Introduction The waterfront of Stockholm, one of Europe's fastest-growing cities, stands at the forefront of climate change challenges. As such, there is a pressing need for innovative solutions and resilient urban design. The SOS Climate Waterfront research project gathered international experts and local representatives, coming from different disciplines to work together in May-June 2022 to discuss, explore proposals and design Sustainable Open Solutions (SOS). This book explores three urban sites in Stockholm, holding significant implications for the city's waterfront— Lövholmen, Frihamnen, and Södra Värtan. During the workshop, SOS Climate Waterfront participants, mainly European researchers, analyzed future challenges, raised new questions, and depicted solutions, which can now contribute to cross-country comparisons in a larger EU-framework. The three sites are not only driven by the demand for more housing but also face crucial issues related to cultural heritage, climate change, landscape ecology, and social development. Achieving a delicate balance between these aspects and economic interests presents a significant task for the city. The waterfront of Stockholm holds substantial relevance in the context of climate change and its impact on coastal areas. Thus, analysis of the Swedish context, based on data collected and on-site knowledge sustains a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Stockholm is expected to be affected by the impacts of climate change, including temperature increases, changing precipitation patterns, and the potential for more frequent cloudbursts. While the rising sea level is a long-term challenge rather than an immediate concern, increasing risks of extreme weather events and flooding were taken in consideration. Stockholm rests on two different bodies of water, at a location where the Baltic Sea (Östersjön in Swedish) with brackish water meets Lake Mälaren, which is an important provider of freshwater for the larger Stockholm area. As the lyrics of a popular contemporary Swedish song (by Robert Broberg) describe it: “the city is full of water”. However, to ensure that the ecological and chemical status will be maintained, in facing future challenges in terms of urbanisation and climate change, much attention has been paid to ensure the preservation of the water quality of the Mälaren Lake, a vital water source for two million people. The city values its water and continuously invests in improving the situation (e.g. the new sluice at Slussen). The activities carried out in the SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm integrated this relationship to water as well as the continuing land-rise, the balance of which adds complexity to the sea level modelling and therefore also to the anticipations and scenarios for the future. In this book, the authors explore innovative strategies and design proposals to tackle these challenges while preserving the cultural identity and heritage value of the sites. Researchers from various European cities, supported by experts and academic lectures, analyze extensive input materials and information, ranging from planning documents and historical records to consultation reports and city visions. By drawing upon multidisciplinary backgrounds and experiences, the researchers identify the socioeconomic and environmental qualities of each site, ultimately developing site design concepts and solutions that address climate change challenges, the maintenance of cultural identities, and the protection of biodiversity. Throughout the book, the proposed designs emphasize the importance of finding a balance between preserving cultural heritage, the values of local communities, the stimulating economic growth, and promotion of sustainable urban development. Key elements include the reuse of existing infrastructure, the integration of green-blue schemes, the improvement of biodiversity, and the creation of vibrant and multi-functional neighbourhoods that connect people to each other and their surroundings. While design solutions present promising approaches, their implementation and the institutional challenges that may arise in specific city contexts remain external to the results presented here. The book acknowledges the need for further research and highlights the shared recognition among the workshop participants regarding the gaps and blind spots in their findings. The following chapters of the book delve into climate change in Sweden, the role of culture and arts in the environmental movement, and specific case studies and design proposals for each site. By exploring these diverse perspectives, this book aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on sustainable urban design and planning, to inspire innovative approaches in addressing complex challenges faced by Stockholm in the future. PART 1 of the book offers a comprehensive understanding of climate change in Sweden, street fishing in Stockholm, and the role of culture and arts in the environmental movement in the Nordic Region and internationally. Furthermore, the lessons from Stockholm and its surroundings in this report draw on presentations, by professionals and researchers from various fields, made during the workshop. Some of these lessons have been written into interesting articles, introduced below. The chapter “Climate change in Sweden” by Magnus Joelsson from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) provides an updated analysis with data and the context for discussing climate change in Sweden. The text makes the distinction between weather and climate, referring to the expression “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get” that Mark Twain is said to have coined. Moreover, calling for actions by emphasising that the trend of climate change is expected to continue, both globally and in Sweden. What will happen in the far future still depends on our actions, now and in the future. The contribution entitled “Urban nature does not stop at the waterfront, neither should urban planning, a case study of street fishing in Stockholm” raises questions about how planning and strategies for waterfront areas in cities should consider more perspectives from a wider group of interests. It discusses how urban dwellers live with water, with a focus on recreational fishing and what this use entails. The authors (Anja Moum Rieser, from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Wieben Johannes Boonstra and Rikard Hedling, both from Uppsala University) go beyond the human-centric view and expand the gaze to other species’ needs and also incorporating the body of water in planning for the urban waterfront areas. The chapter “The role of culture and arts in the environmental movement in the Nordic Region and internationally” by Elisavet Papageorgiou and Iwona Preis from Intercult, discusses artistic perspectives on sustainability and climate change. This focuses on how art and culture can raise awareness, provide inspiring actions, and promote social cohesion around sustainable practices. Drawing on experiences from projects aiming to invite and engage community dialogues, they argue that artistic strategies can challenge dominant narratives and promote alternative visions for a sustainable future. The contribution “Sense the Marsh” by Thelma Dethelfsen from KTH The Royal Institute of Technology, emphasises the importance of architecture and landscape design in creating adaptive and resilient strategies to manage flooding and sea level rise. The study focuses on how designs can encourage interaction and awareness with the surroundings. Thereby highlighting the interfaces between humans and nature and raising questions about how flooding can be used as a quality and catalyst to attract more people to an area. The resulting design provides an opportunity to experience nature though the design and architectural solutions, situated on the border between human, non-human species and nature. In PART 2, readers will explore the detailed design proposals developed by different groups for the urban sites in focus. These proposals aim to intertwine sustainability, cultural identity, and economic interests, offering insights into the potential for resilient and vibrant urban spaces. By assessing existing conditions on three sites analysed in Stockholm, including Lövholmen, Frihamnen, and Södra Värtan, the teams participating in the workshop actively contributed to the analysis of the sites and development of design solutions for the areas, in the end forming strategies for better preparedness for future challenges and better lives for the inhabitants. Lövholmen is located in the north-western part of Liljeholmen, one of the major developmental centres in Stockholm. The area is currently a closed-off industrial site, but the municipality’s intention is to redevelop it into a mixed urban space with homes, workplaces, shops, schools, and more. It's expected that 1500 new homes will be built in the area. Many of the current industrial buildings are empty and in bad shape. While some of these will be replaced with housing, other industrial buildings have heritage value and should be protected during the development, after which a new use should be found for them. Frihamnen is, together with the Södra Värtan project, part of the larger development of ”Norra Djurgårdsstaden”, the Stockholm Royal Seaport. Frihamnen is located to the south of Värtahamnen and is in turn strongly connected to Loudden in the south. The municipality plans for the area to contain approximately 1700 homes, 4000 workplaces and 75,000 m2 of retail and office space. Some of the existing businesses in Frihamnen will remain, but much of the existing infrastructure is planned to be removed. The harbour no longer handles freight shipping, but passenger ships will continue to depart from the harbour (Frihamnspiren). Södra Värtan is planned to contain 1500 apartments, 20 preschool departments, 155,000 m2 of office and retail space, as well as 10,000 m2 of parks and a 600 m long waterfront walkway. The new development is intended to co-exist with the activities in the harbour, which creates challenges such as the blocking of noise stemming from the cruise ships. The walkways along the waterfront are planned to have shops and restaurants. The contributions of the articles, together with the SOS Climate Waterfront teams’ analysis of the three sites in Stockholm, provides relevant and timely interdisciplinary efforts to co-create novel solutions and future strategies to manage the climate challenges ahead. The solutions relate to the history of the urban territory, actors involved (or those excluded) and changes, over time, of planning ideals. A key theme is how to plan by creating inclusive strategies for the future by involving representatives of diverse interests, competences, and future visions for the sites. The consequences of climate change are affecting these different stakeholders and citizens in a wide range of ways, so including them in the process is crucial. This also includes the inclusion of future generations’ views on urban transformation. The largest challenge is to create new, novel solutions where these human interests, as well as those of local nature and non-human species, can be incorporated, in an effort to plan and design for a mitigation and management of the consequences of climate change. As we embark on this journey of exploration and innovation, we invite readers to delve into the pages of this book, where interdisciplinary research, creative design, and a shared commitment to sustainable urban development and decarbonisation strategies converge. Together, let us envision a future where cities thrive, harmoniously balancing their heritage, environment, and economic aspirations. QC 20231115 SOS Climate Waterfront
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Part of book: ISBN 978-1-009-10023-6QC 20221219
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QC 20211207
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För att den gröna omställningen i Sverige ska lyckas krävs att mer än 100 000 personer flyttar till Norrland de närmaste åren för att arbeta i de nya industrierna som etableras där och i snabbt växande samhällena. Vilka berättelser skulle kunna få människor att flytta dit, och vilka är det egentligen som ska höra dessa berättelser? Det här är en analys av berättelser om Norrland för de som knappt varit där, för de som är födda där, för de som kan tänka sig att flytta dit och för de som påverkar utan att vara på plats. Analysen innehåller ett antal handgripliga rekommendationer för hur man kan beskriva den norra landsändan på ett sätt som kan varieras beroende på vem som är mottagare men som likväl förenas av en berättelse om regionen som helhet. In order for the green transition in Sweden to succeed, more than 100 000 people to move to the northern part of the country in the coming years to work in the new industries being established there and in the rapidly growing communities. What are the stories that could attract people to move there, and who should hear these stories? This is an analysis of stories about Norrland for those who have barely been there, for those who were born there, for those who might consider moving there, and for those who influence without being there. The analysis provides a number of tangible recommendations on how to describe the North in a way that can be varied depending on the audience, but still united by a narrative of the region as a whole. Del av regeringsuppdrag Thriving North, “Stöd till innovationsarbete inom hållbar stads- och samhällsutveckling i Norrbotten och Västerbotten”QC 20240318 Stöd till innovationsarbete inom hållbar stads- och samhällsutveckling i Norrbotten och Västerbotten
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Can walking trails be understood not only as routes to history and heritage, but also as heritage in and of themselves? The paper explores the articulation of trails as a distinct landscape and mobility heritage, bridging the nature-culture divide and building on physical and intellectual movements over time. The authors aim to contribute to a better understanding of the geography of trails and trailscapes by analysing the emergence of the Swedish-Norwegian trail Finnskogleden. The trail is situated in the border region spanning the former county of Hedmark in present-day Innlandet County, south-eastern Norway, and Värmland County in mid-western Sweden, a forested area where Finnish-speaking immigrants settled from the 16th century to the early 20th century. Archives, literature, interviews, and field visits were used to analyse the emergence and governance of the trail. The main finding is the importance of continuous articulation work by local and regional stakeholders, through texts, maps, maintenance, and mobility. In conclusion, the Finn forest trailscape and its mobility heritage can be seen as an articulation of territory over time, a multilayered process drawing on various environing technologies, making the trail a transformative part of a trans-border political geography. QC 20220308
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As a pavement material, concrete has several advantages compared to asphalt but it is hardly used on Swedish highways. In fact the youngest one is already 17 years old. This paper starts with the history of Swedish concrete pavements, continues with the current status of existing ones and discusses the reason that concrete has difficulties to compete with asphalt. The modern Swedish concrete highway consists of a 200-220 mm two-layer jointed plain concrete pavement on a cement- or asphalt-treated base. The paper summarizes the experiences from the five most recent Swedish concrete pavement projects. By selecting wear-resistant aggregates and high strength of the top layer, the concrete pavement has been shown to resist wear from the studded tires that are allowed on Swedish private cars during the winter season. In recent years, focus on low investment cost and low CO2 emissions has increased. In order to meet these goals, the Swedish concrete pavement research is oriented towards optimizing the concrete mix and prolonging the service life of existing concrete pavements by adopting foreign repair technologies. The paper ends with a summary of on-going Swedish research and research needs in the area of concrete pavements. QC 20230825
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Skidvallans historia framstår som en spegelbild av samhällets utveckling, där svensk ingenjörskonst länge ledde jakten på en universalvalla. När fluorvallan nu av ekologiska skäl förbjudits kanske vi åter börjar söka fästet i tjärdalen och glidet i talg? QC 20240223
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AbstractEmerging after World War II “the environment” as a modern concept turned in the years around 1970 into a phase of institutionalization in science, civic society, and politics. Part of this was the foundation of journals. The majority became “environmental specialist journals”, typically based in established disciplines. Some became “environmental generalist journals”, covering broad knowledge areas and often with an ambition to be policy relevant. A significant and early member of the latter category wasAmbio, founded 1972. This article presents an overview of the journal’s first 50 years, with a focus on main changes in scientific content, political context, and editorial directions. A key finding is that the journal reflects an increasing pluralization of “the environment” with concepts such as global change, climate change, Earth system science, Anthropocene, resilience, and environmental governance. Another finding is that the journal has also itself influenced developments through publishing work on new concepts and ideas.
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citations | 3 | |
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The thesis deals with a tension in university governance concerning research policy actors’ mandate to decide on the academic organization and direction of research, vis-à-vis researchers’ perceptions of governance in research. This tension is addressed through an analysis of the ideas and attitudes towards universities as institutions, and research as a practice, expressed at the policy level in connection with major reforms. Additionally, it is studied how individual researchers perceive and relate to governance in research in relation to the governance system as a whole and to the university management. The study makes use of different theories and methods, including the idea of the social contract for science and perspectives from implementation and policy studies as well as enactment-perspectives and theories of metagovernance. Using a document analysis of policy documents the study demonstrates that significance has been attributed to the internal university organization by policy makers. The analysis demonstrates that policy perspectives on the internal organization of universities have been shaped by ambivalent attitudes aimed at controlling academic activities, while simultaneously adhering to norms of scientific autonomy. Through quantitative analysis the study further demonstrates a correlation between researchers' perceptions of steering in research and the internal management model of universities. Researchers at universities with a high degree of line-management perceive a higher degree of influence in research from the internal university management compared with researchers at universities with low degree of line-management. One explanation suggested is that an organization with line-management and few collegial bodies makes universities less resilient to external influence. Also, line-managed universities have a more instrumental character where external factors could have a greater impact on the internal leadership. The quantitative study also shows that researchers perceive a high degree of influence in their research through external funding. This result is consistent with previous research that has demonstrated the impact of external funding on the direction of research. Similar to the survey, the thesis’s interview study shows that governance through external funding is perceived as the most potent. Consequently, the most distinct adaptation to governance is through adjustments in research applications. These adjustments involve innovative processes and the ability to transform external funders' priorities into research proposals. In this process, prospective scenarios are created, where research aligns with both the scientific field's development and society's utility paradigm. The design of the research system means that a large part of the mandate to plan, administer, develop and negotiate forms for conducting research rests with individual researchers. Bakgrund och teoretiskt ramverk Avhandlingen behandlar frågor om styrning av universitetsforskning där olika ideal – som självstyre och samhällsinflytande – ställs mot varandra. Trots att majoriteten av universitet och högskolor i Sverige är statliga myndigheter är de i många avseenden en egen form av organisation historiskt präglad av vetenskapligt självstyre. Den forsknings- och högskolepolitiska styrningen har att hantera denna spänning. Styrningen förväntas å ena sidan respektera normer om forskningens frihet och vetenskapligt självstyre, å andra sidan säkerställa att lärosätena uppfyller samhällspolitiska mål. Spänningen i styrningen handlar på så vis om i vilken grad olika forskningspolitiska aktörer ska ha mandat att avgöra frågor om forskningens organisation och genomförande. I avhandlingen studeras spänningsförhållandet i styrningen genom att analysera dels vilka föreställningar om och förhållningssätt till lärosätena som institutioner och forskningen som praktik politiken har gett uttryck för i samband med större reformer, dels hur forskare förhåller sig till forskningspolitisk styrning och till lärosätesintern ledning. På så vis studeras relationer mellan olika nivåer i styrningen av universitetsforskningen. Avhandlingen bygger framförallt på högskole- och forskningspolitiska studier samt studier av statlig styrning framförallt inom statsvetenskap. I avhandlingen används olika teoretiska perspektiv. Idén om vetenskapens samhällskontrakt utgör en del av den teoretiska förståelsen av förhållandet mellan vetenskap, politik och samhälle. Kontraktet ses som ett föränderligt och kontinuerligt föremål för förhandlingar, vilket påverkar graden av vetenskapligt självstyre. Kontraktsbegreppet sätts i relation till förvaltningspolitiska perspektiv som synliggör komplexiteten i mandatfördelningen inom styrsystemet. Avhandlingen utgår från tidigare forskning om idealtyper av förvaltningsmodeller där den professionella modellen anses prägla universitetsforskningens genomförande. Förvaltningsmodeller visar hur frågor om legitimitet och tillit för en verksamhets genomförande kan förklara varför verksamheten organiseras efter ett specifikt mönster. För en teoretisk förståelse av den övergripande styrstrukturen används teorin om organisationsstyrning som en form av metagovernance. Det vetenskapliga självstyret har traditionellt inneburit att akademisk verksamhet organiserats efter egna principer. Den kollegiala styrmodellen har då betraktats som en organisatorisk formalisering av vetenskapens självstyre. Sedan 1990-talet har dock svenska universitet alltmer utvecklats mot linjestyrning. Utvecklingen har kritiserats för att minska lärares och forskares frihet. Det finns emellertid få empiriskt baserade analyser av hur styrmodellen påverkar enskilda forskares upplevelser av frihet. I avhandlingens analys av forskares förhållningssätt till den universitetsinterna ledningen studeras därför om det finns ett samband mellan ett lärosätes styrmodell, i form av kollegial modell respektive linjemodell, och forskares upplevelser av styrning i forskningen. Denna analys grundar sig på litteratur och teorier om de två olika styrmodellerna. Analysen av forskares förhållningssätt och upplevelser av styrning i forskningen utgår dels från tidigare studier av forskares utrymme för självstyre och förhandlingar i genomförandet av forskning, dels från ett enactment-perspektiv som belyser att processen där policy överförs till praktik innefattar kreativitet, tolkningar och materiella aspekter som är kontextuellt betingade, vilket illustrerar relationen mellan policy och praktik. Forskningsdesign och material Genom att studien är inriktad på olika nivåer av styrning har den skilda material och metoder. Analysen är uppdelad i tre delstudier baserade på olika empiriskt underlag. Avhandlingen som helhet kombinerar kvalitativt och kvantitativt tillvägagångsätt. Den första delen är en dokumentstudie som analyserar politikens föreställningar om och förhållningssätt till universiteten som institutioner och forskningen som praktik i samband med större reformer. I materialet ingår förarbeten till tre stora reformer inom högskolesektorn sedan 1970-talet, H 77 (1977), frihetsreformen (1993) och autonomireformen (2011). Anledningen till att dessa studeras är att de förhållit sig till lärosätenas interna organisation som styrverktyg. Här studeras vilken syn på universitetets organisation – i relation till de samhällspolitiska målen – som politiken gett uttryck för. Politikens förhållningssätt och de (av)regleringar som följt av reformerna betraktas i studien som olika uttryck för synen på vetenskapens samhällskontrakt och vetenskapens självstyre. Den andra delstudien analyserar forskares förhållningssätt till forskningspolitisk respektive lärosätesintern styrning genom kvantitativ metod. Där presenteras två hypoteser om forskares upplevelser av styrning sett till dels den interna styrmodellen, dels externa forskningsfinansiärer. Analysen görs genom t-test och regressionsanalys. I analysen jämförs i vilken grad forskare upplever styrning från den interna ledningen med i vilken grad de upplever styrning genom den externa finansieringen. Vidare analyseras om forskare vid universitet med en högre grad av linjestyrning upplever en högre grad av styrning i forskningen. Avhandlingens sista empiriskt baserade del är en intervjustudie som även den är inriktad mot forskares förhållningssätt till forskningspolitiks styrning och universitetets interna ledning. Materialet är transkriberat och analyserat i NVivo och rör forskares upplevelser och ageranden i relation till forskningens genomförande. Analyserna av forskares upplevelser av styrning i forskningens genomförande är uppdelad i tre delar: val av forskningsämne och -frågor, metod och material samt hur forskningsresultat ska publiceras och kommuniceras. Enkät- respektive intervjustudien fångar skilda delar av samma frågeställning: enkäten rör den interna styrmodellen och externfinansieringen, intervjuerna berör även dessa frågor, men de har ett bredare perspektiv och ser till forskningssystemet som helhet. Avhandlingens resultat och bidrag I dokumentstudien visas hur författningsbestämmelser om lärosätenas interna organisation använts som styrmedel i politikutformningen. Mandatet till och utformningen av den interna organisationen framstår som en viktig del i politikutformningen. Synen har dock varierat när det gäller vilka som ska inkluderas i beslutsorganen och var i styrkedjan mandatet att besluta om organisationens utformning ska placeras. I analysen visas att variationerna beror på skilda bedömningar i tilliten till den interna organisationens förmåga att möta de samhällspolitiska målen, vilket har utmynnat i skilda avvägningar när det gäller delegering av mandat och i vilken grad den interna organisationen ska vara författningsreglerad. Analysen visar att politikens syn på lärosätenas organisation har präglats av ambivalenta förhållningssätt som syftat till att styra den akademiska verksamheten samtidigt som den rymt normer om vetenskapligt självstyre. Å ena sidan framhålls den praxis vari verksamhetens särart betonas, å andra sidan å andra sidan likställs verksamheten med andra förvaltningsmyndigheter. Avhandlingens kvantitativa analys visar att forskare vid lärosäten med en styrmodell präglad av linjestyrning upplever högre grad av påverkan i forskningen från den interna universitetsledningen. Vid lärosätena med en svag linjestyrning och med mer kollegial styrmodell upplever forskare en svagare styrning i forskningen. Studien visar därmed på ett samband mellan forskares upplevelser av styrning i forskningen och lärosätets interna styrmodell. Här finns således ett samband mellan formerna för hur beslut delegeras och fördelas inom ett universitet och forskares upplevelser av utrymmet för vetenskapligt självstyre. Ett sätt att tolka resultatet är att de lärosäten som har hållit kvar vid en kollegial styrmodell ger gett ett större utrymme för självstyre i forskningen. Förklaringen kan ligga i att den traditionella kollegiala styrningen i högre grad utgår från akademiska normer vari det vetenskapliga självstyret värnas. Sammantaget var emellertid upplevelsen av styrning från den interna ledningen relativt liten. Istället visade analysen att forskarna upplevde en hög grad av påverkan i forskningen genom externfinansieringen. Resultatet överensstämmer med tidigare forskning som påvisat externfinansieringens inverkan på forskares utrymme att välja forskningsfrågor och forskningsämne. I ansökningar om forskningsmedel sker en anpassning av forskningens inriktning till vad som bedöms möjligt att erhålla finansiering för. Samtidigt visade analysen att forskare vid mer linjestyrda universitet upplevde en högre grad av påverkan i forskningen genom externfinansieringen jämfört med forskare vid universitet med en mer kollegial styrmodell. Förklaringarna till detta kan ha att göra med att avsaknaden av kollegiala organ gör lärosätena mindre motståndskraftiga mot extern påverkan, men även att de linjestyrda universiteten har en mer instrumentell karaktär där externa faktorer i högre grad påverkar den interna ledningen. I intervjustudien visas hur forskare förhåller sig till styrning i genomförandet av forskning – dess mål, inriktning, metoder och kommunikationsformer. Utifrån den upplevda styrningen agerar forskarna för att fortsatta kunna forska och för att skapa självstyre i forskningen. Detta görs bl.a. genom att de ingår i och skapar nätverk för inflytande över forskningens inriktning, förhandlar om formerna för forskningens genomförande med externa finansiärer och i vissa fall använder sig av universitetsinterna strategiska prioriteringar. Liksom i enkätstudien är det tydligt att styrningen genom den externa finansieringen upplevs starkast. Det innebär att den tydligaste anpassningen till styrningen görs genom justeringar av forskningsämne och -frågor. Justeringarna innefattar kreativa processer och en förmåga att översätta externa finansiärers prioriteringar till forskning i ansökningar om medel. I detta skapas framtidsbilder där forskningen passas in såväl i den inomvetenskapliga utvecklingen som i samhällets nyttoparadigm. Parallellt med den upplevda styrningen genom externfinansieringen visar intervjuerna att styrningen genom flera av de externa finansiärerna anses legitim. Det finns ett stort förtroende för dessa finansiärers kollegiala bedömningsprocesser; forskarna har tillit till att finansiärerna utövar sin makt på ett acceptabelt vis. Sammantaget visar även intervjustudien på en relativt liten upplevd styrning i relation till den interna ledningen. Den interna styrningen kan dock i enskilda fall, eller tidpunkter i en forskares karriär, ha stor inverkan. I avhandlingens avslutning betraktas, genom organisationsstyrningen, de olika delstudiernas resultat som aspekter av den övergripande styrningen inom sektorn över tid. De tre reformerna som studerats i dokumentstudien har genom reformberättelser motiverat inrättandet och formandet av formella organisationer. Dessa två delar av organisationsstyrningen skapar de fasta förutsättningarna för universitetsforskningen genom författningar och andra styrdokument som tillsammans utgör den formella organiseringen av högskolesektorn. Därtill påverkar konkurrensutsättning, positionering och distansering relationerna inom systemet. Relationerna inom styrsystemet fungerar såväl vertikalt som horisontellt. Forskningen bedrivs och utformas i relation till aktörer på olika nivåer inom både offentliga och privata organisationer. Relationerna är kodade med värden som legitimitet, relevans och nytta, men även mer praktiska aspekter som karriärmöjligheter och tillgång till infrastruktur inverkar. Utvecklingen med färre regleringar av universitetens organisation, det ökade beroendet av forskningsfinansiärer och fler satsningar riktade mot universitetens interna ledningar har inneburit förändrade former för statlig styrning. Organisationsstyrningen innebär att policynivån delvis har flyttats till de externa finansiärerna. Forskningsfinansiärerna bildar därmed ytterligare en styrnivå, en intermediär styrnivå, i relation till utövarna. Externfinansieringen som syftade till ökad kvalitet genom ökad konkurrens har haft tydliga effekter på universitetens interna ledningsformer som på olika vis förhåller sig till styrsystemet som helhet. Avhandlingen avslutas med att konstatera att universitetsforskare i hög grad svarar på den styrning som systemet skapar. Forskarna utvecklar en sensibilitet för att avgöra hur olika situationer ska hanteras för att uppnå de egna målen, dvs. att kunna forska och att i forskningen ha utrymme att utveckla kunskap utifrån nyfikenhetsdrivna premisser. Forskningssystemets utformning innebär därmed att en stor del av mandatet att planera, administrera, utveckla och förhandla om former för forskningens genomförande åvilar de enskilda forskarna. Avhandlingens kunskapsbidrag består i att sätta vetenskapens samhällskontrakt i relation dels till styrningen inom högskolesektorn sedan 1970-talet, dels genom att visa hur förhandlingar om självstyre i dag bedrivs. Vidare lämnas ett nytt empiriskt bidrag när det gäller forskares upplevelser av styrning i forskningen inom ett universitet, särskilt i relation till universitetets styrmodell. Genom att studien ser till relationerna mellan olika styrnivåer, och hur de påverkar forskare, är den ett komplement till den forskningspolitiska litteraturen som relativt sällan fokuserat på metoder, processer och förhållanden som är involverade i genomförandeprocesser på lägre nivå i den forskningspolitiska styrkedjan. I relation till förvaltningspolitiska studier och implementeringsforskning bidrar avhandlingen genom att koppla universitetsforskningen till den förvaltningspolitiska professionsmodellen och visa hur den praxis som styrningen utgått från är en del i kontraktrelationen. Vidare görs ett empiriskt bidrag till forskningen om organisationsstyrning och metagovernance. Genom att studien visar på forskningspolitikens möjligheter och gränser samt forskares förhållningssätt till styrsystemet har den vissa praktiska implikationer för forskningspolitik på olika nivåer. Legitimitet genom representation och i beslutsprocesserna, samt att styrningen utövas och formuleras utifrån vad forskarna upplever som lämplig nivå, är centralt för tillit och genomförbarhet. Forskningspolitik som innebär ryckighet i styrningen, processer och prioriteringar med svag vetenskaplig legitimitet samt komplicerade och omfattande administrativa processer leder till att legitimiteten och tilliten till systemet blir försvagad samtidigt som det har styrande effekt. Om sådana processer upptar för mycket resurser riskerar utrymmet för självstyre att minska alltför påtagligt. Som konsekvens kan det lustfyllda sökandet efter ny kunskap få litet utrymme. Det kan på sikt innebära att forskare lämnar akademin och att förutsättningarna för att möta framtida kunskapsbehov försämras. QC230508 Universitet som samhällsbyggare
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QC 20221219
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Introduction The waterfront of Stockholm, one of Europe's fastest-growing cities, stands at the forefront of climate change challenges. As such, there is a pressing need for innovative solutions and resilient urban design. The SOS Climate Waterfront research project gathered international experts and local representatives, coming from different disciplines to work together in May-June 2022 to discuss, explore proposals and design Sustainable Open Solutions (SOS). This book explores three urban sites in Stockholm, holding significant implications for the city's waterfront— Lövholmen, Frihamnen, and Södra Värtan. During the workshop, SOS Climate Waterfront participants, mainly European researchers, analyzed future challenges, raised new questions, and depicted solutions, which can now contribute to cross-country comparisons in a larger EU-framework. The three sites are not only driven by the demand for more housing but also face crucial issues related to cultural heritage, climate change, landscape ecology, and social development. Achieving a delicate balance between these aspects and economic interests presents a significant task for the city. The waterfront of Stockholm holds substantial relevance in the context of climate change and its impact on coastal areas. Thus, analysis of the Swedish context, based on data collected and on-site knowledge sustains a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Stockholm is expected to be affected by the impacts of climate change, including temperature increases, changing precipitation patterns, and the potential for more frequent cloudbursts. While the rising sea level is a long-term challenge rather than an immediate concern, increasing risks of extreme weather events and flooding were taken in consideration. Stockholm rests on two different bodies of water, at a location where the Baltic Sea (Östersjön in Swedish) with brackish water meets Lake Mälaren, which is an important provider of freshwater for the larger Stockholm area. As the lyrics of a popular contemporary Swedish song (by Robert Broberg) describe it: “the city is full of water”. However, to ensure that the ecological and chemical status will be maintained, in facing future challenges in terms of urbanisation and climate change, much attention has been paid to ensure the preservation of the water quality of the Mälaren Lake, a vital water source for two million people. The city values its water and continuously invests in improving the situation (e.g. the new sluice at Slussen). The activities carried out in the SOS Climate Waterfront workshop in Stockholm integrated this relationship to water as well as the continuing land-rise, the balance of which adds complexity to the sea level modelling and therefore also to the anticipations and scenarios for the future. In this book, the authors explore innovative strategies and design proposals to tackle these challenges while preserving the cultural identity and heritage value of the sites. Researchers from various European cities, supported by experts and academic lectures, analyze extensive input materials and information, ranging from planning documents and historical records to consultation reports and city visions. By drawing upon multidisciplinary backgrounds and experiences, the researchers identify the socioeconomic and environmental qualities of each site, ultimately developing site design concepts and solutions that address climate change challenges, the maintenance of cultural identities, and the protection of biodiversity. Throughout the book, the proposed designs emphasize the importance of finding a balance between preserving cultural heritage, the values of local communities, the stimulating economic growth, and promotion of sustainable urban development. Key elements include the reuse of existing infrastructure, the integration of green-blue schemes, the improvement of biodiversity, and the creation of vibrant and multi-functional neighbourhoods that connect people to each other and their surroundings. While design solutions present promising approaches, their implementation and the institutional challenges that may arise in specific city contexts remain external to the results presented here. The book acknowledges the need for further research and highlights the shared recognition among the workshop participants regarding the gaps and blind spots in their findings. The following chapters of the book delve into climate change in Sweden, the role of culture and arts in the environmental movement, and specific case studies and design proposals for each site. By exploring these diverse perspectives, this book aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on sustainable urban design and planning, to inspire innovative approaches in addressing complex challenges faced by Stockholm in the future. PART 1 of the book offers a comprehensive understanding of climate change in Sweden, street fishing in Stockholm, and the role of culture and arts in the environmental movement in the Nordic Region and internationally. Furthermore, the lessons from Stockholm and its surroundings in this report draw on presentations, by professionals and researchers from various fields, made during the workshop. Some of these lessons have been written into interesting articles, introduced below. The chapter “Climate change in Sweden” by Magnus Joelsson from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) provides an updated analysis with data and the context for discussing climate change in Sweden. The text makes the distinction between weather and climate, referring to the expression “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get” that Mark Twain is said to have coined. Moreover, calling for actions by emphasising that the trend of climate change is expected to continue, both globally and in Sweden. What will happen in the far future still depends on our actions, now and in the future. The contribution entitled “Urban nature does not stop at the waterfront, neither should urban planning, a case study of street fishing in Stockholm” raises questions about how planning and strategies for waterfront areas in cities should consider more perspectives from a wider group of interests. It discusses how urban dwellers live with water, with a focus on recreational fishing and what this use entails. The authors (Anja Moum Rieser, from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Wieben Johannes Boonstra and Rikard Hedling, both from Uppsala University) go beyond the human-centric view and expand the gaze to other species’ needs and also incorporating the body of water in planning for the urban waterfront areas. The chapter “The role of culture and arts in the environmental movement in the Nordic Region and internationally” by Elisavet Papageorgiou and Iwona Preis from Intercult, discusses artistic perspectives on sustainability and climate change. This focuses on how art and culture can raise awareness, provide inspiring actions, and promote social cohesion around sustainable practices. Drawing on experiences from projects aiming to invite and engage community dialogues, they argue that artistic strategies can challenge dominant narratives and promote alternative visions for a sustainable future. The contribution “Sense the Marsh” by Thelma Dethelfsen from KTH The Royal Institute of Technology, emphasises the importance of architecture and landscape design in creating adaptive and resilient strategies to manage flooding and sea level rise. The study focuses on how designs can encourage interaction and awareness with the surroundings. Thereby highlighting the interfaces between humans and nature and raising questions about how flooding can be used as a quality and catalyst to attract more people to an area. The resulting design provides an opportunity to experience nature though the design and architectural solutions, situated on the border between human, non-human species and nature. In PART 2, readers will explore the detailed design proposals developed by different groups for the urban sites in focus. These proposals aim to intertwine sustainability, cultural identity, and economic interests, offering insights into the potential for resilient and vibrant urban spaces. By assessing existing conditions on three sites analysed in Stockholm, including Lövholmen, Frihamnen, and Södra Värtan, the teams participating in the workshop actively contributed to the analysis of the sites and development of design solutions for the areas, in the end forming strategies for better preparedness for future challenges and better lives for the inhabitants. Lövholmen is located in the north-western part of Liljeholmen, one of the major developmental centres in Stockholm. The area is currently a closed-off industrial site, but the municipality’s intention is to redevelop it into a mixed urban space with homes, workplaces, shops, schools, and more. It's expected that 1500 new homes will be built in the area. Many of the current industrial buildings are empty and in bad shape. While some of these will be replaced with housing, other industrial buildings have heritage value and should be protected during the development, after which a new use should be found for them. Frihamnen is, together with the Södra Värtan project, part of the larger development of ”Norra Djurgårdsstaden”, the Stockholm Royal Seaport. Frihamnen is located to the south of Värtahamnen and is in turn strongly connected to Loudden in the south. The municipality plans for the area to contain approximately 1700 homes, 4000 workplaces and 75,000 m2 of retail and office space. Some of the existing businesses in Frihamnen will remain, but much of the existing infrastructure is planned to be removed. The harbour no longer handles freight shipping, but passenger ships will continue to depart from the harbour (Frihamnspiren). Södra Värtan is planned to contain 1500 apartments, 20 preschool departments, 155,000 m2 of office and retail space, as well as 10,000 m2 of parks and a 600 m long waterfront walkway. The new development is intended to co-exist with the activities in the harbour, which creates challenges such as the blocking of noise stemming from the cruise ships. The walkways along the waterfront are planned to have shops and restaurants. The contributions of the articles, together with the SOS Climate Waterfront teams’ analysis of the three sites in Stockholm, provides relevant and timely interdisciplinary efforts to co-create novel solutions and future strategies to manage the climate challenges ahead. The solutions relate to the history of the urban territory, actors involved (or those excluded) and changes, over time, of planning ideals. A key theme is how to plan by creating inclusive strategies for the future by involving representatives of diverse interests, competences, and future visions for the sites. The consequences of climate change are affecting these different stakeholders and citizens in a wide range of ways, so including them in the process is crucial. This also includes the inclusion of future generations’ views on urban transformation. The largest challenge is to create new, novel solutions where these human interests, as well as those of local nature and non-human species, can be incorporated, in an effort to plan and design for a mitigation and management of the consequences of climate change. As we embark on this journey of exploration and innovation, we invite readers to delve into the pages of this book, where interdisciplinary research, creative design, and a shared commitment to sustainable urban development and decarbonisation strategies converge. Together, let us envision a future where cities thrive, harmoniously balancing their heritage, environment, and economic aspirations. QC 20231115 SOS Climate Waterfront
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Part of book: ISBN 978-1-009-10023-6QC 20221219
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QC 20211207
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För att den gröna omställningen i Sverige ska lyckas krävs att mer än 100 000 personer flyttar till Norrland de närmaste åren för att arbeta i de nya industrierna som etableras där och i snabbt växande samhällena. Vilka berättelser skulle kunna få människor att flytta dit, och vilka är det egentligen som ska höra dessa berättelser? Det här är en analys av berättelser om Norrland för de som knappt varit där, för de som är födda där, för de som kan tänka sig att flytta dit och för de som påverkar utan att vara på plats. Analysen innehåller ett antal handgripliga rekommendationer för hur man kan beskriva den norra landsändan på ett sätt som kan varieras beroende på vem som är mottagare men som likväl förenas av en berättelse om regionen som helhet. In order for the green transition in Sweden to succeed, more than 100 000 people to move to the northern part of the country in the coming years to work in the new industries being established there and in the rapidly growing communities. What are the stories that could attract people to move there, and who should hear these stories? This is an analysis of stories about Norrland for those who have barely been there, for those who were born there, for those who might consider moving there, and for those who influence without being there. The analysis provides a number of tangible recommendations on how to describe the North in a way that can be varied depending on the audience, but still united by a narrative of the region as a whole. Del av regeringsuppdrag Thriving North, “Stöd till innovationsarbete inom hållbar stads- och samhällsutveckling i Norrbotten och Västerbotten”QC 20240318 Stöd till innovationsarbete inom hållbar stads- och samhällsutveckling i Norrbotten och Västerbotten
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