Este proyecto presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación que permite extraer datos de los mensajes de las redes sociales, concretamente en la red social llamada Twitter. Todos los mensajes publicados tienen un rango de difusión que define si han llegado a más o menos usuarios de esta red, sin importar el tipo de contenido de un tweet : político, social, personal, publicitario. Todos tienen la intención de transmitir información a los demás usuarios. Este proyecto será la herramienta que permitirá a una persona experta en sociología, o en el ámbito del estudio del comportamiento de las personas, analizar el impacto de un tweet, pues esta herramienta utilizará la librería Tweepy, una librería oficial de Twitter Developer Platform para extraer toda la información posible mediante la introducción del enlace de un tweet. Aquest projecte presenta el desenvolupament d'una aplicació que permet extreure dades dels missatges de les xarxes socials, concretament a la xarxa social anomenada Twitter. Tots els missatges publicats tenen un rang de difusió que defineix si han arribat a més o menys usuaris d'aquesta xarxa, sense importar el tipus de contingut d'un tweet: polític, social, publicitari o personal. Tots amb la intenció de transmetre informació als altres usuaris. Aquest projecte serà l'eina que permetrà a una persona experta en sociologia, o en l'àmbit de l'estudi del comportament de les persones, analitzar el impacte d'un tweet, ja que aquesta eina utilitzarà la llibreria Tweepy, una llibreria oficial de Twitter Developer Platform per extreure tota la informació possible mitjançant la introducció de l'enllaç d'un tweet. This project presents the development of an application that allows data extraction from network messages of social networks, specifically in the social network called Twitter. All messages published have a diffusion range that defines whether they have reached more or fewer users of this network, regardless of the content type's tweet: political, social, advertising or personal. Which all are intended to communicate information on to other users. This project will be the tool that will allow an expert in sociology, or in the field of studying people's behavior, to analyze the impact of a tweet, as this tool will use the Tweepy library, an official Twitter Developer Platform library to extract as much information as possible by entering the link of a tweet.
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handle: 2123/31987
은 두 개의 줄거리를 동시에 사용하여 헤라클레스의 12과업에 대한 고대 신화 이야기를 다시 하고 르네상스 이후부터 현대까지의 과학, 기술, 그리고 예술의 역사에서 헤라클레스의 수용에 대해 논의하는 학제간 전시회입니다. 이 전시회는 차우 착 윙 박물관에서 수용학에 관한 시리즈의 두 번째 전시회입니다. 첫 번째 전시회인 는 호메로스의 서사시 과 를 중심으로 린나이우스의 분류와 작명 체계를 소개하였습니다. 이 전시회는 명명될 동물의 외형적 속성을 자주 무시한 이름을 사용함에 있어 라틴어 신화 기록가의 글의 역할을 강조하였습니다. 그러나 헤라클레스라는 이름은 동물, 장소 또는 허구를 그 고대 인물과 연관시키기 위해 외형적 특성이 고려되어야 합니다. 전시에는 헤라클레스와 그의 동료 또는 적들의 이름이 우리 주변에서 사용된 다양한 방식을 나타내는 동물, 식물, 그리고 사물과 함께 고대 아테네와 르네상스 이후의 미술이 포함되어 있습니다.
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Reproducibility package for "Is it feasible to detect FLOSS version release events from textual messages? A case study on Stack Overflow" paper accepted to PlosOne journal.
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DeBEIR is a library aimed at helping practitioners, researchers and data scientists experimenting with bi-encoders by providing them with dense retrieval methods that are easy to use out of the box but also have additional extendability for more nuanced research. Our pipeline runs asynchronously to reduce I/O performance bottlenecks, facilitating faster experiments and research.
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This is a short paper abstract for Spatial Humanities 2022. The juxtaposed perspectives of historians and archaeologists on early medieval settlement patterns and, by extension, on the gradual formation of feudal landscapes and the dynamics of incorporation within them are likely to emerge from a lack of data integration. Our contribution will introduce an interoperable semantic code for data-modelling that facilitates (and even encourages) communication across disciplines, thus allowing us to integrate data notwithstanding the origin of the information sources. As preliminary results, we will report the possibilities that qualitative spatial reasoning is offering to us together with spatial query language. This contribution is an outcome of a PhD grand supported by the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the European Social Fund (2022 FI_B1 00021). The study is part of the current research tasks carried out by the Medieval and Postmedieval Archaeology Research Group GRAMP.-UB (2017-SGR-833-GRC ) at the University of Barcelona, to which the authors belong, and it is included in our Landscape Archaeology research line.
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This is the repository for the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS). It contains the full database in various formats, and python scripts and Jupyter notebooks to download, query and analyse the data. It also includes links to other repositories related to WALIS. Find more information on the project and associated tools here This software is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. ERC-StG-802414) This version of the Atlas is the one published in conjunction with the revised paper in ESSD.
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citations | 1 | |
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doi: 10.25910/pdcf-fk15
handle: 2123/29942
Hercules: Myth and Legacy is an interdisciplinary exhibition that uses two narrative arcs simultaneously to retell the ancient mythological saga of Hercules’ twelve labours and to discuss the reception of Hercules in the history of science, technology and art from the post-Renaissance period to the modern day. This exhibition is the second in a series at the Chau Chak Wing Museum devoted to reception studies. The first exhibition, Animal Gods: Classics and Classification, focussed on Homeric epics the Trojan War and the Odyssey to introduce Linnaeus’ classification and naming systems, highlighting the role of Latin mythographer texts in the application of names, often without consideration of the physical attributes of the animal being named. However, for the name Hercules, the physical characteristics of the animal, place, or invention are of utmost consideration, in order to associate them with the traits of the ancient figure. The display includes ancient Athenian and post-Renaissance art alongside, animals, plants and objects that represent the variety of ways the name Hercules and the names of his associates or adversaries have been applied in the world around us.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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handle: 2123/31774
This report provides insights into lasting factors that have enhanced or impeded innovations in information and communication technologies (ICT) in Australia over six decades. The study conceives of innovation as the entire process from conception of ideas to their commercial success in the market. The report summarises observations from 42 outstanding individuals in the Australian ICT sector, each admitted into the Pearcey Hall of Fame. The Pearcey Foundation’s Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding life-time contribution to ICT in Australia in business, research, the media and government. The study analyses key aspects collectively recognized by this outstanding group of individuals. It provides insights on factors that shaped ICT innovations in Australia, positive as well as negative, from the 1950s to the 2020s. Key insights into long-term strategies for a future-looking agenda supporting successful innovations in ICT in Australia are: • Insight 1 provides an overview of key stakeholders identified as important to the landscape underpinning ICT innovation in Australia. • Insight 2 presents a framework dissecting the interactions of four aspects important to the wider ecosystem underpinning ICT innovation in Australia: (1) education and basic research; (2) the development of novel ICT-based solutions to challenges in organisations and society; (3) the commercialisation of ideas into products and services; and (4) successful scaling up of Australian innovations in a national and global marketplace. • Insight 3 analyses how government initiatives including tax incentives, re-search funding, programs, and other support mechanisms are seen as being effective or limiting in providing lasting support for the Australian innovation ecosystem for ICT. • Insight 4 unpacks one aspect currently not sufficiently considered in policy: the role of government as customer supporting innovations in ICT in Australia. • Insight 5 analyses the different roles that varying levels of government have in supporting ICT innovations in Australia. Notably the federal government, state governments, as well as local government all play important but distinct roles in supporting ICT innovation in Australia, that future policy will need to take into consideration. • Insight 6 investigates in detail issues regarding the university-industry nexus, an area identified by numerous participants as requiring particular attention for strengthening ICT innovation in Australia.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 2123/32313
《赫拉克勒斯:神话与传承》是一场跨学科的展览,其同时采用两条叙事线索来重述古代神话赫拉克勒斯的十二试炼,并探讨了自后文艺复兴时期至今赫拉克勒斯在科学、技术和艺术领域的影响与应用。 此次展览是周泽荣博物馆致力于“接受研究”系列展览中的第二场展览。第一场展览《动物之神:古典与分类》是关于荷马史诗《特洛伊战》和《奥德赛》。展览中介绍了林奈的生物分类和命名系统,突出了拉丁神话学家文本在名称应用中的作用,其往往没有考虑到被命名动物的物理属性。然而,对于使用‘赫拉克勒斯’ 这个名称的时候,最重要的是考虑到动物、地点或发明物的身体特征,以便将它们与赫拉克勒斯的特征联系起来。此次陈列品包括古代雅典和后文艺复兴时期的艺术作,以及在我们周围世界中应用了赫拉克勒斯及其同伴或对手的名称的动物、植物和物品。
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Este proyecto presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación que permite extraer datos de los mensajes de las redes sociales, concretamente en la red social llamada Twitter. Todos los mensajes publicados tienen un rango de difusión que define si han llegado a más o menos usuarios de esta red, sin importar el tipo de contenido de un tweet : político, social, personal, publicitario. Todos tienen la intención de transmitir información a los demás usuarios. Este proyecto será la herramienta que permitirá a una persona experta en sociología, o en el ámbito del estudio del comportamiento de las personas, analizar el impacto de un tweet, pues esta herramienta utilizará la librería Tweepy, una librería oficial de Twitter Developer Platform para extraer toda la información posible mediante la introducción del enlace de un tweet. Aquest projecte presenta el desenvolupament d'una aplicació que permet extreure dades dels missatges de les xarxes socials, concretament a la xarxa social anomenada Twitter. Tots els missatges publicats tenen un rang de difusió que defineix si han arribat a més o menys usuaris d'aquesta xarxa, sense importar el tipus de contingut d'un tweet: polític, social, publicitari o personal. Tots amb la intenció de transmetre informació als altres usuaris. Aquest projecte serà l'eina que permetrà a una persona experta en sociologia, o en l'àmbit de l'estudi del comportament de les persones, analitzar el impacte d'un tweet, ja que aquesta eina utilitzarà la llibreria Tweepy, una llibreria oficial de Twitter Developer Platform per extreure tota la informació possible mitjançant la introducció de l'enllaç d'un tweet. This project presents the development of an application that allows data extraction from network messages of social networks, specifically in the social network called Twitter. All messages published have a diffusion range that defines whether they have reached more or fewer users of this network, regardless of the content type's tweet: political, social, advertising or personal. Which all are intended to communicate information on to other users. This project will be the tool that will allow an expert in sociology, or in the field of studying people's behavior, to analyze the impact of a tweet, as this tool will use the Tweepy library, an official Twitter Developer Platform library to extract as much information as possible by entering the link of a tweet.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 2123/31987
은 두 개의 줄거리를 동시에 사용하여 헤라클레스의 12과업에 대한 고대 신화 이야기를 다시 하고 르네상스 이후부터 현대까지의 과학, 기술, 그리고 예술의 역사에서 헤라클레스의 수용에 대해 논의하는 학제간 전시회입니다. 이 전시회는 차우 착 윙 박물관에서 수용학에 관한 시리즈의 두 번째 전시회입니다. 첫 번째 전시회인 는 호메로스의 서사시 과 를 중심으로 린나이우스의 분류와 작명 체계를 소개하였습니다. 이 전시회는 명명될 동물의 외형적 속성을 자주 무시한 이름을 사용함에 있어 라틴어 신화 기록가의 글의 역할을 강조하였습니다. 그러나 헤라클레스라는 이름은 동물, 장소 또는 허구를 그 고대 인물과 연관시키기 위해 외형적 특성이 고려되어야 합니다. 전시에는 헤라클레스와 그의 동료 또는 적들의 이름이 우리 주변에서 사용된 다양한 방식을 나타내는 동물, 식물, 그리고 사물과 함께 고대 아테네와 르네상스 이후의 미술이 포함되어 있습니다.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Reproducibility package for "Is it feasible to detect FLOSS version release events from textual messages? A case study on Stack Overflow" paper accepted to PlosOne journal.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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DeBEIR is a library aimed at helping practitioners, researchers and data scientists experimenting with bi-encoders by providing them with dense retrieval methods that are easy to use out of the box but also have additional extendability for more nuanced research. Our pipeline runs asynchronously to reduce I/O performance bottlenecks, facilitating faster experiments and research.
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citations | 0 | |
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This is a short paper abstract for Spatial Humanities 2022. The juxtaposed perspectives of historians and archaeologists on early medieval settlement patterns and, by extension, on the gradual formation of feudal landscapes and the dynamics of incorporation within them are likely to emerge from a lack of data integration. Our contribution will introduce an interoperable semantic code for data-modelling that facilitates (and even encourages) communication across disciplines, thus allowing us to integrate data notwithstanding the origin of the information sources. As preliminary results, we will report the possibilities that qualitative spatial reasoning is offering to us together with spatial query language. This contribution is an outcome of a PhD grand supported by the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the European Social Fund (2022 FI_B1 00021). The study is part of the current research tasks carried out by the Medieval and Postmedieval Archaeology Research Group GRAMP.-UB (2017-SGR-833-GRC ) at the University of Barcelona, to which the authors belong, and it is included in our Landscape Archaeology research line.