Introduktion: Cystisk fibros är en progressiv kronisk sjukdom. Att leva med cystisk fibros påverkar personens liv och personer med cystisk fibros har beskrivit att de upplever en försämrad livskvalitet med tidskrävande behandlingar, fysiska begränsningar och psykosociala påfrestningar vilka begränsar möjligheten till att leva livet fullt ut. Hur sjukdomen upplevs av yngre personer hade bidragit till att ge sjuksköterskor ökad förståelse för patienters behov i omvårdnaden. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva barns, ungdomars och unga vuxnas upplevelser av att leva med cystisk fibros. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturöversikt baserad på tio kvalitativa artiklar utfördes. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades enligt SBU:s granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier (2022a). Studiernas resultat sammanställdes och analyserades utifrån en modell beskriven av Popenoe et al. (2021). Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier: Begränsningar i det dagliga livet, Upplevelser av hälsa och Påverkad självbild. Cystisk fibros medförde upplevelser av kroppsliga begränsningar, tidskrävande behandling, sociala restriktioner och en oro inför framtiden. Att ses som mer än sjukdomen ansågs var en faktor till bättre upplevd hälsa. Självbilden påverkades då deltagare eftersträvade normalitet. Det fanns även en rädsla för att bli dömd, att göra andra besvikna och upplevelser av bristande autonomi. Slutsats: Cystisk fibros påverkar unga ur aspekter såsom självbild, socialt liv och fysiska begränsningar. Kunskap om sjukdomens påverkan ger sjuksköterskan bättre förutsättning för god personcentrerad omvårdnad och att hjälpa unga patienter hantera sin sjukdom och uppnå bästa möjliga livskvalitet. Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is a progressive chronic disease. Living with cystic fibrosis affects the person's life and reduces quality of life with time-consuming treatments, physical limitations and psychosocial stresses which limit the opportunity to live life to the full. How the disease is experienced by younger people could contribute to giving nurses an increased understanding of patients' needs. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of children, adolescents and young adults living with cystic fibrosis. Method: A descriptive literature review, based on 10 scientific qualitative articles. The articles were quality reviewed according to SBU's review template for qualitative studies (2022a). The results of the studies were compiled and analyzed based on a model described by Popenoe et al. (2021). Results: The people's experiences resulted in three categories: Limitations in daily life, Experience of health and Affected self-image. Cystic fibrosis brought limitations such as physical limitations, time-consuming treatment, social restrictions and a worry about the future. Being seen as more than the disease was considered a factor in perceived health. Self-image was affected as participants sought normalcy, there was also a fear of being judged, fear of disappointing others and an experience of a lack of autonomy. Conclusion: Cystic fibrosis affects young people from aspects such as self-image, social life and physical limitations. Knowledge of the impact of the disease gives the nurse a better basis for good person-centered care and to help young patients manage their disease and achieve the best possible quality of life.
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AbstractPruritus is a common complication of cholestatic liver diseases. Inhibition of the ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT/ASBT) may emerge as treatment option. Our aim was to assess tolerability and effect on pruritus of the selective IBAT inhibitor A4250 in patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). Ten patients with PBC and bile acid sequestrant treatment of cholestatic pruritus were after a two-week wash out of the bile acid sequestrant treated with either 0.75 mg (n = 4) or 1.5 mg (n = 5) of A4250 for four weeks. Patients’ pruritus was assessed by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), 5-D itch scale and the pruritus module of the PBC40 questionnaire. Plasma bile acids and 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one were measured by UPLC-MS/MS, plasma fibroblast growth factor 19 by ELISA, and serum autotaxin activity by homemade assay. All nine patients exposed to A4250 reported a remarkable improvement in pruritus, until none or mild according to 5-D itch, VAS and PBC40 pruritus. Five patients finished the study prematurely due to abdominal pain (5/5) and diarrhoea (4/5). The high incidence of probably bile acid malabsorption-related diarrhoea and abdominal pain in the bile acid sequestrant pre-treated population indicates that the start dose of A4250 may have been too high for adult patients.
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citations | 66 | |
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pmid: 37725058
There is a striking knowledge gap on ADHD in older adults, and the diagnosis as well as treatment for ADHD in this age group.The authors first review the literature on the prevalence, functional impairment, and health comorbidities of ADHD across the lifespan. Next, they address the diagnostic criteria for ADHD in adults according to the DSM/ICD, available screening/diagnostic tools, differential diagnosis, and the validity of diagnostic criteria for ADHD in older adults. Finally, the authors focus on empirical evidence on the prevalence rates, medication response, and safety of pharmacological treatment of ADHD in older adults, and national and international clinical guidelines on the treatment of ADHD in this age group.It is expected that future editions of the DSM and ICD will provide specifiers to the standard ADHD criteria, to better inform the diagnosis of ADHD in older adults. It is also expected that the increasing number of epidemiological studies will provide rigorous estimates on the prevalence, incidence, and burden of ADHD in older adults. One may expect an increasing number of RCTs assessing the efficacy/effectiveness and tolerability/safety of pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological interventions which will inform future guidelines on ADHD in older adults.
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hybrid |
citations | 4 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Objective: Psoriatic arthritis mutilans (PAM) is the most severe phenotype of psoriatic arthritis due to excessive bone erosion causing joint destruction and decreased functional capacity. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of comorbidities among patients with PAM and the association between comorbidities and joint involvement.Methods: A total of 66 patients aged ≥18 years from the Nordic countries with past or present psoriasis along with at least one mutilated joint were included in the present study.Results: The median number of comorbid conditions per patient was 1 [interquartile range (IQR) 0–2] and 16.7% reported three or more comorbidities. The most frequent comorbidity was hypertension (36.4%). The median number of mutilated joints per patient was 3 (IQR 1–8.3; range 1–38).Conclusion: Two thirds of the patients with PAM reported comorbid conditions and the most frequent was hypertension which affected more than a third of the patients. However, this study was unable to detect any association between comorbidities and the severity of PAM.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 4 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Displaying high-quality images on edge devices, such as augmented reality devices, is essential for enhancing the user experience. However, these devices often face power consumption and computing resource limitations, making it challenging to apply many deep learning-based image compression algorithms in this field. Implicit Neural Representation (INR) for image compression is an emerging technology that offers two key benefits compared to cutting-edge autoencoder models: low computational complexity and parameter-free decoding. It also outperforms many traditional and early neural compression methods in terms of quality. In this study, we introduce a new Mixed Autoregressive Model (MARM) to significantly reduce the decoding time for the current INR codec, along with a new synthesis network to enhance reconstruction quality. MARM includes our proposed Autoregressive Upsampler (ARU) blocks, which are highly computationally efficient, and ARM from previous work to balance decoding time and reconstruction quality. We also propose enhancing ARU's performance using a checkerboard two-stage decoding strategy. Moreover, the ratio of different modules can be adjusted to maintain a balance between quality and speed. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly improves computational efficiency while preserving image quality. With different parameter settings, our method can outperform popular AE-based codecs in constrained environments in terms of both quality and decoding time, or achieve state-of-the-art reconstruction quality compared to other INR codecs.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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pmid: 30826850
To investigate statin use in the elderly by age (≥ 80 vs. 65-79 years) in relation to established indications.A population-based cohort, including data from four registers, encompassing inhabitants in Region Västra Götaland, Sweden, was used. Statin users were defined as those filling statin prescriptions ≥ 75% of the year 2010. Primary care and hospital diagnoses in 2005-2010 regarding ischemic heart disease, stroke, transient ischemic attacks, and diabetes were considered established indications.A total of 278,205 individuals were analyzed. In individuals aged ≥ 80 and 65-79 years (n = 81,885 and n = 196,320, respectively), 17% (95% confidence interval 17%; 18%) and 23% (23%; 23%) respectively, were statin users. Among the statin users, 74% (73%; 74%) of those aged ≥ 80 and 60% (59%; 60%) of those aged 65-79 years had ≥ 1 established indication. Conversely, of those with ≥ 1 established indication, 30% (30%; 31%) and 53% (52%; 53%) were on statins in the respective age groups. Logistic regression revealed that age, nursing home residence, and multi-dose drug dispensing were the most prominent negative predictors for statin use; adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval): 0.45 (0.44; 0.46), 0.39 (0.36; 0.42), and 0.47 (0.44; 0.49), respectively.In the oldest old (≥ 80 years), statin users were fewer and had more often an established indication, suggesting that physicians extrapolate scientific evidence for beneficial effects in younger age groups to the oldest, but require a more solid ground for treatment. As the oldest old, nursing home residents, and those with multi-dose drug-dispensing were statin users to a lesser extent, physicians may often refrain from treatment in those with lower life expectancy, either due to age or to severely reduced health status. In both age groups, our results however also indicate some over- as well as undertreatment.
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hybrid |
citations | 4 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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A crisis can affect any organization at any time. If the crisis has been caused by members of the organization, it is very likely that the organization may also undergo an organizational crisis of confidence. The following study is about Féderation Internationale de Football Associations (Fifa’s) scandal that was discovered in the spring of 2015. In the study, Fifa's rhetorical expression and crisis strategies around the scandal, as well as their ongoing work to regain their confidence, will be analyzed through a qualitative method. The study's analysis tool consists of a custom version of Bröms, Gelang and Mral’s rhetorical analysis model, as well as Coomb's recommendations on crisis strategies. The material analyzed in the study is collected from Fifa's own channels and consists of a press conference, which was Fifa's first public statement during the scandal, and 9 statements published on their own website between 2015-2018. The result of the study shows that during the press conference, Fifa reduces their involvement in the crisis and considers themself to be the primary victim. They do not give any public apology, but rather say that their management has been completely unaware that bribery and corruption have occurred. However, the result shows that Fifa’s handling of the crisis response differs slightly in their statements, this because Fifa had replaced the management by the time their statement were published, and started work on a new and improved organization. Fifa still considered themselves to be a victim to some extent in their statements, but they did take responsibility for the crisis and realized that it is Fifa's organizational culture and structure that must be changed to become more open and accessible to everyone, in order to continue developing football. En kris kan drabba vilken organisation som helst, när som helst. Om krisen har orsakats av medlemmar inom organisationen, är det mycket troligt att organisationen även får genomgå en organisatorisk förtroendekris. Följande studie behandlar Féderation Internationale de Football Associations (Fifa:s) mutskandal som uppdagades våren 2015. I studien kommer Fifa:s retoriska uttryck och kriskommunikationsstrategier kring skandalen, samt deras pågående arbete för att återfå sitt förtroende att analyseras genom en kvalitativ metod. De analysverktyg som används i studien är dels en anpassad version av Bröms, Gelang och Mrals retoriska analysmodell, samt Coombs rekommendationer över krisstategier. Materialet är insamlat från Fifa:s egna mediekanaler och består av den presskonferens som Fifa genomförde i samband med skandalen, samt nio stycken pressmeddelanden som publicerades mellan 2015-2018. Studiens resultat visar att Fifa under presskonferensen förminskar sin inblandning i krisen och anser sig själva vara det främsta offret. De ger inte någon offentlig ursäkt, utan menar snarare att deras ledning varit helt ovetande om att mutor och korruption har försiggått. Däremot visar resultatet att Fifa:s bemötande av krisen skiljer sig något i deras pressmeddelanden. Detta då Fifa hade bytt ut sin högsta ledning vid tiden då dessa publicerades, och istället påbörjat arbetet mot en ny och förbättrad organisation. Fifa anser sig fortfarande vara offer i deras pressmeddelanden, till viss del, men tar däremot ansvar för krisen och inser att det är Fifa:s organisationskultur och struktur som måste förändras till att bli mer öppen och tillgänglig för alla, för att kunna fortsätta utveckla fotbollen.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Tracking objects or people in an indoor environment has a wide variety of uses in many different areas, similarly to positioning systems outdoors. Indoor positioning systems operate in a very different environment however, having to deal with obstructions while also having high accuracy. A common solution for indoor positioning systems is to have three or more stationary anchor antennas spread out around the perimeter of the area that is to be monitored. The position of a tag antenna moving in range of the anchors can then be found using trilateration. One downside of such a setup is that the anchors must be setup in advance, meaning that rapid deployment to new areas of such a system may be impractical. This thesis aims to investigate the possibility of using a different setup, where three anchors are placed close together, so as to fit in a small hand-held device. This would allow the system to be used without any prior setup of anchors, making rapid deployment into new areas more feasible. The measurements done by the antennas for use in trilateration will always contain noise, and as such algorithms have had to be developed in order to obtain an approximation of the position of a tag in the presence of noise. These algorithms have been developed with the setup of three spaced out anchors in mind, and may not be sufficiently accurate when the anchors are spaced very closely together. To investigate the feasibility of such a setup, this thesis tested four different algorithms with the proposed setup, to see its impact on the performance of the algorithms. The algorithms tested are the Weighted Block Newton, Weighted Clipped Block Newton, Linear Least Squares and Non-Linear Least Squares algorithms. The Linear Least Squares algorithm was also run with measurements that were first run through a simple Kalman filter. Previous studies have used the algorithms to find an estimated position of the tag and compared their efficiency using the positional error of the estimate. This thesis will also use the positional estimates to determine the angular position of the estimate in relation to the anchors, and use that to compare the algorithms. Measurements were done using DWM1001 Ultra Wideband (UWB) antennas, and four different cases were tested. In case 1 the anchors and tag were 10 meters apart in line-of-sight, case two were the same as case 1 but with a person standing between the tag and the anchors. In case 3 the tag was moved behind a wall with an adjacent open door, and in case 4 the tag was in the same place as in case 3 but the door was closed. The Linear Least Squares algorithm using the filtered measurements was found to be the most effective in all cases, with a maximum angular error of less than 5$^\circ$ in the worst case. The worst case here was case 2, showing that the influence of a human body has a strong effect on the UWB signal, causing large errors in the estimates of the other algorithms. The presence of a wall in between the anchors and tag was found to have a minimal impact on the angular error, while having a larger effect on the spatial error. Further studies regarding the effects of the human body on UWB signals may be necessary to determine the feasibility of handheld applications, as well as the effect of the tag and/or the anchors moving on the efficiency of the algorithms.
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handle: 10419/272572
This paper estimates family spillovers in high school major choice in Sweden, where admission to oversubscribed majors is determined based on GPA. Using a regression discontinuity design, we find large sibling and intergenerational spillovers that depend on the sex mix of a dyad. Same-sex siblings copy one another, while younger brothers recoil from an older sister’s choices. Fathers and mothers influence sons but not their daughters, except when a mother majors in the male-dominated program of engineering. Back-of-the-envelope calculations reveal that these within-family spillovers have sizable implications for the sex composition of majors. (JEL I21, J12, J13, J16)
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Green | |
bronze |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Introduktion: Cystisk fibros är en progressiv kronisk sjukdom. Att leva med cystisk fibros påverkar personens liv och personer med cystisk fibros har beskrivit att de upplever en försämrad livskvalitet med tidskrävande behandlingar, fysiska begränsningar och psykosociala påfrestningar vilka begränsar möjligheten till att leva livet fullt ut. Hur sjukdomen upplevs av yngre personer hade bidragit till att ge sjuksköterskor ökad förståelse för patienters behov i omvårdnaden. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva barns, ungdomars och unga vuxnas upplevelser av att leva med cystisk fibros. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturöversikt baserad på tio kvalitativa artiklar utfördes. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades enligt SBU:s granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier (2022a). Studiernas resultat sammanställdes och analyserades utifrån en modell beskriven av Popenoe et al. (2021). Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier: Begränsningar i det dagliga livet, Upplevelser av hälsa och Påverkad självbild. Cystisk fibros medförde upplevelser av kroppsliga begränsningar, tidskrävande behandling, sociala restriktioner och en oro inför framtiden. Att ses som mer än sjukdomen ansågs var en faktor till bättre upplevd hälsa. Självbilden påverkades då deltagare eftersträvade normalitet. Det fanns även en rädsla för att bli dömd, att göra andra besvikna och upplevelser av bristande autonomi. Slutsats: Cystisk fibros påverkar unga ur aspekter såsom självbild, socialt liv och fysiska begränsningar. Kunskap om sjukdomens påverkan ger sjuksköterskan bättre förutsättning för god personcentrerad omvårdnad och att hjälpa unga patienter hantera sin sjukdom och uppnå bästa möjliga livskvalitet. Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is a progressive chronic disease. Living with cystic fibrosis affects the person's life and reduces quality of life with time-consuming treatments, physical limitations and psychosocial stresses which limit the opportunity to live life to the full. How the disease is experienced by younger people could contribute to giving nurses an increased understanding of patients' needs. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of children, adolescents and young adults living with cystic fibrosis. Method: A descriptive literature review, based on 10 scientific qualitative articles. The articles were quality reviewed according to SBU's review template for qualitative studies (2022a). The results of the studies were compiled and analyzed based on a model described by Popenoe et al. (2021). Results: The people's experiences resulted in three categories: Limitations in daily life, Experience of health and Affected self-image. Cystic fibrosis brought limitations such as physical limitations, time-consuming treatment, social restrictions and a worry about the future. Being seen as more than the disease was considered a factor in perceived health. Self-image was affected as participants sought normalcy, there was also a fear of being judged, fear of disappointing others and an experience of a lack of autonomy. Conclusion: Cystic fibrosis affects young people from aspects such as self-image, social life and physical limitations. Knowledge of the impact of the disease gives the nurse a better basis for good person-centered care and to help young patients manage their disease and achieve the best possible quality of life.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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AbstractPruritus is a common complication of cholestatic liver diseases. Inhibition of the ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT/ASBT) may emerge as treatment option. Our aim was to assess tolerability and effect on pruritus of the selective IBAT inhibitor A4250 in patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). Ten patients with PBC and bile acid sequestrant treatment of cholestatic pruritus were after a two-week wash out of the bile acid sequestrant treated with either 0.75 mg (n = 4) or 1.5 mg (n = 5) of A4250 for four weeks. Patients’ pruritus was assessed by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), 5-D itch scale and the pruritus module of the PBC40 questionnaire. Plasma bile acids and 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one were measured by UPLC-MS/MS, plasma fibroblast growth factor 19 by ELISA, and serum autotaxin activity by homemade assay. All nine patients exposed to A4250 reported a remarkable improvement in pruritus, until none or mild according to 5-D itch, VAS and PBC40 pruritus. Five patients finished the study prematurely due to abdominal pain (5/5) and diarrhoea (4/5). The high incidence of probably bile acid malabsorption-related diarrhoea and abdominal pain in the bile acid sequestrant pre-treated population indicates that the start dose of A4250 may have been too high for adult patients.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 66 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Top 10% |
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pmid: 37725058
There is a striking knowledge gap on ADHD in older adults, and the diagnosis as well as treatment for ADHD in this age group.The authors first review the literature on the prevalence, functional impairment, and health comorbidities of ADHD across the lifespan. Next, they address the diagnostic criteria for ADHD in adults according to the DSM/ICD, available screening/diagnostic tools, differential diagnosis, and the validity of diagnostic criteria for ADHD in older adults. Finally, the authors focus on empirical evidence on the prevalence rates, medication response, and safety of pharmacological treatment of ADHD in older adults, and national and international clinical guidelines on the treatment of ADHD in this age group.It is expected that future editions of the DSM and ICD will provide specifiers to the standard ADHD criteria, to better inform the diagnosis of ADHD in older adults. It is also expected that the increasing number of epidemiological studies will provide rigorous estimates on the prevalence, incidence, and burden of ADHD in older adults. One may expect an increasing number of RCTs assessing the efficacy/effectiveness and tolerability/safety of pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological interventions which will inform future guidelines on ADHD in older adults.
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hybrid |
citations | 4 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |