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Denna uppsats är en studie av Blåsmarks bönhusförenings nedläggning och överlåtelsen avbönhuset till Blåsmarks DUF år 1947. Studien är begränsad till tidsperioden 1945–1948 föratt undersöka föreningarna innan och efter den händelse som är i fokus i uppsatsen och ärbaserad på de mötesprotokoll bägge föreningar förde under tidsperioden 1945-1948. Iuppsatsen undersöks föreningarnas arbete innan bönhusföreningens nedläggning 1947 samtorsakerna bakom dess nedläggning och vilka följder det fick för Blåsmarks DUF. Skeendetundersöks ur ett processperspektiv och följer den analytiskt-rationella modellen. Studiensresultat visade att bönhusföreningens nedläggning och överlåtelse av bönhus till BlåsmarksDUF var ett beslut taget främst på grund av att båda föreningarna bestod av samma medlemmar och arbetet med bönhuset redan till stor del utfördes av Blåsmarks DUF. Vidarevisade även studien att arbetet för Blåsmarks DUF föreföll sig detsamma efter övertagandetav bönhuset men att det utökades till att omfatta frågor gällande skötseln av bönhuset. Detframkom även i studien hur Blåsmarks DUF glädjes av att få ett eget bönhus och att beslutetfrån båda föreningar varit enhälligt och utan opposition. This thesis offers a study of the closure of the Blåsmarks bönhusförenings and the transfer ofthe prayer house to Blåsmarks DUF in 1947. The study is limited to the period 1945-1948 toexamine the associations before and after the events in question and is based on the protocolswritten during both associations’ meetings between 1945-1948. The essay examines theassociations’ work before Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure in 1947, the reasons behind itsclosure and what consequences it had for Blåsmarks DUF. The event is examined from a process perspective and follows the analytical-rational model. The results of the study showedthat Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure and the transfer of the prayer house was a decisionmade mainly because both associations consisted of the same members and the work with theprayer house was already largely carried out by Blåsmarks DUF. Furthermore, the study alsoshowed that the work for Blåsmarks DUF is pleased to have its own prayer house and that thedecision to transfer it to them was unanimous and without opposition.
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Bakgrund: Sverige är besparat från direkt inblandning i krig sedan 200 år.Under samma tid har svenska läkare vid flera tillfällen medverkat i utländskakonflikter. Samlade studier om dessa individer har hittills saknats.Frågeställning: Vad har motiverat svenska läkare att delta i utländskakonflikters militärsjukvård? Vad har de uträttat och hur har de tolkat sinaerfarenheter?Material: Studien inkluderar alla konflikter där svenska läkare verkat inommilitärsjukvården från 1864 till 1964. Primära källor har inkluderatarkivmaterial som rapporter, brev och dagböcker samt tryckta källor sombiografier och matriklar. Därtill har en stor mängd historievetenskapligsekundärlitteratur som böcker och artiklar använts.Metod: Fyra av konflikterna har studerats mer utförligt. Dessa utgöravhandlingens delarbeten: dansk-tyska kriget 1894, Boerkriget 1899–1902,finska vinterkriget 1939–1940, samt Kongokrisen 1960–1964. För de övrigasex konflikterna har ytligare redogörelser sammanställts. Frågeställningarnahar sedan applicerats på samtliga konflikter för att identifiera vad somförändrats och vad som förblivit oförändrat.Resultat: Deltagandet har skett i ett samspel av kunskapsinhämtning,sympatier och ren äventyrslust. Insatserna har ofta inneburit en risk vilkenökat i och med flygattacker mot sjukvårdsinrättningar och konflikter utanfront. Trots en förhoppning om neutral sjukvård har detta ofta varit svårt attuppnå. Erfarenheterna har ofta upplevts som meningsfulla men har iblandockså kunnat leda till kvarvarande nedstämdhet.Slutsatser: Denna historiska studie ger redskap att förstå och påverkaliknande händelser i vår egen tid. Den kan därför ha betydelse för att lindranöd och öka säkerhet för sjukvårdspersonal i en nutida konfliktfylld värld.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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A life without freedom, what is that? This question was stated in a letter from a man institutionalized at one of Sweden’s mental asylums in the 1940s. It is also the title of this essay which explores the life and experiences of institutionalized individuals during 1941–1949. This analysis is based on letters they wrote to the Swedish author Astrid Väring who published her first book regarding the psychiatric care system I som här inträden (1944). Her book was a novel, which yielded great public interest and a year later was adapted for the screen. This led to people starting to write letters to Väring telling her about their stories from inside of the mental healthcare system. These letters constitute the basis for the results of this essay which aims to provide new knowledge on people’s experiences of institutionalization as expressed by their own words. The analysis is a part of the disability history field and a contribution to the critical study of the Swedish Folkhem. Based on both quantitative and qualitative methods, the letters and their contents tell us about those writing these letters and their experiences during, before and after confinement. The results from quantitative analysis of in total 404 letters out of which 207 are subject to in-depth study show that the majority of them were written by men and by people having experienced the mental health care system. Relatives to them, healthcare professionals and individuals without any connection to this system are also found among those writing letters to Väring. From these letters we learn of the abuse inmates endured during their institutionalization both physically and psychologically. Their lives before confinement and the reasons behind it are also focused on. Social friction with people in their surroundings, criminal offenses, and voluntary care exemplify some explanations to their confinement. The stories they share about their life upon release are defined by a sense of fear, persecution, and a loss of property, social networks and sense of security, in addition to a fear of being confined yet again or meeting those who once caused their incarceration. In all, the letters can be seen as a protest against the entire health care system they were faced with, which further reflects the helplessness and frustration they felt regarding their life and situation.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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On September 23, 2013, the leading Swedish daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, published a front-page story revealing that a classified listing of Roma had been found on a server belonging to the regional police of Skåne. The illegal database comprised a register of 4,029 persons of Romani descent, more than 1,000 of whom were children living all over Sweden. This news understandably elicited horrified reactions in Sweden and throughout the world. But how exceptional is the concept of such a register to Sweden? To answer this question, we must examine Sweden’s treatment of Romani people during World War II.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 10138/278433
Interdisciplinary research in the fields of forestry and sustainability studies often encounters seemingly incompatible ontological assumptions deriving from natural and social sciences. The perceived incompatibilities might emerge from the epistemological and ontological claims of the theories or models directly employed in the interdisciplinary collaboration, or they might be created by other epistemological and ontological assumptions that these interdisciplinary researchers find no reason to question. In this paper we discuss the benefits and risks of two possible approaches, Popperian optimism and Kuhnian pessimism, to interdisciplinary knowledge integration where epistemological and ontological differences between the sciences involved can be expected. Peer reviewed
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 8 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Top 10% |
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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian society faced a new reality. The new reality involved consolidation and transformation of collective identities. The reinvigoration of national identity led to a change in the emphasis on how the past was dealt with – many things which were regarded as negative by the Soviet regime became presented as positive in independent Ukraine. The war-time nationalist movement, represented by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), became one of the re-configured themes of history. While most of the studies of memory of the OUN and UPA concentrated on the use of this history by nationalist parties, this study goes beyond the analysis and scrutinizes the meaning of this history in nation- and state-building in relation to memory work realized on the small-scale regional and local levels. Moreover, this book focuses not only on the “producers” of memory, but also on the “consumers” of memory, the area which is largely understudied in the field of memory studies. Drawing on studies about post-colonial subjectivities and theories of remediation developed in memory studies, this book explores the changes in memory culture of contemporary Ukraine and examines the role of memory in producing new meanings under the rapidly changing conditions after the collapse of the Soviet Union up to 2014. The book contributes to the studies of memory culture in post-Communist countries as well as to the studies of society in contemporary Ukraine.
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This thesis is about the economic aspects of public procurement of services through auctionsin Sweden. It focuses on two different institutions, auctions used to find foste r-parents forboarded out children in the 19th century, and auctions of cleaning service contracts in the 20 thcentury. I n both cases, the contracting entity is the municipality or its representative, thelowest bidder wins the auction, and is paid in accordance with his/her bid.In the child auctions, c hildren were allotted to foster-parents by means of an open biddingprocess, the descending English auction, where the bids were given continuously to theauctioneer. In modern public procurement sealed bids ar e used in accordance with the firstprice,sealed bid auction. The first part of this thesis is about price formation in the childauctions and a study is made of the children who were auctioned several times, indicatingasymmetric information among bidders or adverse selection in this market. These subjects arestudied using field data on 601 child auctions held in Northern Sweden during the period 1863to 1889. The empirical findings in the first paper suggest that the foster-parents had a cleareconomic motive in these auctions. The child characteristics significantly affect the amount ofcompensation paid to the foster-parent. There is also evidence that farmers preferred older,more productive children. The second paper studies whether a re-auctioned child commandeda higher or lower price than a child that was not re-auctioned. The results indicate some formof asymmetric information because foster-parents demanded a higher level of compensationfor a re-auctioned child. The results also suggest that the probability that a child was reauctionedincreased if he/she was not healthy.The third paper in the thesis discusses a kind of "paradox". Although there is a competitiveeffect on the bids in the auction of cleaning service contracts, the contracting entity has anoption, given by law, to restrict the number of bidders. In th is paper, an implementation costis introduced fo r the contracting entity to justify such a restriction. The results, based onSwedish municipality data, indicate that contract and municipality characteristics, assumed toaffect the implementation cost, affect the volume of the procurement, and the number ofbidders, but not necessarily the choice of allocation mechanism. The final paper studiesregional differences in bids, costs, and competition in municipal procurement using the samedata as in paper [3]. The results show higher estimated costs for completing the contract, butlower estimated mean bids in the major city area of Stockholm compared with the res t of thecountry. This is explained by lower profit margins and higher operational costs in the majorcity area. An analysis is also carried out of why the lowest bidder is not always the contractedbidder. digitalisering@umu Härtill 4 delar.
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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Denna uppsats är en studie av Blåsmarks bönhusförenings nedläggning och överlåtelsen avbönhuset till Blåsmarks DUF år 1947. Studien är begränsad till tidsperioden 1945–1948 föratt undersöka föreningarna innan och efter den händelse som är i fokus i uppsatsen och ärbaserad på de mötesprotokoll bägge föreningar förde under tidsperioden 1945-1948. Iuppsatsen undersöks föreningarnas arbete innan bönhusföreningens nedläggning 1947 samtorsakerna bakom dess nedläggning och vilka följder det fick för Blåsmarks DUF. Skeendetundersöks ur ett processperspektiv och följer den analytiskt-rationella modellen. Studiensresultat visade att bönhusföreningens nedläggning och överlåtelse av bönhus till BlåsmarksDUF var ett beslut taget främst på grund av att båda föreningarna bestod av samma medlemmar och arbetet med bönhuset redan till stor del utfördes av Blåsmarks DUF. Vidarevisade även studien att arbetet för Blåsmarks DUF föreföll sig detsamma efter övertagandetav bönhuset men att det utökades till att omfatta frågor gällande skötseln av bönhuset. Detframkom även i studien hur Blåsmarks DUF glädjes av att få ett eget bönhus och att beslutetfrån båda föreningar varit enhälligt och utan opposition. This thesis offers a study of the closure of the Blåsmarks bönhusförenings and the transfer ofthe prayer house to Blåsmarks DUF in 1947. The study is limited to the period 1945-1948 toexamine the associations before and after the events in question and is based on the protocolswritten during both associations’ meetings between 1945-1948. The essay examines theassociations’ work before Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure in 1947, the reasons behind itsclosure and what consequences it had for Blåsmarks DUF. The event is examined from a process perspective and follows the analytical-rational model. The results of the study showedthat Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure and the transfer of the prayer house was a decisionmade mainly because both associations consisted of the same members and the work with theprayer house was already largely carried out by Blåsmarks DUF. Furthermore, the study alsoshowed that the work for Blåsmarks DUF is pleased to have its own prayer house and that thedecision to transfer it to them was unanimous and without opposition.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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Bakgrund: Sverige är besparat från direkt inblandning i krig sedan 200 år.Under samma tid har svenska läkare vid flera tillfällen medverkat i utländskakonflikter. Samlade studier om dessa individer har hittills saknats.Frågeställning: Vad har motiverat svenska läkare att delta i utländskakonflikters militärsjukvård? Vad har de uträttat och hur har de tolkat sinaerfarenheter?Material: Studien inkluderar alla konflikter där svenska läkare verkat inommilitärsjukvården från 1864 till 1964. Primära källor har inkluderatarkivmaterial som rapporter, brev och dagböcker samt tryckta källor sombiografier och matriklar. Därtill har en stor mängd historievetenskapligsekundärlitteratur som böcker och artiklar använts.Metod: Fyra av konflikterna har studerats mer utförligt. Dessa utgöravhandlingens delarbeten: dansk-tyska kriget 1894, Boerkriget 1899–1902,finska vinterkriget 1939–1940, samt Kongokrisen 1960–1964. För de övrigasex konflikterna har ytligare redogörelser sammanställts. Frågeställningarnahar sedan applicerats på samtliga konflikter för att identifiera vad somförändrats och vad som förblivit oförändrat.Resultat: Deltagandet har skett i ett samspel av kunskapsinhämtning,sympatier och ren äventyrslust. Insatserna har ofta inneburit en risk vilkenökat i och med flygattacker mot sjukvårdsinrättningar och konflikter utanfront. Trots en förhoppning om neutral sjukvård har detta ofta varit svårt attuppnå. Erfarenheterna har ofta upplevts som meningsfulla men har iblandockså kunnat leda till kvarvarande nedstämdhet.Slutsatser: Denna historiska studie ger redskap att förstå och påverkaliknande händelser i vår egen tid. Den kan därför ha betydelse för att lindranöd och öka säkerhet för sjukvårdspersonal i en nutida konfliktfylld värld.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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A life without freedom, what is that? This question was stated in a letter from a man institutionalized at one of Sweden’s mental asylums in the 1940s. It is also the title of this essay which explores the life and experiences of institutionalized individuals during 1941–1949. This analysis is based on letters they wrote to the Swedish author Astrid Väring who published her first book regarding the psychiatric care system I som här inträden (1944). Her book was a novel, which yielded great public interest and a year later was adapted for the screen. This led to people starting to write letters to Väring telling her about their stories from inside of the mental healthcare system. These letters constitute the basis for the results of this essay which aims to provide new knowledge on people’s experiences of institutionalization as expressed by their own words. The analysis is a part of the disability history field and a contribution to the critical study of the Swedish Folkhem. Based on both quantitative and qualitative methods, the letters and their contents tell us about those writing these letters and their experiences during, before and after confinement. The results from quantitative analysis of in total 404 letters out of which 207 are subject to in-depth study show that the majority of them were written by men and by people having experienced the mental health care system. Relatives to them, healthcare professionals and individuals without any connection to this system are also found among those writing letters to Väring. From these letters we learn of the abuse inmates endured during their institutionalization both physically and psychologically. Their lives before confinement and the reasons behind it are also focused on. Social friction with people in their surroundings, criminal offenses, and voluntary care exemplify some explanations to their confinement. The stories they share about their life upon release are defined by a sense of fear, persecution, and a loss of property, social networks and sense of security, in addition to a fear of being confined yet again or meeting those who once caused their incarceration. In all, the letters can be seen as a protest against the entire health care system they were faced with, which further reflects the helplessness and frustration they felt regarding their life and situation.
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Green |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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On September 23, 2013, the leading Swedish daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, published a front-page story revealing that a classified listing of Roma had been found on a server belonging to the regional police of Skåne. The illegal database comprised a register of 4,029 persons of Romani descent, more than 1,000 of whom were children living all over Sweden. This news understandably elicited horrified reactions in Sweden and throughout the world. But how exceptional is the concept of such a register to Sweden? To answer this question, we must examine Sweden’s treatment of Romani people during World War II.
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handle: 10138/278433
Interdisciplinary research in the fields of forestry and sustainability studies often encounters seemingly incompatible ontological assumptions deriving from natural and social sciences. The perceived incompatibilities might emerge from the epistemological and ontological claims of the theories or models directly employed in the interdisciplinary collaboration, or they might be created by other epistemological and ontological assumptions that these interdisciplinary researchers find no reason to question. In this paper we discuss the benefits and risks of two possible approaches, Popperian optimism and Kuhnian pessimism, to interdisciplinary knowledge integration where epistemological and ontological differences between the sciences involved can be expected. Peer reviewed
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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian society faced a new reality. The new reality involved consolidation and transformation of collective identities. The reinvigoration of national identity led to a change in the emphasis on how the past was dealt with – many things which were regarded as negative by the Soviet regime became presented as positive in independent Ukraine. The war-time nationalist movement, represented by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), became one of the re-configured themes of history. While most of the studies of memory of the OUN and UPA concentrated on the use of this history by nationalist parties, this study goes beyond the analysis and scrutinizes the meaning of this history in nation- and state-building in relation to memory work realized on the small-scale regional and local levels. Moreover, this book focuses not only on the “producers” of memory, but also on the “consumers” of memory, the area which is largely understudied in the field of memory studies. Drawing on studies about post-colonial subjectivities and theories of remediation developed in memory studies, this book explores the changes in memory culture of contemporary Ukraine and examines the role of memory in producing new meanings under the rapidly changing conditions after the collapse of the Soviet Union up to 2014. The book contributes to the studies of memory culture in post-Communist countries as well as to the studies of society in contemporary Ukraine.
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