聚合的分布式能源可作为虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)在电力市场中提供辅助调频服务,来应对低碳经济下大规模可再生能源并网给电力系统稳定性带来的挑战。为了引导VPP参与调频辅助服务市场,对VPP所有者的经济激励尤为重要。研究了澳大利亚国家电力市场中调频辅助服务市场机制,针对配网侧聚合的住宅屋顶光伏和电池储能系统的VPP,以利润最大化为目标,提出了嵌入电池循环寿命模型的调频市场优化竞标策略和与风电合作的联合优化竞标策略。同时,根据讨价还价博弈理论,基于Nash-Harsanyi 讨价还价解提出了一种反映VPP真实价值的合作剩余分配策略。算例结果验证了所提模型和方法的有效性,研究成果为激发VPP潜在价值提供了一条途径。
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Complementary and alternative medicine has been increasingly utilized by cancer patients in developed countries. Among the various forms of complementary and alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the few that has a well constructed theoretical framework and established treatment approaches for diseases including cancer. Recent research has revealed growing evidence suggesting that Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective in the supportive care of cancer patients during and after major conventional cancer treatments. This paper succinctly summarizes some published clinical evidence and meta-analyses which support the usage of various Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment strategies including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and Qigong in supportive cancer care.
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handle: 11541.2/34271
Since 1978, social policy has been playing an important role in poverty reduction in rural China. This article took a perspective of policy learning and development and studied how social policy contributed to rural poverty reduction in China. The article reviewed social policy and poverty reduction policy in rural China in the past 40 years and identified how the central government developed social policy by continuous learning. Implications of this article for policy development may increase the influence of social policy on poverty reduction. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11541.2/28761
Moving Mountains is a non-synchronous two screen video and accompanying sound-scape. The first screen is an extended landscape panorama that constantly morphs and mutates alluding to the changes taking place across and within the actual landscape. It utilises drone footage, panoramic camera arrays as well as standard still and video camera views. It can be displayed using either projection or multiple flat screens. The second part is made up of a series of selected interviews with people from the area, wherein they respond to the question. Their replies traverse the philosophical landscape. This is displayed on a single flat screen at a smaller scale than the primary content. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
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handle: 11541.2/29424
The present disclosure relates to a novel compound, which is an analogue of vitamin D. The present disclosure also relates to pharmaceutical compositions including the novel compound, and to the use of the novel compound in treating and/or preventing disorders associated with low vitamin D levels, particularly disorders that respond to the inhibition of the CYP24A1 enzyme.
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citations | 0 | |
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Derived from the neural crest, dental stem cells (DSCs) are a population of cells with the characteristics of mesenchymal stem⁃ness, which under certain appropriate conditions can differentiate into multiple cells such as os⁃teocytes, chondrocytes, hepatocyte and neuronal ⁃like cells. DSCs are consist of odontogenic stem cells mainly include dental pulp stem cells, periodontal ligament stem cells, stem cells from deciduous teeth, stem cells from apical papilla, as well as dental follicle progenitor cells. DSCs have been widely used in the field of regenerative medicine research and preclinical research, including nervous system diseases, oral diseases, immune diseases, heart and lung diseases, etc. This review will focus on the storage of DSCs and current translational and clinical studies regarding DSCs in tissue regeneration.
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document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.openaire.eu/index.php?option=com_openaire&view=widget&format=raw&projectId=10.12016/j.issn.2096-1456.2018.01.004&type=result"></script>');
gold |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Social recommendation is a method which requires the participants of both user’s historical behavior data and social network,which generally belong to different parties,such as recommendation system service provider and social network service provider.Considering the fact that in order to maintain the value of their own data interests and user’s privacy,none of them will provide data information to the other,two privacy preserving protocols are proposed for efficient computation of social recommendation which needs the cooperation of two parties (recommendation system service provider and social network service provider).Both protocols enable two parties to compute the social recommendation without revealing their private data to each other.The protocol based on the well-known oblivious transfer multiplication has a low cost,and is suitable for the application of high efficiency requirements.And the one based on homomorphic cryptosystem has a better privacy preserving,and is more suitable for the application of higher data privacy requirements.Experimental results on the four real datasets show those two protocols are efficient and practical.Users are suggested to choose the appropriate protocol according to their own need.
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document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.openaire.eu/index.php?option=com_openaire&view=widget&format=raw&projectId=10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2015322&type=result"></script>');
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11541.2/28752
Future Intelligence was a large exhibition at the Tank Museum in Shanghai in 2019 that I co-curated with Chinese curator Chen Zhigang. It featured 20 Chinese and international artists. There was also a associated seminar. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
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citations | 0 | |
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A series of analyses have been conducted to the characteristics of steel slag. Column sorption experiments were also conducted to investigate the attenuation of nutrients and DOC in wastewater using steel slag. After 64 days, DOC, PO4-P, TP, NH3-N, NOx-N, DON and TN were reduced in the column effluent by 51%, 99%, 87%, -15%, 32%, 29% and 23% respectively. The absorptive capacity of steel slag for DOC, PO4-P, TP, NH3-N, NOx-N, DON and TN after 64 days was 6317 mg/kg, 135 mg/kg, 126 mg/kg, -14 mg/kg, 27 mg/kg, 154 mg/kg and 167 mg/kg. Steel slag exhibits good adsorption of DOC and a range of nutrients.
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citations | 0 | |
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A series of detailed column sorption experiments have been conducted to investigate metal attenuation (Cd2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Zn2+) and acid neutralization in a synthetic wastewater by Fe-, Ti- and Al-containing industrial by-products. The industrial by-products comprised magnetite ore processing residue, titanium-containing blast furnace slag, blast furnace slag, steel slag, magnetite-containing titanium dioxide processing residue and red mud. The estimated range of metal sorption capacities for the six industrial by-products was: Cd2+ 278-6811 mg/kg; Co2+ 127-6052 mg/kg; Cu2+ 442-53566 mg/kg; Mn2+ 95-5594 mg/kg; Ni2+ 158-6213 mg/kg; and Zn2+ 151-6710 mg/kg. The acid neutralization capacity varied from 4.5-8.9 mol H+/kg for the six industrial by-products. Industrial by-products, particularly steel slag and red mud, are potentially useful for the amelioration of acid drainage, or the attenuation of heavy metals and acidity in mining or industrial wastewaters.
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citations | 0 | |
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聚合的分布式能源可作为虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)在电力市场中提供辅助调频服务,来应对低碳经济下大规模可再生能源并网给电力系统稳定性带来的挑战。为了引导VPP参与调频辅助服务市场,对VPP所有者的经济激励尤为重要。研究了澳大利亚国家电力市场中调频辅助服务市场机制,针对配网侧聚合的住宅屋顶光伏和电池储能系统的VPP,以利润最大化为目标,提出了嵌入电池循环寿命模型的调频市场优化竞标策略和与风电合作的联合优化竞标策略。同时,根据讨价还价博弈理论,基于Nash-Harsanyi 讨价还价解提出了一种反映VPP真实价值的合作剩余分配策略。算例结果验证了所提模型和方法的有效性,研究成果为激发VPP潜在价值提供了一条途径。
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Complementary and alternative medicine has been increasingly utilized by cancer patients in developed countries. Among the various forms of complementary and alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the few that has a well constructed theoretical framework and established treatment approaches for diseases including cancer. Recent research has revealed growing evidence suggesting that Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective in the supportive care of cancer patients during and after major conventional cancer treatments. This paper succinctly summarizes some published clinical evidence and meta-analyses which support the usage of various Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment strategies including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and Qigong in supportive cancer care.
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gold |
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handle: 11541.2/34271
Since 1978, social policy has been playing an important role in poverty reduction in rural China. This article took a perspective of policy learning and development and studied how social policy contributed to rural poverty reduction in China. The article reviewed social policy and poverty reduction policy in rural China in the past 40 years and identified how the central government developed social policy by continuous learning. Implications of this article for policy development may increase the influence of social policy on poverty reduction. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
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citations | 0 | |
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influence | Average | |
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handle: 11541.2/28761
Moving Mountains is a non-synchronous two screen video and accompanying sound-scape. The first screen is an extended landscape panorama that constantly morphs and mutates alluding to the changes taking place across and within the actual landscape. It utilises drone footage, panoramic camera arrays as well as standard still and video camera views. It can be displayed using either projection or multiple flat screens. The second part is made up of a series of selected interviews with people from the area, wherein they respond to the question. Their replies traverse the philosophical landscape. This is displayed on a single flat screen at a smaller scale than the primary content. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
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handle: 11541.2/29424
The present disclosure relates to a novel compound, which is an analogue of vitamin D. The present disclosure also relates to pharmaceutical compositions including the novel compound, and to the use of the novel compound in treating and/or preventing disorders associated with low vitamin D levels, particularly disorders that respond to the inhibition of the CYP24A1 enzyme.
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citations | 0 | |
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Derived from the neural crest, dental stem cells (DSCs) are a population of cells with the characteristics of mesenchymal stem⁃ness, which under certain appropriate conditions can differentiate into multiple cells such as os⁃teocytes, chondrocytes, hepatocyte and neuronal ⁃like cells. DSCs are consist of odontogenic stem cells mainly include dental pulp stem cells, periodontal ligament stem cells, stem cells from deciduous teeth, stem cells from apical papilla, as well as dental follicle progenitor cells. DSCs have been widely used in the field of regenerative medicine research and preclinical research, including nervous system diseases, oral diseases, immune diseases, heart and lung diseases, etc. This review will focus on the storage of DSCs and current translational and clinical studies regarding DSCs in tissue regeneration.
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document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.openaire.eu/index.php?option=com_openaire&view=widget&format=raw&projectId=10.12016/j.issn.2096-1456.2018.01.004&type=result"></script>');
gold |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Social recommendation is a method which requires the participants of both user’s historical behavior data and social network,which generally belong to different parties,such as recommendation system service provider and social network service provider.Considering the fact that in order to maintain the value of their own data interests and user’s privacy,none of them will provide data information to the other,two privacy preserving protocols are proposed for efficient computation of social recommendation which needs the cooperation of two parties (recommendation system service provider and social network service provider).Both protocols enable two parties to compute the social recommendation without revealing their private data to each other.The protocol based on the well-known oblivious transfer multiplication has a low cost,and is suitable for the application of high efficiency requirements.And the one based on homomorphic cryptosystem has a better privacy preserving,and is more suitable for the application of higher data privacy requirements.Experimental results on the four real datasets show those two protocols are efficient and practical.Users are suggested to choose the appropriate protocol according to their own need.