handle: 20.500.12575/33808
Bu tez, Midilli Adasının Padişah II. Mehmet tarafından fethinden sonra adada doğmuş ve oradan dümen tutarak Türk denizciliğinin yüz akı olarak kabul görmüş Oruç ve Hızır Reisler hakkında İspanyol tarihçi Francisco Lopez de Gomara tarafından kaleme alınmış `Korsan Barbaros Kardeşlerin Vakayinamesi` şeklinde Türkçeye çevirebileceğimiz kitabı referans noktası almaktadır. Çalışma bu cihetle Oruç Reis'in bahsi geçen tarihçinin yaşadığı dönemde İspanyollar tarafından nasıl algılanıpanlatıldığı sorusuna bir cevap niteliği taşımaktadır.Osmanlı tarih anlatımında Oruç Reis imgesinin yansımaları ortaya konmak suretiyle İspanya'da Oruç Reis ile ilgili yazılmış bahsi geçen eserdeki imgenin kıyasının yapılması, İspanyol bakış açısına netlik kazandırması yönünden önemlidir. Kitapta Oruç Reis'in başından geçen hadiselerin anlatılması, Oruç Reis'in hayatını gözler önüne seren ve günümüze kadar gelmiş Osmanlı eserlerinden takip edilmeksuretiyle kıyaslanarak İspanyol tarafının Oruç Reis'in yaptıklarının ne kadarına vakıf olduğunu göstermiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Oruç Reis, Francisco Lopez de Gomara, Cezayir, Tunus, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, Barbaros, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Şarlken, Sultan Selim, Hızır Reis. As a reference point, this thesis takes the book that can be translated to English as `Chronicle of Corsair Brothers Barbarossa` written by Francisco Lopez de Gomara which is about Arudj and Khizir Barbarossa who were born in Lesbos where they started to set sail, honoring the Turkish Seamanship after the island was conquered by Mehmed II. Thus it is an answer to the question of how Arudj was perceived and told by Spaniards in the period of the aforementioned historian.The events that have been revealed concerning Arudj Reis' experiences in the Book, enables the presentation of how much the Spanish side was competent about Arudj Reis' activities through comparison of it with the Ottoman Works that are extant and display the life of Arudj Reis.Key Words: Arudj Reis, Francisco Lopez de Gomara, Algiers, Tunis, Suleiman the Magnificent, Barbarossa, Ottoman Empire, Charles V, Sultan Selim, Khizir Reis. 120
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Abstract. Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations constitute one of the most enigmatic features of the last glacial cycle. Their cold atmospheric phases have been commonly associated with cold sea-surface temperatures and expansion of sea ice in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas. Here, based on dinocyst analyses from the 48–30 ka BP interval of four sediment cores from the northern Northeast Atlantic and southern Norwegian Sea, we provide direct and quantitative evidence of a regional paradoxical seesaw pattern: cold Greenland and North Atlantic phases coincide with warmer sea-surface conditions and shorter seasonal sea-ice cover durations in the Norwegian Sea as compared to warm phases. Combined with additional paleorecords and multi-model hosing simulations, our results suggest that during cold Greenland phases, reduced Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and cold North Atlantic sea-surface conditions were accompanied by the subsurface propagation of warm Atlantic waters that re-emerged in the Nordic Seas and provided moisture towards Greenland summit.
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doi: 10.35305/lt.v14i0.20
handle: 2133/2155
El presente artículo analiza el espacio destinado a los comentarios de un edu-blog perteneciente a una cátedra universitaria, utilizado por estudiantes y docentes como un modo de extender las fronteras del aula de clase. ¿Cómo se da esta interacción en los blogs educativos o edu-blogs?: ¿qué sucede allí con las normas lingüísticas? y ¿cómo aparece, fundamentalmente, la voz del estudiante en una zona heterogénea e, incluso, híbrida por momentos, del uso del lenguaje? son algunas de las preguntas que guiarán la indagación de este trabajo.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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AbstractA bicylinder is the intersection of two equal right circular cylinders whose axes intersect at right angles. Archimedes says in his Method that the volume of the bicylinder is two-thirds of the volume of the cube whose edge is equal to the diameter of the cylinders. The surface area of the bicylinder is also two-thirds of the surface area of this cube. I argue that this result was known to Archimedes. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).Een bicylinder is de doorsnede van twee gelijke rechte cylinders waarvan de grondvlakken cirkels zijn en de assen elkaar loodrecht snijden. Archimedes zegt in zijn Methode dat de inhoud van de bicylinder gelijk is aan twee derde maal de inhoud van de kubus met zijde de diameter van de cylinders. De oppervlakte van de bicylinder is ook gelijk aan twee derde maal de oppervlakte van deze kubus. Ik beargumenteer dat dit resultaat aan Archimedes bekend was. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).MSC subject classification: 01A20.
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hybrid |
citations | 3 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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Abstract Sardinia was a hub of sea routes in the Final Bronze Age, c. 1200–850 BC, connecting the Aegean and the Levant in the East with the Iberian Atlantic façade in the West at its latitudinal extremes. Although situated some 1,200 nautical miles apart, bronze working techniques on the island, specific decorations, and implement typologies were clearly related to those in western Iberia, which was a pivotal node connecting the Atlantic and Mediterranean worlds. Without doubt, individuals have travelled between and beyond both regions, and transported objects alongside technological as well as theoretical information. Although serious challenges accompanied the multi-directional intensification of interactions, the local communities had innovative responses to them, managing to integrate new people and knowledge. The general aim of this contribution is to provide a theoretical framework with which to analyse the motivations and social mechanisms for cooperation and communication that facilitated technology transfer in an environment of dispersed, socially heterogeneous communities. The exchanges and interactions within this decentralised network must have been self-organised by individuals and communities, and encompassed all forms of entanglement. Consequently, practises of self-governance, hospitality, conflict management, and inter-group communication as well as shared symbols are of central interest.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The Paleolithic site of Schöningen is famous for the earliest known, completely preserved wooden weapons. Here we present recent results of an ongoing analysis of the nine spears, one lance, a double pointed stick, and a burnt stick dating to the Holsteinian, c. 300 kyr. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses, as well as studies of thin sections, contribute to a better understanding of the manufacture of the wooden weapons. They were deposited in organic sediments at a former lakeshore among numerous bones of butchered horses. In general, the spears are extremely well-preserved and show no or little sign of taphonomic alteration, although some of the weapons are broken and parts were slightly moved, probably by water action. The excellent preservation conditions provide considerable information on the operational sequence of production. The hunters selected thin trunks of spruce or pine and initially stripped off the bark. Traces of cutting, scraping, and smoothing can be observed on the spear surfaces in detail. In the case of spear X, repeated use of the weapon is implied by re-sharpening of the tip. Analyses of wood anatomy provide information on climatic conditions and contribute to the better understanding of the development of the site.
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bronze |
citations | 126 | |
popularity | Top 1% | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Top 1% |
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Om vast te stellen of archeologische waarden aanwezig zijn binnen het plangebied Carnegieplein 2 - Poortgebouw is door de afdeling Archeologie van de Gemeente Den Haag een Inventariserend Veldonderzoek-boringen uitgevoerd. Het booronderzoek heeft aangetoond dat de oorspronkelijke bodemopbouw tot een diepte van 1 à 1,7 m onder maaiveld verstoord is geraakt. Onder de verstoorde lagen is de aangetroffen bodemopbouw overeenkomstig met de Nieuwe geologische kaart van Den Haag en Rijswijk. Bij het onderzoek zijn geen archeologische indicatoren aangetroffen. Bovenstaande maakt duidelijk dat in het plangebied de kans op archeologische waarden klein is. Op grond van deze resultaten beveelt de afdeling Archeologie van de gemeente Den Haag het bevoegd gezag daarom aan het plangebied vrij te geven en geen verder archeologisch onderzoek verplicht te stellen.
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Source: Adalbert von Chamisso: Sämtliche Werke. Nach dem Text der Ausgaben letzter Hand und den Handschriften. Textredaktion: Jost Perfahl, Band 1–2, München: Winkler, [1975].
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Denna uppsats är en studie av Blåsmarks bönhusförenings nedläggning och överlåtelsen avbönhuset till Blåsmarks DUF år 1947. Studien är begränsad till tidsperioden 1945–1948 föratt undersöka föreningarna innan och efter den händelse som är i fokus i uppsatsen och ärbaserad på de mötesprotokoll bägge föreningar förde under tidsperioden 1945-1948. Iuppsatsen undersöks föreningarnas arbete innan bönhusföreningens nedläggning 1947 samtorsakerna bakom dess nedläggning och vilka följder det fick för Blåsmarks DUF. Skeendetundersöks ur ett processperspektiv och följer den analytiskt-rationella modellen. Studiensresultat visade att bönhusföreningens nedläggning och överlåtelse av bönhus till BlåsmarksDUF var ett beslut taget främst på grund av att båda föreningarna bestod av samma medlemmar och arbetet med bönhuset redan till stor del utfördes av Blåsmarks DUF. Vidarevisade även studien att arbetet för Blåsmarks DUF föreföll sig detsamma efter övertagandetav bönhuset men att det utökades till att omfatta frågor gällande skötseln av bönhuset. Detframkom även i studien hur Blåsmarks DUF glädjes av att få ett eget bönhus och att beslutetfrån båda föreningar varit enhälligt och utan opposition. This thesis offers a study of the closure of the Blåsmarks bönhusförenings and the transfer ofthe prayer house to Blåsmarks DUF in 1947. The study is limited to the period 1945-1948 toexamine the associations before and after the events in question and is based on the protocolswritten during both associations’ meetings between 1945-1948. The essay examines theassociations’ work before Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure in 1947, the reasons behind itsclosure and what consequences it had for Blåsmarks DUF. The event is examined from a process perspective and follows the analytical-rational model. The results of the study showedthat Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure and the transfer of the prayer house was a decisionmade mainly because both associations consisted of the same members and the work with theprayer house was already largely carried out by Blåsmarks DUF. Furthermore, the study alsoshowed that the work for Blåsmarks DUF is pleased to have its own prayer house and that thedecision to transfer it to them was unanimous and without opposition.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Gobbe-Sabz (Green Cupola) is one of the most important and prominent buildings in Kerman, Iran, dating back to the Qara-khitai dynasty (1222–1306 AD). It was a huge complex of buildings that was almost totally destroyed in an earthquake. Every building during its lifecycle from creation to deterioration acquires values that are important in making any decision about restoration. Brandi’s theory of restoration considers ruins as a work of art, claiming that they are the result of a unique, creative process. He asserts it is necessary to have a creative process for restoration to reclaim its significance in the human consciousness. Although there remains only a small part of Gobbe-Sabz, many remarkable heritage values have been added over time that could be helpful in the creative process for its conservation. The present situation of Gobbe-Sabz precludes rebuilding it as active and complete architecture, determining the process of rehabilitating its original condition. Moreover, some heritage values and meanings have been added to it across the years which are a collection of ideas and concepts that can be useful in deciding the conservation process. In this regard, this research proposes conservation strategies and a conceptual framework for the rehabilitation of the historic ruins based on their current situation. Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage, Vol 18 (2018)
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gold |
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handle: 20.500.12575/33808
Bu tez, Midilli Adasının Padişah II. Mehmet tarafından fethinden sonra adada doğmuş ve oradan dümen tutarak Türk denizciliğinin yüz akı olarak kabul görmüş Oruç ve Hızır Reisler hakkında İspanyol tarihçi Francisco Lopez de Gomara tarafından kaleme alınmış `Korsan Barbaros Kardeşlerin Vakayinamesi` şeklinde Türkçeye çevirebileceğimiz kitabı referans noktası almaktadır. Çalışma bu cihetle Oruç Reis'in bahsi geçen tarihçinin yaşadığı dönemde İspanyollar tarafından nasıl algılanıpanlatıldığı sorusuna bir cevap niteliği taşımaktadır.Osmanlı tarih anlatımında Oruç Reis imgesinin yansımaları ortaya konmak suretiyle İspanya'da Oruç Reis ile ilgili yazılmış bahsi geçen eserdeki imgenin kıyasının yapılması, İspanyol bakış açısına netlik kazandırması yönünden önemlidir. Kitapta Oruç Reis'in başından geçen hadiselerin anlatılması, Oruç Reis'in hayatını gözler önüne seren ve günümüze kadar gelmiş Osmanlı eserlerinden takip edilmeksuretiyle kıyaslanarak İspanyol tarafının Oruç Reis'in yaptıklarının ne kadarına vakıf olduğunu göstermiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Oruç Reis, Francisco Lopez de Gomara, Cezayir, Tunus, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, Barbaros, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Şarlken, Sultan Selim, Hızır Reis. As a reference point, this thesis takes the book that can be translated to English as `Chronicle of Corsair Brothers Barbarossa` written by Francisco Lopez de Gomara which is about Arudj and Khizir Barbarossa who were born in Lesbos where they started to set sail, honoring the Turkish Seamanship after the island was conquered by Mehmed II. Thus it is an answer to the question of how Arudj was perceived and told by Spaniards in the period of the aforementioned historian.The events that have been revealed concerning Arudj Reis' experiences in the Book, enables the presentation of how much the Spanish side was competent about Arudj Reis' activities through comparison of it with the Ottoman Works that are extant and display the life of Arudj Reis.Key Words: Arudj Reis, Francisco Lopez de Gomara, Algiers, Tunis, Suleiman the Magnificent, Barbarossa, Ottoman Empire, Charles V, Sultan Selim, Khizir Reis. 120
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Abstract. Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations constitute one of the most enigmatic features of the last glacial cycle. Their cold atmospheric phases have been commonly associated with cold sea-surface temperatures and expansion of sea ice in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas. Here, based on dinocyst analyses from the 48–30 ka BP interval of four sediment cores from the northern Northeast Atlantic and southern Norwegian Sea, we provide direct and quantitative evidence of a regional paradoxical seesaw pattern: cold Greenland and North Atlantic phases coincide with warmer sea-surface conditions and shorter seasonal sea-ice cover durations in the Norwegian Sea as compared to warm phases. Combined with additional paleorecords and multi-model hosing simulations, our results suggest that during cold Greenland phases, reduced Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and cold North Atlantic sea-surface conditions were accompanied by the subsurface propagation of warm Atlantic waters that re-emerged in the Nordic Seas and provided moisture towards Greenland summit.
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doi: 10.35305/lt.v14i0.20
handle: 2133/2155
El presente artículo analiza el espacio destinado a los comentarios de un edu-blog perteneciente a una cátedra universitaria, utilizado por estudiantes y docentes como un modo de extender las fronteras del aula de clase. ¿Cómo se da esta interacción en los blogs educativos o edu-blogs?: ¿qué sucede allí con las normas lingüísticas? y ¿cómo aparece, fundamentalmente, la voz del estudiante en una zona heterogénea e, incluso, híbrida por momentos, del uso del lenguaje? son algunas de las preguntas que guiarán la indagación de este trabajo.
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influence | Average | |
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