U ovom radu prikazali smo naša iskustva u laparokopskim i retroperitoneoskopskim operacijskim zahvatima kod liječenja varikocele, zdjelične limfadenektomije zbog karcinoma prostate, marsupijalizacije bubrežne ciste, nefropeksije i pijelolitotomije zbog kamenca u bubregu.
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Avec cette thèse, nous avons pour ambition de contribuer à ce que la psychodynamique du travail (PDT) soit davantage mobilisée dans la recherche en gestion, où son usage est le plus souvent limité aux thématiques des risques psychosociaux et des phénomènes de souffrance au travail. Elle doit selon nous y être reconnue comme une théorie de la coopération améliorant la compréhension des phénomènes étudiés notamment dans le champ du comportement organisationnel. Après avoir procédé à l’insertion de la PDT dans la pensée gestionnaire, nous proposons une contribution sur le thème de l’engagement. Nous montrons comment le cadre théorique qu’elle propose permet d’éclairer la relation entre l’engagement organisationnel et la performance collective, en rendant visibles certaines lacunes des modèles explicatifs utilisés dans la littérature qui ne prennent pas en compte la face sombre de l’engagement et négligent les prérequis collectifs. Cela nous conduit à nuancer le caractère systématiquement positif des corrélations habituellement prises en compte. Nous suggérons par ailleurs que les échanges entre la PDT et les travaux critiques sur le modèle néo-libéral pourraient s’intensifier et profiter à la première comme aux seconds. De façon plus large, le cadre d’analyse que fournit la PDT constitue une théorie du travail que l’on peut opérationnaliser dans un contexte de direction d’entreprise. Nous proposons d’enrichir la PDT en lui donnant cette dimension managériale tout en lui conservant ses caractéristiques critiques, et rendons compte des expériences que nous avons menées en ce sens dans trois PME entre 2011 et 2023, sous la forme d’« histoires de travail », à travers le prisme de l’engagement. Nous esquissons ce faisant les contours d’un management psychodynamique, que nous proposons de nommer « management déontique », qui se distingue significativement des modèles managériaux alternatifs connus. With this thesis, we aim to contribute to a wider mobilization of psychodynamics of work in management research, where its use is often limited to the topics of psychosocial risks and suffering at work. In our view, it should be recognized as a theory of cooperation and could contribute to a better understanding of certain phenomena studied particularly in the field of organizational behavior. After a proper insertion within organization theories, we propose a contribution on the question of organizational commitment and work engagement. We show how the provided theoretical framework helps to enlighten the relationship between these two constructs and the performance of the organization, especially insofar as it makes visible some shortcomings of the explanatory models used in the literature which do not take into account the dark side of commitment and underestimate the collective issues. We suggest that the positive correlation that is usually observed must therefore be challenged. We also argue that the conversation between psychodynamics of work and critical research on the neo-liberal model could intensify and thus benefit both the former and the latter. At a broader level, the analytical framework provided by psychodynamics of works is to be considered as a theory of work that can be operationalized in a business management context. We propose to enrich psychodynamics with a managerial dimension, yet critical, and to give a theoretical and empirical account of the experiments that we carried out in that respect in three SMEs between 2011 and 2023, which we share as “work stories”, through the prism of engagement.In so doing, we are sketching out the contours of a psychodynamic management style, which we propose to call 'deontic management', and which differs significantly from known alternative managerial models.
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citations | 2 | |
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Sleep is indispensable for humans to maintain normal life activities. Sex and individual differences in sleep patterns and quality of sleep cannot be ignored. Nevertheless, the overall population generalities and sex- or individual- differences in cerebral cortical functional connectivity (FC) during sleep have not been well described. Here, we evaluated the characteristic patterns of FC based on whole-night sleep electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. An improved weighted phase lag index (WPLI) algorithm was applied to obtain the FC in delta (0.5-4Hz), theta (4-8Hz), alpha (8-12Hz) and beta band (12-32Hz). FC strength, short-term stability and inter-regional imbalance of FC were studied. We found that the variations in FC-related parameters among sleep stages had overall population commonalities, and these parameters also showed stage- and frequency band-dependent sex differences. With the deepening of no-rapid eye movement (NREM), increased delta and beta FC strength were observed. Rapid eye movement (REM) showed weaker FC strength, higher FC stability, and higher anterior-posterior FC anisotropy than NREM in beta band. Meanwhile, females exhibited higher sleep EEG synchronization and higher delta FC stability in deep NREM sleep than males. Moreover, the dominant hemisphere in terms of FC did not show group generality or stage- and frequency-dependence. Our results add to the understanding of sleep staging function and may provide clues to sex differences in sleep patterns and quality as well as the prevalence and clinical manifestations of sleep-related illness. Short-term stability offers a new perspective in analyzing FC, which cannot be ignored.
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gold |
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Additional file 1: Appendix S1. Questionnaire.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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bronze |
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popularity | Average | |
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handle: 10400.5/29363
This article discusses sociotechnical challenges of technology-based interventions to address loneliness in later life. We bring together participatory and multidisciplinary research conducted in Canada and Australia to explore the limits of digital technologies to help tackle loneliness among frail older people (aged 65+). Drawing on three case studies, we focus on instances when technology-based interventions, such as communication apps, were limiting or failed, seeming to enhance rather than lessen loneliness. We also unpack instances where the technologies being considered did not match participants’ social needs and expectations, preventing adoption, use, and the intended outcomes. To better grasp the negative unintended consequences of these technological interventions, we combine a relational sociological approach to loneliness with the Strong Structuration Theory developed by sociologist Rob Stones. This combined lens highlights the connection between sociotechnical factors and their agentic and structural contexts, facilitating a rich understanding of why and when technologies fail and limit.
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Green | |
bronze |
citations | 12 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Top 10% |
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doi: 10.1063/5.0014828
pmid: 32752722
Elementary steps and intermediate species of linearly structured biomass compounds are studied. Specifically, possible intermediates and elementary reactions of 15 key biomass compounds and 33 small molecules are obtained from a recursive bond-breaking algorithm. These are used as inputs to the unsupervised Mol2Vec algorithm to generate vector representations of all intermediates and elementary reactions. The vector descriptors are used to identify sub-classes of elementary steps, and linear discriminant analysis is used to accurately identify the reaction type and reduce the dimension of the vectors. The resulting descriptors are applied to predict gas-phase reaction energies using linear regression with accuracies that exceed the commonly employed group additivity approach. They are also applied to quantitatively assess model compound similarity, and the results are consistent with chemical intuition. This workflow for creating vector representations of complex molecular systems requires no input from electronic structure calculations, and it is expected to be applicable to other similar systems where vector representations are needed.
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bronze |
citations | 6 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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pmid: 22513352
The aim of the research was to identify cancer patients who may have a greater need about sexuality-related information. The study explored the association between sexuality-related information need and socio-demographic factors, cancer type, types of cancer treatment, experienced adverse effects on sexuality, and changes experienced in relationships.This study used a survey design. Questionnaires were distributed and completed by 505 patients, with a diversity of cancer diagnoses, treated at a university hospital in Finland in 2009 and 2010. Information needs were rated using the international and well validated Information Needs Questionnaire (INQ). Sosiodemographic factors, cancer type, treatments, experienced adverse effects on sexuality and changed experienced in relationships were measured by using another questionnaire.Those patients with experiences of functional problems or other adverse effects on sexuality due to cancer or treatment found sexuality related information more important than those with no experiences of adverse effects on sexuality. Patients with experiences of weakened relationships due to cancer had greater information needs than those with experiences of strengthened relationships or no changes in relationships due to cancer.Cancer patients should be asked whether cancer or treatment has caused problems in their sexuality and possible relationships. Patients who experience problems in their sexuality or relationships should be provided an opportunity to discuss the issues. The whole oncology team have a role to play in patient sexuality guidance. The items on the INQ could be used as a reference tool for exploring patients' information needs.
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bronze |
citations | 34 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Top 10% |
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U ovom radu prikazali smo naša iskustva u laparokopskim i retroperitoneoskopskim operacijskim zahvatima kod liječenja varikocele, zdjelične limfadenektomije zbog karcinoma prostate, marsupijalizacije bubrežne ciste, nefropeksije i pijelolitotomije zbog kamenca u bubregu.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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impulse | Average |
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Avec cette thèse, nous avons pour ambition de contribuer à ce que la psychodynamique du travail (PDT) soit davantage mobilisée dans la recherche en gestion, où son usage est le plus souvent limité aux thématiques des risques psychosociaux et des phénomènes de souffrance au travail. Elle doit selon nous y être reconnue comme une théorie de la coopération améliorant la compréhension des phénomènes étudiés notamment dans le champ du comportement organisationnel. Après avoir procédé à l’insertion de la PDT dans la pensée gestionnaire, nous proposons une contribution sur le thème de l’engagement. Nous montrons comment le cadre théorique qu’elle propose permet d’éclairer la relation entre l’engagement organisationnel et la performance collective, en rendant visibles certaines lacunes des modèles explicatifs utilisés dans la littérature qui ne prennent pas en compte la face sombre de l’engagement et négligent les prérequis collectifs. Cela nous conduit à nuancer le caractère systématiquement positif des corrélations habituellement prises en compte. Nous suggérons par ailleurs que les échanges entre la PDT et les travaux critiques sur le modèle néo-libéral pourraient s’intensifier et profiter à la première comme aux seconds. De façon plus large, le cadre d’analyse que fournit la PDT constitue une théorie du travail que l’on peut opérationnaliser dans un contexte de direction d’entreprise. Nous proposons d’enrichir la PDT en lui donnant cette dimension managériale tout en lui conservant ses caractéristiques critiques, et rendons compte des expériences que nous avons menées en ce sens dans trois PME entre 2011 et 2023, sous la forme d’« histoires de travail », à travers le prisme de l’engagement. Nous esquissons ce faisant les contours d’un management psychodynamique, que nous proposons de nommer « management déontique », qui se distingue significativement des modèles managériaux alternatifs connus. With this thesis, we aim to contribute to a wider mobilization of psychodynamics of work in management research, where its use is often limited to the topics of psychosocial risks and suffering at work. In our view, it should be recognized as a theory of cooperation and could contribute to a better understanding of certain phenomena studied particularly in the field of organizational behavior. After a proper insertion within organization theories, we propose a contribution on the question of organizational commitment and work engagement. We show how the provided theoretical framework helps to enlighten the relationship between these two constructs and the performance of the organization, especially insofar as it makes visible some shortcomings of the explanatory models used in the literature which do not take into account the dark side of commitment and underestimate the collective issues. We suggest that the positive correlation that is usually observed must therefore be challenged. We also argue that the conversation between psychodynamics of work and critical research on the neo-liberal model could intensify and thus benefit both the former and the latter. At a broader level, the analytical framework provided by psychodynamics of works is to be considered as a theory of work that can be operationalized in a business management context. We propose to enrich psychodynamics with a managerial dimension, yet critical, and to give a theoretical and empirical account of the experiments that we carried out in that respect in three SMEs between 2011 and 2023, which we share as “work stories”, through the prism of engagement.In so doing, we are sketching out the contours of a psychodynamic management style, which we propose to call 'deontic management', and which differs significantly from known alternative managerial models.
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Green |
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bronze |
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popularity | Average | |
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citations | 2 | |
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Sleep is indispensable for humans to maintain normal life activities. Sex and individual differences in sleep patterns and quality of sleep cannot be ignored. Nevertheless, the overall population generalities and sex- or individual- differences in cerebral cortical functional connectivity (FC) during sleep have not been well described. Here, we evaluated the characteristic patterns of FC based on whole-night sleep electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. An improved weighted phase lag index (WPLI) algorithm was applied to obtain the FC in delta (0.5-4Hz), theta (4-8Hz), alpha (8-12Hz) and beta band (12-32Hz). FC strength, short-term stability and inter-regional imbalance of FC were studied. We found that the variations in FC-related parameters among sleep stages had overall population commonalities, and these parameters also showed stage- and frequency band-dependent sex differences. With the deepening of no-rapid eye movement (NREM), increased delta and beta FC strength were observed. Rapid eye movement (REM) showed weaker FC strength, higher FC stability, and higher anterior-posterior FC anisotropy than NREM in beta band. Meanwhile, females exhibited higher sleep EEG synchronization and higher delta FC stability in deep NREM sleep than males. Moreover, the dominant hemisphere in terms of FC did not show group generality or stage- and frequency-dependence. Our results add to the understanding of sleep staging function and may provide clues to sex differences in sleep patterns and quality as well as the prevalence and clinical manifestations of sleep-related illness. Short-term stability offers a new perspective in analyzing FC, which cannot be ignored.
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gold |
citations | 13 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Top 10% |
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Additional file 1: Appendix S1. Questionnaire.