THE SCIENCE CLUSTERS are EU collaborative projects that were launched in 2019 to link ESFRI and other world-class Research Infrastructures (RIs) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The main impacts of the Science Clusters’ work programme concern: the improved access of researchers to data, tools and resources, leading to new insights and innovation for data-driven science both within and beyond the context of the domains in which the clusters are rooted; the creation of a cross-border open innovation environment for FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data management for economies of scale, to develop synergies and rise the efficiency and productivity of researchers through open-science standards and thematic services; the enhanced co-developments to foster the cross-domain interoperability central to the EOSC goal. The Science Clusters are an integral part of EOSC. Their services and outcomes are now forming the core of the emerging EOSC fabric. As important partners of EOSC, Science Clusters contribute to its development and its implementation process. Importantly, the Science Clusters form a natural collaboration between the ESFRI RIs’ management boards partners in the clusters. As EOSC matures and begins delivering data and services for European research, a discussion is needed to stimulate the Open Science practices, cross-domain interoperability and long-term coordination of the scientific communities covered by the five Science Clusters. This position paper contributes formally to explain the urgent need of EC to support a longer-term role of the five Science Clusters to provide content to the EOSC, to enhance researchers’ involvement in Open Science and to suggest potential cooperative pathways in the Horizon-Europe framework and along with the EOSC Association roadmap. This paper is aimed at highlighting: Expectations of the clusters and the concerned research communities, pointing out a common structured vision and a series of suggestions for the future. A more detailed analysis from each cluster, that is provided for completeness.
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This research aims to study brand identity and food packaging. The objective of this study is to create a solid visual identity and packaging design for a new food brand of K-citymarket, Järven-pää, Finland. This research is a part of a project assigned during my internship at Pentagon Design. To achieve the research objectives, I studied previous literature and research on the definitions of brand and why it is important to build a brand image. Furthermore, I conducted research on psychology-based brand building, a design approach that suits best for this project according to the client’s needs. In this research, besides the theories of building a brand based on psychology that have been applied during the design process, it is also important to understand the actual working process by Discover – Define – Design- Deliver from Pentagon Design and how to apply it during the entire project. The outcome of the work is an authentic yet flexible brand identity fundamental, which will, in the future, have an umbrella effect that links all kinds of food together with an iden-tical heart-shaped logo.
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Building Bridges Between the Virtual and Real utilizes interviews with content creators, technology developers, and museum personnel to detail the ways in which these parties have worked together to bring augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences into the museum. With a brief summary of museological theory on the function of digital technologies in the museum and a survey of AR and VR experiences exhibited in museum space, this study is designed to facilitate and foster collaborative projects that further integrate AR and VR into the museum environment.
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This is the code for a shiny app that takes the data from the WALIS sea-level proxies database. The code was prepared by Sebastian Garzòn under the supervision of Alessio Rovere.The interface shows the results of a jupyter notebook (running offline) that summarizes the data included in WALIS for display in the shiny app. The notebook is included in this repository: app can be accessed at this link. software is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. ERC-StG-802414). Sebastian Garzon was also funded by the Data Stewardship Scholarship, by PAGES (which in turn received support from the Swiss Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences).
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handle: 11025/33275
The aim of the thesis is to find a usage for Grid-EYE sensor in the field of gesture recognition and control. To meet this goal, it was needed to learn about basic principles of gesture recognition. A test board with given sensor and microcontroller for processing and transferring data was designed and made. The firmware for microcontroller was developed in C and the software application for data visualization on PC was developed in C#. Cílem této diplomové práce je prozkoumat možnosti využití senzoru typu Grid-EYE pro gestové ovládání. Ke splnění tohoto cíle bylo potřeba se seznámit se základy gestového ovládání, navrhnout ověřovací vzorek s uvedeným senzorem a procesorem pro zpracování a přenos dat do PC. Dále bylo nutné tyto data zobrazit, k čemuž byl navrhnut vizualizační software napsaný v jazyce C#. Obhájeno
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handle: 2268/188787
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Virtual reality (VR) is a computer generated 3D representation of real- or fictional environments. VR can be used to create real-life simulations that allow users to experience being present in the environment that being simulated. VR is applied for the purpose of education and training. However, technology takes on a growing role in education as it is considered an alternative to replace traditional teaching. The problem is that research on VR in engineering education is limited and it does not take into account the educators’ point of view regarding VR as an education tool. Which can lead to VR applications that do not hold in reality. The purpose of the study is to investigate VR's current position in engineering education through the identification of opportunities and challenges, based on the educators’ attitude towards VR as an education tool. A qualitative study was carried out to investigate the subject matter. The data for the study was collected via digital trace survey about VR and semi-structured interviews with programmanagers from various engineering programs. The results of the study shows that programmanagers have a positive attitude towards VR and that VR implementation as an education tool is limited within the universities / high schools that were investigated. Furthermore, VR is mostly used for research purposes. The lack of VR's application in education can be due to various factors that are regarded as challenges, which are: lack of confidence in VR-technology, lack of purpose of use and in need for development of VR simulations. There is also opportunities with VR which are: that VR has various positive individual effects, it is cost effective and that VR-laboratories are available for training and development purposes when applying VR. Virtual reality (VR) är en datorgenererad 3-D representation av verkliga eller påhittade miljöer. VR används för att skapa verklighetsnära simuleringar som ger användaren möjligheten att uppleva sig vara närvarande i den miljö som simuleras. VR tillämpas för utbildnings- och träningssyfte, dock tar teknologin en växande roll inom utbildning vilket anses vara ett alternativ som ersätter traditionell undervisning. Problemet är att forskningen som finns angående VR inom ingenjörsutbildningar är bristande, samt att det inte tar hänsyn till lärarnas synvinkel när det gäller VR som utbildningsverktyg. Vilket kan leda till VR tillämpningar som inte håller i verkligheten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka VR:s nuvarande ställning inom ingenjörsutbildningar, genom att identifiera möjligheter och utmaningar utifrån lärarnas inställning angående VR som utbildningsverktyg. En kvalitativ studie utfördes för att kunna undersöka syftet. Data för studien samlades in via en digital spårundersökning inom högre utbildning om VR och semistrukturerade intervjuer med programansvariga för olika ingenjörsprogram. Resultaten av studien visar att programansvariga har en positiv inställning till VR, och att VR tillämpas i begränsad omfattning inom de universitet/högskolor som undersöktes. För övrigt tillämpas VR mest för forskningssyfte. Bristen på VR:s tillämpning inom utbildningar kan bero på olika faktorer, tex: brist på tillit för VR-teknologin, tydligt användningssyfte saknas och behov finns för utvecklingen av VR-simuleringar. Det finns också möjligheter med VR, vilket är att det har olika positiva individuella effekter, det är kostnadseffektivt och det finns VR-laboratorium som kan användas för tränings- och utvecklingssyfte.
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When talking about how to present information in virtual reality, the possibilities are countless, but there are also many problems surrounding the spatial location of the information. This study aims to examine where and how the instructions in a vehicle training simulator should be presented in a future implementation of the interface in virtual reality. To find this out, a gameplay was created in which four different placements of the instructions were made. Three options were based on earlier studies made by Smith (2015) and Jose (2016) and the fourth was based on the existing information in the vehicle training simulator. These gameplays were presented as a movie to a number of interviewees and followed up by questions after each movie. The interviewees were asked to give the movies three ratings from 1-5, valuing how they perceived the presentation of the instructions. To get further opinions, comments was collected from the interviewees throughout each session. In this two ways, we got answers to which of the four options the interviewees thought was best. The study showed that there were two options that stood out among the others and both were based on the concept of a head-up display, also known as a HUD. One was represented in the bottom of the windshield and the other one in the top. The result of which one of them who were perceived as best is too close to say, although the study is considered to have reached its goal, which was to help the developers on their way to a decision that will eventually be implemented.
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This work deals with the software implementation of spatial audio, or 3D audio, in today's game engines. Multiple competing software solutions exist, but little research has been done as to which techniques and parameters generally yield the optimal results in regard to the localization of sound sources and the immersivity of the listening experience. This complex problem is approached in this study through comparing the effects of the parameters of the listener directivity pattern of the Resonance Audio spatial audio plugin on the accuracy of directional hearing and the listener's subjective experience of the realism of the spatial impression in a virtual auditory space. Because Resonance Audio is free software, the results of the study are also more generally applicable. An experiment where test subjects assessed the directions of sounds coming from around them and rated the realism of the listening experience was conducted in a virtual test environment built with Unity engine. None of the tested parameter combinations stood out as clearly better than the rest, but statistically significant differences were nonetheless found between some of the values. Overall the results were in line with the expectations and the empirical studies on human spatial hearing, which gave grounds to assume that the test environment used in the experiment would likely also be suitable for similar experiments in the future. Tämä työ käsittelee tilaäänen eli 3D-äänen ohjelmallista toteutusta nykypäivän pelimoottoreissa. Kilpailevia ohjelmistoratkaisuja on useita, mutta juurikaan ei ole tutkittu millä tekniikoilla ja parametreilla yleisesti ottaen saavutetaan äänilähteiden paikantamisen sekä kuuntelukokemuksen immersiivisyyden kannalta parhaat tulokset. Tätä monimutkaista ongelmaa lähestytään tässä tutkimuksessa vertailemalla Resonance Audio -tilaäänilisäosan suuntakuvion parametrien vaikutusta suuntakuulon tarkkuuteen ja kuulijan subjektiiviseen kokemukseen tilavaikutelman luonnollisuudesta virtuaalisessa kuuloavaruudessa. Koska Resonance Audio on vapaa ohjelmisto, tutkimuksen tulokset ovat myös yleisemmin sovellettavissa. Unity-moottorilla rakennetussa virtuaalisessa testiympäristössä suoritettiin koe, jossa koehenkilöt arvioivat ympäriltään tulevien äänien suuntaa ja antoivat arvosanan kuuntelukokemuksen luonnollisuudelle. Yksikään testatuista parametriyhdistelmistä ei erottunut selvästi muita parempana, mutta tiettyjen arvojen väliltä tilastollisesti merkittäviä eroja kuitenkin löytyi. Kaiken kaikkiaan tulokset olivat linjassa odotusten sekä ihmisen tilakuulosta tehtyjen empiiristen tutkimusten kanssa, minkä perusteella voitiin olettaa että kokeessa käytetty testiympäristö todennäköisesti soveltuisi vastaavanlaisiin kokeisiin myös tulevaisuudessa.
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THE SCIENCE CLUSTERS are EU collaborative projects that were launched in 2019 to link ESFRI and other world-class Research Infrastructures (RIs) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The main impacts of the Science Clusters’ work programme concern: the improved access of researchers to data, tools and resources, leading to new insights and innovation for data-driven science both within and beyond the context of the domains in which the clusters are rooted; the creation of a cross-border open innovation environment for FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data management for economies of scale, to develop synergies and rise the efficiency and productivity of researchers through open-science standards and thematic services; the enhanced co-developments to foster the cross-domain interoperability central to the EOSC goal. The Science Clusters are an integral part of EOSC. Their services and outcomes are now forming the core of the emerging EOSC fabric. As important partners of EOSC, Science Clusters contribute to its development and its implementation process. Importantly, the Science Clusters form a natural collaboration between the ESFRI RIs’ management boards partners in the clusters. As EOSC matures and begins delivering data and services for European research, a discussion is needed to stimulate the Open Science practices, cross-domain interoperability and long-term coordination of the scientific communities covered by the five Science Clusters. This position paper contributes formally to explain the urgent need of EC to support a longer-term role of the five Science Clusters to provide content to the EOSC, to enhance researchers’ involvement in Open Science and to suggest potential cooperative pathways in the Horizon-Europe framework and along with the EOSC Association roadmap. This paper is aimed at highlighting: Expectations of the clusters and the concerned research communities, pointing out a common structured vision and a series of suggestions for the future. A more detailed analysis from each cluster, that is provided for completeness.
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This research aims to study brand identity and food packaging. The objective of this study is to create a solid visual identity and packaging design for a new food brand of K-citymarket, Järven-pää, Finland. This research is a part of a project assigned during my internship at Pentagon Design. To achieve the research objectives, I studied previous literature and research on the definitions of brand and why it is important to build a brand image. Furthermore, I conducted research on psychology-based brand building, a design approach that suits best for this project according to the client’s needs. In this research, besides the theories of building a brand based on psychology that have been applied during the design process, it is also important to understand the actual working process by Discover – Define – Design- Deliver from Pentagon Design and how to apply it during the entire project. The outcome of the work is an authentic yet flexible brand identity fundamental, which will, in the future, have an umbrella effect that links all kinds of food together with an iden-tical heart-shaped logo.
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Building Bridges Between the Virtual and Real utilizes interviews with content creators, technology developers, and museum personnel to detail the ways in which these parties have worked together to bring augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences into the museum. With a brief summary of museological theory on the function of digital technologies in the museum and a survey of AR and VR experiences exhibited in museum space, this study is designed to facilitate and foster collaborative projects that further integrate AR and VR into the museum environment.
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This is the code for a shiny app that takes the data from the WALIS sea-level proxies database. The code was prepared by Sebastian Garzòn under the supervision of Alessio Rovere.The interface shows the results of a jupyter notebook (running offline) that summarizes the data included in WALIS for display in the shiny app. The notebook is included in this repository: app can be accessed at this link. software is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. ERC-StG-802414). Sebastian Garzon was also funded by the Data Stewardship Scholarship, by PAGES (which in turn received support from the Swiss Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences).
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handle: 11025/33275
The aim of the thesis is to find a usage for Grid-EYE sensor in the field of gesture recognition and control. To meet this goal, it was needed to learn about basic principles of gesture recognition. A test board with given sensor and microcontroller for processing and transferring data was designed and made. The firmware for microcontroller was developed in C and the software application for data visualization on PC was developed in C#. Cílem této diplomové práce je prozkoumat možnosti využití senzoru typu Grid-EYE pro gestové ovládání. Ke splnění tohoto cíle bylo potřeba se seznámit se základy gestového ovládání, navrhnout ověřovací vzorek s uvedeným senzorem a procesorem pro zpracování a přenos dat do PC. Dále bylo nutné tyto data zobrazit, k čemuž byl navrhnut vizualizační software napsaný v jazyce C#. Obhájeno