Here, we evaluate the hypothesis that the enhanced reliance on socially transmitted behavior observed in some primates has coevolved with enlarged brains, complex sociality, and extended lifespans. Using recently developed phylogenetic comparative methods we show that, across primate species, a measure of social learning proclivity increases with absolute and relative brain volume, longevity (specifically reproductive lifespan), and social group size, correcting for research effort. We also confirm relationships of absolute and relative brain volume with longevity (both juvenile period and reproductive lifespan) and social group size, although longevity is generally the stronger predictor. Relationships between social learning, brain volume, and longevity remain when controlling for maternal investment and are therefore not simply explained as a by-product of the generally slower life history expected for larger brained species. Our findings suggest that both brain expansion and high reliance on culturally transmitted behavior coevolved with sociality and extended lifespan in primates. This coevolution is consistent with the hypothesis that the evolution of large brains, sociality, and long lifespans has promoted reliance on culture, with reliance on culture in turn driving further increases in brain volume, cognitive abilities, and lifespans in some primate lineages. Primate_data_Street_Navarrete_Reader_Laland_2017
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.22v00
The performance of courtship signals provides information about the behavioural state and quality of the signaller, and females can use such information for social decision-making (e.g. mate choice). However, relatively little is known about the degree to which the perception of and preference for differences in motor performance are shaped by developmental experiences. Furthermore, the neural substrates that development could act upon to influence the processing of performance features remains largely unknown. In songbirds, females use song to identify males and select mates. Moreover, female songbirds are often sensitive to variation in male song performance. Consequently, we investigated how developmental exposure to adult male song affected behavioural and neural responses to song in a small, gregarious songbird, the zebra finch. Zebra finch males modulate their song performance when courting females, and previous work has shown that females prefer the high-performance, female-directed courtship song. However, unlike females allowed to hear and interact with an adult male during development, females reared without developmental song exposure did not demonstrate behavioural preferences for high-performance courtship songs. Additionally, auditory responses to courtship and non-courtship song were altered in adult females raised without developmental song exposure. These data highlight the critical role of developmental auditory experience in shaping the perception and processing of song performance. EGR1_dataNumber of EGR1 neurons/mm2 in the NCM, CMM and IC.preference_score_by_maleIDAverage preference scores of all females tested on each male stimulus.preference_scores_all_femalesraw data for call back preference tests for normally-reared and song-naive females tested on stimuli from different malespreference_score_vs_song_measuresPercent difference for measures of song between courtship and non-courtship singing. Measures include the number of introductory notes and motifs, syllable entropy, CV of the fundamental frequency and song tempo (motif duration).
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